Murdoch Mysteries Season 18 Episode 17 The Death of James Pendrick (Mar 10, 2025) Full Episode 720HD
00:00Cyclone in Saskatchewan!
00:03Airship accident in Atlantic City!
00:06Strike at Bosworth Harbor in week three!
00:09Did you say airship accident?
00:26That's a whole day's chronic loss!
00:28I'm doubly sorry, sir. I'm not used to riding in the city.
00:32Smells good.
00:34Well, Roberts. Everything alright?
00:37Good morning, sir.
00:41Honestly, not so far. But it can only get better from here, right?
00:46I appreciate your optimism. And I'm glad to see you're still trying to ride your bicycle.
00:52Well, after this I'm not so sure I ought to be.
00:56Second accident this week.
00:59Perhaps we should get you a bell.
01:01I'll take you over to Dewald's Bicycle Shop as soon as you've had a chance to go home and change uniforms.
01:08Do you have any extra uniforms at the station? I'm not quite ready to get on the bicycle yet.
01:19I presume you're both aware of the strike at the Bosworth rubber factory?
01:23Of course.
01:24It's been some weeks, hasn't it?
01:26Three. Which is, I suspect, why Chief Constable Brackmead has asked I send constables to keep order on the picket line.
01:33Well, there hasn't been violence.
01:35No, but the Board of Control is eager to bring an end to the disruption.
01:39Afraid it will gain wider support as the Eaton strike this spring did, no doubt.
01:44Do you think the Chief Constable hopes that a police presence on the picket line will intimidate the men back to work?
01:51That's a meaning I took, but I find strike-breaking abhorrent.
01:55Good for you, Inspector.
01:58You feel differently, Detective?
02:00No. No, I agree with you. But I do feel this strike should be resolved, and quickly.
02:05The city's experiencing all sorts of shortages, from shoes to medical supplies.
02:10I'd understood there was some work ongoing in the factory.
02:13There is, but delivery drivers are refusing to cross the picket line in order to pick up shipments.
02:18I've never crossed the picket line either.
02:20That may be, but I fear I can't dodge the Chief Constable's request forever.
02:28Or perhaps not even the end of the day.
02:32Inspector Choi?
02:34Hello, Miss Cherry. What can I...
02:37I'll send someone immediately.
02:40Well, one of you is going to have to cross the picket line.
02:43A body's been found at the factory.
02:45You take this one. I have...
02:48Right. Good.
02:51Toronto Constabulary, let us through.
02:54They killed him.
02:55Who's they?
02:56The people who own this damn place.
02:58Move aside, please.
03:03Detective. You're finally here.
03:06Did you take the long way round?
03:18I did.
03:27His name was Jay Sturgeon. He was the man leading this strike.
03:31Who found the body?
03:32I did.
03:34You're here covering the strike for your paper, The Sentinel, Miss Cherry?
03:37Every day. My readers are very engaged.
03:40I'm the only journalist the workers trust to get their message out.
03:44What message is that, Miss?
03:46A member of the Constabulary with manners. Where'd they find you?
03:49Chatham, Miss.
03:51The workers' message, Miss Cherry?
03:54That they are overworked and underpaid.
03:57Mr. Sturgeon was leading the charge for unionization.
04:00And I take it things have been fraught.
04:03Mr. Bosworth hated Mr. Sturgeon and everything he stood for.
04:06So, yes, I'd say things have been fraught.
04:11Perhaps he'd given up, decided to wave the white flag.
04:16How can you be so sure, Miss Cherry?
04:19The Jay Sturgeon I met was not a man to give up.
04:26Rigor mortis has set in.
04:28Meaning that Mr. Sturgeon died late last night.
04:31Judging by the position of the body, he fell from a good height. Possibly a roof.
04:37So he was murdered.
04:39Who would have wanted to kill him?
04:41You may have manners, but you're not a good listener, are you?
04:44The owner wanted Mr. Sturgeon out of the picture.
04:47Miss Cherry, do you really believe that Mr. Bosworth would go so far as to kill the strike leader?
04:54I believe a capitalist will go as far as need be to protect his business interests.
05:00Right. You can take him now, please.
05:04This tragedy will not deter us.
05:08Jay Sturgeon may have been our leader, but our struggle goes on without him.
05:13And I would be honored to pick up the torch for Jay!
