• 7 hours ago
Moartea in vacanta (Death on Holiday) 2024 delightful Romanian comedy Film
"Moartea in vacanta" (Death on Holiday) is a delightful Romanian comedy film released in 2024. The movie follows the story of three characters, Mihăiță, Adrian, and Patricia, who try to get into the good graces of a lonely and wealthy old woman, Rodica, in hopes of inheriting her fortune.

As they accompany Rodica on a vacation to Greece, things take a sudden turn when she dies on the beach. Desperate to get their hands on her €8 million fortune, they embark on a chaotic road trip to illegally transport her body back to Romania .

With its witty humor and entertaining storyline, "Moartea in vacanta" has been making waves in Romanian cinema. Director Cristian Ilișuan aims to create a comedy that will stand the test of time, and judging by the film's reception, he's on the right track .

Mircea Popa, Maria Popovici, Costel, Bojog, Mihaela Deceanu

Genre: Comedy
Release Date: October 28, 2024

#MoarteaInVacanta, #DeathOnHoliday, #RomanianComedy, #RomanianFilm, #ComedyMovie, #2024Movies, #CristianIlišuan, #MirceaPopa, #MariaPopovici, #CostelBojog, #MihaelaDeceanu, #movies, #film, #movie, #cinema, #films, #hollywood, #actor, #s, #love, #art, #cinematography, #netflix, #horror, #actress, #moviescenes, #music, #filmmaking, #cinephile, #tv, #horrormovies, #bollywood, #comedy, #movienight, #photography, #cine, #instagood, #instagram, #director, #moviereview, #drama,
