• 2 months ago
I SURVIVED 100 Hours on a DESERTED ISLAND - NO FOOD NO WATER - Survival Challenge - Ep.1


00:00:00This local fisherman has taken me two hours out to sea.
00:00:03There's a deserted island right there.
00:00:05All I have with me is a knife.
00:00:06I've got no lighter, no sleeping bag, tent, or even a hammock.
00:00:10You know what? I've got no food or water.
00:00:12Find out what really happens on a deserted island
00:00:14by staying tuned until the end of the video.
00:00:30Ah! Bit me!
00:00:36Look at them!
00:00:37It's like a desert island ice cream.
00:00:47Okay, we've just stopped the engines.
00:00:48We've just arrived at the island.
00:00:51This is a big challenge for me.
00:00:53No food, no water.
00:00:54All I have is one knife.
00:00:56Oh, it's hot!
00:01:02Right, so I'm just wading through this water.
00:01:05I'm trying to avoid standing on any sea urchins
00:01:08because the last thing I want right now is an accident.
00:01:11Now, this is when reality kicks in.
00:01:16Just listen to how noisy it is.
00:01:26We have made it to the island.
00:01:28The last time I did this, I did it for 24 hours.
00:01:31That was about three years ago in Southeast Asia.
00:01:33I'm already sweating.
00:01:34I've got no food, remember?
00:01:35I've got no water.
00:01:37So the first thing I want to do right now
00:01:39is go and find me a coconut
00:01:41because you know what?
00:01:42Around this part of the world,
00:01:43almost every island has got palm trees
00:01:46with lots and lots of coconuts.
00:01:48The question is,
00:01:49can I find a palm tree low enough to the ground
00:01:52with a coconut I can either climb to,
00:01:54poke a stick at,
00:01:55or hope there's one just lying on the ground?
00:01:58And there's the boat that dropped me off.
00:02:02Okay, let's get real.
00:02:04The first thing I want to do is find water
00:02:06and somewhere to find some food.
00:02:08The next thing I want to do is build a shelter
00:02:10because, you know, there's tropical storms here
00:02:12every single day, pretty much every single day.
00:02:14And from previous experience
00:02:16from being on deserted islands,
00:02:17I can tell you that when it rains in Southeast Asia,
00:02:20it pours.
00:02:21Many people, when they hear the word deserted island,
00:02:23they think of paradise.
00:02:24They think of white sand, pristine beaches,
00:02:26and no litter.
00:02:27Let me show you the harsh reality
00:02:29of being on a deserted island.
00:02:30There is litter everywhere.
00:02:32There's a car tire, there's plastic bottles,
00:02:34there's a bit of polystyrene.
00:02:35There's an empty bottle there with a bit of...
00:02:39It doesn't look too good.
00:02:40It looks a bit yellow.
00:02:42It smells good.
00:02:43It's so warm.
00:02:45But you know what?
00:02:46It's a bit too early in the challenge
00:02:48to be drinking water that I found washed up on the beach.
00:02:50It does have quite a nice sweet smell to it,
00:02:52a little bit like lemonade.
00:02:55But for now, I'll just leave it right here.
00:02:57And loads more plastic bottles.
00:02:59There's glass bottles.
00:03:00That could come in useful later for boiling water.
00:03:03What's that?
00:03:04A little can.
00:03:09Oh, I can't get the lid off.
00:03:11Yeah, just rubbish everywhere.
00:03:13More glass bottles, wrappers.
00:03:19You know, it's not all about seeing litter,
00:03:22plastic, tires, rubbish washed up.
00:03:25They're actually resources, really good resources.
00:03:27The bottles we can turn into stills,
00:03:29which means we can use the sun to evaporate seawater
00:03:33for that water to condense inside the bottle,
00:03:36and that becomes fresh drinking water.
00:03:38We'll do a little bit of that later on.
00:03:43There's washed up coconut.
00:03:45It feels like it's got water in it.
00:03:47Can you hear that?
00:03:49Oh, interesting.
00:03:51Well, that is a bit of stroke of luck.
00:03:54Uh, let's hope it's good.
00:03:55Sometimes with these old coconuts,
00:03:57especially these old browner ones,
00:03:59the problem is that they can go off
00:04:02and the liquid can start to cement.
00:04:04So when you open them up, you'll get this fizz.
00:04:07They're basically almost an alcoholic coconut.
00:04:12Hey, that could be fun,
00:04:13but I kind of want to keep my head straight
00:04:15because any small mistake
00:04:17could be the difference between life and death.
00:04:20However, I will open this later on.
00:04:22I'll just make sure by smelling it.
00:04:24And if it's good to drink, then hey, I've got food.
00:04:26Until then, I'll put it somewhere
00:04:29and we'll keep walking around the island
00:04:30to find if we can find any fresh ones.
00:04:34Look, another tire.
00:04:36Okay, I've just walked past this
00:04:38and I was thinking actually,
00:04:41I thought about this.
00:04:42I did think that if I was to find a bit of net,
00:04:44then what I could do with the net is,
00:04:47if I'm able to,
00:04:48is make a hammock.
00:04:52All right, I can't seem to get that untangled.
00:04:56So we'll just keep walking.
00:04:58This is the harsh reality of the plastic
00:05:01that we use in this world.
00:05:02If you don't recycle it,
00:05:03if you don't dispose of it properly,
00:05:06it ends up on what are meant to be
00:05:07beautiful, pristine beaches.
00:05:09But now they look like rubbish dumps.
00:05:19Now they're a bit small for me.
00:05:21Not my colour either.
00:05:22And I prefer them in black, not pink.
00:05:25Oh look, another one of those tins.
00:05:28If I can get the lid off this,
00:05:29this could be good for cooking food.
00:05:32If I find anything to cook, that is.
00:05:41Whoa, what is that?
00:05:47Okay, it's not too bad.
00:05:48Could do with a little clean, little burn.
00:05:50And it should be sterilised.
00:05:52Nice, I'm going to leave that with the coconut.
00:05:54Because as I mentioned earlier,
00:05:57you know, it's not all about seeing rubbish.
00:05:59It's about seeing resources.
00:06:00So that is a resource that we could
00:06:01definitely use later on.
