• ayer
Baylen Out Loud Season 1 Episode 9 - Big Plot Twist | Full Episode HD - March 10, 2025

00:00bitch you wanna you want a sword fight we'll sword fight I sound too much like
00:09that guy I'm sorry I have the world's best boyfriend Colin he's my medicine I
00:22am in the United States Air Force and I have a relocation coming up I could end
00:30up anywhere me and Colin are gonna move in with each other I can't say this
00:36enough nothing better happen to my kid
00:40I'm definitely starting to feel the seriousness now
00:46thunderstorms are a really bad sensory issue she is not easy to live with
00:53there's a lot all day every day I'm really upset I don't even want to be
01:06so Colin walking home that won't work for Bay and I don't think that that
01:11works for us are you gonna walk out on Balin when times get tough in life every
01:17year in the summer we take a family trip somewhere we're gonna get like a beach
01:20house I'll be just the eight of us it is a bummer that Colin won't be going on
01:25the family vacation but my sister's boyfriend isn't going it is a family
01:29vacation so I understand I would like to have both of your blessings to have your
01:35daughter's hand in marriage I would love to propose to her when you guys go
01:42on your family trip whatever Balin wants to do she's got our blessing I know that
01:48Alan's tough and it's not his full acceptance but it is a start we're gonna
01:53do us we're gonna try and make what they want happen without Balin knowing does
01:57he want a ring on her finger to drag her with him wherever he goes I asked Alan
02:03to come and meet me because I want to talk to him about being a part of Balin's
02:06proposal yeah I mean I wasn't expecting you to shut it down it is upsetting that
02:12he thinks it's a bad idea this is extremely important to me not just the
02:17engagement but who I am trusting my daughter with he's a very protective
02:23father and it does feel a little personal and I don't know if that's
02:27something that I can break through or not so now I have to rethink this whole
02:32proposal because I want it to be perfect for her
02:36and our family family vacations literally mean family vacations who's
03:05is don't you have family members already there yeah they left yesterday
03:09with us dating for about two years and now living together my hopes in the
03:16future that he'll be invited on family vacations so we've made a few changes to
03:23the apartment you wanna go through that yeah one your game room it's in the
03:27bedroom now yeah because we have a five-inch thick carpet that prevented me
03:33from moving my chair I learned that he um cusses at his computer so now he
03:41screams in here and when he cusses I cuss you'll hear and then now that it's
03:47football season the closer you get to the TV dude it's not gonna make him win
03:54bullshit bullshit that's bullshit I forgot that word from my lovely
04:01boyfriend I've always been like that though as a kid I would always in my
04:06parents house just go right up to the TV yelling at the TV I've always paid 60
04:11million dollars a year to sock this is our fully decorated colorful Barbie
04:20dream house that I'm perfectly fine with it I love you but it's not fully
04:25decorated talk it out bitch this is Colin's really big contribution to
04:36decor this is a rock that my military buddies all signed he wants to hang that
04:41on a wall I do want it on a wall inside and she put it out here it's really
04:46special to me the decorations and everything in the house will always be
04:51changing your rock and stay outside yep yep my dad's gonna be here anytime
05:01has he texted you yep I am so eager to get bailing out the door headed to the
05:07beach I still have a lot of things that I need to do for this proposal I've been
05:12working together with her family because this is a huge surprise and so far Bailyn
05:18has no idea all right bye baby I love you have a good trip I love you I got a
05:27kiss before I love you too I love you too you fat little Reezy fucking little
05:42baby rat Alan declined being a part of the proposal and saying a few things so
05:49I don't have a whole lot of time to figure this stuff out and I'm sweating
05:54bullets just love when I get all the help in the world
06:12I knew I could find you where the crabs are I'm so glad you're here honestly we
06:30almost always pick vacation spots that we don't have to get on an airplane for
06:33it's just a lot with Bailyn at this point is this the coolest thing ever
06:38I've never done this before but this house seems like a perfect fit for us
06:43because of all the activities that it comes with and that is so important with
06:47a big family is that they can kind of go off and do their own little thing and of
06:52course there's crabbing so that should be super fun too you know Bailyn has
06:56that tick my mom has crabs my mom has crabs my mom has crabs I'm sorry
07:03and now you do have all right play a little mini-golf things are about to get
07:12crazy with the surprise proposal so it's always nice to have a little bit of a
07:17alone time with Sammy so Sammy how's Kansas how's your boyfriend we're doing
07:22so good I love it there I love Kansas so much it's so good hey did I tell you
07:29that Bailyn and I have had conversations about DBS and we've went
07:34and talked to DBS yeah deep brain simulation do you know what it is I mean
