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Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up S02E01 Pregnant on Parole (Mar 10, 2025) Full 720HD
00:00Don't want to go through my whole life being the girl that murdered her mother now, let's see what I do with my life
00:06Oh, it's so weird being in a car. Would you change about your nose?
00:15The attention on social media, I'm not used to it at all. I was engaged once before to Ken
00:23What? I loved him so much. I have to say
00:28Loyal to my marriage
00:30I have two men in my heart. If something happens with gypsy Ken, it's gonna be your fault
00:35I know that Ken is interested in blondes. I ain't changing all of you, you ain't gonna be my wife no more. Can we not do this on camera?
00:43Sometimes I just think that I would be happier somewhere else.
00:48I don't want to split up, but it's not up to me. It's never been up to me. We'll call Ken
00:53The heart wants what it wants. It's a complicated organ. Ken came to visit. I wake up to the next day
00:59I see them getting tattoos. I'm sorry baby girl. I want a divorce
01:04I'm gonna be with Ken. She wants a baby. What? Just wait. I am late on my period
01:12She texted me and said she was pregnant
01:14Well, he's the father. My hope is that Ken and I will have that fairy tale of dream life
01:21That we always wanted to have with each other. How much more rough could it get?
01:26We'll figure it out
01:28I'm happy again, and I don't want to do anything to mess it up
01:30If she's that happy, then she'll always come back to me
01:32If she's that happy, then she'll always come back to me
01:47I feel like I need more like cute pajamas. You said that yesterday. This is not sexy
01:54Never in a million years would I ever thought I would live in the state of Louisiana, but
01:59Life happens and here I am now. All right, so ultrasound two o'clock. Yes, we got to leave it
02:07One? I'd leave probably about 1245
02:12You nervous? No
02:15I'm not nervous. And this is the first time that they're gonna actually be able to see something. Yeah, it's going to be a
02:21transvaginal ultrasound
02:24They proved me
02:26Uh-huh, not looking forward to that. Better you than me. I heard that.
02:34God. Okay. Because I'm getting so real
02:39Where are you with your peace with Ryan?
02:43Every time that we have talked or texted since the divorce was filed
02:49It's me trying to apologize for breaking his heart
02:54As much as I'm trying to live my life and be happy, of course from time to time that
03:00Is going to weigh on my conscience. It's the most important thing that you need to be doing right now
03:06Eat more protein. I've never been in a situation before, you know, meeting Gypsy, like a girl being pregnant, but um
03:14When I found out that Gypsy was, it was a very shocking experience
03:18But I wish that she had gotten through this divorce process before this happened because this isn't a you know
03:25It's not a good look for me. It's not a good look for her. It's not a good look, you know
03:29But it happened and so I'm gonna be a big girl and I'm gonna put on my big girl pants and I'm gonna freaking do this
03:36Same answer for me
03:40Except boy pants
03:43I have no idea what we're gonna do for marriage or anything like that. Like
03:51This was not
03:55What is our life ever been but the opposite of routine right I think for me like I'm labeled
04:05Loose woman. Uh-huh
04:08my reputation
04:10Has gone down the drain
04:13Like I've already seen comments online of people saying that it should have been a condition of my parole to get my tubes tied
04:21Because they don't feel like I'm gonna be a good mother because of what my mom put me through
04:26Well at some point the cycle has to end and I can break that
04:43I'm notoriously evil
04:46Don't read it. Just delete it move on
04:49Mr. Stay up all night
04:52Looking at comments
04:54You know, okay. All right. I'm guilty of it too. I didn't trust you show so much
05:01Let's say that behavior is shady
05:09It looks
05:21It's healthy
05:24Five days
05:26We're gonna be parents
05:28Realizing that I've created life is an unusual but exciting feeling
05:46Gypsy Rose Blanchard thought that getting pregnant and having a baby was going to water down her public image and make her more likable and
05:54It's done the exact opposite
05:56Our sweet dip-dip decided it was a good idea
06:00To trap the man with a baby because didn't your mother trap your daddy with you and your daddy said bye-bye. Dip-dip
06:07You can see the manipulation playing out. I wonder if she truly knows how to be authentic and honest
