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Канал VK видео: https://vk.com/video/@joe_speen_youtube
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Дзен-канал: https://dzen.ru/joespeen
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Плейлист ГТА 5 РП: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDj7ASjyZGE&list=PLigb8-1YV7vwR9n1uwUI_bYSh86r24fYY

Network Graphics: https://vrp.network/page/7e302o
Моды, графика, скины и оптимизация в одном приложении!

Я играю на сервере Eclipse: http://bit.ly/EclipseN1
Промокод на 10 дней VIP и 12500$ до 5 уровня - SodaSosok
Сайт проекта: https://gta5rp.com
Группа проекта - https://vk.com/gta5rp

00:00 Приветствие и анонс темы видео
00:47 Обсуждение обновления графики в GTA 5
02:40 🍞
03:53 Получение заявления на опеку над животными
04:32 Поездка в ветеринарную клинику
05:14 Обзор новых питомцев: пума
05:32 Информация о питомцах: как получить, что с ними можно делать
06:55 Обзор новых питомцев: обезьяна, пудель, мопс, ротвейлер, хаски, ретривер
07:59 Как получить экзотических животных
08:34 Покупка питомца за заявление
10:01 Открытие кейса с питомцем
12:12 Покупка одежды для питомца
13:56 Обзор обезьяны
14:18 Покупка лежанки и мисок для питомца
15:51 Параметры питомца: дрессировка и симпатия
16:28 Питомец в машине
16:50 Дрессировка питомца
19:11 Попытка получить обезьяну
20:01 Друг заводит свинью
21:52 Проблемы с графикой в игре
22:16 Обустройство дома для свиньи
23:53 Взаимодействие с питомцем
28:04 Поездка в клуб
32:05 Гонки на радиоуправляемых машинках
34:04 Гонки в аэропорту
34:53 Гонка на 10 км
38:41 Полностью прокаченная обезьяна
42:24 Интересное предложение
43:54 Анонс: рыбалка в GTA 5 RP или в реальной жизни?
44:22 Прощание
#joespeen #gta5rp


Заказ рекламы: https://vk.com/topic-83456972_34213677
@SodaEffect @DeaDem
00:00Guys, hello everyone and welcome to GTA 5 RP
00:03You know, this video should have been released a long time ago, and I recorded it in due time, but I managed to do it only now, because there were slightly different plans
00:12By the way, if you want to influence the topic of content for the next GTA 5 RP series, I recommend watching this video to the end, because there is really something important there
00:21And if in general you want to influence the videos that are released on the channel, then you are in my cart
00:26It is there that we discuss, argue, have fun, and sometimes we choose the topic of the next video
00:32Also, recently, I have been releasing a lot of short cool videos, so if you are interested, take a look
00:38I wish you all a pleasant viewing and let's get started
00:47I'm flying to you, Sanyuk
00:49Have you seen the teaser for the new ones?
00:50With dogs?
00:51No, not GTA 5 RP, but GTA, simple
00:55I saw that I had a preload of this version, I read it, as I understand it, it's like this, on the graph, there is some update
01:01Yes, there is RTX, DLSS, all that stuff, so soon we may not even need mods for the schedule
01:08So, well, I'm at our old house, and where are you?
01:10Well, I went
01:11Old house?
01:13Oh, hello
01:16So, right, hey, why are you crashing?
01:20Yes, fuck, good, in the literal sense
01:23I don't see you
01:24Then go to the interior of some
01:26I'll kill you
01:29I have already left
01:30As far as possible from you
01:33So you don't even know where I am
01:37And you can't hit me in any way
01:38Well, do you really think that I would hide in our old yard?
01:43Well, would I go to the store, in your opinion?
01:46Yes, there I would hide in the corners from you near the fence
01:52Come on, it's hot, it's cold
01:54Hot, cold
01:59Well, you know, when I get closer to you, it's warmer
02:04Are you kidding me?
02:05Hot, cold, hot, cold
02:09Warmer, warmer, warmer, fuck, how warmer, warmer, it's very warm, almost, oh, it's cold
02:18Warmer, warmer, warmer, warmer, oh, it's fucking warm, fuck, hit the fence and hit the car, of course, yes, come on, come on
02:28Very warm, as warm as possible, it's fucking just how warm, I can't be so warm
02:35Very warm, warm, warm, warm
02:40Are you standing still or not?
02:42Well, I moved away a couple of times
02:44Well, you're a fucking moron
02:45You have repeatedly asked whether licensed GTA 5 is needed for games on RP projects
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03:53So go to the link in the description and buy profitably on CoupyCode
03:59I have a statement on animal care
04:02This is a gift
04:03Most likely you got this statement from the pass, right?