00:06:04Have a look at this trail.
00:06:06There's a really strange trail
00:06:07going all the way up.
00:06:09I wonder what that could be.
00:06:12Oh wait, is that a footprint?
00:06:14Are they like toes?
00:06:16Oh wait, is that an iguana?
00:06:19So that could be, there might be,
00:06:23there probably is a giant iguana on this island.
00:06:36Hey, hey.
00:06:40Hey, now we're talking.
00:06:41Now we're talking.
00:06:43Oh look at it.
00:06:44Look at it.
00:06:45Now those are made to fit.
00:06:47Those are made to fit.
00:06:49Right, where's the other one?
00:06:55Now that, I don't think I'm even going to bother
00:06:58opening the bottle because I think,
00:07:01and I think you know as well what this is.
00:07:04So we'll just leave that right there.
00:07:06Oh my flip-flops falling apart already.
00:07:08I've only just got them.
00:07:10What is this?
00:07:13There is a light bulb.
00:07:15Why would there be a light bulb washed up on a beach?
00:07:19What's this?
00:07:21Milk powder.
00:07:23It's not milk powder.
00:07:24What's this?
00:07:24Bottle of Baileys.
00:07:25Is that Baileys?
00:07:31Oh, oh that smells good.
00:07:36Oh it's Baileys.
00:07:40It's actually Baileys.
00:07:44Is that Baileys?
00:07:46I don't know.
00:07:48All right, so far we found a cooking tin.
00:07:50We found a coconut.
00:07:51We found one flip-flop.
00:07:54We found some Baileys.
00:07:55Yeah, so maybe we will have a party tonight.
00:07:59Look how thick that bamboo is.
00:08:00Wait, what's this?
00:08:02It's another flip-flop.
00:08:04No, could get a bit of string.
00:08:07Ah, well I've got a thorn.
00:08:09Ah, I've got thorns in my feet.
00:08:10What are these?
00:08:13Oh, they smell like fish.
00:08:16Oh, it stinks around here.
00:08:17It smells like something's died.
00:08:24Look, it's like there's prints there, there, there.
00:08:31So I'm not, I really have no idea,
00:08:34but I can only think that it's a giant iguana.
00:08:38More glass bottles, a crate, some more rope
00:08:41wrapped around, must've been washed up from a big tide,
00:08:43wrapped around that tree.
00:08:44So I've only done this one section of beach.
00:08:47I'm going to go around this little point
00:08:49and there should be beach after beach after beach.
00:08:52So the plan for the next three days is to keep moving.
00:08:55All I'm going to do is build a camp, sleep,
00:08:57move the next day, build a camp, sleep.
00:09:00As I mentioned, my priorities now are to find food and water.
00:09:03I also want to build a shelter,
00:09:04and if I get time, I want to light a fire.
00:09:07Okay, I've just spotted something
00:09:08that could be really useful for catching fish.
00:09:10Actually, before we get to that, let's see, what have we got?
00:09:15Nah, nah, that is an actual fish scale right there.
00:09:18What I'm really hoping is, is that I can salvage some of this net
00:09:22and maybe make a small net to put out and catch some fish.
00:09:25That's if I can untangle it.
00:09:28What, what is that?
00:09:30Oh, some broken glass.
00:09:32Oh, it's a tire, another tire.
00:09:34Why are there so many tires on this beach?
00:09:37Coffee, coffee.
00:09:38Nah, empty.
00:09:40Another coconut there.
00:09:45All right, sorry, the camera fell over.
00:09:46Yeah, I just found another coconut.
00:09:48Oh, another shoe.
00:09:49I need a left footer, not a right footer.
00:09:53Quite nice though.
00:09:54Let's try it.
00:10:02Nah, it's a little bit too small for me.
00:10:03Lots more bamboo.
00:10:05I mean, look how thick that bamboo is.
00:10:06I've never seen bamboo as thick as this.
00:10:10Look at it.
00:10:11It's heavy.
00:10:13Oh, wait, a shoe.
00:10:15What have we got?
00:10:15Please be left foot.
00:10:17Look how thick this bamboo is.
00:10:24And look how dark and scary it looks in there.
00:10:26But you know what?
00:10:27I'm going to leave the beach.
00:10:28I'm probably going to either go through there
00:10:31or head along the rocks, find the next beach,
00:10:34find the next beach.
00:10:34But I do want to go and explore inland
00:10:36before I start setting up camp.
00:10:38And as much as I'd like to have done this barefooted,
00:10:40I've actually brought my shoes
00:10:42because trust me,
00:10:44there's no way I could do this without shoes.
00:10:55All right.
00:10:58So I'm going to now show you what I have in my bag.
00:11:01First of all, I've got my drone,
00:11:03shoes because I could not do this without a pair of shoes.
00:11:06And then my second to last item is this.
00:11:09This charges batteries.
00:11:11Without this, I wouldn't be able to document what's going on
00:11:13by recording it onto my GoPro.
00:11:15And my final item, this is my knife.
00:11:17This is going to build me shelter.
00:11:19This is going to open coconuts.
00:11:21Without this, I would really struggle to survive on an island.
00:11:24So if you're wondering what sort of animals are on this island,
00:11:27well, as far as I know,
00:11:30there are giant pythons as thick as your thigh.
00:11:33There are king cobras.
00:11:35There are a few other snakes which aren't venomous.
00:11:38And I think a few are.
00:11:40And there's monkeys.
00:11:42Well, I think they're called macaques.
00:11:43There's giant spiders.
00:11:45Oh, a coconut.
00:11:46A coconut tree.
00:11:48That's way too high to get.
00:11:49That's way too tall.
00:11:51I'll need a really...
00:11:53If I can find a really long bit of bamboo,
00:11:56then that could help me.
00:11:59No, empty.
00:12:00Right, so this is the sort of thing you really don't want to be stepping on.
00:12:03Because that's where the snakes live.
00:12:06What are these?
00:12:08What are these?
00:12:12There's some sort of nut.
00:12:14What is that?
00:12:19Oh, it looks good, doesn't it?
00:12:20It looks good.
00:12:21But you know what?
00:12:23I'm only eating what I know I can eat.