06:19Yeah, it's her life that she can do whatever she wants with it, but my personal opinion is that this was way too fast
06:45You know, I'm new gypsy on the street be pregnant I can tell I would hope both of them would have taken my advice
06:50They did so I wasn't
06:53extremely surprised
06:55Disappointed, of course, I hope she would have more time to just live a little bit
07:01It's not just a piece of paper like a man
07:03This is a life girl in her and she's gonna stick with it
07:14This is a two-day bag
07:18I'm a woman
07:21Next thing you know, there's gonna be the crib next thing, you know, you know
07:27The baby's gonna be here and I'm here to help
07:31I don't have a problem rocking that baby all the time. The baby's gonna get or mitis
07:37Always been in my arms
07:50How many weeks is gypsy she's 16 weeks in like three days
07:59Gypsy faced me to tell me that she was pregnant
08:01I was trying so hard not to cry on the phone and I don't know why I was just super emotional
08:08Happy but like worried all at once, but I'm happy with whatever she wants to do
08:14I watch that for the ceiling fan blade
08:20My best friend he called me this morning. I'm so bad. I made kids that yesterday. I mean I said we hit it off, bro
08:24Yeah like that in the beginning. I didn't know nothing about that relationship. I did nothing about that. He wrote her letters
08:33They spoke three four five hours at a time
08:37They got that kind of connection that they complete each other's seen that knowing that that makes me feel good as a father
08:45So once I found out that gypsy was pregnant I said, it's only appropriate than the family's meet. Thank you so much
08:52You guys made us feel home good
08:54Ideally what I want was let her go through the divorce
09:01Stay together for a while date then get married and then have the baby
09:07We can't control the wind but we have to adjust our sails
09:11What do you think you want to say or no, okay
09:20We'll see whatever when you have now we can have the other one later
09:24Yeah, I don't think her in can already to have a child right now. I wanted her to be safe
09:29I want her to be smart hope she was on birth control, but I think something just go in one ear and out the other and
09:37This is where we are, what do y'all think how you think that this looks
09:42Corner should we put it somewhere else?
09:45So we'll just pop this one beautiful
10:00Hope I hope I hope that they do not rush a marriage one monumental thing at a time, please
10:14'm not giving my blessing. I'm not doing that a game dad when they're out already with DD
10:18I mean, I'm doing that no more just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you need to get married
10:27So is it being expecting parents or is it therapy six months ago, this was not my life at all
10:33So I'm very new to this. I don't want him to stay because of the baby. I want him to
10:38Want this relationship to work
10:42She left a scar. It was like
10:48I was concerned about this whole pregnancy thing. I'm even more concerned now that it's a girl
10:55She's having a daughter
10:59She learns how to break the cycle
11:15Spoke to the woman Ashley
11:20Newly reconnected
11:22Unexpectedly expecting
11:27Just didn't think we needed couples therapy
11:31Support therapy in general
11:33I know we don't have any issues, but it's nice to kind of see where we can improve
11:41And also I think that therapy is also helpful because we are in a stressful situation
11:46You know with us being in the public eye
11:49Us being new parents. Uh-huh and also not living together full-time
11:55We definitely have a unique situation
12:09This is my first pregnancy
12:12This is his first child as well. Okay, so I just don't know what to expect throughout everything
12:18You were telling me that this is sort of a reconnection
12:22Can you explain what the relationship was like back then? Maybe I just saw her documentary and it was just like really just like
12:30Shattering it was really sad to see what she had gone through
12:33I had never written a letter to anyone in my life
12:35but I just felt compelled to write her like a
12:37Letter for compassion wrote back and forth for months and then we just realized how much chemistry we have and when I met her
12:45for the first time
12:46It just started to go in that direction
12:49How did that?
12:52Dissolve at that time when he broke up with me. I didn't know the reason I
12:58Was left for five years without any sort of closure
13:02So I didn't know that his reasons were for to help me grow as an individual
13:08I just thought he didn't love me anymore. He left me don't
13:11Okay, so the point in us meeting and working together potentially is to what?
