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Why It Sucks to Be Born as a Brown Bear
00:00You wake up.
00:00Well, not really. You're born, but that's just another way of saying you're suddenly here,
00:05crammed into a dark, warm den with your siblings, squirming around like oversized hamsters.
00:10Your mom hasn't eaten in months, yet here she is,
00:13feeding and keeping you alive with whatever strength she's got left.
00:16You? You're blind, helpless, and unaware that the forest outside would chew you up
00:20and spit you out if given half a chance.
00:22For weeks, life is simple. You squeak, you sleep, but winter doesn't last forever,
00:26and neither does this cozy setup.
00:28One day, your mom decides it's time.
00:30She claws open the den, light floods in, and you're dragged into the blinding brightness of spring.
00:35The world is big, loud, and smells like a thousand things you don't understand.
00:39Trees loom overhead, snow melts underfoot,
00:41and your siblings tumble around like drunks on a dance floor.
00:44You realize quickly that you're small, weak, and very, very edible.
00:48Your mom's job isn't to make you feel safe, it's to make you strong.
00:51From day one, she's teaching you what it takes to survive, and the lessons aren't subtle.
00:55She smells danger before you do, hears threats you can't even imagine.
00:59One afternoon, while you're walking around chewing on a twig, she freezes.
01:03Her head snaps up, nostrils flaring, and then you hear it.
01:06A low, guttural growl. Wolves.
01:08They jump out of the bushes, foaming out of their mouth,
01:11their eyes locked on you and your siblings.
01:13You're too scared to move, but mom?
01:15She moves like a landslide.
01:16She rears up, roars so loud it shakes the trees and charges.
01:19The wolves don't back away.
01:21They're hungry, but she doesn't give them a choice.
01:23Her claws flash, blood sprays, and one of them goes down.
01:26The others hesitate just long enough for her to send them running.
01:29She returns to you, panting, fur matted with blood, and nudges you back towards safety.
01:34It's not a tender moment, it's a warning.
01:36Pay attention, or next time you'll be the one bleeding out in the dirt.
01:39By summer, you're starting to figure things out.
01:41You watch mom dig up roots, rip apart logs for insects,
01:44and dive into rivers to snatch salmon with terrifying precision.
01:47You try to imitate her, but it's a process.
01:50Your first attempt at fishing ends with you face-first in the river,
01:53splashing around like an idiot while the fish swim away unbothered.
01:56Mom just stands on the side, probably wondering how she gave birth to something this pathetic.
02:01The forest doesn't wait for you to catch up.
02:03It's cruel, fast, and indifferent.
02:05And if you want to survive, you'd better keep up.
02:07Your first kill comes on a hot summer day when the air buzzes with insects and the rivers run low.
02:12You're nosing around a berry bush when something small and furry darts out.
02:15A rabbit.
02:16Instinct takes over.
02:17You pounce, claws swiping and pin it to the ground.
02:20For a moment, it squeals.
02:21Its bones break under your weight, and you freeze.
02:23You weren't expecting it to fight back.
02:25But then you remember mom's growl, her unrelenting force, and you bite down.
02:30It stops moving.
02:31You've done it.
02:31Your first kill.
02:32It's messy, brutal, and nothing like the clean, effortless hunts you've watched your mother pull off.
02:37But it's yours.
02:38That taste of blood sticks with you.
02:39You start paying attention, watching the way mom moves, the way she stalks and strikes with precision.
02:44You learn fast because you have to.
02:46The forest is a hunting ground, but it's also a battlefield.
02:49Every meal is a risk, and the line between predator and prey is razor thin.
02:53By the time your second year rolls around, you're bigger, stronger,
02:56and starting to feel like you own the forest.
02:58You're wrong, of course, but that's not the point.
03:00You've seen the dangers.
03:01Wolves, humans, even bigger bears, but you're starting to think you can handle them.
03:05And then you meet him.
03:06It's late spring, and the salmon are running.
03:08You and mom are fishing by the river when he appears.
03:10He's massive.
03:11You freeze, but mom doesn't.
03:13She steps forward, roaring a challenge that shakes the air.
03:16The stranger doesn't flinch.
03:17He charges.
03:18The fight is chaos.
03:19They slam into each other like freight trains.
