• 8 hours ago
Raipur : रायपुर के साइंस कॉलेज मैदान में श्री श्री रविशंकर (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) के शंखनाद महासत्संग कार्यक्रम का आयोजन 11 मार्च को किया गया। इसमें श्री श्री रविशंकर ने नक्सलवाद (Naxalism) से प्रभावित युवाओं का आह्वान करते हुए कहा कि आप विकास की मुख्यधारा (Mainstream) में आएं, हम आपके साथ खड़े हैं, हम सब मिलकर छत्तीसगढ़ को उत्तम और भारत को श्रेष्ठ बनाएंगे। जहां सभी के लिए स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा (Education), रोजगार और सभी बुनियादी सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हो। गरीबों के उत्थान के कार्यों हों। उन्होंने कहा कि हमारे जीवन में शांति और समृद्धि आवश्यक है। जब शांति होगी तो समृद्धि आएगी। आप जब हमारे साथ आएंगे तो आपको भी समता, समृद्धि और न्याय मिलेगा। बंदूक (Gun) से कोई काम नहीं बनता। आध्यात्मिक गुरु श्रीश्री रविशंकर महाराज ने आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग के सिद्धांतों की सारगर्भित जानकारी अपने संबोधन में दी। उन्होंने उपस्थित लोगों को ध्यान (Meditation) कराया। ध्यान के दौरान हजारों श्रद्धालुओं द्वारा उच्चारित ॐ ध्वनि से रायपुर का साइंस कॉलेज मैदान तरंगित हो उठा। शंखनाद महा सत्संग में मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय (CM Vishnu Deo Sai) ने कहा कि श्री श्री रविशंकर का संस्थान योग, ध्यान और मानवता के कल्याण का अच्छा कार्य कर रहा है। कार्यक्रम के अंत में भजन की धुन पर पूरा मैदान झूम उठा। श्री श्री रविशंकर (Sri Sri Ravishankar) रैंप पर चलकर लोगों के पास पहुंचे और उन्हें आशीर्वाद प्रदान किया। इस अवसर पर बस्तर (Bastar) विकास प्राधिकरण की उपाध्यक्ष लता उसेंडी, भाजपा (BJP) प्रदेशाध्यक्ष किरण सिंह देव, पूर्व मंत्री महेश गागड़ा सहित अनेक जनप्रतिनिधि और श्रद्धालु बड़ी संख्या में उपस्थित थे।


00:00The progress that should be made in the people of the forested areas,
00:05the end of the Naxalism,
00:07we all want this from this state.
00:12Look, there has been such a big difference from before.
00:17There has been a lot of change.
00:22We said that the youth in the Naxal area are our own.
00:27They are not strangers.
00:29But they have a pain in their heart that they have some dreams,
00:33they have some principles.
00:38Everyone should develop.
00:39They have it in their mind.
00:41That is why they put their lives at stake and went to Naxalism.
00:47I call all those youth from this stage.
00:51Brother, you come.
00:54All of us together will make Chhattisgarh shine like this.
01:00We will make India shine like this.
01:02You should not lack anything in this country.
01:06In villages, there should be water.
01:07In villages, there should be electricity.
01:09In villages, there should be education.
01:12There should not be education.
01:13You should get a job.
01:15To make such an arrangement,
01:18our respected Prime Minister has also paid a lot of attention to this.
01:31How to uplift the poor.
01:33And here, the ministers of the state have also come from the same area.
01:39They have come from the Naxal area.
01:43That is why you also know the pain.
01:46And what people want is also known about this.
01:51Here, we should not talk about ego.
01:56Leave all that.
01:58I personally and on behalf of the Art of Living organization,
02:03I respect all the youth of Naxalism.
02:10I say, you are a kind-hearted person.
02:14You have the courage.
02:16You have the passion.
02:18You have the passion to bring some change in the society.
02:32That is why you will come to the main stream.
02:35We will stand with you.
02:38We will all together make India better.
02:42Make it better.
02:44And in the Chhattisgarh area,
02:46we will get to see such peace and prosperity.
02:51But until there is peace, there cannot be prosperity.
02:54And all the fights are for prosperity.
03:00No one fights for destruction.
03:02We fight for justice.
03:04We fight for prosperity.
03:06These are the two principles that you are fighting for.
03:13Equality, prosperity, and justice.
03:17You will get all three when you come together.
03:21You will come to the main stream.
03:23You will put your demands in front of you.
03:27Nothing is made with a gun.
03:32Nothing is made.
03:34People all over the world have tried this.
03:38That is why I will tell you all to come together.
03:44And we will all together make the state one of the best areas.
03:52You will see that other areas have progressed a lot.
03:58There is peace there.
03:59When there is peace, prosperity follows.
04:04And here, nature is so beautiful.
04:08In this area, there are so many kinds of fruits and flowers.
04:14There are so many kinds of food here.
04:20The world can be attracted here
04:24when there is complete peace here.
04:27This is the resolve to make a centre here.
04:31The time has come for everyone to work together.
