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chamberlain coffee,
website: https://www.chamberlaincoffee.com
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chamberlaincoffee

filmed by emma chamberlain and her loved ones
edited by emma chamberlain
thank you to vanity fair for having me at your party
thank you to jared ellner, lilly keys, sami knight, anthony vincent, frank, and ivan pol for working your magic
thank you to jean paul gaultier and ludovic de saint sernin for the incredible gown


00:00Today is February 27th, I think, and on March 2nd, I'm going to be walking on a red fucking
00:26carpet, baby. A red carpet. Like this. Here's the thing, though. This only happens a few
00:40times a year, when I get dolled up and show the world that maybe, just maybe, I have a
00:48little bit of sex appeal. This only happens a few times a year. And so when it does, I
00:55take it seriously. It starts now. It starts now with the little things. Is it going to
01:00make a difference? No. Probably not. But doing little things like this make me feel like
01:06I'm preparing. Make me feel like I'm taking care of myself. Here's the deal, though. It's
01:10like, you don't want to over-prepare, either. I can't exhaust myself preparing, because
01:16then I'm going to look exhausted when I'm walking down the carpet. Instead of walking
01:21down like... I'm going to be walking down the carpet very much like... I have to decide
01:29what beauty treatments to do. And I have to choose wisely. I also want to enjoy my weekend,
01:40right? Because it's Thursday now, the event's on Sunday. I want to enjoy my weekend. I look
01:46forward to my weekend, and so I'm not going to ruin my sense of weekend by sitting in
01:50appointments all day. And that might mean that I miss out on some treatments. That might
01:54mean I'm not getting a lymphatic massage. That might mean I'm not getting my eyebrows
01:59plucked. Like, I don't know. I could spend the entire weekend doing beauty treatments,
02:03but I have to create some balance in my life. So...
02:18I'm feeling really upset, because I have my nail appointment today. And yeah, I have
02:24a new hobby. Let me show you a little something. I'm nervous. Yeah. Let me show you another
02:35one. That sounds good. Whoa. That one's a little fun, because that one's like a little...
02:42That one's a little different than the last one. What about this one? Pretty good. Wait,
02:48let's try another one. Let's try another one. Oh. The thing is, I know multiple chords more
02:57than most people know. Most people know no chords. I now know, like, seven. Wait,
03:02let me show you another one just to prove it. It sounds unbelievable. I've always wanted to
03:12play guitar. Finally, I'm like, you know what? This sounds fun. I'm gonna give it a try. I'm
03:15gonna try to learn. And so for, like, the last week, I've been learning. And then now I have
03:22this event, and I should probably get really long nails, because that's what looks beautiful and
03:28dramatic. But it feels like such a waste of a manicure to get, like, a beautiful long set of
03:33nails put on and then taken off, like, within a few days. So part of me is like, do I just get
03:38short nails? Will people even notice, you know? Like, will people notice if my nails are short?
03:43Will it make the look worse? Maybe I'll text her. I don't know what my phone is. But I actually
03:51should ask her.
04:08So my car is making this sound right now. I have no idea why it's been making this sound all day.
04:31It stops, thankfully, when I'm at a red light. And thankfully, I'm at a red light now. So it
04:36should stop for a second. It says that, like, my hood, like, the hood of my car is open. Like, it's
04:41popped. But I got out and checked and it is not popped. It is not. I don't know what's going on.
04:47So after my nail appointment, I think I might have to take my car to the shop, which was not on the
04:55agenda for today. But it could have happened on a worse day. I have things to do today. But like,
05:02they don't really matter, ultimately. They're not that important. So it's, it's fine. This is the
05:09most horrible sound I've ever heard in my life. I have to drive around all day today. And I don't
05:18think I can handle this sound. I think if I spend more than another 30 minutes in this sound, with
05:24this sound, something bad will happen. So we're gonna have to fix this. But I have to get my nails
05:30done first. And I'm gonna do something really cute today. I think I'm gonna do, like, something sort of
05:35metallic. Because I already know what dress I'm wearing. So like, I can, you know, I have a
05:43reference. I'm sorry, I actually can't talk anymore. I can't talk anymore because of the sound.
05:46This manicure took under an hour. Kind of incredible. Well, I didn't get a pedicure. Normally I get a
06:04manicure and a pedicure, but I just got a manicure today because nobody's gonna see my toes. And my
06:08toes are already kind of done.
06:16Oh my god, I need a toothpick. I need a toothpick. I also have like missed my turn twice. Like I'm, I can't pay
06:37attention to the maps because I'm too distracted by the sound. Cute nails, but who cares about that right
06:44now? I need to, I need to figure out what I'm gonna do with the sound. Am I like getting bad karma for like my
06:50vanity? The next 72 hours are going to be filled with just like beauty appointments. Like am I getting punished
06:57for that? Are the powers that be upset with me?
07:14My mommy met me at the dealership. We're not happy. Now we need to find a rental car for me because it's either my
07:26mommy drives me around all day or we get me a rental car and she's off the hook. I want to be off the hook. So
07:32she's calling, she's calling a rental car. Use the right lane to merge onto US 101 North toward Ventura.
