• 2 months ago
Seven people convicted of being part of a child abuse ring which plunged to "the depths of human depravity" were sentenced to lifelong restriction orders and warned they may never be released. The two women and five men were all convicted of gang raping a child and abusing other children in a drugs den in Glasgow where heroin and crack cocaine were used, and were given sentences of between 20 years and eight years in jail before they can apply for parole.
Report by Faragt. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00This court is used to hearing some of the worst examples of human behaviour,
00:05but such depravity as you displayed against young children is beyond my experience.
00:12As was said in the aftermath of the trial, this is not typical behaviour.
00:16Such extreme abuse of children seems to be rare.
00:21In contrast to your awful abuse, the trial also heard evidence demonstrating
00:27the best of human qualities. Children showed extraordinary fortitude, strength and stamina,
00:35undergoing months and years of interviews as investigators struggled to discover and
00:42comprehend the full extent of what you had done to them.
00:45Each of you faces at least one charge of extreme gravity.
00:50You are not all in the same position, but each of you has committed at least one charge
00:55involving very serious and repeated sexual offending against a very young child.
01:01In each of the following respects, to the extent they apply in your individual cases,
01:06there is no suitable alternative to a sentence of imprisonment for the gravity of your crimes,
01:13dreadfully depraved sexual abuse revealed in the evidence, drug dealing around children,
01:18serious neglect of them and life endangering and in some cases murderous assaults.
01:24In the case of each of you, it's necessary to protect the public from you and to seek to
01:30deter you and others from abusing children in all of the ways featuring in this case.
01:35Such exceptionally grave conduct must attract severe punishment in order to mark adequately
01:42the gravity of your crimes, expressing the abhorrence of the community for such atrocious
01:48abuse of vulnerable children in the circumstances of this case.