13:20navigating how to
13:22Properly communicate with each other stress because I just don't want to
13:27Corrupt your positivity if I'm having a bad day and don't see things in the most positive way
13:34Okay, I don't like that. I'd rather you just be honest with me
13:40But if I bring up a topic that maybe he's not interested in talking about at the time
13:46He shuts down. Can you give me an example of a hot-button topic that might
13:51Cause him to shut down
13:53Just you know stressors. Um social media has been a big stressor for us and he has a harder time with it
14:00I've been in it longer
14:04Think I totally disagreed with you just
14:10Your nose is always in your phone scroll through comments comments comments, I don't even do that anymore
14:15But the same time it's also a very new concept for me like six months ago
14:19This was not my life at all
14:20So I'm very new to this and and learning how to navigate this has been a process of my own that I'm trying to figure
14:27Okay, let's go back to
14:29Communicating. So when you try and communicate something that's stressful to him, you feel like he shuts down
14:36That's on that
14:39I don't feel like I do so when when when you say, okay, I don't want to talk about this anymore
14:47We were talking about social media we're talking about how like you're
14:52You know always upset that I'm like on my phone. I guess looking at stuff
14:56Oh, yeah, when you're distracted and I wanted it
14:58I want us to have more real-life time together and then my response was like every answer that I gave you
15:04Rebuttal it like I'd be like, okay. Well, then I'll stop doing it. Well, you said that before
15:08Okay. Well, then I'll try and be more adamant about it this time
15:11Well, I don't know if that's gonna be true or not
15:13And I was like, well, I don't know what you want me to say. I'm out of answers. I've tried everything
15:17I don't talk about this anymore. And then her immediate reaction is click
15:22And then silent for like an hour or two, okay
15:27Let's leave this
15:29Topic where it is because they don't want to dive too deep into any one thing in our first session
15:35any other goals besides
15:39When he broke up with me and we separated the belief that I had was that he left because the pressure of
15:48Being with me as a public figure was too much
15:51Okay, so I am trying to protect
15:55him in a way that
15:57It doesn't become overwhelming and make him want to leave
16:01It's always in the back of your mind and sort of like informing every decision you make if I hold on if I cling too
16:08Much, maybe he'll leave or if I yes, if I bring all my stress to exactly maybe he'll leave
16:16Okay, there are times that I feel
16:23Really guilty, okay
16:28Just because like I know there's been a lot of change
16:36Feel like I haven't been sensitive to that, okay, so, you know, I feel like I
16:46I don't want to put him in any sort of like a negative headspace
16:52And I don't want him to have resentment towards me
16:56For like how fast everything moved
16:59I could tell him I don't want him to stay because of the baby. I want him to want this relationship to work
17:13Hey everybody, I just want to say thank y'all for the support and the
17:20Nice messages have been getting from people. It's been great. I'm just living my life guys if you support me follow me
17:28I will post more stuff eventually
17:31I'm just just hanging in. I just want to say thank y'all to everybody
17:36You know
17:50Sounds rough over there
17:52This kitchen is so overly cluttered because there's no cabinet space. I just have crap everywhere. I know
17:58If I can go back and redo my whole movie all over again, I would have changed a lot
18:01I would have come here and like maybe toured a few places
18:04Seen what I like before I signed a lease and moved in
18:07I put the pregnancy kind of fast-forwarded things and she kind of wanted me down here ASAP
18:12So I just said, okay, I took all my savings and just moved down here. Okay, so
18:18This is the one in battery
18:21It's three bedroom two baths a lot of square feet a lot of room
18:28Moving into a new house is a very big priority of mine right now
18:31Just because we want to get everything ready for when the baby arrives that we have the adequate amount of space
18:37For the family, I would definitely put a carpet in the nursery
18:44It's gonna be a lot of vacuuming
18:47Through the duration of my parole, I'm supposed to home plan to one residence
18:52So I made that my parents house after I left Ryan
18:56I can't live with Ken
19:00We're married and I would switch my home plan to him or you know be I can come visit him for two days a week
19:08But that's as much as I'm allowed. It's like
19:13square feet
19:14Maybe look you up all that
19:24Shit all the tools
19:31Yeah, it's nice and spacious I haven't ever looked at a house so this is like my first time kind of like looking at
19:38You know how shopping and browsing seeing what I like, but I don't
19:44This is it
19:47Has a dishwasher the backyard is big and it's fenced beautiful after living eight and a half years in prison
19:55All I ever was surrounded around was
19:59Concrete so like I definitely want to bring a sense of life to wherever my baby's gonna grow up or the crib go
20:09Keep looking
20:18Think I've already put like
20:20Six or seven thousand miles on my jeep. I feel like so I moved here with all the back-and-forth to cut off
20:26Once twice three times a week sometimes. Yeah
20:29Yeah, I mean I go down there and like hang out sometimes every now and then I'll spend the night
20:33You know, but typically it's to pick her up or drop her off. He doesn't like my bed
20:37Ever been it's my bed is too small. It's a full
20:41Sleeping a king. It's just like I need space. It's kind of like, okay cuddle cuddle. All right
20:46That's her own. I want a bed. Yeah, I guess we touch butts. I'm fine with that. I don't like that
21:07Like body heat
21:10And I'm a snuggler I need it
21:13This time that we have it is a nice
21:16Gradual getting to know each other's habits
21:18I'm dipping my toes in but I'm not jumping in and I think you know