00:12:25As much as I'd love to eat that, I'm not.
00:12:28Oh, whoa.
00:12:31That was a big spider.
00:12:38Oh, is that a monkey?
00:12:41Ow, get off.
00:12:47It is hot.
00:12:49It's so hot.
00:12:52Oh, what is this?
00:12:55Oh, what is this?
00:13:02It looks like fresh drinking water.
00:13:03It doesn't smell very good.
00:13:05Look how clean it looks in there.
00:13:07That's a really nice bottle.
00:13:10That is actually a really, really good find.
00:13:13Because I could boil...
00:13:14Right, it's got a plastic bottom.
00:13:16But I guess we could remove this.
00:13:19And it should be metal underneath.
00:13:22You know what?
00:13:23That there, that there could be really good for sterilizing water.
00:13:27I might keep that.
00:13:28So as I was walking on the beach, I noticed a lot of clams just here washed up.
00:13:33In fact, it's low tide now.
00:13:35So they're all trying to...
00:13:36I guess they're all trying to get back into the deeper water
00:13:38or even bury themselves into the sand.
00:13:41And the good thing is, that is now food for me.
00:13:44Right, I think I've just found a really good way to collect clams.
00:13:47Okay, so let's find an area where I can collect clams.
00:13:51Where there's no clams.
00:13:52For example, there.
00:13:54I can't see any clams.
00:13:56But now if I disturb the sand, mix it about, what happens is...
00:14:04There's one, five...
00:14:10Look at all those I just collected.
00:14:22Look how many I just got in about three minutes.
00:14:27I think this is the fluff that comes out of kapok seeds.
00:14:30So I'm going to take some of this.
00:14:31I think it's going to be great for fire lighting later.
00:14:34These are the seed pods and all that white fluff just falls out of it.
00:14:38So it's mid-afternoon.
00:14:39I've come slightly inland from the beach and I've just found a palm tree.
00:14:44This is a banana palm.
00:14:45And the reason for cutting it down is because there's food in that tree that I need right now.
00:15:18I've only been here a few hours and the jungle's already trying to take me.
00:15:29What we want to do is get to the middle of this.
00:15:32That's what gives it the name the heart of palm.
00:15:35The outer bits are a bit fibrous and not very tasty.
00:15:39And I didn't realise, but there was actually two of these banana trees growing right next to each other.
00:15:46So I've taken down one tree and I've left the other tree.
00:16:01And there it is.
00:16:02It might look very destructive taking down a tree like that or a plant like that.
00:16:06But trust me, there's loads of these everywhere.
00:16:08They grow like a weed.
00:16:09And this is exactly what we're after.
00:16:15Watch this.
00:16:16It's really stringy.
00:16:18It looks like it's got spider webs, cobwebs.
00:16:20Watch this.
00:16:25And it's lovely.
00:16:34So if you want to know what it tastes like, it doesn't taste bitter.
00:16:37It's got a slight sharpness to it, but nothing unpleasant.
00:16:39It's the sort of thing you could eat all day, every day.
00:16:41It could do with a bit of dip.
00:16:43But hey, you know, you can't complain when you're on a deserted island.
00:16:46But it's a good start.
00:16:47We know there's plenty of these around and there's plenty of coconuts.
00:16:50There's clams on the beach.
00:16:51We're only a couple of hours in.
00:16:52Let's see what else we can find or explore on the island.
00:16:56I'm dripping.
00:17:00Look at this.
00:17:01I wonder what that is.
00:17:15On the beach, there's plenty of rope washed up.
00:17:17Rope, fishing line, string, all sorts.
00:17:21But I want to show you one more use when it comes to the banana tree.
00:17:23So I've got one of these leaves.
00:17:25I'm now just taking off the outer fibres.
00:17:28You can see they're quite thin, but they're really strong.
00:17:30Now, if I fold it about halfway and start to twist,
00:17:33what you'll see are these fibres twist together.
00:17:36And soon, when I kink it like that,
00:17:38it's all going to start twisting into one piece of rope or string.
00:17:43It's what we call cordage.
00:17:44Now, let me just speed things up.
00:17:48And this is it about 15 seconds later.
00:17:50If I hold my hand there, you should be able to see
00:17:53I've made a little bit of string or twisted twine like that.
00:17:58This is now super strong.
00:18:00But you might think, okay, that's a bit short.
00:18:02What could you use it for?
00:18:03Well, this string is as long as you want to make it.
00:18:05And what I mean by that is that
00:18:07if I was to continue going and get to the bottom of this,
00:18:10it means I'd have this length being twisted
00:18:11and then this end, nothing there at all.
00:18:14In order to add a length of string,
00:18:15what you do is you get some more of these fibres
00:18:19and then you strip off the good layer from the bad layer,
00:18:23which means that you end up with just clean fibres.
00:18:27I'm dripping sweat everywhere.
00:18:30Right, where was I?
00:18:30It's so hard.
00:18:31It's so hard to concentrate.
00:18:32So I've got this string.
00:18:34I've made that, you know,
00:18:35this could be used for things like trapping,
00:18:37for fishing, for shelter building.
00:18:39But in order to continue the length and make it longer,
00:18:42what you do is you get another piece of this material,
00:18:45which is the banana leaf fibres,
00:18:47and then you just twist it in like that.
00:18:54So now we've locked in.
00:18:56We've locked in our third length.
00:18:59What we have to do now is add another piece there
00:19:01to make it our fourth length.
00:19:02Well, actually you only want two pieces at a time
00:19:04when you're twisting.
00:19:05Hey, long story short,
00:19:06banana trees aren't just good for bananas.
00:19:09You can make string,
00:19:09you can use them for fire lighting,
00:19:11for shelter building,
00:19:12you can use them for cooking.
00:19:13And they even provide you with food
00:19:14without even producing a banana.
00:19:16Right, enough about banana trees.
00:19:18Let's continue.
00:19:19Whoa, check this tree out.
00:19:20Watch this.
00:19:21Watch these leaves.
00:19:23As soon as you touch them,
00:19:24they curl up.
00:19:26Look, just from touching them.
00:19:27That's nuts.
00:19:31Watch that leaf there.
00:19:36It looks like I found a dried up stream.