07:38kind of sort of they go in and they have like these two little players and he
07:42puts his hands in he like rewires your brain well kind of it definitely could
07:47be a future option for her I mean I don't know what your options for sure I
07:51definitely think that's a great idea but you know what I think they needs more
07:56than brain surgery I just think she could do anything like building a dog
08:02kennel facility or having her own gym or having some sort of responsibility in
08:08life other than your boyfriend and your dogs I think it's just beginning for her
08:12she's really just started this adulting she's doing yoga she's trying to
08:18incorporate things into her life where she can really truly live with Tourette
08:24syndrome and not just feel like she's existing living but then her mental
08:28health is a real thing like but like the birthday party that's what you were
08:32fucking doing it's my fucking birthday all I wanted was help with the fucking
08:37couch I don't even want to be here
08:42holy lord like she just went off the deep end and I'm not saying she went off
08:47the deep end I part of it I'm not saying she's not justified
08:50Colin in a cowboy hat and Daisy Dukes pouting outside of a bar she came inside
08:56because she felt bad like she was in the wrong you know how fucked up that feels
09:01I think Bailyn responded with her heart rather than her head at the birthday
09:07party but Bailyn clearly needed to get something off her chest and I think it
09:12was Colin's responsibility to support her is this a Colin issue there's no
09:17doubt about it that he loves her but to take care of her when she's mentally
09:21struggling or to take care of her when she is determining stuff like the DBS
09:26DBS like when she is going through all of her options I don't want his opinion
09:31to weigh her down and be like no you shouldn't do that because I'm relocating
09:36in six months and I won't be there to do this to know you like codependence is
09:41great when you also have somebody on your side
09:43Bailyn needs to find a voice within herself to develop a backbone and stand
09:52up for yourself if he proposes right now and then he's got to move in six months
09:56are you two to codependent on him that you're gonna be like oh my god I'm
09:59going to Germany oh my god I'm relocating with him because I love him
10:02so much he's all I have hmm I wouldn't necessarily say that she's
10:07completely wrong with some of the feelings that she's feeling but there
10:12is so much more to their relationship Colin is a good guy but what are
10:17Bailyn's dreams outside of her relationship with Colin you still have
10:22to continue your journey I get you I want this weekend to be a happy weekend
10:27I want to have fun together I want Bailyn to be surprised and excited and
10:33all the things that every girl dreams about their whole entire life just
10:37better be you know yeah lengthy period of engagement literally just gonna say
10:43that lengthy let it sink in couple years I'm gonna greet Colin like this when he
10:50comes walking down what's up what's up
10:54this place is dope are you excited to be here yeah this place is so pretty wait
11:00till you check everything out there's so much cool stuff here I'm shocked I
11:05don't know there's a huge deck of damn boat kayaks I'm looking at I'm like
11:10this is dope now that you're all here I want to show you something this is what
11:21we're working with your mom has crabs okay bitch let's go let's go to the
11:28beach before we waste the day like in the house let's go diving we can do all
11:33all the fun stuff hold this all the fun stuff later I know how much Colin loves
11:39my sister and I know deep down in my heart how bad Bailyn wants to be with
11:43him and I've always spoken my mind to everybody else about how much Bailyn
11:47codepends on Colin but it's time she hears it from me I think you need to
11:55invest in yourself to something to give you a sense of like confidence in
12:01yourself I just don't want anyone else's opinion today is the day this is the
12:08biggest day of my life I only have one shot at proposing it just doesn't seem
12:15feasible to have it on the beach first Alan didn't want to participate in the
12:20proposal and now the weather I feel like nothing is going my way
12:44dude we're gonna die can you not say things like that not literally
12:52the waves are ginormous they're not going in without you like I'll be a mess
12:56I'm not kidding I'll go in the ocean I don't care okay see how cool this bad
13:03boy is this is not my thing this is fucking great go further out
13:17what ended up going on with your thing with Colin he wanted me to come up with
13:22a presentation to go through and share my moments with Bailey like I was trying
13:28not to kind of laugh a little bit like I'm not the one proposing to him you
13:33are you know like that's fine you said that in a nice way you're like it's a
13:39great thought but that's not realistic he was kind of taken back like oh well
13:46he knows how Bailyn is though he wants it to be like grand you know so that's
13:51where his heart is coming from with that I think that he really just wants
13:55to please you at this time because he's gotten over that hump of I don't know
13:59that base dad really likes me and now we're like getting past that hump and