04:06Yes, yes, what to do with it?
04:08Winter 24, pick it up, pick it up, come on
04:11Oh, by the way, my case is already available
04:13Well, exchange everything anyway
04:16Let's open the case quickly
04:19Green pants, thank you
04:21And where is this statement?
04:22And this statement is in our hands
04:24If you can't do anything with the right button, then it's probably worth some money
04:30Got it?
04:30Maybe the pet will be free now or something like that
04:33Let's go to the veterinary clinic
04:36And where is it?
04:38What kind of pet do you want?
04:46A monkey?
05:06You could have just done this a long time ago
05:08In short, Sanyok got away from me, guys
05:10He has a quick affair, after all
05:12But the crocodile is stylish
05:15And rare
05:16And rare
05:17This is the most important
05:18Wow, there are a lot of people here
05:21Someone's Puma
05:22Dude, is this your Puma or a wild one?
05:23Mine, mine
05:25Oh, I thought you were brave, standing with eggs near a wild Puma
05:29Wow, you're a strong man, wow
05:33Thank you, thank you
05:34I got it from the second time
05:36Stop, wait, do I have to knock something out?
05:39What do you mean?
05:40In short, what you have for 495th level
05:43Another mouse
05:45For 495th level, there is a statement
05:49You come up, you randomly choose a pet
05:52You can get a Puma, a rat, and all sorts of things
05:57And you can't just buy a Puma, right?
05:59No, you can get a dog, a cat, something else
06:03Well, you come in and see
06:05And do they sell the statement?
06:06Oh, three and a half
06:10And what else can you do with them?
06:12In short, look, there are still buffs on them
06:16It helps me in hunting
06:18The rat helps me look for jars for initial work
06:22Very useful
06:24Congratulations, guys
06:25And treasure, yes, treasure
06:27And who is looking for treasure?
06:28Hares, in short, seeds help
06:32Wait, rats are looking for treasure?
06:34Yes, yes, yes
06:35Okay, that's not bad, that's not bad
06:37No, wait, these mice are painkillers, they help you start
06:40And treasure, painkillers and treasure
06:43Why did I give up my mouse?
06:46Okay, in short, we went to watch too
06:49Thanks for watching
06:50All right, let's wait for the 25th
06:52Good luck
06:55We are waiting for the information
06:57The skull turned out
06:58So, and this is a wild puma
06:59Sanya, did you see the puma in the glasses?
07:02Is everything okay?
07:03I saw in the video that you can hang all sorts of things on them
07:05And what kind of monkey is here?
07:08You wanted this monkey
07:10Your friend
07:11Come on, talk
07:12Pets, you can see all the pets, Sanya
07:14Here is a poodle
07:16Well, I wouldn't want a mops today, to be honest
07:19Here is a Rottweiler like that Franklin had
07:23Well, all sorts of dogs
07:25Oh, there are Huskies
07:32Sanya, we need it
07:33White West Highland White 3
07:39Why not Chihuahua?
07:40Well, I don't know
07:41With a tongue, look what
07:42Oh my God, what a nightmare
07:44Listen, if they need to be fed
07:45Then it will turn out Tamagotchi, right?
07:47Only in RPG
07:51What is this Pokemon?
07:52Listen, I see
07:54Well, not all animals are GTA
07:56Added a lot
07:59Well, yes
08:00Guys, what does random mean?
08:02Random is
08:04In short, you are first presented
08:06The species of all cats and all dogs
08:08Well, well, well
08:09We want to get a rat, a pig and so on
08:11Which are not on this list
08:13This must be twisted randomly
08:15And at the same time, a dog or a cat can also fall out there
08:18And random is obtained for this statement
08:21Yes, yes, yes
08:22In short, we go to the list of pets
08:24And in fact, everything that is presented there
08:26We can take for this statement, right?
08:28Yes, well, you can also randomly
08:30I understand
08:31If you get something wrong
08:32You can refuse the pet for 100 thousand
08:34And he will return the statement
08:37And you can do it again
08:38So, let's go to the bank
08:40Well, how do you think, how much money to take?
08:42Come on
08:46I just really believe in my luck, to be honest
08:50I don't know, well, just look
08:52In theory, you can choose some beautiful pet
08:55Well, you need to dig treasure
08:57I made a pile of treasures, for example
08:59And everything related to them was also done
09:01That is, as if
09:02I don't need a mouse, I don't need a puma
09:04Well, I want to, I don't want to either
09:06Well, it's rare
09:07Yes, the puma is cool
09:09I agree
09:10She looks beautiful
09:11Look, there is some kind of panther
09:13Let's read what she says about care
09:15Come on
09:16In addition to food, pets need a lot of attention
09:18Play with them, train
09:19Give them treats for a successful task
09:21Then you can reveal all the potential of your friend
09:25They can take it, you got it?