05:21I fear we may be in for a challenging few days.
05:32Can I help you?
05:34Detective Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary. We'd like a word with Mr. Roy Bosworth, please.
05:40About the accident?
05:41We've yet to determine the cause of death.
05:44I see. Well, Mr. Bosworth is unavailable.
05:49I'm sure he's a very busy man, Miss...
05:52Iona Berger.
05:54Miss Berger. But this is a police matter.
05:57Be that as it may, I'm afraid my answer remains the same.
06:01As does my request.
06:04He's meeting with customers at a pub down the street.
06:09Perhaps we could access the roof and have a look in the meantime.
06:15I suppose that would be alright, but you'll need a key.
06:23Wait here, please.
06:37That's quite a bit of security for a key.
06:41Mr. Bosworth runs a tight ship. He's the only one with access to the roof.
06:46Follow me.
06:50If there's only one key to the roof, how did Mr. Sturgeon get up there?
06:54Very good question, Constable.
07:07There's no fire escape.
07:09Sturgeon must have accessed the roof the same way we just did, but without a key. How?
07:15Maybe that Miss Berger let him up. She has access to the key.
07:20That's one possibility. Among many, what we need is evidence.
07:30Maybe Mr. Sturgeon was up here to hang this.
07:33But something or someone prevented him from doing so.
07:42Perhaps whoever made this second set of footprints.
07:45Those sure don't belong to Miss Berger.
07:47No. We need to find out who else knew about Mr. Sturgeon's banner.
07:52This way.
07:58Pardon me. May I ask you a few questions about Jay Sturgeon?
08:02I knew him.
08:04Was he here at the factory last night?
08:06No, he stepped foot back in here.
08:08Why do you say that?
08:10Sturgeon made the life of every guy in here harder, thanks to his pointless strike.
08:14Would we call the push for better working conditions pointless?
08:18What good is better working conditions if you gotta pay some fat cat union balls to get them?
08:22Oases aren't gonna move themselves, Farrell.
08:25Gotta get back to work.
08:27Your name, sir?
08:29Noel Bishop.
08:31Mr. Bishop, you're still here at work?
08:34You're a bright spark.
08:36I take it you didn't agree with Jay Sturgeon's views on this whole strike?
08:41He wanted us to risk our jobs for the strike, but he didn't have hungry mouths to feed at home.
08:47I'm here because I have to be.
08:54I have been waiting on that order of rubber soles for weeks now, Bosworth.
08:57Until I find drivers willing to cross the picket line, I can't help you.
09:01I have already paid for the product. You are in breach of contract.
09:05I am not. Your contract stipulates...
09:08Excuse me.
09:10Can't you see I'm occupied?
09:12Detective Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.
09:14I'd like to ask you some questions about the death outside your factory this morning.
09:17We can discuss it here or in private.
09:21Yes, of course. Tragedy. That's...
09:26Gentlemen, a moment. Roman, come.
09:33I hope you don't mind, Detective. My son, Roman. I've got him learning the business.
09:38Now, what can we do for you?
09:40What can you tell me about your dealings with Jay Sturgeon?
09:44I presume since you're here, you've already heard something of them.
09:46It's my understanding that your relationship was adversarial.
09:51Jay Sturgeon was a good worker.
09:53Until the day he thought he could tell me how to run my business.
09:57Can you account for your whereabouts last evening?
10:00Of course. Roman and I left the factory at eight and went directly home.
10:05Our household staff can confirm. We were there all night.
10:08Now, is that everything?
10:10I'm afraid it isn't.
10:11I'm afraid it isn't.
10:13Jay Sturgeon died from a fall off of your factory roof.
10:18That's impossible. The only key is in my father's office.
10:23And somehow Jay Sturgeon ended up on your roof nonetheless.
10:28I don't know what to tell him.
10:30If Jay Sturgeon had a key, I don't know how he got his hands on it.
10:37Go away. We won't be intimidated.
10:40I'm not here to intimidate anyone.
10:43Don't you all want to know what happened to Jay Sturgeon?
10:45We know what happened. Bosworth killed him.
10:49Are you coppers really taking this seriously?
10:52Of course you are, sir.
10:54I'll help you however I can.
10:56Yes. Thank you, sir.
10:58You're welcome.
