• 昨日
Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy, there was a bright star named Stella. Stella was known for her beauty and grace, shining brightly in the night sky for all to see. But one day, Stella grew tired of her predictable existence and decided she wanted to experience something new. With a burst of energy, Stella broke free from her place in the sky and descended towards Earth. As she plummeted through the atmosphere, her light dimmed until she looked like a mere flickering candle. As she landed on the soft grass, Stella's light extinguished completely, leaving her feeling cold and alone. Lost and confused, Stella wandered the Earth, searching for a way to regain her former brilliance. She stumbled upon a kind farmer who took her in, nurturing her with love and care. With each passing day, Stella felt a glimmer of hope return to her heart. But as time went on, Stella realized that her true power and beauty came from within. She didn't need to shine brightly in the sky to be special. She had the power to bring joy and light to those around her, no matter where she was. And so, Stella embraced her new life on Earth, sharing her light with everyone she met. The people who had once gazed up at her in the night sky now looked upon her with wonder and admiration. Stella had found her true purpose and was content knowing that she had made a difference on this new world. And though she may have fallen to Earth, Stella had never been more alive. She was no longer just a star in the sky, but a beacon of hope and love for all who knew her.