07:40Take the exit to merge onto I-405 North toward Sacramento. Mommy to the rescue. I just took it in because rats ate
07:50the wires. I know. And now I'm back and it's been how long? Like a week. No, it's been a month. You know what? It's all
07:58good. All good. We're going to get a rental car. I get like weird when I drive a rental car because I'm so used to my
08:04car. And then of course you're going to get uncomfortable in any car that's not your car, but you'll get the hang of it
08:08really fast. Even me, when I get in your car and I drive it, I'm like this, shaking in your car. I'm like, what if I fuck up
08:14and I scratch it? Or like, you know, I think we know by now that I don't care about a scratch on the car until it's
08:21totaled. I don't even notice.
08:33The rate's going to be 55 plus tax for something comparable. Um, but yeah, I'm trying to, I might give you this Q7.
08:41They said I was a little bit too young to rent the car that I wanted to rent. I wanted to rent this. If you're under 25, you're not
08:48allowed to rent the fancy vehicles. So we are going somewhere else. Okay. We're running out of time though. Cause I have a hair
08:55appointment in an hour. I can't believe they didn't let baby rent the car. In 2.7 miles, take exit 66 beyond to Sherman
09:04Way West. Where can I rent a purple Toyota Corolla? Then use the right two lanes to take the exit to merge onto I-405 North
09:10towards Sacramento. Having Siri on to this volume to me is absolutely ridiculous.
09:21I got a car. Is it Navy blue or black? Ooh, Navy blue. Cute. Okay. Well now I need to go to my hair appointment immediately.
09:31Thank you mommy for your help. Baby's back on her own now. Okay. Thanks. I have to figure out how it works, but other than that,
09:41I don't know how it works though. How do I turn the AC down? The AC is on very high. Oh, I'm understanding now. Okay.
09:57Oh, what a crazy turn of events. Listen, I'm trying to be positive, but I am a bit bummed out because I really wanted to go home and eat
10:05lunch and make a matcha and get a bit of work done and then go to my hair appointment. And then this completely destroyed that plan.
10:12But you know what? Grateful to be here. Grateful to have a car to drive. Amen, baby.
11:06I'm exhausted. I never got to have my second round of caffeine today. I just sat in a chair for four hours.
11:16Yum. I'm like giddy. It is 7 p.m. and I normally don't drink caffeine past like 4 p.m., but I'm really tired right now.
11:39And the day is not over. So, and I need a snack.
12:08Okay. So nice. That's awesome. You killed it. Jared, oh my God, are you sleepy?
12:32You're so ice blonde, it's amazing. Isn't it amazing? He killed it. I need to wax ultimately my own vagina. I can wax it. You want to wax it for me?
12:42I think you just shave whenever your body's used to, I think. With the ice blonde? Oh, wow. She sent incredible references at the top one.
12:55Really good. Wow. You are doing full oil change on your body. Nails, wax, yoga, everything. I'm really like doing it all.
13:09How does it feel? Is it comfortable? You see the dress? No, the neck. Oh yeah, that feels great.
13:16When you bleach your hair this much, you can do anything you want with it. It's like Play-Doh. There's no product in it.
13:22Actually, there might be a little bit of product. That's actually really cute. I know, right? I know Jared actually wanted it somewhat loose on the top, Jared. I'm remembering your note, but I don't know what you said.
13:31Yeah, I think obviously just in the waist, we can go crazy tight just in the top. Just don't lace it so tight that it pushes the back in. Thank you for remembering my note.
13:41I remember you, Jared. I remember you. Oh, we're going tight. Is that uncomfortable, honey? Nope.
13:51Emma, would you disagree if I said I think the necklace could just be a hair, like one or two shorter at the top? Just let me see a little neck.
14:03I don't think we should shorten it anymore, to be honest. I think if anything, we loosen it and lower it, but I don't think we shorten it.
14:09I just want to see the top of your neck. I mean, this looks great. I'm happy. I'm satisfied.
14:15Me too. You look unbelievable. Yeah, do the gray and purple. Oh, yeah. It also matches the collection, which was somewhat nautical.
14:27I don't want rings. I don't think rings is right. I feel like a couple tiny ones would be silly.
14:34My phone died. I will say, can we try one other earring? Yeah, I actually am not fully sold on these. What about this?
14:43I actually don't even really notice them in a weird way. Yeah, they're pretty subtle. The pearl isn't right, but I wish it was because it'd be really pretty.
14:52Me too. I think I like the silver of the ones that are on. Oh, I love that, Emma. Oh my gosh, I think that's so pretty. Great. I think this one's probably better.
15:03Can I ask you a crazy question? Yeah. Would you do a silver ring? That's not even crazy.
15:10Okay, let's think about that. As she puts it back and hides it. The problem was that one was a little bit big. We would need a different one. Let's see.
15:19Oh my God, we put like a huge diamond on that one. She hides it somewhere. Oh, I lost it. It is cute.
15:27We could do this thumb that I sucked as a kid. And it's like an homage to my thumb sucking. Okay. Yeah, let's get a ring for the thumb. That's totally fine.