10:59What can you tell me about the activities of Jay Sturgeon last night?
11:03You mean the banner? You know about it.
11:05Of course. He'd been working on that thing for days.
11:08Couldn't wait to see the scabs when I got to work and saw it hanging this morning.
11:11How did he plan to get on the roof?
11:13With the key.
11:15The only key is in Mr. Bosworth's office. Did he steal it?
11:18Workers did that a long time ago.
11:21I'm afraid so.
11:23I don't know.
11:24Did he steal it?
11:26Workers did that a long time ago.
11:29I'm afraid I don't follow.
11:31Bosworth doesn't allow breaks.
11:33And we can't smoke inside.
11:35So, a couple of years back, someone made a copy of Rufke,
11:38so we have a place to grab Quint Gaspar.
11:48Detective Murdoch!
11:50Mr. Diwala.
11:52I was just speaking with someone about your shop.
11:55Well, I'm pleased you remember it. It's been a long time since you visited.
11:58Ah, yes. I have not been cycling nearly as much as I would like.
12:01Oh, driving more?
12:03No, I just haven't found the time to give my bicycle a proper tune-up.
12:06Well, why not bring it by the shop and have me do it?
12:08That's very kind of you.
12:10I know that you'd like to do it yourself.
12:13But if you can't find the time...
12:15Perhaps you're right.
12:16I was going to bring a colleague by your shop tomorrow anyway.
12:19Perfect timing. I'm having a sale in all my bicycle supplies.
12:23Terrific. Tomorrow it is, then. Thank you.
12:33Tell me your day's been fruitful.
12:35Yes and no.
12:37Bosworth and his son Roman both have means and motive.
12:40That sounds fruitful.
12:42But they both claim that they were at home at the time that Sturgeon was killed.
12:46Can anyone confirm that?
12:48Yes, their maid can, but she's travelling this morning. I've been unable to reach her.
12:52I'll try again later.
12:54Sors, I found something.
12:56Yes, Constable.
12:58There's a second key to the roof. A copy made by the workers years ago.
13:01Sergei Dimitrov told me this would have been the key Sturgeon used.
13:04Well, if that's the case, why did we not find it on his body?
13:07The killer must have taken it.
13:09Well, we oughtn't jump to conclusions, Inspector.
13:11I'm pleased that you are thinking critically, Constable Roberts.
13:17But the Inspector's logic is sound.
13:20Any of the suspects in this case would be motivated to have that key at this moment.
13:25Bosworth, to confiscate it.
13:28The workers to keep it a secret.
13:30Exactly. If we find that key, we will likely find the killer.
13:33We need to question the workers.
13:35Yes, but perhaps not directly. I don't think they'll speak to police.
13:38What do you propose?
13:40We need a man on the inside, but both Constable Roberts and myself are known to them.
13:47I think I know who we can send in. But he's not going to like it.
13:57You only look the part.
14:00A well-scrubbed scab?
14:03I understand how you feel.
14:04But remember, you're pursuing justice for the man that started that picket line.
14:23I thought this was a bicycle shop.
14:25Well, it was.
14:27Detective, you came. And you brought your colleague.
14:29Mr. Diwala, I thought this was always a bicycle shop. When did you start selling automotive parts?
14:35Oh, since a few months ago.
14:37Oh, but you love bicycles.
14:39I love getting around quickly.
14:41And in that regard, an automobile wins any day.
14:44They're the future. But I certainly have time to tend to your bicycle.
14:48I don't suppose you have any bells left?
14:51No. No, I don't believe I do.
14:54Wait. Is one right here?
14:57Take this one.
15:00Isn't that your bicycle, Mr. Diwala?
15:03Yes, I won't be needing it anymore. Like I said, autos are the future.
15:07And that bell is yours just for five cents.
15:11How about you, Detective? Can I interest you in anything other than a tune-up before I close up?
15:15Well, I could use some tires.
15:18But I was hoping for new ones.
15:21I'm certain I have some in the back. Just leave it to me.
15:27Here you go.
15:29Thank you, Mr. Diwala.
15:30My pleasure.
15:33Very nice man.
15:36You seem like a good man, Mr. Negi. We need your kind around here.
15:42Miss Berger here will assist you with your training.
15:46Which department?
15:50Oh, um...
15:52Hoses, tires, moldings.