03:21For a moment, you think mom might lose.
03:23But then she gets him.
03:24A single swipe of her claws rakes across his face, and he stumbles back.
03:28She doesn't give him a chance to recover.
03:30With a roar, she lunges, and he retreats, limping into the trees.
03:33Mom stands there, panting, blood dripping from her fur, and you realize something.
03:37This forest doesn't belong to the biggest bear.
03:40It belongs to the one who refuses to die.
03:42One day, mom just doesn't come back.
03:44No speech.
03:45No heartfelt goodbye.
03:46Not even a grunt to let you know she's leaving.
03:48She's gone.
03:49And so is the safety net you didn't realize you had.
03:52It hits you fast.
03:53You're alone.
03:54And the forest feels bigger, darker, and way more interested in eating you than before.
03:59The first few weeks are a crash course in how bad you are at this whole
04:03independent survival thing.
04:04You stumble around, misjudge threats, and almost become a meal for a pack of wolves
04:09who seemed way too happy to see you.
04:10By the time you escape with your fur intact, you realize why most cubs don't make it to adulthood.
04:15Statistically speaking, you're more likely to end up as a pile of bear-flavored leftovers
04:19than a full-grown predator.
04:21Your first big win comes when you stumble across a deer carcass, still fresh,
04:25with steam rising from it.
04:26Your stomach growls so loud it might as well have announced your arrival.
04:30You dive in, tearing at the meat like you haven't eaten in weeks.
04:33You haven't, by the way.
04:34Blood drips down your mouth, and for a moment you think you're finally catching a break.
04:38Then you hear it.
04:39The snap of twigs behind you.
04:40You freeze mid-bite.
04:42Another bear.
04:43He's smaller than Mom's last challenger, but bigger than you.
04:46And judging by his expression, he's not here to offer you a dinner invitation.
04:49He charges, and you don't even try to fight.
04:52You run, crashing through the underbrush.
04:54You're fast, faster than him.
04:56And when you finally stop, you realize two things.
04:59One, you're still hungry.
05:00Two, the forest doesn't care how empty your stomach is.
05:03If you want to eat, you'd better be ready to bleed for it.
05:05By your fourth year, the tables have turned.
05:07You're no longer the scrawny cub running from every shadow.
05:10At 700 pounds, with claws sharp enough to carve your name into a tree,
05:13and muscles built from years of fighting and hunting, you've earned your place at the top.
05:17Smaller predators steer clear, and even other bears think twice before crossing your path.
05:22You've graduated from snack to don't mess with that guy.
05:25One afternoon, while patrolling your territory, you catch the scent of blood.
05:29You follow it to a clearing and find a younger bear,
05:32maybe two years old, digging into a fresh carcass.
05:34He freezes when he sees you, wide-eyed and clearly debating his options.
05:38For a moment, you just stare at him, both of you weighing the odds.
05:41He makes the smart choice.
05:42He turns and runs into the trees, leaving the carcass behind.
05:45You don't bother chasing.
05:47What's the point?
05:47The food is yours now.
05:49And as you tear into it, you realize something.
05:51You've become the bear you used to run from.
05:53The forest doesn't challenge you anymore.
05:55It respects you, or at least knows better than to get in your way.
05:59Years pass, and the forest starts to feel different.
06:01Your once-powerful body doesn't move like it used to,
06:04and the fights you used to dominate now leave you limping for days.
06:07The younger bears are getting bolder, testing you more often.
06:10And while you still win, it's starting to feel more like survival than victory.
06:14One day, after a particularly rough fight,
06:16you catch yourself retreating instead of pressing forward.
06:18That's when it hits you.
06:19The forest doesn't see you as untouchable anymore.
06:22You've still got your scars, your strength, and your pride.
06:25But the cracks are starting to show.
06:27The forest has no patience for weakness.
06:29It just waits for you to fall behind.
06:30As the first snow of winter falls, you retreat to an old den,
06:34one you haven't used in years.
06:35It feels smaller now, quieter.
06:37You curl up inside, your breath slowing as the cold settles in around you.
06:40You've fought, hunted, and ruled for longer than most,
06:43but the forest doesn't mourn its kings.
06:45It just waits for the next one to take the throne.