00:19:38And what is that?
00:19:45Oh, made it back to the beach.
00:19:56I've got two options now.
00:19:59One option is I look for materials to create a fire.
00:20:03Remember, I've got no matches.
00:20:04I've got no...
00:20:06I've only got a knife with me.
00:20:07That's all I've got.
00:20:07So I either make a fire or...
00:20:10And that's going to take a bit of time
00:20:11finding the materials.
00:20:13And the other option is I build a shelter.
00:20:18Okay, do I spend the next hour
00:20:22looking for materials to create a fire
00:20:25in order to cook?
00:20:26Well, have I got like 15, 20, 25 clams?
00:20:30Or do I put my energy into building a shelter?
00:20:36So fire or shelter.
00:20:38I think I'll go with shelter.
00:20:40I'll eat some more heart of palm.
00:20:42And I'll drink coconut water.
00:20:44And I'll eat coconuts.
00:20:45And then I'll spend a few hours tomorrow
00:20:47looking for the materials to make fire.
00:20:49And what I plan on doing for fire lighting is
00:20:51I'm going to do bow drill.
00:20:53That's when you rub stick on stick.
00:20:54It creates friction.
00:20:55It creates smoke.
00:20:56It creates dust.
00:20:57The glowing ember that you want to put into a tinder bundle
00:21:00and blow into a flame.
00:21:01Tinder bundle wise,
00:21:03well, coconut husk is great
00:21:04when it comes to tinder bundles.
00:21:06Well, I know my woods in the UK.
00:21:08I don't know my tropical woods.
00:21:10So it's going to take me a lot longer than it would do
00:21:12if I was back in the UK
00:21:13because I'm going to have to source the materials.
00:21:16I'm going to have to find dry materials,
00:21:18but different species
00:21:19because I don't know what species of trees
00:21:21work well in this country.
00:21:23Where I come from in England,
00:21:24there's certain trees that you can use for fire lighting.
00:21:26In fact, there's quite a few.
00:21:28It just comes down to the right combinations.
00:21:30I'm on a tropical island.
00:21:31I don't know those combinations.
00:21:32So I have to spend a lot of time working them out
00:21:34to find out which one works.
00:22:04yes, this one is filled to the brim with water.
00:22:08I can't hear any water,
00:22:09but I can really feel that there's a lot of weight in this,
00:22:11which means there's got to be a lot of water.
00:22:14Another coconut.
00:22:15There's a bit of a clearing right here.
00:22:18As usual, there's rubbish, plastic bottles,
00:22:20litter, net, rope everywhere.
00:22:22But those are resources.
00:22:24Those are materials that we're going to need.
00:22:26I do need a bit of rope for shelter building.
00:22:28It's like a big puzzle.
00:22:34Oh, there's red ants.
00:22:52oh, look at this bamboo covered in barnacles.
00:22:56That's crazy.
00:22:58Hey, this could come in useful.
00:23:10All I need now is a bit of rope.
00:23:11Then what I'll do is I'll use those palm leaves.
00:23:14I'll place them like that.
00:23:16So then it becomes a bit of a lean-to shelter.
00:23:20Look at it.
00:23:21All right.
00:23:22So I've probably got about three hours left of sunlight.
00:23:26I don't know why I'm smiling or celebrating,
00:23:28but it's the reality of being on this island all alone.
00:23:31So here I am all on my own on this deserted island.
00:23:34There's no other humans on this island.
00:23:35There's no houses, electricity, nothing at all.
00:23:40The only thing that I have to save me from dying on this island
00:23:43is the boat driver's word.
00:23:44And if he doesn't come back, then I'm in big trouble.
00:23:47I even paid him half the money in advance.
00:23:51I'm going to need that.
00:25:31Well, that's me for tonight.
00:25:38It should do the job.
00:25:39Hopefully it won't rain.
00:25:40But if it does, then the majority of the rain is going to be diverted away from me.
00:25:45It's going to run down these leaves and towards the back of the shelter.
00:25:50I could really do with something to lay on the floor.
00:25:53Something soft to sleep on.
00:25:56The only thing I can think of are these.
00:25:59But that means I have to climb the tree.
00:26:01And I'm not very good at climbing trees.
00:26:03Okay, so with the shelter built, I'm going to go for a quick dip
00:26:06because I'm so...
00:26:07I've been sweating all day long.
00:26:09Maybe if I find a bit of fresh water tomorrow, I can give my t-shirt a good clean.
00:26:14There's a beach further down there that I think I would like to get to tomorrow.
00:26:18It looks like a nice beach.
00:26:19Could be a nice place to make a camp.
00:26:21There might be better materials for building a shelter.
00:26:25So I struggled to get those fresh palm leaves in order to use for bedding.
00:26:30But tomorrow, I'll try and make a better shelter.
00:26:33But what I did find earlier on are a few of these mangoes.
00:26:37And it was only when I got back and replayed the footage on my camera here
00:26:41that the microphone wasn't working.
00:26:42So yeah, I found a mango tree.
00:26:45Plenty, plenty of mangoes.
00:26:47And then for dinner, I've also got...
00:26:48I've got one coconut.
00:26:50In fact, I'm going to throw those clams back into the sea
00:26:53because I don't have any way of creating fire tonight.
00:26:57I've put all my energy into the shelter.
00:26:59So until then, I'm going to eat my mangoes.
00:27:01I'm going to go for a dip.
00:27:10Look at that.
00:27:16That is the tastiest mango I've ever had.
00:27:23So juicy.
00:27:25So good.
00:27:26It's a shame the stones are a bit big.
00:27:28That's amazing.
00:27:33That was good.
00:27:35So this is my bed for tonight.
00:27:38I've got some coconut leaves.
00:27:41And then I've got my pillow, which is my backpack.
00:27:43I'm really hoping it doesn't rain.
00:27:46I've got plenty of room in there.
00:27:47So if it rains, I'll just kind of scoot to the back.
00:27:49So good night and see you in the morning.
00:28:26Well, good morning.
00:28:28You're probably wondering how I slept.
00:28:30Well, as you can imagine, not too great.
00:28:33But tonight I'm going to improve my shelter
00:28:36on a different location of the island.
