• 19 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuto nell’Aula Magna del Liceo Terenzio Mamiani a Roma l’incontro conclusivo del progetto “La scuola del BenEssere. Ricerca-azione per la prevenzione della violenza tra pari”, organizzato dall’Istituto di Ricerche Internazionali Archivio Disarmo. Il progetto ha realizzato una serie di iniziative di ricerca e formazione che, in un quadro di continuità e condivisione con gli Istituti scolastici, le Istituzioni locali e le strutture sanitarie territoriali ha fornito a studenti delle scuole superiori gli strumenti per promuovere una cultura del rispetto, prevenendo la diffusione di fenomeni di violenza tra pari quali il bullismo ed il cyberbullismo. Il dato più innovativo del progetto è rappresentato dalla formula della peer education: 50 studenti dell’ultimo triennio delle superiori, dopo un apposito corso della durata di 5 giorni sono stati inviati nelle classi di IV e V elementare e delle tre medie inferiori per parlare agli alunni più piccoli dei problemi del bullismo e del cyberbullismo. In quattro Istituti Scolastici sono stati sensibilizzati su questi temi oltre 800 bambini e bambine della scuola primaria e 1000 ragazzi e ragazze della scuola secondaria.


00:00It was held in the library of the Liceo Terenzo Mamiani in Rome,
00:04the final meeting of the project
00:06the School of Welfare,
00:08research for the prevention of violence against each other,
00:11organized by the Institute of International Research,
00:14Archive of Sarmo.
00:16A series of boys from the Roman schools,
00:19from elementary to middle school,
00:21we did this experiment, very interesting,
00:24to bring the theme of bullying,
00:27first by listening to their experiences,
00:30and then, above all,
00:32by bringing to the scene other older boys,
00:35students of the last three years of high school,
00:38of various Roman high schools,
00:40including the Mamiani, where we are now,
00:43who have played this very effective role
00:48and to talk to the younger students
00:52to describe the risks of bullying
00:55and, above all, of cyberbullying,
00:57two phenomena that concern
00:59very much the lives of the boys,
01:02and on which the relationship between family and school
01:05is very important,
01:06and between schools and institutions,
01:08also of the territory.
01:10So, let's say that this experience of Archive of Sarmo
01:13is linked to all the work we do
01:15for the non-violent management of conflicts,
01:18from the international level
01:20to the local one, of everyday life.
01:22It is always a great opportunity
01:24to see how the forms of investment
01:28with public resources on projects,
01:30on inclusion interventions
01:32carried out by entities such as Archive of Sarmo,
01:34it is always a pleasure for us
01:36to see, beyond bullying,
01:38what is actually done on the field
01:41and how complex projects like this one are carried out,
01:47which always give us a lot of satisfaction
01:51about all the administrative work behind it.
01:56We started this project with IRI
02:00at the School of Welfare last year,
02:03together with Dr. Monica,
02:06who followed the boys in an excellent way,
02:09and, let's say, we are proud
02:11because if there is a reason
02:14why the boys can know more about it,
02:18know how to behave better
02:20and, consequently, we teachers
02:22and the board members,
02:24on the issues that young people face every day,
02:29we are only happy about the results they achieve
02:33and, above all, about the experience
02:35they can bring forward
02:37for their peers,
02:39but also for us adults,
02:41because they teach us a lot.