21:22That's the mistake that I made with Ryan is I jumped in I'm ready to go
21:27Yeah, all your stuff out of the bathroom. Yes
21:59Yeah, pretty much I guess I mean, I don't really know what to expect
22:03I mean, I've rode out of two before with my mom. We just slept all day
22:07Christie's totally passed out on the couch. She does not feel good and she'll be asleep all day
22:12They they say we have a we're under a mandatory evacuation
22:22No, I'm staying here
22:31Thanks, I'll be dead. I won't know
22:34Keep updating me on how the weather gets for you down there. All right, I will
22:39Okay, I love you. I love you, too
22:42I'm having to go through this year and it's not with me
22:47I don't like it's just more of that like disconnection that I don't like that. We're in two different areas
23:02A lot of those coastal parishes are already have evacuation orders in place
23:06The key messages to get out today
23:08Conditions are going to deteriorate very rapidly in the early morning hours on Wednesdays. You're going to be in your safe place to write up
23:20Take the furniture and stack or something
23:27Cuz that'll fly away
23:29Do you think I'm like a man friend come do all this like a neighbor or something? No, I can girl I
23:37Can do it
23:39Get up in a second
23:44Put my reindeer on
23:46Hopefully I'm not nauseated anymore
23:51I haven't been in a hurricane since Katrina. I do remember evacuating with my mom
23:56We were living in section 8 housing and the entire complex was just destroyed
24:01You know, this is right before we got some Missouri
24:04So my mother's told the doctors that all of our all of my medical records were washed away in the hurricane
24:13My mother always wanted to get away from Louise and she kept wanting to move further from her family further from dad and Christy
24:21so I think this was like her golden opportunity to start all over again and then
24:25get to
24:26Take the abuse from here and take it to a whole other level because now I could be she can make me any age
24:32She wanted to be she
24:35Got to get off the hook of her own medication because she was on segments and then when we moved to Missouri
24:41She did not follow up with that
24:43And did say that if we needed to go
24:47To his apartment we could I'm not going. I'll be safer here
25:03Love the hashtag team Ryan
25:06Unbelievable to me I said meaning the divorce will be final soon. She said yes, ma'am
25:16She's been living here
25:18It made six months
25:21Two days ago at first she would stay in her room a lot she go to bed early, but
25:28Not so much now she is
25:31Really happy I was able to get this bear, and if you squeeze the tummy you can hear her heartbeat
25:44I'm still
25:45Settling here, you know I don't even haven't even really moved in technically because I'm about to move again
25:50There's times. I still may have to put her in check sometimes
25:53She'll still put me in check, but I'm not gonna name one of course it could be a little bit
25:59You know depressing sometimes because I don't I don't have anywhere to go or you want to see or anything to do
26:06Okay, so where is the diaper changing table
26:14Didn't think about that. I don't know
26:18Hey guys, it's me Ryan. I just want to say a couple things guys be honest. I'm probably not gonna bash gypsy
26:28That's my wife there's been a couple of mean comments
26:33You know I'm just not gonna do it
26:35I will tell my side, but as far as just being disrespectful to her
26:38I just can't do it guys, but uh I love the hashtag team Ryan
26:42Just unbelievable to me, so it's one of you guys. Thanks again
26:57Boy you taking my spot
27:05What's the plan
27:07So we got approved for the house, okay, we can move in October 1st. You can move it
27:13I could move in October 1st
27:16Yard yes, he's so cooped up in this tiny little one-bedroom, so I reached out to my attorney
27:25Few days ago, and she texts me back, and she said it's a text
27:31I'll have the paperwork for you to sign this week. I said meaning the divorce will be final soon. She said yes, ma'am so
27:42Very soon then I think Ryan has a glimmer of hope he feels like okay. It's not it's not finalized yet
27:49So maybe we might get back together or something, so I'm hoping that once the divorce is final
27:55That's kind of like that is what needs to sink in and that's what I have been trying to convey
28:01You know
28:03Ever since I filed I'm like I care about you. I wish you the best
28:08I wish you would move on and find happiness. That's what I want for you
28:12He is not convey that to me. You know it's hard whenever I'm one foot in the past
28:18One foot in the future, and it's kind of like you just want to close that chapter and move on
28:23You know and I feel like in me moving on and with the divorce finalizing
28:28I will also give him that closure he needs to
28:41Well baby get excited it's date night
28:49Seven years ago today
28:52You met for the first time seven years
28:56And we had been writing for about four months. We weren't writing it in a romantic way
29:00We're just friends and all of a sudden like he looked at me
29:03And then like he's over and she kisses me and we were banned for six months
29:10No don't do it here
29:15The beast of the streets, that's me
29:27Been a beast of the sheet
29:36Be anniversary
29:40Yes, what's what's your favorite appetizer right now, it's gonna be that octopus okay, we'll do one of those
29:48And then we're gonna split a blue crab salad
29:57Are you gonna eat some so
30:00Octopus is the one creature that I
30:02Decide spiders. I'm like freaked out by okay. We're gonna eat tonight
30:06I'm not gonna hear anything from you. I'm not gonna hear about your fears
30:10Just you're just gonna try it because right? Yeah part of you transitioning
30:15Find things you've never tried before
30:18Done a lot of that already
30:20But I want you to try the octopus
30:23Cuz you don't know until you know, I've never had octopus before
30:26Okay, so let's not judge until we try
30:28We're gonna try tonight
30:31It's a little chewy
30:33Do you ever think that seven years ago? We were sitting here today?