00:28:39Hopefully find somewhere a bit better with a few more resources.
00:28:52And this is my breakfast.
00:28:56I'm so thirsty right now.
00:29:11that coconut, that coconut didn't have much in it.
00:29:17Much liquid.
00:29:19And I'm still thirsty.
00:29:20So I'm going to save that.
00:29:21I'm going to eat the coconut and I just need some more to drink.
00:29:24I'm so thirsty right now.
00:29:33When you open coconuts, you want to you want to kind of try and create a bit of a
00:29:37a bit of a point on the top.
00:29:39Once you get to that stage, you just simply need to take the top off.
00:30:03So yeah, plans for today.
00:30:17I want to move.
00:30:18I want to explore the island a bit more on a walk down along the rocks around the point.
00:30:23I want to see what's on the other side.
00:30:25We might be able to find a different beach, more resources.
00:30:28There might be a crate of beer washed up.
00:30:31Hey, you never know.
00:30:33This island is throwing up all sorts of surprises so far.
00:30:36I'll show you how I slept last night.
00:30:38I slept like this with my head against the tree and it wasn't actually too bad.
00:30:43I'm glad it didn't rain.
00:30:46I mean, there are still a few holes in the roof,
00:30:49but it would have caught and diverted the majority of the rain.
00:31:19Fresh, lovely, fresh coconut.
00:31:25So I found this shell on the beach,
00:31:26and it seems to work really well when it comes to scooping out the flesh.
00:31:33Oh, look at that.
00:31:35It's like an ice cream scoop of coconut, fresh coconut.
00:31:40Oh yeah.
00:31:42Just what I need right now.
00:31:44Oh, don't drop it.
00:31:47Oh, look at that.
00:31:58All right, I think it's time to leave this camp, leave this beach.
00:32:02The coconut water, the coconut meat, that has just brought me back to life.
00:32:07Day two, deserted island.
00:32:08What I want to do today is create another shelter,
00:32:11make fire and hopefully cook up a warm meal for tonight.
00:32:15So on that note, see you later little coconut camp.
00:32:19This is why I call it coconut camp.
00:32:22Why am I leaving it up?
00:32:24Well, because in case Tom Hanks washes up here one day
00:32:27and films another episode of Cast Away,
00:32:29then at least he hasn't got that much shelter building to do.
00:32:32So I'm going to have to do a lot of climbing over rocks today
00:32:36because as you saw when we came in on the boat,
00:32:39there's rocks everywhere and it's hard to walk around the coast.
00:32:44I feel like a mountain goat that's just eaten a bounty.
00:32:48Wow, look at these sand fleas, whatever they are.
00:32:51What are they?
00:32:55Yeah, you can tell it's low tide because all of these little,
00:32:58I don't know what they are, they look like limpets.
00:32:59No, in fact, they look like mini oysters.
00:33:02So these mini oysters were all exposed at low tide.
00:33:06They could be really good fishing bait.
00:33:08In fact, I know for a fact these will be good fishing bait
00:33:12but I don't have anything to use for fishing.
00:33:19What is that?
00:33:21Is that plastic?
00:33:23No, it feels like a shell.
00:33:26That's some sort of shell.
00:33:28Look at that little shell there and a bit of coral.
00:33:37There must be a reef out there, a coral reef.
00:33:40Look at that crab hole.
00:33:43Nice piece of bamboo and coconuts.
00:33:58Come on, it's a lot tougher than it looks.
00:34:12Everything is hard work and it's still only about
00:34:16half past seven in the morning and look, I'm just sweating.
00:34:24Oh no, broke it.
00:34:28Oh, well, I got one.
00:34:37I managed to get one out of that tree and it almost hit me on the head.
00:34:41This is a dangerous game.
00:34:45Right there.
00:34:49Well, it's taken a beating where it fell on the rock.
00:34:58Oh, yeah, you know, if it wasn't for the coconuts,
00:35:10it'd be very difficult to survive on this island.
00:35:15I haven't found any fresh drinking water.
00:35:28Oh, look at this beach.
00:35:38This is amazing.
00:35:42So the first thing you do when you when you walk around the corner,
00:35:44find a new beach, is look at what materials they have washed up.
00:35:49What's this?
00:35:52Some sort of net?
00:35:58It's really small.
00:35:59You can make a net from that.
00:36:07Lots of coconuts.
00:36:09The good thing about last night where I camped,
00:36:12well, although I did camp below a few coconut trees,
00:36:14I was very aware when I built the camp last night of the dangers of falling coconuts.
00:36:20But I wasn't too worried because the majority of the trees were out at an angle like that
00:36:27and I was camped underneath.
00:36:29So, well, maybe I was just lucky I didn't get hit by a coconut.
00:36:34Some like hole in the bush.
00:36:35Let's have a look.
00:36:36What's in here?
00:36:41This is like coconut graveyard.
00:36:44Bottles, shoes, more bottles.
00:36:53Almost tripped over.
00:36:58Now this looks like cobra country to me.
00:37:01Remember, there are giant pythons and there are king cobras.
00:37:04There are scorpions and there's all sorts of things out to get you like this.
00:37:10It doesn't...
00:37:11Oh, God.
00:37:12Oh, God.
00:37:12Oh, God.
00:37:13Oh, God.
00:37:13Oh, God.
00:37:14Oh, God.
00:37:14Oh, God.
00:37:15Oh, God.
00:37:15Oh, God.
00:37:16Oh, God.
00:37:16Oh, God.
00:37:17Oh, God.
00:37:19Everything on the island is just out to get you.
00:37:23Everything's got thorns.
00:37:24If you walk into that the wrong way, like that way is okay, but you walk that way.
00:37:30As I just found out, I've only been awake about an hour.
00:37:36Again, the island's trying to get me.
00:37:38So, yeah, a bit of a cloudy day today.
00:37:42Look at those trees.
00:37:43Look how many coconuts are in these trees.
00:37:45All right, so could I build a camp here?
00:37:48That is the question.
00:37:50It's still early.
00:37:50I've got all day to work out where to go, where to camp.
00:37:53I might explore a bit more.
00:37:55I don't know, I've got a good feeling about this.
