• 2 weeks ago
(Adnkronos) - 300 gli esperti riuniti a Trieste per discutere delle sfide scientifiche e gestionali da affrontare per costruire una società resiliente ai rischi ambientali, in un momento storico in cui si assiste agli effetti sempre più presenti, talvolta devastanti, del cambiamento climatico.

Occasione dell’incontro, organizzato dall’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS è stato il progetto Return (Multi-Risk Science for Resilient Communities under a Changing Climate), finanziato dal Pnrr.


00:00There were more than 300 experts gathered in Trieste to discuss the scientific and management challenges to be faced to build a society that is resilient to environmental risks.
00:15A theme that is at least current in a historical moment in which we witness the increasingly present effects, sometimes devastating, of climate change.
00:23The occasion of the meeting organized by the National Institute of Oceanography and Geophysics, the OGS, was the project RETURN financed by the PNRR.
00:35A project involving universities, research centers, competence centers, private companies and the Department of Civil Protection.
00:42RETURN, through the transversal skills of each actor, aims to strengthen national research on environmental risks.
00:50The idea was precisely to look for an approach that was not monodisciplinary but multidisciplinary.
00:55The key word is multiple risk.
00:58And it is a very difficult thing, because where you turn, there are knowledge gaps that must be filled.
01:04There is a lot to do, both in terms of understanding how to better monitor, and in terms of understanding how to better and more efficiently allocate our resources for management,
01:16both on the scale of the emergency, two or three days, typical of some events such as floods,
01:21and on the longer scale, months or years, which serve to plan things such as chronic pollution or the effects of chronic pollution.
01:31Research and technological innovation are the pillars on which to base the development of effective tools that are positioned at the forefront of resilience.
01:39Tools capable of assessing the risks of natural disasters, predicting the impact and improving response and adaptation.
01:46We are not able to predict precisely what will happen in the future, but we are able to say many things.
01:53These things, however, must take into account all the uncertainties we are aware of.
01:59For example, uncertainties related to the intrinsic variability of the process that generates these events,
02:06and also the limited knowledge of the process itself.
02:10Well, a reasonable estimate that is also useful for society in relation to the occurrence of these natural catastrophic events,
02:17must take into account both these types of uncertainties.
02:22In the RETURN project, there is a part of didactic training that contains highly up-to-date research content on the issues of risk and civil protection.
02:31Training is a decisive factor because it allows us to broaden and disseminate the principles,
02:38the concepts and also the results of a research activity that otherwise would often be of a level of communication with,
02:49let's say, the technical teams and with society, less relevant than what we are trying to do.
02:57In emergency management, in long-term planning, civil protection has a crucial role.
03:03Highly trained figures are therefore necessary within it.
03:07We are interested in having professionals in many sectors, from law to engineering to geology,
03:13who know the aspects of risk and risk reduction, so that they can bring this experience into their professions.
03:21This allows us to have qualified personnel in all sectors of the activities and to reduce the risk conditions in the future.
