JP and BMitch react to the Bears signing yet another offensive lineman as they try to rebuild their protection for Caleb Williams.
00:00Um, Brian, obviously the bears are making a push to put an offensive line together in
00:07front of Caleb Williams. Yeah. Uh, Chicago just signed drew Dahlman from the Falcons
00:13three years, 42 mil 28 guaranteed. That's probably a grand old. Yeah. Probably two for
00:2014 a pop. Um, in the last, uh, week or so the bears have acquired a new guard, left
00:31guard center and right guard. You think that can work that fast? Yeah. Veteran players.
00:39It is not hard for office alignment, veteran office alignment to get used to working together.
00:44It just, as the season goes on, you'll see that they have more chemistry. They'll work
00:48a lot better. But if you have some young guys coming into this thing, that'd be totally
00:51different. Sure. But veteran guys, you know, like as much as people want to make things
00:56difficult, you hear a lot of office coordinators doing that to make themselves look like their,
01:00their system is more important than somebody else's. But office alignment, the, the calls
01:07and the holes and things they do are basically the same. It's just terminology. They got
01:11a real lot.