14:04now it's like okay I want to like really please him his heart is in the right
14:10place I've arrived at acceptance because I know in my heart that this is what
14:15Bailyn wants Al on the other hand knows it's what Bailyn wants but I'm not sure
14:21that he entirely accepts it yet
14:25what the fuck is he doing he's literally psycho my god there goes
14:30vector this is a joke wilt is in the water everybody thinks we're crazy right
14:34now yes yes I think dad's trying to prove himself like he's like big strong
14:39tough man I can take on the waves you do you but I'll be sitting right here in
14:44the chair you do you freezing yeah I feel like I haven't seen you and what
14:50feels like so long yeah how is everything it's great I love Kansas
14:56country y'all mother fucker we're country I want a lot of land I want a
15:01lot of dogs and I want a lot of babies speaking about babies how is Colin love
15:09that man how's moving in any new corks you've learned about him every time he
15:14goes to the bathroom he takes the toilet paper off uses it and then sets it on
15:19the sink I'm like how it takes two seconds to put it back not even put it
15:23back leave it the fuck on leave it the fuck on what but other than that I love
15:31living with him I've never felt more home like I'm not over-exaggerating I'm
15:36not sugarcoating it I'm not just saying that because you're my sister this is my
15:41family it's been everything that I could have dreamed of honestly living with him
15:46I'm happy for Bailin because I know how much she wants this but Bailin does have
15:51a tendency to sugarcoat because she doesn't want us to feel like disappointed
15:55or like upset at her we just want like the truth
16:00do you think you say things are better than they maybe are or that you can do
16:04things oh yeah I've done it my whole life like I said I think it's
16:07self-preservation I just don't want anyone else's opinion oh now we got all
16:15four of these little idiots in there I think I think dad's starting to turn
16:20fucking purple this is literally a joke no dad literally looks purple I'm not
16:24kidding you I have a weird question no Colin did not give Tootsie gonorrhea
16:30Colin gave Tootsie gonorrhea Tootsie's horny I fully thought you were being
16:40fucking serious no um have you guys had talks about like
16:47Colin's relocation orders and whatever the idea of Colin's relocation and
16:55taking bay with him concerns me because we're not gonna be there and it can be a
17:00liability if you don't get her into the right doctors and you don't get her
17:04medicine on time still and you there's not enough ubers and you need to drive
17:08her and you need to get groceries like there's just so many little to huge
17:13things you know what I mean like I'm not gonna know just everyone's so worried
17:17like you guys think that I wouldn't take into consideration things before I've
17:21left you guys think that like Colin's gonna trap me in a tower and like
17:27Nebraska no no he couldn't he could not do that if I were to give you one like
17:33little piece of advice because I love you and I care for you so much and I
17:38know how much you basically codepend on Colin to get through the day it's like I
17:43think you need to invest in yourself too I do want to find a passion and something
17:50that keeps me busy but also something that I love and it will probably be with
17:53dogs yes like just something to give you a sense of like confidence in yourself
17:59and in your voice I would love to grow I definitely do want to find my voice and
18:08be more independent and I don't always want to rely on Colin but it's a work in
18:14progress let's be for real I do just have to say though I am so stinking
18:20proud of you because you've come such a long way in the last like six months
18:25even I am just I'm over the moon for you spotted a loon on a safari an itchy baby weenie
18:35I love you and I'm so proud of you I really am I wonder if this is what I
18:39look like coming out of mom's vagina you ever wonder no obviously the weather
18:49isn't too great today yeah so I've been kind of scrambling around this morning
18:55trying to pivot I'm extremely nervous there's still so much that needs to be
19:00done let's go hey you ready we're going now
19:03funnel out yep we're trying to pull off this momentous event you know this
19:08intricate plan but we're literally flying by the seat of our pants here
19:25Balin arrived in Ocean City yesterday after she left I took care of a few
19:30last-minute proposal details and then I drove out to Ocean City last night
19:39Balin has no idea that I'm here and today is the day this is the biggest day
19:46of my life I can't believe it's actually here I had this whole plan of doing it
19:54on the beach because that's what Balin has always wanted but because of weather
19:58and how windy it is I had no longer can do it on the beach first Alan didn't want
20:06to participate in the proposal and now the weather I feel like nothing is going
20:11my way hey hey my parents hopped on a plane for the first time because I
20:20wanted both families to be here but I'm nervous I I don't know what I'm gonna do
20:32or how I'm gonna pivot from this how was a plane ride I know it was your first
20:37time flying it was all right I guess I don't want to do it again well I'm kind