15:57Whatever you deem best.
16:00Very well.
16:03Oh, and uh, Mr. Negi?
16:06Don't let the men outside fill your head with nonsense.
16:09We pay fairly for honest work.
16:16Let's see.
16:26Hoses it is.
16:38No, that will be all. Thank you.
16:41I've confirmed both Roy and Roman Bosworth's alibis.
16:45Neither has our man.
16:47Let's hope Detective Watts can make some headway at the factory today.
16:50Perhaps we can as well.
16:54Miss Hart presumed that the handkerchief found on the body belonged to Sturgeon,
16:58but his wife claims otherwise.
17:01Meaning this likely belonged to the killer.
17:03And if that's the case, there may be evidence as to his identity.
17:16I don't know why they started to do it with me.
17:19Hoses are hard work.
17:21I'm not afraid of working hard.
17:23I'm guessing it's been harder since the strike?
17:27You're not wrong there.
17:29You think it'll end any time soon? I heard that a strike leader died.
17:35Well, I don't mean to pour salt in a wound.
17:38You would have known him too, right?
17:40Must have been quite a shock.
17:42What the heck's going on here?
17:47No time to lean, men.
17:49I'm not paying you to chat. I'm paying you to work.
17:52Yes, sir.
17:54Yes, sir.
17:56I'm lucky to have a job.
18:03The strike's got him on edge.
18:05I hear he's on the verge of going broke if this ain't settled soon.
18:09You ever consider joining Sturgeon on the picket line?
18:13I've been working in factories since I was 12 years old.
18:17My advice?
18:19Keep your head down.
18:20Do the work.
18:22Pick up your pay every Friday.
18:25You agree with what the picketers are after, right?
18:28Didn't say that.
18:32You want my advice?
18:34Just focus on the job and stay out of trouble.
18:37Sturgeon made waves, and look what happened to him.
18:49I'll be right back.
18:58Is this going well?
19:00They are.
19:01Mind if I borrow one? They're so hard to find in Canada.
19:05Yeah, my sister sends them from France.
19:08Lucky man.
19:10You know a good spot to light up without the bosses seeing?
19:14Yeah, on the roof.
19:15You'll need a key, though.
19:18Don't suppose you'd be willing to share that, too?
19:24At the top of the stairwell.
19:25There's a loose brick with an X carved into it.
20:01It appears to be rubber dissolved with benzene.
20:05Hmm. Along with grease, it suggests the killer worked on the factory floor.
20:09The stitching along the edge is rather distinctive.
20:12One of a set.
20:13Perhaps Detective Watts can find another one like it in one of the workers' lockers.
20:17That's possible.
20:19Even if we don't find a match, it's evidence we can keep in our pocket.
20:26Very good. Very good.
20:29It's hard to do the work of two men, Bishop.
20:32I don't know what to tell you.
20:34How about sorry for starters?
20:35You said that things would change with Sturgeon out of the picture.
20:38It's only been a day. Give it time.
20:42We can talk about this later.
20:44Let's get back to it.
20:45That's what I'm saying.
20:53And it is important, more than ever, that we remain stalwart to our cause!
21:01This seems to be becoming a habit.
21:04Mr. Diwala.
21:05I was about to telephone you. Your bicycle is ready and waiting at the shop.
21:08Oh, very good. Thank you.
21:10What brings you here?
21:11Oh, Mr. Bosworth is a supplier of mine. And you?
21:14Oh, a case, I'm afraid.
21:16I understand it's been very difficult for some of the factory's clients given the strike.
21:21I hope it's not affecting you too badly.
21:24It has been hard.
21:25I'm fairly new to the automotive business and Mr. Bosworth has had me pay in advance.
21:30Now I find I'm paid for stock I haven't received yet.
21:34You must be hoping for a speedy resolution to this strike, then.
21:38I've spoken to Mr. Roman Bosworth and he's confident the strike will end in a day or two.
21:46Well, let's hope so.
21:49Now if you'll excuse me.
21:55Bishop quieted Farrow the minute he saw me, but they were definitely discussing Sturgeon's death.
22:00Yes, Mr. Farrow is the one I was speaking with yesterday. He wasn't shy with his opinions then, either.
22:05Have you been able to find the second roof key?
22:08Not as yet. It wasn't where Farrow said it would be.
