We take to the streets of Glasgow to ask people for their views on a proposed policy that would see sporting and pub privileges taken from criminals as a punishment instead of being sent to prison. This comes as the UK currently has full prisons.
00:00I can't see that working. People don't think they're going to get caught, so they do what they want to do.
00:05Well, how are you going to manage that? How are you going to police that? I think that would be my biggest thing.
00:11I don't think that prison works. I think you need to look at community alternatives, but certainly I don't think that that's manageable.
00:18I'm not really in favour of sending people to prison, to be perfectly honest. I think you need to probably look in more detail as to why they're offending.
00:27I agree. That was a very good answer.
00:32It really depends on if they're reformed or not. If it's maybe a small crime, I wouldn't really see the big deal of it, but it's something quite serious.
00:41You don't really want a serial killer showing up at your football game, do you, or at the pub. It really does depend on the crime.
00:49I think people don't expect to get caught, so they'll continue to do what they probably always have done.
00:56I don't really think that's going to help much.