20:50of freaking out cuz Balin really wanted to be proposed to on the beach and I got
20:58in contact with a local event designer to help me with the flowers and
21:03everything but it just doesn't seem feasible to have it on the beach
21:08what's calling for rain she's terrified of thunderstorms as well so now I have
21:13to call the event designers and figure out what I'm going to do I only have one
21:19shot at proposing and I want to make it as perfect as possible because I love her
21:25well all of this needs to happen today can they shift it that quickly I hope so
21:35okay everybody let's go then go get dressed go get dressed go down baby yeah
21:51can I come in you said you need some toothpaste yeah okay are you gonna be
21:56close to being ready what's the matter that's just a picture and we haven't had
22:02a really good family photo and I don't know years family photos in this family
22:09they haven't happened since Sven was five and Vickis and Beckner weren't born
22:13we're gonna ten years later introduce Vickis and Beckner into the world so
22:17that's good okay how what are we looking at for you being ready
22:25Balin has no clue about the proposal we told her we're getting a family picture
22:30done and that's how we're gonna get her in a nice dress oh these are salt and
22:36pepper oh my god are you boys getting ready but the photographer will actually
22:43be taking the picture of her and Colin's engagement I was gonna wear jeans
22:48no no mom said no that's if I ever get this family out of the house get ready
22:56girl yeah I mean that works thank you so much you have literally no idea how
23:04much this is saving me I really appreciate it okay all right bye so I'm
23:12on the phone with the event designers and they have a different location that
23:17is inside but it's still on the beach I have no idea what it looks like so I'm
23:23extremely nervous this is something obviously I've never done before but I've
23:29put a lot of thought and a lot of tears and sweat into making this a possibility
23:35and I just really hope that it's something that I have envisioned for
23:40what Balin wants you got your stuff I think so I'm hoping they fits ready for
23:50the day that might need to be ironed the weather is looking a little bit yeah
23:56it looks windy and the problem is I don't really have a backup plan I don't
24:01need a backup plan this isn't our call this will be Colin's first real test do
24:06you have a backup plan for your girlfriend that you know hates
24:09thunderstorms it would be the worst proposed world history if it just
24:14started like she would lose her mind
24:20this place looks nice it does look nice I just hope everything's really nice
24:25hope everything still works out
24:31come on in oh wow this is beautiful y'all did a good job very beautiful
24:38isn't this great I mean you have this there's no wind actually so your hair
24:44stays this is awesome so we've got a lot to do okay so if you want to put
24:54your stuff down I'm so relieved that the event planners were able to come through
25:02and find an amazing location but there's still so much that needs to be done and
25:07I'm just praying that the weather holds up even the sound of thunder can be
25:11overstimulating for Balin so I will not be breathing easy until I get that ring
25:17on Palin's finger good job how are you feeling about today you've come a long
25:23way I just feel like it just seems like it's his timeline and not Palin's and
25:32we're just here trying to react like okay we'll try and do this we'll try and
25:35do that so we do we react and we support but that doesn't mean that it's not
25:39meant to be it could still be part of God's plan for her it just feels fast to
25:44us it probably doesn't feel fast to Balin I don't want Balin to ever look
25:50back on this moment and be like I never felt supported I saw you roll your eyes
25:56Colin hey Colin what's going on obviously the weather isn't too great
26:02today yeah so I've been kind of scrambling around this morning trying to
26:07pivot and luckily I have these two event designers that found another
26:14location indoors really close to the beach so the most important thing I need
26:20when you get here is for someone to distract Balin or pull her aside so we
26:25can get the rest of the family into the room okay all right well I still have a
26:32lot to do with with setting up and everything okay sounds good all right
26:38see you in a bit all right see you bye I definitely have some like built-up
26:44anxiety and not being perfect for her she's gonna be surprised so no matter
26:51how it is she's either gonna be surprised at the weather it's gonna be
26:54surprising I want it to be perfect for her all the feelings the good the bad
26:59the uncertainty it all comes from like a really deep place of love and
27:04protection for Balin that's not anti Colin it's like a letting go I know
27:11it's just the beginning I'm not stupid it's just the beginning of a letting go
27:17just a lot of feelings but above all I really am excited for her I'm excited
27:24for Colin too like this is such a big day for them but I'm entitled to my
27:29feelings too
27:31I am
27:32you're okay
27:34you're alright
27:39I wanna go
27:41cuz if we wait for the time it to be right
27:45we'll wait our whole lives
27:48it's one day
27:50our day one
27:52let's go
27:54are you ready?
