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►Всем привет! Сегодня грифер заманил меня в ловушку в майнкрафт. Как я клюнул на этот алмаз в minecraft?
#компот #майнкрафт #minecraft #compot #майн #игры #грифер #заманил #ловушка #алмаз #клюнул
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►Всем привет! Сегодня грифер заманил меня в ловушку в майнкрафт. Как я клюнул на этот алмаз в minecraft?
#компот #майнкрафт #minecraft #compot #майн #игры #грифер #заманил #ловушка #алмаз #клюнул
00:00So-so-so, village number 13, I came again to destroy you!
00:05But this time I have a plan and I will stick to it!
00:09Because the birdie whispered to me that there is no compote today in the village, and this means that I will be able to griffer it well!
00:18Hmm, my sources told me that, in principle, there will be practically no one in the village today, and I will be able to destroy it, and the inhabitants are walking over there.
00:27Did they deceive me or something? So-so-so, I don't like it, they will all interfere with me, and they will be able to defeat me, I don't want this!
00:35I'll go just in case, I'll check if the compote is at home.
00:39Now we will find out, maybe... Oh, he's at home? I was deceived!
00:43You are the damned haters of compote! They said that he is not in the village today, what to do now?
00:50Why did I even trust them? And the compote is at home, and the villagers are in the village, why did I come here?
00:56I need to leave, although no, since I came, I need to finish the job and destroy this village!
01:02And okay, the inhabitants, I can handle them, they cannot resist the griffer, but the compote, he will clearly defeat me!
01:10I need to somehow drive him out of this village so that he leaves here, or...
01:14Or lure him into a trap, well, that's a good idea!
01:19For this, I will put such a beautiful diamond right under his door, great!
01:26I'm sure the compote will bite this diamond!
01:28Now we tie an invisible line, great, and quietly pull it somewhere further.
01:36Come on, come on, come on, carefully untangle this line.
01:41Wow, I've already gone pretty far, I need to make this trap somewhere here, although just in case, a little further.
01:48Pull, pull, pull, and great, that's it, I'm stuck in some kind of mountain,
01:54it is here that I will build a trap, which I will lure the compote into later!
01:59Well, the bait is ready, I'm far enough from the village, and I'll deal with the inhabitants a little later.
02:06We craft, craft, craft, and we finally crafted, but that's not all.
02:11Hello everyone, guys, my name is Compote, welcome to my new video.
02:14What am I doing? In fact, nothing interesting.
02:17I wanted to start this video when I already have a portal gun.
02:20Yes, yes, don't be surprised, I'm trying to craft it right now, but I still can't do it.
02:25I spent about 3 hours with all this.
02:28Well, I crafted the iron block in just a second, but it took me a lot of time.
02:33And the portal gun, by the way, is not so easy to craft, guys,
02:36right now you see the craft on the screen, and as you can see, I lack one small detail.
02:43Well, redstone and a special blue battery.
02:46It is made of diamond, guys, and I don't have a diamond,
02:49so I decided to start this recording so that we could go to the mine together.
02:53And then we will have fun and test this gun.
02:56I don't even have torches.
02:57Okay, let's just go, let's go, and...
03:01Or... Or I don't need to go to the mine anymore?
03:03Wait, what is one diamond doing here?
03:07Guys, I just need one diamond for this blue battery.
03:12Wait, am I sleeping?
03:13Oh, finally, he left the house.
03:16Now you need to slowly pull the invisible line.
03:19Come on, come on, come on, compote!
03:21Maybe it's like a gift from someone?
03:23Guys, listen, I don't know, but let's...
03:26Did it seem to me or...
03:27Hey, hey, hey, stop!
03:28Where are you going?
03:29Guys, the diamond! The diamond is running away from me!
03:32What? I've never seen this before!
03:34What? Where are you going?
03:35Hey, diamond, no, no, no, I really need you!
03:37Where did you go?
03:38Come on, stop!
03:38Where? What?
03:40Oh, a diamond!
03:40Catch, catch, catch!
03:42Ha-ha! Hooray, guys, I caught him!
03:44Wait, there was some kind of thread tied to him, what?
03:47I don't understand.
03:48By the way, where am I?
03:51Ha-ha-ha, where are you, compote, where are you?
03:53So, it's time to press the lever.
04:01Uh... Uh...
04:02I don't like this at all.
04:06How could you, compote, get into such a simple and primitive trap?
04:10Are you serious now? You seem to be a professional player!
04:13I tied this diamond to an invisible thread,
04:16to a small thin rope,
04:18and pulled it, and you ran away!
04:20What? G-Grypher?
04:22Why do you need all this?
04:24I'm coming for you now!
04:25Why don't these glasses break?
04:27Okay, I'm now...
04:27Is this Obsidian?
04:29Well, of course, compote, I made such a room
04:31from which you can't get out.
04:33And while you're sitting here, I'm going to destroy the village!
04:37What? G-Grypher?
04:38Hey, don't you dare! I'm going to break all these doors!
04:42Hey, compote, do you hear me? Stop!
04:43Don't waste your time!
04:45I'll help you now, one second,
04:47you won't see how I destroy the village!
04:50Hey, Grypher! Grypher, no!
04:52Guys, did he really catch me in such a trap?
04:57I'm very ashamed now, guys,
04:59how could I get into this, just like that,
05:02I probably didn't get into the trap,
05:04it was just unexpected!
05:06The diamond started to run away from me,
05:07and I was like, what? Why did I run after him?
05:09I didn't bite the diamond,
05:11it was just a little curiosity!
05:14Damn, how do I get out of here now, I don't understand!
05:17Wait, Grypher, I have Grypher,
05:19let's... let's...
05:21It's useless, right?
05:22Wait, I definitely won't be able to break...