09:27Is this if you're bad?
09:29Yes, yes
09:30Don't leave it unattended for a long time
09:34We can take it if you don't take good care of it
09:38And we won't let you take a new one
09:41You can also get one of the available breeds of cats and dogs
09:44Or some other exotic animal
09:47You can choose
09:50Damn, I don't even know
09:51Do you understand from this list that I looked?
09:53Well, there are a lot of cool dogs
09:56And as if I don't need these strange buffs
09:59Well, just check your luck
10:01Well, it doesn't matter
10:02Randomly exchange
10:10Guess who I got
10:13Are you a rabbit?
10:15This is good
10:17The dog fell
10:18So that's the one I told you we needed
10:24Black, cool
10:25Won't you refuse?
10:27I don't know, I like this dog
10:31You can choose a dog
10:33You can refuse any animal
10:35I understand, but I feel sorry for him
10:37And if something happens to the dog, they will take it
10:41Then I won't have a statement
10:43If you don't watch him, he will be taken back to the shelter
10:47And you will not be given a statement
10:49And will I have to buy a statement or what?
10:53How to follow him so that he is not taken
10:55Put a bowl in the house
10:57Lying down
10:59No, I understand, but how much is enough for him
11:01If I don't fly to the state
11:03In my opinion, there is enough food
11:05How much?
11:06For a month and a half
11:07Well, okay
11:08Okay, thanks for the info
11:10I'll go run away then
11:12Come on
11:13Sanya, what is it?
11:14I refused
11:15You gave the king a beautiful black
11:17Oh my God
11:18Come on, okay, show me what you get
11:21What is it?
11:22The king again?
11:26How to take him back?
11:29What do you mean take off the clothes?
11:31Can I buy clothes for the animals?
11:34Come on, come here
11:36Now we will see
11:37Look, here you will be if you are disobedient
11:39So I advise you to listen to me
11:41You can't run fast
11:43I understand
11:44We didn't finish the animation a little
11:46There is a veterinarian here, Sanya
11:48What can a veterinarian do?
11:50Hello, Rex does not need to be treated
11:52Health is in full order
11:53Thank you
11:54So I found out what his name is
11:56I have a rat now
11:59Do you like it more than a rabbit?
12:03And what are these parameters on the radar on the left?
12:07Health of the pet
12:08Love of the pet
12:09We need to take him for a walk
12:12He began to buy products for animals
12:14Oh, clothes, Rex
12:15Now we will buy you clothes
12:19You are my bun
12:20Lord Jesus
12:22What kind of skirt?
12:23We don't need a skirt, Rex
12:28That's what we need
12:29How much?
12:30750 thousand
12:31A skirt for a rat?
12:33A tie, dude
12:34A tie for 750 thousand is also worth
12:36And I want
12:37A collar for 500 thousand dollars
12:38Glasses for Lya
12:42Rex, we need to do something about it
12:44You are a sweet bun
12:45Glasses for Lya
12:46Crocs for 500 thousand
12:47A tie for 750
12:49I want to buy it all for you
12:50That's it, I'm buying
12:51I just paid Lya from the card
12:53I just paid Lya
12:56There is a separate one in the inventory
12:59Put it on
13:00That's it, put it on
13:01That's it
13:02It doesn't matter what kind of pet I will have
13:04He will have black glasses
13:05He will be cool
13:06And then they will add new glasses and these will drop in the price
13:08But I checked
13:09Guys, check out this cool guy
13:12So, animal products
13:13Let's see
13:20Well, I will feed Premgav
13:22There are no other options
13:24Fuck, what is it?
13:25I decided for the third time
13:27For randomization, I was given a rabbit again
13:29Don't you like it so much?
13:30Those pets that are given to you, Sanya
13:33Well, what are you?
13:34Our guys walk with rats
13:35Just check out this cool guy
13:37He fell out of me for the first time
13:39And I'm not going to change it for anyone yet
13:42Look at this
13:43Well, by the way, this one is more beautiful than black, it seems to me
13:46Such as in panties, you know
13:48So, okay, what else did I not look at?
13:50Furniture for pets, of course
13:52For the house, I need
13:53Oh my God
13:54Did you see the monkey?
13:59Here he is, holding it in his hands
14:01Guys, what's wrong with monkey's paws?
14:03I don't give a fuck, most likely
14:05Yeah, I got it
14:06It's not clear what it is
14:08Is this your friend?
14:10Yes, his name is Elizar
14:12Why the hell are you holding him?
14:13And what is he doing?