27:56let's go
27:58let's go
28:00I wanna go
28:02right now
28:04I never regret not one thing
28:06my words make me sing
28:08it's one day
28:10our day one
28:12I wanna go
28:14right now
28:16walking in and seeing everything set up
28:18it's hard to
28:20hold back the emotions
28:22it's gonna be even harder
28:24when she's standing in front of me
28:26when she's standing in front of me
28:28and I'm having to say what I need to say
28:30but I'm excited
28:32and I'm ready to propose to Bailyn
28:34and start our life together
28:36it's one day
28:38our day one
28:40I wanna go
28:42right now
28:44hi how are you?
28:46good hello I'm Alex Ashman
28:48hi Alex
28:50nice to meet you
28:52so we're gonna do some family pics today
28:54weather a little less than ideal
28:56we're gonna start inside
28:58we'll do some kind of more formal stuff
29:00everybody together
29:02we'll do some breakdowns things like that
29:04suck a penis fuck off
29:06alright cool
29:08we're gonna head inside first then alright
29:10everybody ready?
29:12we're trying to pull off this momentous event
29:14you know this intricate plan
29:16but we're literally
29:18flying by the seat of our pants here
29:20you gotta film me right
29:22nope I'm not doing it
29:24is there a bathroom I can
29:26yeah there's actually a bathroom on the way
29:28I completely invent
29:30this flaw on Bailyn's face
29:32so I can pull her into the bathroom
29:34as Colin asked me to
29:36to finish getting things ready
29:38there's like a thing right there
29:40it's a thing right here
29:42it's like right here on
29:44no there's not
29:46and Sammy has to point out
29:48that there's nothing wrong with Bailyn's face
29:50get it over my face
29:52it's like dark right there
29:54that's a freckle
29:56so now I'm panicking a little bit
29:58cause this is a once in a lifetime thing
30:00and we can't mess this up
30:02I'm having her come to the bathroom with me
30:04bathroom is here and then I'll meet you guys
30:06right through the here okay
30:08like what are you talking about
30:10I feel like it's dark under her eye
30:12I always want her to speak truth
30:14except for in that one moment
30:16where I just needed this to occur
30:18it's like she's forgotten
30:20what we're actually doing here today
30:24this is sick
30:28good to see you
30:30this is exciting
30:32hey good to see you
30:34good to see you
30:36five bucks Colin's proposing
30:38no he's not
30:40yes he is dumbass
30:42I think there's a walkway with roses and shit
30:44where's everyone else
30:46that's why bae didn't come in
30:48they were in the bathroom
30:50this is a big plot twist
30:52all the flowers and things
30:54is very much romantic
30:58when bae walks in the door
31:00I think she's gonna be like
31:02pooping her pants
31:08bae I think it was just the way that you're
31:10in the shadow
31:16I literally can't
31:18my emotions throughout this whole thing
31:20have been very up and down
31:22especially about Colin
31:24but seeing this was like a little
31:26glimmer of hope that
31:28okay like he showed his appreciation to her
31:32I did not expect it
31:34to be this much
31:36I know this is so bae-lin
31:40just so bae-lin
31:42I don't even know how to explain it
31:54we know where to go
31:58I don't know
32:00what are we doing
32:02where are we going
32:16I don't know
32:32I should probably be closer to you
32:34are you okay?