30:40Me neither I mean like
30:42Where we were seven years ago in our lives, I don't think that we would have lasted the full
30:49Six years seven years on my sentence until I got out
30:53Just because you lived in the real world. You had a lot going on in your real life
31:00Time stopped for me
31:03Like I was pretty much watching everybody else's life
31:07Continue on and mine stay the same
31:11Well, of course there are things that I'm sure both of us wish we could change I'm happy where we are now
31:32Thank you, so I'm gonna cut you a piece
31:48That's scary
31:55Don't worry about it. It's really good
32:12Just swallow it just swallow it don't be ridiculous
32:20Really is that bad? I think it's amazing so happy for you
32:29Those suction cups look at that. Oh
32:38Very good, she doesn't love it. It's our first time
32:55Teach his own
33:02Beautiful, thank you do it. All right, so that's not what I expected, but it's gorgeous
33:10You want some
33:12One try a little bit
33:15No, yes, you will don't try a little bit. Is that tomato? I won't put any tomato in there. All right
33:26Too much
33:29Thanks, what is it tomato crab and watermelon salad?
33:45I don't think you're gonna like it
33:53Turning into that dinner that we had
34:06You are so disappointing I can't
34:20She's lying she didn't even try it cuz she's afraid I liked it. She's just afraid to try it
34:29I'm pregnant. I'm just I'm thinking of a friend
34:37Yes, you can thank you I just wanted to shame her a little bit
34:54Where's the bathroom I'm all the way down to the right
35:07She's still the same girl though, that's the problem
35:27Are you excited about the house?
35:31Yes, are you I am do you love it? Mm-hmm today we're gonna be able to make that house
35:39Yeah, I think it's gonna be a good place for you and the baby
35:45You know, I can't you can't live there but you can still make that house your home
36:25Took the sign down and realized it's still there like her name's still there
36:30It left a burn mark in my wall. I mean, it's kind of like it's it's kind of symbolic of
36:37Like how she left
36:42Thought about painting over it I probably should
36:50Her pictures are still in those frames and just pull down it's just I don't know I just hadn't got rid of him yet
36:58Once she was in prison we'd fight and I'd turn my picture down and then eventually I'd pull it back over
37:04So it's like if I throw that picture if I put it away, then it's like I'm except
37:09It's weird
37:14It's a girl
37:31She left a scar that still healing from I
37:36Can't sit and wallow and be depressed forever
37:40Can't you know, so like I have to find things to keep my mind occupied
37:46But doing some days don't wish my phone would ring in
37:50Way I look at it. It's like I'm in love with a gypsy that
37:54No longer there, I guess
37:57Me but she's still the same girl though. That's the problem. She's still the same girl, but she's not my girl
38:05It was like boom here one day gone the next and all I have is remnants
38:15So much has happened there's so much more to come
38:20Babies wiping the gumbo off of the mouth. I
38:23Do kind of worry about his level of responsibility
38:29Move into the house family can focus on the nursery
38:34I don't
38:37I do feel like a circus animal
38:41Better I do in life the more hate that I get
38:45There's a lot of haters out there who falsely report things to my parole officer
38:51I'm terrified that my baby will be born in prison. I got that threats a
38:56Funerary wreath delivered this the deceased name as a gypsy flanger Ryan texted me
39:02Would you be open to having a sit-down face-to-face with me Ryan has a glimmer of hope that I will go back to him
39:08The baby's last name is gonna be Anderson
39:12If I was the dad, I would love to see the egg on their face. Just like hey, dude, we're getting a divorce
39:18You're not the father. I'm gonna have a paternity test. So him and the rest of the world
39:24We want your child to be everything you didn't get to be
39:27I've been hit with the question. How are you gonna tell your daughter about what you did?
39:35I'm not a monster
39:37But I don't want her to grow up thinking
39:47Then go fat
39:57We don't do EULA
39:59Get back at some don't don't see me. They'll cost you. Oh, yeah. I have a t-shirt
40:04You can't get to do with you
42:45Get back to it home just being born turn up