15:38And we feel good about underwear coverage. Yes, I think this one that I'm wearing right now is not great, but I think the one that we wore yesterday was really good.
15:49And then we got this gray one if you want it to be more intentional.
16:09Okay, enough. Oh my God, stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
16:18Free? No. Free.
16:31Wow. Yum.
16:39West Hollywood drinking a smoothie.
16:43The weekend is for getting the smoothie that I make at home every day out somewhere else.
16:54There's a piece of banana bread on my lap from earlier.
16:59How did that get there?
17:00There's a piece of banana bread on my lap from earlier.
17:05How did that get there?
17:07Yum. Do I wear? Such weird things are happening right now.
17:11I brought gray socks in my bag because I was like they might look better with my outfit.
17:19I kind of want to wear the gray. No, I can't change my socks in front of the smoothie place.
17:27Maybe I can. Well, it looks cuter.
17:30I like the gray socks. I'm fully changing my socks.
17:34Cuter. Totally cuter. I was wearing green socks. Not anymore.
17:38I was prepared with gray socks.
18:00I was prepared with gray socks.
18:30What am I doing here?
18:59here well I guess I have to get a guitar then well here's the deal I've been
19:04playing on this little horrible kids guitar and it has to end I've learned
19:07enough chords now like three to justify buying a guitar oh that's expensive I
19:18don't I don't think I deserve anything over $500 honestly over $300 so we're
19:22gonna choose something cheap honestly something like this
19:38that doesn't sound good I should not play that publicly this is a guitar for
19:44a baby. Is that a ukulele? I like it
20:05I feel like it's embarrassing to get the mini one this is the only one I like I
20:09don't know none of the other ones are calling to me and I like I like the
20:14design I like the simple design I like that it's easy for me to carry
20:20that's not like the beginning of a Colby Clay song
20:33a guitar in a dream baby
20:44I have to get out of here
21:34what is beauty on the outside if we don't have beauty on the inside okay I
21:42didn't get any facials any lymphatic massages today was about feeding the
21:49soul yeah and I did every time I wear this robe he does this he makes muffins
21:58on me this is like getting weird like what is happening with him um I've been
22:08watching the TV show severance severance it is really really good it's
22:15really good and I'm all caught up so there's like no episode to watch
22:18tonight maybe I'll watch shark tank have you ever seen that joke shark tank two
22:25very different shows severance is like fiction sci-fi and then shark tank is
22:31like a reality show about investing in business very different concepts but
22:37both equally riveting for me right now so maybe I'll watch shark tank tonight
22:42I'm watching a lot of TV recently it's very odd I usually watch YouTube almost
22:46exclusively but I'm kind of loving TV at the end of the day just classic
22:49television I just remembered that my dress sort of reveals my how do I put
23:01this my dress sort of cuts in you can see sort of like my bikini line mm-hmm
23:06and I was thinking about waxing it myself but it is 930 the night before
23:13the event and tomorrow I'm booked I'm fully booked so I need to figure that
23:18situation out
23:25but I need to figure out how to successfully really get things just
23:29absolutely smooth the last thing I want is somebody zooming in and being like
23:35Emma has razor burn on the red carpet images I need to go to bed I'm not I'm
23:41not we're gonna watch a little bit of shark tank and we're gonna go to bed
24:35okay Oh
25:35I'm wearing the exact same outfit I wore two days ago this is my haircut
25:40reference image I don't know if we're gonna do exactly that but we're gonna do
25:45something sort of like that this is truly the shortest I've ever cut my hair
25:48I keep cutting it shorter and shorter and shorter every haircut appointment
25:52but this is like a whole nother level
26:06look at my little pixie it's so short and I'm so excited it's so comfortable
26:17listen the pixie looks cute and that's great but like my favorite part about
26:23having short hair is how comfortable and convenient it is I feel free I feel free
26:30I move around and my hair doesn't move whether or not it's flattering on me is
26:34up for debate but you know what maybe it's not up for debate I like it I like
26:40it I like it loser it took me like literally 10 haircuts before I actually
26:47got an actual pixie I've been like calling my haircut a pixie but it
26:52actually hasn't been a pixie up until now up until now it was like a shag
28:11you guys can go tight too like I'm ready I'm ready for oh we'll be in we
28:16can make it really tight after great we're going to the party I'm feeling
28:25very anxious to be honest I'm feeling anxious about every single part of it
28:29I'm feeling anxious about doing the interviews on the red carpet because I
28:32feel like I'm a little bit socially awkward because I've been introverted
28:35for a few months I'm feeling nervous about the red carpet looking snatched
28:40feeling nervous about that feeling nervous about going in alone who am I
28:45gonna talk to but everything's gonna be fine
28:50okay I have to stop moving okay I'm ready no I have to wait I'm in like a
29:07line there's like a bunch of cars in a line waiting to let people out so I
29:11actually cannot get out right now wish me luck out there guys I always get
29:17scared that during a live interview I'm gonna say something really bad like I
29:21don't like I'm gonna like just out of nowhere just say something bad like that
29:26I don't mean like I'm not gonna say anything but like just say something
29:29just horrible and I think about that every time I do a live interview