22:11He likely didn't know it was missing.
22:13I agree. Bishop's our best suspect. I'll try to find out more information.
22:17Detective Murdock?
22:22What are you doing here?
22:23Just making sure we haven't missed anything, Miss Berger.
22:27Alone? I thought I heard voices.
22:29Oh, I was going over things aloud. I find it helps me to work things through.
22:36Very well. Have a pleasant day.
22:38And you, Miss Berger.
22:44I should get back. See if I can find the missing key.
22:47Oh, and keep an eye out for another one of these.
22:51It was found on Mr. Sturgeon, but I believe it belonged to whoever attacked him.
22:55And finding another one like it may point us to the killer.
22:58Understood. See you after the whistle blows, Detective.
23:13Hey, Negi.
23:25Just Miss Bosworth Jr. shouting at Ernest to carry more hoses.
23:28Oh, really?
23:33And you think you take it easy on the old man?
23:36Ernest has been around since Lord Bosworth was a junior.
23:40It's a shame, really.
23:44Ah, here come the scabs.
23:47Just try to ignore him, Bishop.
23:48Hey, Bishop! You lousy scab!
23:53Had enough of this?
23:55행 plein, marchez.
23:57Here come the scabs.
23:59Just try to ignore him, Bishop.
24:00Hey, Bishop! You lousy scab!
24:04Had enough of this?
24:22O-kay, just take a breath.
24:23I'm provoked!
24:24He called us scabs!
24:26What would you prefer?
24:30Stop where you are!
24:34They're coming with me!
24:35You should be arresting him!
24:36Come on!
24:47Good day, Mr. Diwala.
24:48Oh, Detective Murdoch.
24:49Good morning.
24:50I'll go and fetch your bicycle.
25:04All right.
25:06Well, I do believe that these new tires should be sufficient.
25:13More than sufficient.
25:15What do I owe you?
25:16A dollar fifty.
25:19Steeper than I recall.
25:21Well, it's been a while since you've had a professional attend to your bicycle.
25:25There you are.
25:26Thank you, Detective Murdoch.
25:28I do hope our paths will cross again.
25:30And if you or anyone you know shall require automotive supplies, then...
25:34You'll be my first call.
25:36Have a good day.
25:37You as well.
25:41Why is one of my workers in your cells and not Sergei Dimitrov?
25:44Mr. Bishop instigated the violence.
25:46Sergei Dimitrov is dangerous and unpredictable.
25:49There's no telling what he'll do.
25:50My men have been at the factory for three days.
25:52Dimitrov's given no hint of being dangerous.
25:56I'd caution you against dismissing my son's concerns if you value your job, Inspector.
26:02I'm simply relaying the facts.
26:05Speaking of facts, is it true that you provide neither the time nor the space for your employees to take breaks?
26:11Every man is allotted fifteen minutes for lunch.
26:13Is that all?
26:14In a ten hour shift?
26:15More than what they got when my father ran the factory.
26:18That's no excuse.
26:19I suggest you remedy that issue immediately.
26:21We're not breaking the law?
26:24But you're inadvertently putting the factory at risk.
26:26What do you mean by that?
26:27I can't divulge any details.
26:29But it would behoove you to allow your employees to break in a safe and non-flammable area.
26:36Are men smoking on sight?
26:40Those fools.
26:41A stray amber could torch the entire factory.
26:44A stray amber could torch the entire factory.
26:47I thought you said you could run the place.
26:54You want the Dimitrov arrested?
26:56Or do I have to call friends on the board of control?
27:05Why are you asking about Jay Sturgeon?
27:07Did you or did you not tell Francis Farrow that things would change once Sturgeon was out of the picture?
27:15Yes, I said it.
27:16I meant it.
27:17I thought the strike was sure to end without Jay.
27:19It doesn't mean I killed him.
27:23But this does.
27:25Where'd you get that?
27:27This is the workers' copy of the rooftop key.
27:30Is it not?
27:32It's a key to the roof, all right, but it belongs to me.
27:36Mr. Bishop.
27:37I'm not lying.
27:38A few of the senior guys had keys of their own.
27:41Just how many of these keys are there?
27:44Five, maybe six.
27:48Would any of these senior staff have shared their key with Mr. Sturgeon?
27:54No way.
27:55None of them are pro-strike.