14:14Listen, he's stealing my food
14:15Wow, cool
14:17Sanya, there's a problem
14:19So that your pet can live at home
14:21And eat, and all this
14:23You need to buy a house for a pet
14:25Well, or a bed there
14:27And a tray, in fact, is necessary, I don't know
14:29No, well, a tray is probably for cats
14:30I'm going to give up
14:32I don't want
14:33What do you mean?
14:34I don't want
14:36Oh, I got it
14:38What's the point?
14:39You have a standard house
14:41So, what kind of bed do you have?
14:43Well, let's have a black bed
14:44Listen, everyone, I have a standard interior
14:46Well, then you need to change the interior
14:49I'm going to hand him over to the list
14:51No, no, wait
14:52The list is in the friend's apartment
14:54So he can live with me in theory
14:56Calm down, of course
14:57Don't buy an animal
14:59Well, not bad
15:00What if he buys it all and I move in with him?
15:02Don't buy
15:04There is no furniture
15:06There are two trays and two feeders
15:08What if I take a double bowl?
15:10There is such a double one
15:12No, no, only one
15:14Okay, I'll take two bowls then
15:16Two beds are better
15:17Two beds, after all
15:18Well, let's have two beds
15:20Can he feed my pet?
15:23You guessed, yes
15:24He can't feed your pet, Sanya
15:28And I can only get into the house furniture, Sanya
15:30We need to go to my house so that I can clean something
15:32Let's go
15:34I carried a pig
15:36Where, where, where?
15:40Girl, isn't it hard for you?
15:42I think it's a man
15:44Oh, yes, f**k
15:46F**k your mother, it's awkward how everyone ran, Sanya
15:50F**k, of course, they added tamagotchi, right?
15:54You don't always keep an eye on yourself, so you also need to take a f**k now
15:56Why is the training zero, f**k?
15:58My training is also zero
16:01And the heart is zero
16:03That is, this is sympathy, most likely
16:05Well, like, he doesn't love me right now
16:07Wait, dog, you didn't see what kind of bed I bought for you
16:09You'll love it as soon as you see it
16:11I suggest, by the way, demolishing the room on the second floor
16:13He doesn't live with me anyway
16:15We need to look at the first person
16:17How is he there?
16:19Ah, I can't see anything
16:21Fell off the tree
16:25F**k, the first person
16:27To play in this RP
16:29On fast cars
16:31So, I picked up the car
16:33And the dog is with me right in the garage, guess
16:35Okay, so there are all sorts of exotic animals
16:37It makes sense to train
16:39And the dog doesn't make sense
16:41Well, if he doesn't buff in any way
16:43Why would you spend time on him?
16:45In this regard
16:47I don't understand how the training is going on
16:49Well, look, you can even train here
16:51You press G
16:55No, I saw, so what?
16:57I need to click
16:59To get at least a percent
17:01Oh, he gave me a paw
17:03It's not what you're doing
17:05He gave me a paw on the spring
17:07I got it
17:09You need to somehow encourage him
17:11Well, come on, here's the spring
17:13He lay down
17:15Maybe you just don't see what I'm showing you
17:17In these glasses
17:21I'll change the furniture for now
17:23By the way, it would be time to remove the Christmas tree
17:26The winter is over
17:28So, put the couch 6
17:30Here I will put it near the kitchen
17:32Let's do it like this
17:34Look, Sanya
17:36There is still a bowl somewhere to bang
17:38In the corner, by the way
17:40But I need to clean up some objects now
17:42I think I'll clean up something from Dez's room
17:44Or a photo from your room
17:46Do you remember this old joke?
17:48In general, the upper rooms
17:50The interior of the upper rooms
17:52So much because I don't appear here
17:54Dez doesn't appear here either
17:56Well, yes, you can take a cocktail from him
17:58He's already extinct
18:00And pineapple, for example
18:02I don't know yet, I can't imagine what the point is to leave him
18:04I don't know, it's cool
18:06Don't you like pets?
18:08In the game?
18:10Why not?
18:12That's it, I removed all rotten products from Dez's room
18:14And now I can put two bowls
18:16Two beds and all that
18:18Just sit
18:20You're spinning, fool
18:22Why didn't I immediately understand how to train him?
18:24Because when I told him to sit for the first time
18:26He sat down
18:28And after that he never did anything right
18:30Nothing at all
18:32That's it, they convinced me
18:34To take this shit back
18:38It's cool
18:40Here, sit down
18:42Well done, finally
18:44Here you go, young man
18:46Let's sit down again
18:48Oh, it's fixed
18:50Well done
18:52Let's sit down again
18:54Who is such a smart guy?