05:24The door? No, apparently I won't be able to.
05:26Well, glass, try again, guys,
05:28break it a little bit, let's break at least a couple of blocks...
05:30No, okay, okay, but if I go through here,
05:32it won't work either.
05:34He specially designed this room
05:36in such a way that in order to get out of here,
05:38I need to break this obsidian.
05:40And I don't have a diamond pickaxe with me,
05:42guys, I only have one diamond,
05:44and these things for a portal gun,
05:46how can I get out of here?
05:48I need to think carefully.
05:50Because every minute is important here,
05:52most likely this Grypher is already walking around the village
05:54and is preparing to destroy it,
05:56or maybe he has already started,
05:58let's give him some kind of resistance.
06:00I won't repeat it a third time,
06:02residents, I'm telling you,
06:04everyone go into the cage, slowly,
06:06otherwise I'll blow everything up here,
06:08come on, run, run, inside,
06:10no one will be able to interfere with the Gryphering of this village.
06:12Run, run, come on,
06:14everyone to one,
06:16and my plan works, the compote is still sitting there,
06:18and won't get out of there.
06:20Residents, go into the cage too,
06:22and you can Grypher.
06:24I'm trying to listen in, but so far I don't hear anything,
06:26I don't hear any explosions,
06:28nothing, nothing at all.
06:30Maybe the Grypher hasn't started destroying the village yet?
06:32Well, including I don't hear the residents defending themselves,
06:34guys, I don't hear anything at all,
06:36and I don't see, he closed me here completely.
06:38Well, why, why don't I always have
06:40a diamond pickaxe at hand?
06:42I would gladly get out of here now,
06:44but I won't be able to.
06:46Okay, okay, there are no hopeless situations, guys,
06:48there is always a way out of any situation.
06:50I don't know, what can be the way out here?
06:52Just mine this coal, I don't know,
06:54or mine this iron,
06:56what else can I do?
06:58I don't know how to mine this redstone,
07:00because I don't see any other way out.
07:02Well, let's mine some iron,
07:04I wanted to go to the mine,
07:06while my village is being destroyed.
07:08Wait, stop,
07:12Diamond, guys, do you understand what I'm talking about?
07:14You don't understand?
07:16So now you'll understand!
07:18Wait, I won't tell you about my plan yet,
07:20because maybe it won't work,
07:22but I think I have a chance
07:24to get out of here!
07:26Please melt, stove,
07:28even if it wasn't a trap stove,
07:30please melt, melt,
07:32and iron!
07:34So far, everything is going according to my plan.
07:36Did it melt?
07:38It's good, the workbench is working.
07:40The workbench is working, guys, wait a second,
07:42I want to craft,
07:44yes, this battery, I got it.
07:46Now, attention, I want to craft
07:48a real portal gun.
07:50How does it craft? I forgot.
07:52I think we put this thing here,
07:54and this one here,
07:56and then we put redstone here,
07:58or here.
08:00Guys, it worked!
08:02It works!
08:04Or not, let's check.
08:06So, I shot a portal here,
08:08it opened, now a portal
08:10here. Wait,
08:12can I go through?
08:14I can go through, guys, I passed!
08:16Wait, there's an exit,
08:18it's great, yes, I got out,
08:20hooray! Here it is, my favorite,
08:22the most inconspicuous village number
08:2413, and it's intact, or...
08:26or... wait, I see a griffin,
08:28I think I see a griffin.
08:30Let's sneak up,
08:32let's listen to what he...
08:34Quiet, quiet, don't say anything, be quiet.
08:36So, residents, I think your fate
08:38is clear to you, now I will
08:40completely destroy this village,
08:42and you will watch your friend
08:44compote. Oh yeah, I forgot,
08:46he's not watching, he can't see anything.
08:48Now I'll show you...
08:50But wait, guys, he has a diamond sword,
08:52we need to act differently.
08:54I have something, I have nothing, even in a secret chest.
08:56Although, wait,
08:58I have an idea. I have
09:00a portal gun, guys.
09:02Let's shoot here,
09:04and now we have to shoot
09:06right under the griffin.
09:08Let's sneak up...
09:10So, that's it, residents, now I'm closing you,
09:12and you won't...
09:14Look what happened, look!
09:16That's it, guys, he's in the lava,
09:18the main thing is not to fall there.
09:20Let's do it like this.
09:22Gabon, you saved us!
09:24What was that?
09:26Residents, this was my new portal gun.
09:28I wanted to craft it for a long time,
09:30but I couldn't.
09:32Wow, Gabon, you teleported him
09:34somewhere, he was in the lava.
09:36Yes, residents, I put a point
09:38right next to the lava in my village forge.
09:40That's genius, Gabon,
09:42that's what he wanted to do.
09:44Yes, I know, residents, he also
09:46lured me into the trap, and only
09:48my portal gun saved me.
09:50If it wasn't for it, I would have stayed there,
09:52and that's it. Residents, let's get out of here.
09:54If he closed you on these doors,
09:56you wouldn't have broken them for anything.
09:58I definitely had the same there,
10:00and I somehow got out,
10:02again, only thanks to this portal gun.
10:04Guys, no, well, you saw
10:06how I defeated
10:08this griffin.
10:10When I was sitting in this room, I thought
10:12that everything was over, my village would be destroyed,
10:14but no, guys, we did it.
10:16I'm so glad, you just can't imagine.
10:18And the griffin accepted
10:20to look for a warm bath.
10:22Griffin, if you're watching this video, please don't
10:24go to my village anymore, we'll defeat you.
10:26With you I say goodbye, guys, don't forget to like
10:28and subscribe to my channel.
10:30Good luck to everyone, thanks to everyone.
10:32Bye, guys.