• 16 hours ago


00:00Greetings! I brought Amy here to show her some of the work I'm doing.
00:05It's very impressive for theoretical work.
00:09Do I detect a hint of condescension?
00:12I'm sorry, was I being too subtle?
00:15I meant, compared to the real-world applications of neurobiology,
00:18theoretical physics is what's the word I'm looking for.
00:21Hmm, cute.
00:24Are you suggesting the work of a neurobiologist like Babinski
00:28could ever rise to the significance of a physicist like Clark Maxwell or Dirac?
00:34I'm stating it outright.
00:36Babinski eats Dirac for breakfast and defecates Clark Maxwell.
00:42You take that back.
00:46Absolutely not.
00:47My colleagues and I are mapping the neurological substrates
00:50that subserve global information processing,
00:52which is required for all cognitive reasoning, including scientific inquiry,
00:55making my research ipso facto prior in the Ordo Cognoscendi.
00:59That means it's better than his research, and by extension, of course, yours.
01:07I'm sorry, I'm still trying to work on defecating Clark Maxwell.
01:13Excuse me, but a grand unified theory,
01:17insofar as it explains everything,
01:19will ipso facto explain neurobiology?
01:23Yes, but if I'm successful, I will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes
01:27in deriving a grand unified theory,
01:29and therefore subsume your conclusions under my paradigm.
01:32That's the rankest psychologism.
01:35It was conclusively revealed as hogwash by Gottlieb Frege in the 1890s.
01:41We appear to have reached an impasse.
01:43I agree.
01:45I move our relationship terminate immediately.
01:50There being no objections?
01:54The motion carries.
01:56Good day, Amy Farrah Fowler.
01:58Good day, Sheldon Cooper.
02:04Women, huh?
02:06And live with them, can't successfully refute their hypotheses.
02:11Amen to that.