18:58I gave him all the food
19:00I couldn't refuse him
19:02You have to carry him everywhere
19:04And here he is, he stayed on the bed
19:06Just imagine
19:08Well done
19:10Okay, before I give him
19:12It's cool, but one more time
19:14If there is no monkey
19:17By the way
19:19For some reason it seems to me that the monkey would suit you very much
19:23Well, just such a fag, if she really steals food
19:27Just two balls, you know
19:29I think you would buy her glasses
19:31Damn, I made a car accident on the highway
19:33Well done, of course
19:35Yes, as if it would be more fun to go to the palette on the X
19:37Yes, as if it would be more fun to go to the palette on the X
19:39Where are you going so short?
19:41So, I need to buy for my dog
19:43So, I need to buy for my dog
19:45Half of the trunk of food
19:47How much did I drive now? 500?
19:53My X doesn't drive like that
19:57Sanya, do you have a pig?
20:01Do you need it?
20:03Well, I don't need it, for sure
20:05Especially for a barbecue
20:07Wait, but you want to put it in my house, right?
20:11In theory, you put a pig in my house
20:13Yes, I put a pig
20:15So, should I buy you a blanket or not?
20:19Okay, then I'll take it for my dog
20:21Well, I guess I'll take it, first of all, for this Premgawa
20:23Well, I guess I'll take it, first of all, for this Premgawa
20:25I don't know if it affects something or not
20:27Does it weigh something or not
20:29Can I just take 100, for example?
20:31I can't
20:33I need a little bit of such bones
20:35Smart pig
20:39Oh, what a cool cat
20:43Look, he has eyes
20:45Oh, no, it seemed to me from a certain angle that he had eyes of different colors
20:47Do they glow?
20:49He has a joke
20:51Exactly the same type of cat, only black
20:53Are you going to spin the lottery?
21:01Oh, spotty, wow
21:03The first blood
21:07The first fat
21:10You'll have a pig
21:12What color did you take?
21:16Double, in short
21:18Oh, what am I doing here?
21:20Sanya, look where
21:22I see, you're peeping there
21:24How do I get out of here?
21:26Sanya, what the f**k did you do here?
21:28What a chair, damn
21:30I can try to pull you out through this
21:32Yes, yes, yes, I'll try, thank you
21:34Ah, here, the guy is already saving me
21:36Thank you
21:38Pig is sitting
21:40Wait, where is your pig?
21:42Wait, is it just standing there from below or what?
21:44F**k, it's terrible
21:46They'll probably fix it
21:48Oh, oh, oh, I knocked down a monkey, Sanya, let's go, let's go
21:50So, in short, I seem to have some changes
21:52with the mod to the schedule
21:56my car started to drive strangely
21:58I was driving here and accelerated to 500
22:00Wow, 450 again
22:02These are some crazy jokes
22:04And there on the usual track I was driving
22:06and it was gaining less than 400
22:10I flew into a pit
22:12But it's not my fault
22:14I set it up when everything worked fine
22:16And there, within the rules, plus 60 kilometers
22:18Even a little less
22:20So, for your pig
22:22I'll arrange
22:24in the room of Dizov, perhaps
22:26One pig, but the other has changed
22:28Well, yes
22:30I can remove this bed from here
22:32and put a bed
22:35And there will be his room
22:37F**k, I should have pulled out the monkey
22:39Here, in the room, only a monkey would live
22:41Well, of course, a modest update
22:43I would not say that without it
22:45it would not survive or something else
22:47But within the framework of the fact that
22:49how much variety is now in the game
22:51it's cool
22:53So what? What food to put?
22:55You can just feed G
22:57I haven't figured it out in the bowl yet
22:59There is nowhere to put this bed
23:01Let me put it here on the glade
23:03Or somewhere below, wait
23:05Doesn't your pig want to live near the pool?
23:09It wants to live near the barbecue
23:11I don't have a barbecue zone
23:15Oh, I can, well, look for yourself
23:17Either I can settle on the second floor
23:19Or right here, near the beds
23:21I want to make a bed
23:23Let's put it right here
23:25And an apple in the mouth
23:27Can I ask you what your pig does
23:29on my couch?
23:31And how did you put it there?
23:33It climbed on its own
23:35Can I fuck it? Let it climb
23:37What the fuck? I don't understand
23:39The couch will be dirty later
23:41Have you not put your own bag yet?
23:43Yes, I'm leafing through
23:45It's small and neat, by the way
23:47I want to put a kitchen set over there
23:49Closer to the curtain
23:51Here is one
23:53You need to interact with it through E
23:57Yes, click to use
23:59You can choose which pet to feed
24:03Maximum 20 servings, let's fill 20
24:07I can't interact with the bowl
24:09I can interact
24:11I can click to feed your fucking pet
24:15Then give me pig food
24:1720 servings, preferably
24:19Smart pig
24:21You should have called it that
24:23So, well, let's create an effect
24:25Smart pig
24:2820 servings, put
24:34You should have put it in different places
24:36Your smart pig
24:38is not smart
24:42Did you put your own?