27:57Jay was on the roof.
27:58He got up there using the shared key.
28:02He didn't ask for my two cents, but I'll give him anyway.
28:06For my money.
28:07It's Dimitrov that killed Jay.
28:10What makes you say that?
28:11I saw them arguing the day before Jay died, that's why.
28:14What were they arguing about?
28:16Who'd lead the strike.
28:18Jay and I didn't see eye to eye, but at least he had the workers' best interests at heart.
28:24And Dimitrov?
28:28He only cares about two things in this world.
28:30Money and making a show of himself.
28:36Do you believe what Mr. Bishop said?
28:38Every lead should be investigated.
28:40Detective Murdoch.
28:42Miss Cherry, we don't have time for your questions right now.
28:46You will, when you see this.
28:48Care to tell me why you sent a detective to work undercover?
28:53That's confidential.
28:55It won't be when I put that photo on the front page of tomorrow's Sentinel.
28:58Why would you do something like that?
29:00The public has the right to know what the police are up to, that's why.
29:04Miss Cherry, what do you want?
29:07Justice, of course.
29:10And an exclusive interview with you.
29:12Not while the investigation is ongoing.
29:15But once you've made an arrest?
29:16I will answer a few questions, on one condition.
29:20What is it?
29:21You tell me what you know about Jay Sturgeon's relationship with Sergei Dimitrov.
29:27Have you seen anything that would suggest that they were at odds?
29:31Of course not. They were comrades, brothers in arms.
29:35Even brothers fight sometimes.
29:37Would you happen to know whether Mr. Dimitrov is currently at the picket line or not?
29:43As a matter of fact, I do.
29:46What on earth would you do without me?
29:49Don't answer that.
29:51He's at the bar by the factory.
29:57Of course I didn't kill Jay.
30:01Do you have an alibi to back up that assertion?
30:05Is my commitment to the cause not sufficient?
30:10Unfortunately, it's not, Mr. Dimitrov.
30:16Well, I don't know what else to tell you.
30:20Need to go see man about the horse.
30:26Keep an eye out. I'm going to check his jacket.
30:30What for?
30:31What for?
30:33The roof key.
30:45That's a lot of money for a factory worker on strike.
30:50And I think I know how he earned it.
30:54You think Roy Bosworth paid off Sergei Dimitrov to kill Sturgeon?
30:59It's the only logical explanation for the money in Dimitrov's pocket, given the note.
31:05It's risky on Bosworth's part.
31:07Then why would Dimitrov accept?
31:10Money's a powerful motivator.
31:12Suppose corruption isn't limited to capitalists?
31:15Not in my experience.
31:17Do you think you could search Bosworth's office for any evidence of the payoff?
31:21I'll do my best.
31:24I'm exhausted.
31:26You know how these workers do it day in and day out.
31:29Let's go.
31:51Why would you do this?
31:53Did the strikers pay you?
31:55What? No, I'm a police detective.
31:57Call the fire department, now!
32:00What are you doing?
32:02I need to search Bosworth's office.
32:04You can't go in there!
32:06This is urgent, Miss Bursar!
32:08It's locked!
32:10Give me the key or I'll break the door down.
32:19Miss Sherry, have you seen Detective Watts?
32:22No, why?
32:24I fear he may be inside.
32:29Miss Sherry!
32:46Miss Bursar, you were inside?
32:48Yes, with the detective.
32:50Watts, are you alright?
32:52I got the ledger.
32:54We were nearly trapped, it was only thanks to Miss Bursar.
32:57I made it out alive.
33:00Roberts, look into getting medical help for these two.
33:03Yes, sir. May I?
33:05I'm afraid not.
33:07That ledger may contain crucial evidence.
33:09So, the detective said.
33:11And if they're breaking the law, then I won't be a part of that.
33:14But I need to see it for myself.
33:16This is private property and I take my role at Bosworth Rubbers seriously.
33:19So, I would be willing to look for suspicious activity in the company accounts myself
33:23and report to you anything unusual I find.
33:34Are you sure you wouldn't like some tea, Miss Bursar?
33:37I'm fine, thank you.
33:39And you're certain you're familiar enough with the company books to recognize any fraudulent entries?
33:45Of course. Mr. Bosworth is very meticulous, but if he's done anything untoward, I'll find it.
