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Come Out of Her My People Vol II:

John and Charles discuss the unexpected growth of William Branham’s movement after his death, examining how schisms and missionary efforts contributed to its expansion. They trace the early survival of the movement to strategies like the return ministry doctrine and financial backing from the Full Gospel Businessmen. The discussion highlights how the rivalry between factions spurred missionary outreach across North America, where leaders sought to recruit Pentecostals and charismatics into the movement. They analyze how the phrase “Come out of her, my people” was used to repeatedly split and reform groups, leading to an ongoing cycle of church planting and fragmentation.

The conversation then shifts to the movement’s global expansion, focusing on Europe and Africa. Levi Larson, a Norwegian missionary, used William Branham’s recordings and film screenings to establish message churches across Scandinavia. Meanwhile, Ewald Frank leveraged a German-language radio program on Radio Luxembourg to spread the message across Central and Eastern Europe, planting churches that later splintered into different factions. In Africa, Sydney Jackson played a key role in establishing message churches, appealing to both white and indigenous communities, while the movement capitalized on existing Pentecostal networks to recruit followers. The discussion also touches on the financial strategies behind the movement, revealing how small investments in local preachers yielded significant tithing revenues for North American message centers. The episode closes with a teaser for future discussions on the spread of the message in South America, India, the Philippines, and other regions.

00:00 Introduction
00:31 The Schisms That Fueled Expansion
02:45 How the Message Survived William Branham’s Death
06:01 Early Missionary Efforts in North America
12:00 Levi Larson and the Spread of the Message in Scandinavia
19:06 The Role of Independent Assemblies of God in Message Growth
26:00 UPC Missionaries and the Accidental Message Churches in Belgium
32:38 Ewald Frank and the Radio Luxembourg Strategy
40:04 Ewald Frank’s Mysterious Connections
46:06 Sydney Jackson and the African Missionary Push
51:26 Polygamy’s Role in the Message’s African Expansion
58:01 Business Strategy Behind Missionary Work
1:06:02 Preview: South America and Other Global Expansions

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