24:46Look, if you are tired of it, I allow you to grill it
24:48I'm tired of it
24:50It's snorting
24:52It's snorting loudly
24:54It's a stupid pig
24:56Have you trained your dog at least a percent?
24:58No, of course not
25:00I'm bothering with these bowls now
25:02So that my dog
25:04feels comfortable
25:06What pet to feed?
25:10The bowl is full
25:12Where did the smart pig go then?
25:14Wait, maybe it just didn't show up
25:16Or only one bowl is available for feeding
25:18What's going on?
25:22The bowl is full
25:24It doesn't work
25:26Maybe it's on the back?
25:28I don't know
25:30If it doesn't work, then I have very bad news for your pig
25:34It's snorting
25:36Thank you very much
25:38Did you tell it to stay here?
25:42I got it
25:44Look, it can sit
25:46What's your name?
25:50It's working as a commissar
25:53It's stupid
25:55I told you to sit
25:57I have 1% of training
25:59What did they say?
26:01How to get 1% of training?
26:03Here is 1%
26:05It performs 4 times the task correctly
26:07You give it a treat every time
26:09A treat for 1$?
26:13It gives 1%
26:1515 minutes after it gets 1%
26:19It's a long-playing thing
26:21How to get sympathy?
26:23I'm sure you just have to play with it
26:25I have a ball
26:31You are stupid
26:33You can do it
26:35Why not?
26:37Look at my ball
26:39Give it back
26:41Where are you going?
26:43Give it back
26:45Did you get sympathy?
26:47Maybe you have to play with it 4 times?
26:49I don't know
26:51Come on
26:53You will find it
26:55Why are you asking me?
26:57I'm asking guys
27:01You can throw it not far
27:05And run to it
27:09I leave you a pig
27:11Thanks a lot
27:13Watch it
27:15It's Rambo
27:17He will save you
27:21He is in a bad mood
27:23Why am I playing with you?
27:25I guess your pig will be hungry
27:27Not soon
27:29I remember when I filled my food
27:31I filled yours too
27:33And now I can't add my food
27:35Because the bowl is full
27:37It's already eating
27:39It will be fine
27:41It won't love me anymore
27:43But it's fucked up
27:46What are you doing here?
27:48Where is your pig?
27:52No, I don't have it
27:54And my dog decided to take a pig
27:58It's good to play with animals
28:00And we will see what will happen
28:02But what I want to do
28:04It's been a long time
28:06Feed it
28:08Come here
28:12You dressed up
28:18There is my dog
28:20Did you piss on my dog?
28:22No, I didn't
28:24Get out of the car
28:26Do you see a dog?
28:28Where should I go?
28:30To the trunk
28:32Where did it go?
28:34To the trunk
28:38Get out of my car
28:42Look how sad it is
28:44It's chasing me
28:46It's chasing me
28:50I will have to go like this
28:54It's chasing me
28:56It will be chased
28:58It has short legs
29:00Get out of my Mercedes
29:02Don't worry
29:04Let me drive another car
29:06Let's go
29:12Don't say that
29:20Dog, you are alive
29:22Let's go
29:24How much HP does it have?
29:26100 HP
29:28I told you
29:30Let's check
29:32You can take it
29:34I feel sorry for my dog
29:40He is having fun
29:42Where did he go?
29:44He will come
29:46He will be killed
29:48He is running to the wall
29:54Where will he go?
29:56He will be lonely
30:00He is barking
30:02Give me my place
30:04Why didn't you leave him at home?
30:06I wanted to be with him
30:09I thought he came
30:11He is sitting in Mercedes
30:13And you sat on him
30:15It's ok
30:17It's good that I didn't hit him
30:19After a long time
30:21We got home
30:23I will take some 4 door car
30:27There is a legend
30:29That you can drift in Karmita
30:31Let's go to Universal
30:33He can drift
30:35What do you mean?
30:37I don't know how it works
30:39I've never been to Karmita
30:41Jump into the car
30:43You sat on my dog again
30:45There are no dogs
30:47You are the one
30:49Do you know why?
30:51Because you sat on the dog
30:53You are the one
30:55If there will be a drift quest
30:57Or something like that
30:59My car is a bit
31:03How fast are you going to close Karmita?
31:05I won't be in a hurry
31:07I won't farm Karmita
31:09Like a demon
31:11I will just enjoy it
31:13It's not here, right?