00:37:59But one thing I've been thinking about for a few days is,
00:38:02and that being leading up to this challenge,
00:38:05it's the idea of making a hammock from some fishing net.
00:38:10But I think it's one of those things where you think,
00:38:12yeah, yeah, I'll find a bit of fishing net on the island,
00:38:15and you get there and there's no fishing net.
00:38:19Yeah, there's something there though.
00:38:26But it's all tangled.
00:38:32Nope, it's all tangled.
00:38:34Wow, look at those roots.
00:38:36Look at that tree.
00:38:36It's just gripped hold of that rock and the roots are coming down.
00:38:43There's a nice few resources right there.
00:38:47Well, just one really, that big long stick.
00:38:50Could be good for shelters.
00:39:00Nice, found another coconut.
00:39:04Didn't even have to work for that one.
00:39:06That was free.
00:39:08It's always a bonus when you get something for free in life, isn't it?
00:39:13Especially when you're on a deserted island.
00:39:15So yeah, Mother Nature, thank you very much.
00:39:17Oh, could that be another coconut?
00:39:24Oh, oh, I think it might be.
00:39:27I think it might be.
00:39:29Oh, no, it isn't.
00:39:32It's been washed up.
00:39:34Ah, right.
00:39:39Well, it's all good.
00:39:40I've got a coconut in the bag.
00:39:41I've got a coconut in my hand.
00:39:45Can I listen to those crickets, whatever they are?
00:39:50It sounds like a squeaky tap.
00:39:54Nope, bamboo, bamboo.
00:39:59Look at that really thick rope.
00:40:01Now that is a very useful resource.
00:40:04So I think I've just found somewhere to sleep.
00:40:07I found some really thick rope.
00:40:19But yeah, I'm pretty convinced that this is the beach to be on.
00:40:23There's great resources.
00:40:25I can still walk back.
00:40:26I can get to where the palm tree, well, the banana palms are.
00:40:30I can get back to where the mango is.
00:40:33It's probably about 40 minutes back.
00:40:36There's lots and lots of coconuts.
00:40:40So I think it makes sense to start working now, working on the camp.
00:40:46Look at that already, just sweating.
00:40:48Again, it's probably about eight o'clock.
00:40:51But it's nice and cool compared to what it's like two or three in the afternoon.
00:40:56So I'm thinking now to start building my camp,
00:41:00calling this base,
00:41:01and then I can work on the rest of the tasks throughout the day.
00:41:05And one thing I do want to do is I want to show you how to turn salt water
00:41:08into drinking water using the sun.
00:41:12But it is a bit cloudy.
00:41:13So hopefully it goes a bit sunny later on,
00:41:17which means I can get some actual drinking water rather than just coconut water.
00:41:21But there's nothing wrong with coconut water
00:41:23as long as you're not drinking it for say five to seven days
00:41:26because otherwise you begin to get diarrhea.
00:41:59I want to sleep on this.
00:42:04I'm trying to create a bed.
00:42:06So I want it to be as smooth as possible.
00:42:21Yes, there's a bit of fishing line here, fishing net.
00:42:26But I just need some of this rope.
00:42:29So I'm going to pull this bamboo out of that bush
00:42:47and look at what I just found on the beach.
00:42:50It's a sea urchin.
00:42:52But why is it on the beach?
00:42:55I'll tell you what, I'm moving that
00:42:56because if I stand on that later on, I'm in trouble.
00:43:06Sounds like they're all laughing at me.
00:43:12Look at this.
00:43:15It's a coconut that's fallen, landed in here
00:43:19and it's already started to shoot.
00:43:22This is what I mean, start to shoot as in sprout.
00:43:27So these are no good for eating.
00:43:29Don't let.
00:43:31But what I do want are a few of these, a few of these branches.
00:43:37I've got a little idea.
00:43:40One more.
00:43:42And the third.
00:44:27Okay, moment of truth.
00:44:33Oh, it's holding, it's holding.
00:44:36Oh, this is what half an hour of work can create.
00:44:44Basically a raised platform because I need to get off the ground.
00:44:50Oh, look at it.
00:44:51Look at it.
00:44:53Oh, it's actually not too bad.
00:44:58That's made me really happy.
00:45:00Knowing that tonight I've got something to look forward to by not sleeping on the ground.
00:45:14And that's my view looking up.
00:45:17So maybe I should think about a roof.
00:45:22But for the moment, I'm just going to chill because that took a lot of energy.
00:45:27That took a lot of energy.
00:45:30And I need another drink.
00:45:33I might open a coconut.
00:45:49I'm happy with the bed.
00:45:52The roof needs a few more layers.
00:45:54But yeah, I'm actually looking forward to lying in that tonight
00:45:57because it's going to be super comfortable.
00:46:00So there's loads of fishing line all tangled up in this.
00:46:04So I'm going to untangle it and see if there's anything on the end I could use.
00:46:19No way.
00:46:20Look, it's actually got a hook on it.
00:46:23Oh, look at that.
00:46:27Really old rusty hook.
00:46:29It's quite fragile.
00:46:30Oh no, I broke it.
00:46:32It was so fragile.
00:46:33It wouldn't have done anything.
00:46:34I wonder if I can bend that into a hook.
00:46:36But it's probably just going to break again.
00:46:40Ah, broken.
00:46:42Right, let's see if there's another one.
00:46:50Yes, another hook.
00:46:51Another hook.
00:46:52A bit rusty, but not as bad as the other one.
00:47:00Okay, okay, okay.
00:47:02The game has changed.
00:47:04We're going to make a fishing rod.
00:47:07Well, actually, let's see how much line I've got.
00:47:08So I've managed to save that much.
00:47:13About, I don't know what, a metre and a half.
00:47:16Let's see how much I can save from this.
00:47:18And then I'm going to get some bamboo.
00:47:22A length of bamboo and fishing line.
00:47:25And even if I don't have enough fishing line,
00:47:27as long as I've got this bit for the end,
00:47:30which is almost invisible.
00:47:33As long as I've got that bit for the end,
00:47:34I can use anything from just rope washed up on the beach.
00:47:40More rope there.
00:47:41More rope there.
00:47:43Yes, I think we can do this.
00:47:45Of course, as long as we don't lose the hook.
