Скарфейс — легендарный лев с черной гривой, известный своей силой и выносливостью. Он в одиночку победил гиппопотама и выживал после серьезных ран. Этот величественный хищник стал настоящим королем саванны. В возрасте 14 лет он вернулся на свою территорию, сделал последний вдох и ушел из жизни естественным путем, что невероятно редко среди диких львов. История легенды, жившей по своим правилам.
00:00It is quite difficult to see how lions die from old age, because in the wild, death usually occurs due to received wounds or hunger.
00:07However, this rule does not apply to Scarface, also known as the Shamed Lion.
00:11He became famous when he killed a hippopotamus alone.
00:14Documentaries competed with each other to capture his life as in the film.
00:18This magnificent hunter, who received the title of the real king, as the strongest lion in Africa, gained great fame.
00:25At the age of 14, before leaving his life, he went to his territory, which he considered his home.
00:30This lion, capable of killing a hippopotamus alone, survived after serious wounds and was a legend with a unique black mane.
00:36Even other lions shared his prey.
00:39Scarface returned home, took his last breath and died of old age, becoming one of the rarest lions that left in this way.