31:17It's here
31:23I remember
31:25That there was
31:27A passage through the opening gate
31:33It was the first time
31:35There are a lot of cars
31:37They brought a lot of cool cars
31:39There is a Mercedes
31:43I got to this club
31:45How much time has passed
31:47Since the release of the new GTA clubs?
31:51An underground and possibly underground car club of Los Santos
31:53Located in the industrial basement of Cypress Flats
31:55United by love for speed
31:57Participants will go all out
31:59To bypass others on the turn
32:02Let's go to the club
32:04What is it?
32:06Los Santos didn't fit me right away
32:08And you need to get it right away
32:10There are races at Mace Bank Arena
32:12On radio-controlled cars
32:14I suggest you practice driving on them
32:16And what do you have?
32:18To finish in a race for 4 participants of a car club
32:20For more than 10 km
32:22Most likely in this club
32:24But it's not for sure, of course
32:26But it will be necessary to clarify with our guys
32:28That most likely there is some kind of car run
32:30It's the same thing as with bikers
32:32What is my dog doing there?
32:36By the way, in fact, radio-controlled races
32:38Can also be with custom things
32:42Well, yes
32:44Now we are going to an ordinary race
32:46You can create a custom race
32:48Or you can create a short custom race and farm
32:50Do you think it will work?
32:52I don't know
32:54But you need to check
32:56In short
32:58It's better not to leave the track, Sanya
33:00Yes, I didn't leave
33:02Otherwise there is a danger of overtaking the opponent
33:12I thought I didn't take the check, but I took it
33:14Well, okay
33:16Oh, the pocket
33:18Imagine, the pocket works on radio-controlled cars
33:26Here you are, man
33:28Here you are, bro
33:30And I jumped
33:32Here I am, bro
33:34I flew away
33:36I wonder how long this race is
33:38We have a countdown
33:42So it's definitely not long
33:445 minutes
33:46And is there anything like in Epsilon?
33:48Maybe 30 points?
33:50Or 10 more
33:53Well, yes
33:55Some kind of racer uniform
33:57Combat suit or helmet
33:59I don't think so
34:03Well, plus 20 reputation of the club
34:05Then the guys from the family called us to the airport
34:07To show how in 10 races on the farm
34:09120 reputation of the club
34:11Wow, she shoots
34:13So you need 10 times, right?
34:17Oh, where?
34:19Oh, to the finish line
34:23It's back and forth
34:25It's not easy drag racing
34:27Well, of course, the guys give up
34:29But damn
34:31My car is better than theirs
34:33It's obvious
34:3512 reputation of the club
34:37Well, cool
34:39And on the 11th race there was a message
34:41That I will not be able to get more reputation for such activity today
34:43Well, that's it
34:45And so, like, once a day
34:47You can do it
34:49I got it, thanks
34:51The next race was a 10 km race
34:53For Sanya's quest
34:55Well, guys, good luck to you in this race
34:57Success, happiness, love, good health
34:59And I'm right here
35:01Trying to make a show
35:05And flew away
35:07With his show
35:09Soder, what will happen first?
35:11Do you finish or 100 points?
35:15Damn, I don't know
35:17But if you're not mistaken, then probably 100 points earlier
35:19Do you think? I have only 4 now
35:21Well, only I drove a kilometer or two
35:25Where did you go?
35:27It was already 16
35:29Well, that's it, then I started earlier
35:33I told you, if you're not mistaken
35:35So I was not mistaken
35:37Well, of course
35:39It's not a mistake
35:41Of course
35:44I died
35:48Now I'll pick you up, wait
35:50Go to hell
35:52You will return to the race
35:54No, I'm getting out of the race already
35:56There was no option to go around
35:58Who did you go left and right?
36:00Like crazy
36:02It was necessary to go left or right
36:04Come on
36:06If I were you, I wouldn't pick me up
36:14What's next?
36:18It was necessary
36:20I'm here
36:22Why did you come to me?
36:24Your gasoline will run out sooner or later
36:28And then what?
36:30Look how I can
36:32Couldn't you treat me better?
36:34Look at my HP
36:36I'm not a medic
36:38You didn't guess any
36:40I didn't guess
36:42Why are you offending Soda?
36:44I'm not
36:46Look at this situation
36:48He's going to kill me with this HP
36:50I'll go out and give him my HP
36:52Come out
36:54Come out
36:56What are you afraid of?
36:58What are these bites?
37:00Peasant bites
37:02What's going on, Soda?
37:04Take it
37:08Guys, I don't have any HP left
37:10I won't go again
37:14Wait, I didn't finish
37:16I didn't finish
37:18Can you imagine?
37:20What an evil wheel
37:22Where did you go?
37:24Where the fuck should I go?