32:36no dropping
32:38suck a penis
33:02suck a penis bitch
33:04fuck you
33:10from the moment we met
33:12my life forever changed
33:14two years ago
33:16you found me broken
33:18and damaged
33:22since then
33:24you've inspired and pushed me to be a better man
33:28and now I wouldn't even
33:30I wouldn't even recognize
33:32the person
33:34I was before I met you
33:36bae-lin you saved me
33:40you're more than my partner
33:42my best friend
33:44my rock
33:46and the model for what love truly means
33:50I wanna spend everyday of my life with you
33:52growing old together
33:54facing every challenge
33:56and celebrating every joy
33:58that life brings us
34:00including your Tourette's
34:02your Tourette's is a small part
34:04of your story
34:06you suck
34:08but it will never define how I see you
34:10or the love that I have for you
34:14to me
34:16you're so much more than any condition
34:18and nothing will ever change that
34:22I knew early on
34:24that I wanted to marry you
34:26and today
34:28brings me one step closer
34:30to making that dream come true
34:36bae-lin Alexandra Dupree
34:38will you marry me?
34:46yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
35:00you suck penis bitch fuck off
35:02you suck
35:06you bitch
35:08fuck off
35:26this proposal was absolutely amazing today
35:28it was absolutely amazing
35:30letting go of her
35:32and letting somebody else
35:34take over from here
35:36is just a special
35:38kind of difficult
35:40but I'm thankful that there's a good man
35:42willing to do it
35:48it's a little emotional
35:50he's not my little boy anymore
35:52but I'm so proud of him
35:54I think he's gonna be
35:56a great husband
35:58and eventually one day
36:00a great father
36:04I asked both of your parents
36:06you guys all knew
36:08so where's the family photos?
36:10right here
36:14I love you
36:16oh my god
36:24I don't really know
36:26what I'm feeling
36:28I mean it's
36:30I can't even wrap my head around anything right now
36:32I know that I've never
36:34been happier
36:38I guess I kinda like ya
36:42congratulations bae-lin
36:46how old are you?
36:48thank you
36:50you did great
36:52I told you words matter
36:54I love you
36:56let me see it again
36:58good lord god help us
37:00I think the ring is gorgeous
37:02you did good
37:04thank you for your help
37:06it's so bae-lin style
37:08it's big, it's gaudy
37:10it's got hidden shit all over it
37:12gems, it's so beautiful
37:14it matches bae to a tee
37:16when he took it out
37:18did you see it bling?
37:20what do you think about your ring?
37:22it's huge
37:32we're getting married
37:34well no
37:36what do you mean no?
37:38well I mean like not right now
37:40we just got engaged
37:42compress our ribs, that's perfect
37:44beautiful, and smile like you mean it
37:46good, stay right there
37:48Sammy, slide that way the smallest bit
37:50are you gonna take that baby step with her?
37:52I am extremely very excited
37:54to be at Colin and Bae's wedding
37:56just cause of the food
37:58I want the chocolate fountain thingy
38:00that is fire
38:02I am very happy for bae-lin and Colin
38:04cause I've never been to an actual wedding
38:06like I've seen on videos
38:08like gender reveals and all that
38:10that's for a baby
38:12yeah I know but like
38:14I'm thinking ahead of time
38:16wrong time
38:19a little stormy but nice
38:21the rain held out
38:23so I'm excited we can get some of our engagement photos
38:25on the beach
38:39in the end
38:41very very happy
38:43with how this turned out
38:45it was a good day
38:47it was a good day
38:49seeing the smile on her face
38:51and not watching her struggle
38:53little tics but nothing
38:55crazy that ruined the moment for her
38:57no longer in the driver's seat here
38:59we're in the passenger seat
39:01and pretty soon we're gonna be in the back seat
39:03but we're not going anywhere
39:05cause as her parents it's our job
39:07to keep an eye out for her
39:17just being here
39:19and being with you
39:21were everything I've ever wanted
39:23and being surrounded by
39:25family on a day that
39:27means everything to me
39:29family is forever
39:31life is just perfect
39:39we have news
39:41about Colin's relocation
39:45we've discussed it
39:47and we don't want to do long
39:51holy lord
39:53these two just got engaged last night
40:15come on today
40:17come on, come on, come on
40:23oh that feels good
40:25it's not really sunny out today
40:27today's beach day
40:29looks nice
40:31it's a good little getaway
40:35it was fun
40:37oh my gosh
40:39what a vacation
40:41well I mean we knew it was in store
40:43it just feels good
40:45to just feel like I don't have to hold anything