00:47:46Oh, it's so hot.
00:47:53I need, I need another coconut.
00:47:55I've had five so far.
00:47:58And I've been here just under 24 hours.
00:48:01Hopefully that knot will hold.
00:48:03You will not believe what I've just found.
00:48:18The world's longest piece of bamboo.
00:48:21Look how long this thing is.
00:48:25Hold on, I'm not even at the back.
00:48:27Hold on.
00:48:30Look at this.
00:48:31Ah, that's my fishing rod.
00:48:34All right, I'm going to try and get,
00:48:36I'm going to try and use it to get a coconut.
00:49:03I broke it.
00:49:09So because it bent and it broke, I had to trim it down.
00:49:13And I've ended up with that kind of shape.
00:49:16And I'm thinking that could actually be really useful
00:49:18because the coconuts,
00:49:23because the coconuts, they hang by this quite thin,
00:49:28it's like a stem.
00:49:30So my new tactic, in theory,
00:49:33if I come along like this and put a lot of pressure on it,
00:49:37you know what I mean?
00:49:38Hey, let's try it.
00:49:57Oh, that's a heavy one.
00:50:02Got coconut.
00:50:36Oh, yes.
00:50:58So the reason why I don't normally take all of the husk off
00:51:01is because it's actually really hard work.
00:51:03It's the beginning of the mouth.
00:51:05So now I just need to get a stick like a bit of bamboo like that
00:51:08and then make the hole.
00:51:09And what I'm going to do as well is only for this demonstration,
00:51:13is just open up one of these eyes
00:51:15because it's going to allow the liquid to flow a lot quicker.
00:51:42look at that.
00:51:58That's so good.
00:52:00Oh, so refreshing.
00:52:02And now to open the coconut.
00:52:05One strike sideways and we're going to see a lot.
00:52:08We're going to see that this meat is a lot thicker
00:52:11than the other coconuts we've been opening.
00:52:17Look at that.
00:52:20That's because it's a much older coconut.
00:52:42There's a crab.
00:52:47There's two crabs under there.
00:52:50I need this crab for bait.
00:52:52I need this crab.
00:52:55I need that crab.
00:53:02I need that crab.
00:53:03That crab is mine.
00:53:05I need that crab.
00:53:07He's buried himself.
00:53:11Ah, oh, I think I've got him.
00:53:20I got bait.
00:53:22I got bait.
00:53:22I'm going to cut this in half,
00:53:26put half on the hook and save the other half for later.
00:53:31Ah, he bit me.
00:53:37And you can see the water's really shallow at the moment.
00:53:40The tide is coming in.
00:53:42So by the time it's high tide,
00:53:44there should be at least another two or three meters on top of this.
00:53:47And as soon as I see the rod bending or going a bit crazy,
00:53:50I'm going to run over, lift it up and hopefully we'll have a fish.
00:54:00We got a bite.
00:54:00We got a bite.
00:54:05We got a fish.
00:54:07No way.
00:54:13Ah, yes.
00:54:14We got a fish, guys.
00:54:18Come on.
00:54:21Oh, where's my knife?
00:54:26Yes, we got fish.
00:54:30Loads of meat on that.
00:54:32Well, kind of.
00:54:33And then a fish head.
00:54:34We could use that for bait.
00:54:41What's the bait looking like?
00:54:44Oh, still good.
00:54:45Still good.
00:54:46Still good.
00:54:51Is that a mango?
00:55:04That looks like a mango.
00:55:10Is this a mango tree?
00:55:16Look at that.
00:55:17I could use that to sharpen my knife.
00:55:25That's a mango.
00:55:33You know what?
00:55:33I've just found a mango tree.
00:55:37Yeah, look, mangoes.
00:55:39Look there.
00:55:41Look at them.
00:55:45Oh, missed again.
00:55:47And it got stuck in the tree.
00:55:49Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:55:54Look, mango.
00:55:58So it looks like we're having mango and fish for dinner.
00:56:02I think the monkeys have had them all.
00:56:03Oh, there's a good one there.
00:56:05Nice one there.
00:56:07Yeah, got it.
00:56:12Oh, perfect as well.
00:56:16So this is my food so far.
00:56:17I've got three coconuts.
00:56:18I've got another one about 50 meters that way, which I've left on the rock.
00:56:22I've got five mangoes, a fish, pretty much an unlimited supply of coconuts.
00:56:40That is so good.
00:56:42It's like a desert island ice cream.
00:56:56I just found some charcoal on the beach.
00:57:18Folks, let me introduce you to my new mate, Coco.
00:57:22He's half palm, half coconut with a little bit of charcoal.
00:57:25He's a great guy.
00:57:27Not very talkative.
00:57:28He's got the worst stories ever.
00:57:37It's dry.
00:57:53leave me alone.
00:57:57Coco, I was getting attacked by like four bees, wasps, whatever they were.
00:58:01Go away.
00:58:20So I'm about to make a solar still.
00:58:22What I'm going to do is, well, what I've done so far is I've taken a bottle.
00:58:27I've taken the lid off, leaving me with the bottom half of the bottle.
00:58:31Now I need a larger bottle.
00:58:34The idea of this is to turn salt water from the sea into fresh drinking water
00:58:41using the sun and two plastic bottles.
00:58:44So what I'm doing now is I'm folding the bottom half in on itself.
00:58:53So I've got that bottle.
00:58:54I folded the bottom half in.
00:58:57Well, not the half, but the bottom part of it.
00:58:59And all I need to do now is fill this up with seawater.
00:59:03All right, so I'm going to fill this up with as much as I can.
00:59:12So I've actually just emptied a little bit of water out because there's a little bit
00:59:15too much of the seawater in there.
00:59:18So that is our solar still.
00:59:22Let me tell you how it works.
00:59:24Well, there's a bit of shade at the moment.
00:59:25However, shortly the sun will be back out again.
00:59:28This works by the water on the inside becomes warmed.
00:59:33It starts to evaporate.
00:59:34Condensation forms on the inside of the plastic bottle.
00:59:38Now, remember folding the base up?
00:59:40Well, that's now going to act as a trap.