33:51And if she doesn't?
33:53Miss Cherry has agreed to share her photos from the last few days.
33:57I found something. A suspicious entry was made Monday.
34:01The day before Jay Sturgeon was killed.
34:03There's a withdrawal noted as being for office supplies, but I buy those with petty cash.
34:08How much was it for?
34:10Twenty-five dollars.
34:12Along with the note, I found twenty-two dollars in Sergei Dimitrov's pocket.
34:16I say we found our man. Or rather, men.
34:18First thing tomorrow, we'll speak to Dimitrov and Bosworth.
34:21Mr. Bosworth, Jr.
34:23Excuse me?
34:25It was Roman, not Mr. Bosworth, who made the fraudulent entry.
34:28I can tell by the handwriting.
34:30That little pipsqueak was behind all this.
34:33Leave him to me, Murdoch.
34:38Please don't send me to jail.
34:40That all depends on you telling me the truth, Roman.
34:44Alright, fine.
34:46I did pay off Sergei Dimitrov.
34:49But I swear, I never thought he'd kill anybody.
34:52Keep talking.
34:54All I wanted him to do was sideline Sturgeon and take control of the striking workers himself.
34:59Let me guess.
35:01The plan was, once he did that, he would work with you to end the strike,
35:05no matter if it benefited the workers or not.
35:08We had to survive.
35:10We had to start filling orders, or we were going to go bankrupt.
35:14Let's say I believe you.
35:16You must.
35:18Why didn't the strike end after Mr. Sturgeon was killed?
35:21Dimitrov double-crossed me.
35:23He took my money, got rid of Sturgeon, and then refused to negotiate.
35:27You knew all this, and yet you never came forward.
35:30I'm frightened for my life.
35:32Sergei Dimitrov killed a man.
35:35He probably set fire to the factory, too.
35:37If it wasn't bad enough to welch an ordeal, he had to go ahead and set my inheritance up in flames.
35:42A man was killed, and you're worried about your inheritance.
35:46I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.
35:49Look, none of this is my fault.
35:52On the contrary.
35:54Where are you going?
35:56Please, I need protection from that man.
35:58You'll get protection in the cells.
36:01Roman Bosworth is afraid of me.
36:05He believes you killed J. Sturgeon.
36:10Conniving little...
36:13Like I said yesterday, I did no such thing.
36:17You should be looking at Roman.
36:20Roman Bosworth paid you.
36:22To talk to J. into stepping down.
36:25And you should be looking at me.
36:27To talk to J. into stepping down.
36:30Which is why we fought.
36:32I was going to do what Roman had asked, but...
36:36I suppose you grew impatient.
36:39You seriously believe that Roman Bosworth is a murderer?
36:43I do.
36:45That's why I kept the strike going after J. was killed.
36:49How could I negotiate with Roman about what he...
36:51What he...
36:56J. was my comrade.
37:00A comrade you were prepared to sideline for $25.
37:06I needed the money.
37:08But I swear to you, I would never have hurt J., let alone kill him.
37:13What about the firing, Mr. Dimitrov?
37:16Nothing to do with me.
37:18I have alibi.
37:19Any number of people can attest to it.
37:29Mr. Dimitrov was telling the truth.
37:32Patrons at the bar saw him right up until the moment the fire started.
37:36And Roman Bosworth is still a suspect in Mrs. Sturgeon's murder.
37:39But he's not stupid enough to burn down a factory he's said to inherit.
37:45So no one witnessed anyone going into the factory before the fire started.
37:54What's this?
37:58Is that a plank accessing the roof?
38:02I saw no plank when I was up there.
38:06Look at this image Miss Cherry took before the fire started.
38:10No plank.
38:12Then there is one.
38:14And then as the smoke began to billow out of the building...
38:17No plank. Meaning?
38:20That's how the arsonist got into the building.
38:26I'd like to get these to the station house to test for finger marks.
38:36This is the same grey substance that we found on the killer's handkerchief.
38:40But if that's so then...
38:42Then the killer and the arsonist are one and the same.
38:48Wait a minute.
38:51What is this?
38:53What is it, sir?
38:55These aren't new tires at all.
38:58Mr. DiWalla simply painted over my original tires with some kind of rubber.
39:08I know who killed Mr. Sturgeon.
39:12Look, look.