37:26My friend is shooting me
37:28He's running
37:32Come on
37:34One more lap
37:37Do I have a first aid kit?
37:39Where did you get it?
37:41You didn't have it
37:43I have another first aid kit
37:45That doesn't work
37:47You're a medic
37:49Take it
37:53I'm going to file a complaint
37:55What are you doing?
37:57You have DM
37:59I thought I wouldn't see you
38:03I'm dead
38:11Someone's puma flew under the ground
38:13Be careful
38:17My first aid kit will run out on you
38:19Thank you
38:21You're an idiot
38:31You're a bastard
38:33You started shooting me first
38:41Pasha, I'm here
38:43What's your apartment number?
38:457th floor
38:47You don't know the number
38:52What's new here?
38:54The toilet is the same
38:56What do you mean?
38:58Didn't you notice the tray?
39:00I guess
39:02Do you know that I don't need a tray?
39:06I know
39:08Are you Jack Sparrow?
39:12I mean Captain Jack Sparrow
39:14That's right
39:16Who is this passenger?
39:18This is my friend
39:22I brought you a smoothie
39:24But I know it's fake
39:26So I'm going to keep it in my bag
39:28Give me a smoothie
39:30This is the reason
39:32Why I lost my life
39:34For 24 hours
39:4024 hours with breaks
39:42For every 1% boost
39:4415 minutes
39:4615% boost
39:48Yes, I know
39:50Guess how much it cost me
39:52I already checked your pet's clothes
39:541.5$ for glasses
39:561.5$ for tie
39:58A little bit less
40:00But in general
40:02A lot of food
40:04Did you know that you don't need a lot of food?
40:06Dima, I have only one pet
40:08That's right
40:10You can feed a dog with average food
40:12And it will be fine
40:14Yes, you can feed it with meat
40:16It eats fruits
40:18But I feed it with high-quality food
40:22I spent 4-5 days on it
40:24To get enough sleep
40:26To do my business
40:28And to farm
40:30And to feed
40:32It ate my ball
40:34Yes, balls are gone
40:36And I had to go to a sandbox
40:38For this shit
40:40I almost died of hunger
40:43He gave me burgers
40:45I decided to give you a monkey
40:47So you can watch
40:49I know how much you like fishing
40:51I know
40:53He can fish
40:55I was told
40:57I even thought
40:59I can change my dog
41:01There are 2 monkeys
41:03There is a dark one
41:05And there is a light one
41:07I like it more
41:11How much money did I spend
41:13To find a monkey?
41:15Before that
41:17I had 8 pooms
41:19About 4 pigs
41:21A lot of rats
41:23I saw all the rats
41:25I think
41:27You spent 1.5 million
41:29It's closer to
41:3115 million
41:33To get a monkey
41:35It was crazy
41:37Food, shelves, clothes
41:39I think
41:41This black bag was a better investment
41:43Fuck you
41:45I did it for the content
41:47This is a better investment
41:49That's all
41:51I pumped it
41:53To 100
41:55I'll see how much
41:57LV black bag costs
41:59Hey, you stole a chocolate
42:01You should have warned
42:03You are so good
42:05It stole food
42:08And I lost 1%
42:10By training
42:12And I can't use it
42:14Fuck you
42:16It's a shortcut
42:18So you can rob
42:20It's an idiotism
42:22I agree
42:24When will we go fishing?
42:26I took XA
42:28We can jump to X
42:30And go fishing
42:32Just change your clothes
42:34It's not fishing season
42:36I understand
42:46And call your baby
42:48Why is he?
42:52He will stand
42:54Come on
42:56He is already in front
42:58It's ok
43:02Dima, take me to Barbershop
43:04I need to cut my hair
43:06It's ok, Pasha
43:08I like it
43:10Pasha cut his hair
43:12And lonely baby
43:14Stands at the entrance
43:16And guards
43:18It looks so funny
43:20Let me help him
43:22We will stand together
43:24Here is your baby
43:26Fuck you
43:30Your hair grows fast
43:32Let's go
43:34We could go fishing
43:36But it's spring
43:38We want to go to nature
43:40With a campfire
43:42With baby
43:44Baby will stay at home
43:48If we go
43:50The weather is awesome
43:52It's worth to go outside
43:54So Pasha and I went
43:56I remembered your comment
43:58In which you suggested
44:01We could go to nature
44:03Set up a tent
44:05Have fun
44:07Try to go fishing
44:09But without fishing
44:11And just make a video
44:13About going to nature
44:15But for that you have to get
44:1771 000 likes
44:19Under this video
44:21And you choose
44:23What will be in next episode
44:25Fishing in GTA 5 RP
44:27Or GTA 5 RP in real life
44:29I wish you good mood
44:31Good luck and bye
