• 2 days ago
Sejumlah pedagang di pasar kawasan Jakarta Selatan resah, dengan beredarnya MinyaKita yang diduga palsu. Munculnya MinyaKita dengan kualitas buruk tersebut terjadi saat stok MinyaKita langka, dengan harga yang sudah melambung tak sesuai dengan harga eceran tertinggi.


00:00We will now go to the first piece of information from a number of traders in the Jakarta-Selatan market
00:11with the rumour of our oil being falsely accused.
00:14Yes, it appears that our oil, with its poor quality, occurs when our oil stock is scarce,
00:20with a price that has been fluctuating, not in line with the highest price.
00:24Our oil is scarce in a number of traders in the Jakarta-Selatan market.
00:36These traders are more likely to get a stock of Rizky oil than our oil.
00:42In the middle of our oil scarcity, our oil is rumoured to be fake.
00:46Our fake oil has a poor quality, such as sulfur oil.
00:51In addition, the label and packaging are also not as good as our oil.
00:55Even our oil, which is currently circulating in the Jakarta-Selatan market, is worse than Rizky oil, which is cheaper.
01:02Next, our oil, which is suspected to be fake, does not reach 1 liter with a damaged label condition and does not meet SME standards.
01:10They claim that our fake oil is not sold to the public.
01:14The difference is that the original bottle is good.
01:17This one is bad.
01:21The packaging is also different.
01:24The label is not as good as this one.
01:29The original bottle is good.
01:32The original bottle is 1 liter.
01:34This one is only 100 ml.
01:36What about the quality of our oil?
01:38Our oil is good.
01:42This one is not as good as Surah oil.
01:44It is known that the price of fried oil at the beginning of Ramadan reached Rp 18,000 per liter,
01:49whereas the government's HET determined only Rp 14,000 per liter.
01:53The public is expected to be more aware of the circulation of our oil, which is suspected to be fake.