39:14Sir, look.
39:16Notice of foreclosure.
39:18The strike must have finished Mr. DiWalla's business.
39:21Mr. DiWalla, stop!
39:24Stay on him.
39:44There's no way out, Mr. DiWalla.
39:47Damn this car and damn the Boswoods. It's all their fault.
39:51You're coming with us to the station house.
39:54That was some mighty fast riding, sir.
39:56I don't know how you got ahead of me.
39:58Took a shortcut. One only a bicycle can take.
40:01So much for the triumph of automobiles.
40:14I believe this is one of yours.
40:20I also found this in your shop.
40:23Finger mark evidence confirms that it was recently in Jay Sturgeon's possession.
40:29I know you killed him, Mr. DiWalla.
40:33But what I would like to know is why.
40:38I just needed to get my tires.
40:41Via the roof?
40:43I guessed it was the most surreptitious way to enter.
40:51But you ran into Jay Sturgeon.
40:53I didn't expect him to block my way.
40:56We were on the same side.
41:00There was a physical altercation?
41:04I told him I needed the tires that I've paid for.
41:08He said nothing could leave the factory as it would weaken the striker's position.
41:12We argued.
41:14It got physical.
41:18I didn't mean for it to fall off the roof.
41:21Did you mean to set fire to the building?
41:27You didn't believe the strike would end soon.
41:30Despite what Roman said, for my business to survive,
41:34I needed to get out of my contract and find another supplier.
41:37But neither Roy or Roman Bosworth would allow it.
41:43I had to force their hand.
41:45By setting fire to their factory.
41:48You have to understand, Detective, I'm a victim here too.
41:53Squeezed between two opposing forces.
41:56Be that as it may, you will have to pay for your actions.
42:07I imagine Roman Bosworth was still fairly angry when he was released from our cells?
42:12Oh, yes. But I've dealt with enough men like him before not to rise to the bait.
42:16The factory was condemned, but the Bosworths plan to rebuild.
42:20Perhaps this time they'll include a break area for their workers.
42:23Well, Miss Cherry pledges to keep up her campaigning for better working conditions if they come back.
42:28I know one who won't. I put in a word for Miss Berger with Chief Constable Brackenreed.
42:32She will be the city's first female morality officer.
42:37You take bright minds where you find them. That's how the world progresses.
42:40Don't you agree, Detective?
42:42Yes, I do.
42:54Thank you. That is going to make for quite a front page tomorrow.
42:58Now, for that exclusive interview you promised me, Detective.
43:01Ah, yes.
43:02So, will you be operating out of Station House 4, Miss Berger?
43:06I'll have an office in Station House 1. It's larger and tidier.
43:15Is everything all right?
43:18I'm not yet sure what it is, Detective Watts, but there's something...
43:23unusual about you.
43:25Is that a compliment, or...?
43:32No, it's not.
44:32If you believe in something, you'll get what you want.
44:35That is, it's already in your mind right before you think of a plan to transform it into something else.
44:43It's just a matter of whether it appears or not.
44:46If you ask someone how to develop faith, it's no different than asking a blind person about colors they've never seen before.
44:58It's really hard to describe without a specific plan.
45:04Faith is a state of mind that you can completely control after you've grasped the 13 principles.
45:18Because it's a state of mind that can be self-fulfilled.
45:24So when you apply the principles, your spirit will become strong and strong.
45:33Repeating the affirmation again and again, the commands in your consciousness, is the only way to develop feelings and faith in an active way.
45:45Perhaps this meaning will be made clearer through the story of the sins.
45:54According to a famous criminologist, when a person first comes into contact with evil, they feel disgusted with it.
46:04When they get to know it for a while, they begin to accept its existence.
46:10And when they get to know it for a long time, they will be influenced by the obsession that it creates.
46:20Finally, they become evil.
46:23This is equivalent to saying that any conflict of opinion is repeated many times in consciousness.
46:32Finally, it will be accepted by consciousness and given the command to act.
46:40Transforming that conflict into an equivalent substance according to the current practical process.
46:47Regarding this, please review the statement.
46:51All ideas have created feelings and are in harmony with faith to transform into an equivalent substance.
47:00Feelings or feelings of thought are factors that bring back the thought of vitality, life and action.
47:07Feelings of faith are factors that bring back vitality, life and action.