40:47and I don't have to hide anything
40:49it's like it's over and done with
40:53we can get past the secret
40:57we're leaving vacation
40:59with a daughter
41:01that's engaged
41:03good lord
41:09good morning
41:11how does it feel
41:13to be engaged
41:17has it set in yet
41:21I am so tired
41:23I literally just woke up
41:25I literally just rolled over
41:27the proposal yesterday
41:29was everything that I could have hoped for
41:31and more
41:33I'm so happy
41:35it feels real
41:37like everything just feels so
41:41we get to live together forever
41:45so I know we haven't
41:47told your family about my work
41:51do you think that we should tell them
41:53right now
41:55yeah today
41:57it's probably better to stay here
41:59with everyone
42:01so I'm in the United States Air Force
42:03and I've been waiting for over
42:05a year to get relocation orders
42:07that could send me anywhere
42:09in the country or even
42:13and I did find out some news
42:15about where I would be going
42:17and we've just kind of
42:19been waiting for the right time
42:21to tell her family
42:23I don't know how I'm going to feel
42:25about it
42:31who's ever next
42:33we've already got a trial run done
42:35so it's a huge relief that
42:37there's no more like tiptoeing
42:39around it and the rest
42:41you guys look good
42:43are you all packed up and stuff
42:45kind of
42:47I'm excited to go back home
42:49as much as I love you guys
42:51I love you guys in increments
42:53you guys have fun
42:55we're good
42:57I mean I didn't get a five carat rock on my finger
42:59or anything
43:03why don't we just hold off a little bit
43:05the newlyweds
43:07the newlyweds
43:11how'd the ring do last night
43:13did it get stuck under your pillowcase
43:15and stuff
43:17I didn't get to sleep with it
43:19Collin was like I think you should take it off
43:21before you go to bed
43:23Collin you're going to need a sign in sheet
43:25she has to sign it out
43:27at a certain time
43:29and then return it
43:31do you have the insurance on that thing
43:33and does it have to be sized
43:37I have a lifetime warranty on it
43:39your parents are heading out today too
43:41yeah they are
43:43boy that was a fast and furious
43:45little jaunt for them
43:47hopefully Chuck has better flying
43:49I don't think he's going to do it
43:51just for the fun of it
43:53it's got to be something special
43:55to freak him out
43:57for like the wedding in two and a half years
43:59maybe Puerto Rico
44:01maybe Bora Bora
44:05speaking of leaving the country
44:11we have news about Collin's relocation orders
44:19so uh
44:21I recently had gotten
44:23word on
44:25where I'm going for my relocation
44:31discussed it
44:35we don't want to do long descents
44:39take a dick bitch
44:41holy lord
44:43these two just got engaged last night
44:45Sammy called it
44:47she knew it
44:49and now Collin is probably going to take off
44:51and drag Bailey with him
44:53you just signed a fucking lease
44:55you have relocation news
44:57I was right
44:59check that one off the list
45:01I knew where this one was coming from
45:11uh we've been wanting to tell you guys
45:15I'm actually not
45:17going anywhere
45:19I'm staying here
45:21and finishing out my contract
45:23in this location
45:25trying to make me
45:27sick to my stomach
45:33for everybody involved
45:35that's good
45:37it's the best news other than the engagement
45:41for real
45:43thank god praise the lord
45:45I have never been so glad to be wrong
45:49two good pieces of news I'll take it
45:51Bailey and Collin staying put for the moment
45:53it's really what's best for her
45:55and everybody and obviously
45:57for their relationship at this moment
45:59and we have a wedding
46:01to start planning
46:03so now that
46:05we know that I'm not going to go anywhere
46:07with my relocation
46:09I don't think we
46:11really want to sit on this engagement
46:13too long
46:15I know that the both of us
46:17are really eager to get married
46:21so excited to get married
46:23I'm so excited
46:25and I can't wait
46:27the wedding bells are coming soon
46:29and I'm going to get matching bridesmaid dresses
46:31for Fluffin too
46:33I think that they should be
46:35on the back of a bike going down the aisles
46:41flower dream
46:43I'm going to go
46:45what the dogs could be on the alpacas
46:49are you going to start planning your wedding in two to six years
46:53hi Fluff
46:55oh my papa
46:59she was ready to go in the water
47:01isn't that a rap
47:03that's a rap
47:05come on
47:07you know who raps
47:09Joe Biden
47:11Joe Biden's buried in my backyard
47:13after starting cocaine off
47:15we did it Joe
47:17bitch that's a fucking rap