00:59:42So when droplets of condensation form on the inside of the bottle,
00:59:46they'll drip down the wall and they'll be caught within that folded area at the bottom.
00:59:52That is how a solar still works.
01:00:11Oh, I saw a fish jump.
01:00:20It's flat calm at the moment.
01:00:22It's flat calm.
01:00:24Just waiting for another fish.
01:00:26And the sun's probably going to go down in two hours, maybe two hours of sunlight.
01:00:31It's strange how I caught that fish within...
01:00:33Wait, it was like maybe within 15 minutes.
01:00:38And since then, it's been out for about a good five hours at least and nothing.
01:00:51It's been a long day.
01:00:56If one of those fell down right now and hit me on the head, I would be...
01:01:01I'll be dead.
01:01:07Oh, that took me a while to finish.
01:01:10Oh, yeah.
01:01:11Okay, so I've got a little experiment I'm going to try.
01:01:14I've got that fish head and I've got a plastic bottle.
01:01:17I've taken the top off the bottle.
01:01:20I want to see if I can catch some of these crabs because at night time,
01:01:24there's crabs that run around all over this beach.
01:01:27For example, there you can see that's where one crab lives.
01:01:37So the experiment is to try and catch a crab.
01:01:40And to do that, I've got this plastic bottle which I've buried
01:01:43and there's bait being the fish head.
01:01:45I'm hoping that they're going to come over.
01:01:47They're going to fall into the trap.
01:01:48But because it's a plastic bottle,
01:01:51I'm hoping that they won't be able to climb back out
01:01:53because they won't have any grip on the inside of the plastic.
01:01:56There's only one way to find out and I've got plenty of time, so why not?
01:02:01Right, next up, fire lighting.
01:02:03I've gathered a bit of this coconut husk.
01:02:06These fibres because these are great.
01:02:09When you pull out the fibres,
01:02:14these fibres are great for fire lighting.
01:02:16What you do is you fluff them up.
01:02:18Well, you kind of need to do that with two hands.
01:02:20You fluff them up and you end up with something like this.
01:02:24So it looks like a little bird's nest.
01:02:26And what we're going to do is we're going to use these components
01:02:28and I've gathered a few shells from the beach
01:02:31because these are going to help us for the fire lighting.
01:02:33So one, two, three, four.
01:02:35And then I've just got a little bit of this extra.
01:02:37And then as soon as we get the flame,
01:02:39we're going to be putting on these dried sticks.
01:02:42No lighters, no matches, no fire steel, no tricks, nothing.
01:02:46Just pure.
01:02:47Oh, one other thing I need is a string.
01:02:52Okay, that might work.
01:03:06Okay, so I've got an idea.
01:03:08I'm thinking about giving this a clean.
01:03:10Remember this we found on the beach yesterday?
01:03:13Well, I'm going to give it a clean and maybe cook my food in it.
01:03:20So I'm going to give this a clean.
01:03:22Remember this we found on the beach yesterday?
01:03:25Well, I'm going to give it a clean and maybe cook my food in it.
01:03:50So I've got four mango
01:04:04and now I'm going to put a load of coconut in it.
01:04:07Then finally our fish.
01:04:09See these guts?
01:04:12These can all be kept for bait.
01:04:13In fact, I'm going to put those in that crab trap.
01:04:16So I've just put the bait in the crab trap.
01:04:18I walked over and I could hear a noise.
01:04:20Right there, there's a crab at the bottom of the trap.
01:04:28It worked.
01:04:29Right, so we've got our fish.
01:04:30We've gutted it.
01:04:39We've got mangoes, we've got coconut and we have fish.
01:04:43One more thing.
01:04:59it's cooking.
01:05:03So I've got my bowl ready and my spoon will be that little shell.
01:05:10I think once I've eaten, I'm going to head back to camp.
01:05:12And by the way, camp is that way.
01:05:14It's only about 20 meters, but I just wanted to be under this tree
01:05:17because there was a lot more shade than there was over by the camp.
01:05:20Right, I think it's done.
01:05:26There's the fish.
01:05:28Looks nicely cooked.
01:05:29Oh, it's flaking up.
01:05:31And here comes the coconut and the papaya.
01:05:33I mean the mango, sorry, not the papaya.
01:05:36Oh, look at it, look at it.
01:05:40Well, who would have thought I'd be on a deserted island
01:05:43and cooking up a fish curry with mango, coconut, fish and obviously coconut water.
01:05:53Let's try the fish.
01:06:05That just falls apart.
01:06:08That's a lovely bit of fish.
01:06:11I'll tell you what, I'm tired because when it's hot, I just need to drink.
01:06:15I just need fluids.
01:06:17I never really have an appetite when it's hot.
01:06:20How many coconuts have I had?
01:06:21That's the question.
01:06:27Maybe nine, maybe nine coconuts.
01:06:32I've just been drinking so much, but I'm still sweating.
01:06:36My t-shirt is still wet.
01:06:37Right, I'm going to finish this and I'm going to take you back to camp and say good night.
01:06:43Good night, Coco.
01:06:45And here it is.
01:06:46Here's my little house.
01:06:47I've got a bit of roof cover in case it rains.
01:06:51There's my raised bed.
01:06:55I'm going to put my bag there, so that'll be my pillow.
01:06:58And then my feet there.
01:07:01Finally, I can go to bed.
01:07:05I can even lie on my side and go to sleep.
01:07:07Oh, I'm so lucky.
01:07:12I'm going to go to sleep.
01:07:14I need to turn the camera off and the light off and I'll see you in the morning.
01:07:18Good night.
01:07:33That hurts, that really hurts.
01:07:36And I've lost my fishing rod.
01:07:38Right. I've just woken up.
01:07:39There's a noise.
01:07:40I can't work out what it is.
01:07:41Oh, no.
01:07:47Some sort of like Komodo dragon two metres long.
01:07:50That really got me.
01:07:51What is that?
01:07:52Caught in the net.
01:07:54Get out of the net, get out of the net, get out of the net.
01:07:57Get out of the net, get out of the net.
01:07:58Get out of the net.
01:07:59What is that?
01:08:00Caught it in the net!
01:08:02Get out of the net!
01:08:03Get out of the net!
01:08:04Get out of the net!
