Today we are bleaching my hair at home.. for the first time...
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My Socials & fun stuff: 🧸
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🧶My Sewing Supplies:
📷My Filming Set-up:
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#miamaples #hair #bleach
Hope you enjoyed, Subscribe to be notified when I post! 🍓
OTHER VIDEOS u might like: 🌷✨
Trying Vintage hair tools:
Brad Mondo Dyed my hair:
Cutting my hair short:
The videos that made me believe I could do this:
My Socials & fun stuff: 🧸
Ethical Sweatpants Sets:
🧶My Sewing Supplies:
📷My Filming Set-up:
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#miamaples #hair #bleach
00:00Um, yeah, that's gonna have to come out.
00:06Hey, yeah, I'm gonna do it.
00:13I went to Sally Beauty Supplies
00:19and I talked to the person there.
00:21I watched about 15 videos
00:24and I think that's the perfect,
00:28the perfect mathematical equation
00:30to make my brain think that I can do this.
00:32So basically, I haven't stepped foot
00:34in a hair salon since January.
00:37Getting my hair done gives me anxiety
00:39because I struggle to be able to maintain conversation
00:42with a stranger for three to four hours,
00:45which is usually how long my hair takes to get done.
00:47As much as I shouldn't let that run my life
00:49and I should face my fears,
00:51it's not really like a serious fear,
00:53it's just like something that makes me uncomfortable,
00:54I kinda wanna be self-sufficient in doing my own hair.
00:58Not saying I always will do it myself,
01:00but I would like the option.
01:01By the way, what I usually get done
01:03when I go to a hairstylist
01:04is I just get this lightness brought up a little.
01:08You can probably kind of see where it's grown out.
01:09Here's where it is.
01:11This is all regrowth.
01:12My hair also usually gets sun bleached,
01:14but because I do not step foot in the sun anymore,
01:17it hasn't been sun bleached.
01:19So it's getting darker and darker.
01:21And I'd like it to be a little lighter.
01:23And if you've been wondering what the heck this is,
01:25I did a trial piece.
01:26And now looking at it,
01:27it doesn't even look like it was dyed,
01:29but I swear it was bleached.
01:31This should be interesting.
01:33I guess this is as good a time as any, right?
01:35No turning back now.
01:37First, we've gotta make sections.
01:40I will link all of the tutorials I've watched down below
01:44so that if this turns out horrible,
01:46you can go tell them that they enabled me
01:48to do a horrible job.
01:50And if it goes great,
01:51you can go over and tell them
01:52that their tutorial really helped me do my hair.
01:55Either way, I'll link them down below.
01:57And if you're wondering how I plan to do the back of my head,
02:00how dare you?
02:01How dare you ask me that?
02:03One section, two section, three section.
02:08Oh my gosh.
02:09And Brad, if you're watching this, get out of here.
02:12Okay, I don't wanna hear it.
02:13Get out of here now.
02:15Okay, I'm gonna mix up my color.
02:17I seriously wanna use the 10 volume,
02:19but I've been persuaded by the person at Sally Beauty
02:22because she was super confident to use the 20, so I will,
02:25which is basically just the intensity of the whole thing.
02:28Okay, so we need a one of these to two of those.
02:32I feel like I need two of these.
02:34Then I need four of these.
02:36I feel like a scientist.
02:37Oh, I do have gloves.
02:38Oh my gosh, I should probably put those on now.
02:40Okay, so now I'm gonna mix this up.
02:43You mix it until there's no grains.
02:45This is becoming a tutorial.
02:46You're welcome.
02:47How to F up your hair.
02:50So once I begin, I really need to work quickly
02:52because I don't want it to sit on my hair
02:54for like a super long time.
02:56So I just need to really keep that in mind.
02:58I'm gonna start a timer for 50 minutes
03:01just to make sure I don't accidentally
03:02leave any of this in too long.
03:04So it's important that you can read a newspaper
03:08through this.
03:09I don't think I can.
03:10Granted, I do need glasses and I'm not wearing any.
03:13Okay, and then I'm gonna go like this
03:16because that's what they told me to do online.
03:19Look how small that little piece of hair is.
03:21Like to me, my chaotic nature would be like,
03:24that's not even worth putting a foil together.
03:27Like I want a little more than that,
03:29but I'm listening to the people.
03:32Oh gosh.
03:36And then I'm just gonna go to the end
03:38without accidentally getting the tips here
03:42because see, these are already bleached.
03:44So I don't want that in there.
03:46And then I'm gonna crush it on my head like this
03:48in a really, really bad way.
03:50Part of me wants to work from the back to the front
03:53because now I have this thing here
03:55and like, I don't want that in my way.
03:57Okay, next.
03:58So I'm gonna grab another little thin piece
04:01like as if nothing's even happening.
04:03Like I'm dying no hair at all.
04:05See, what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to like feather it
04:08near the top because I don't want the bleach
04:10all the way to the root
04:11because I like when my roots look kind of grown out,
04:14but it's like on purpose, do you know what I mean?
04:16This is gonna take forever.
04:18Like this is literally going to take an eternity.
04:22My concern is kind of like not saturating the hair enough
04:25because I'm like, oh, how much bleach does it really need?
04:28I don't know.
04:30Like I hope that this is enough.
04:31Hairdressers watching this are probably like yelling
04:34at the screen right now, but I can't hear you.
04:37This is already like taking me so long, 37 minutes.
04:40So, wait, this has only been 13 minutes.
04:44This feels like I've been doing this for an eternity.
04:47Okay, I can't F up the front of my face.
04:54Like I'm almost out of bleach.
04:56Is that saying that I didn't mix enough
04:58or is that saying that I'm using too much?
05:01Like this is why I feel like I should have started
05:03with the 10 volume so that it could kind of
05:06have some more time.
05:07You live and learn, I guess.
05:10I am a little concerned because I feel like the worst one
05:12I've done so far is the one right at the front of my head.
05:16Oh, I forgot, I don't have any bleach left.
05:18This is it, I'm going to have to mix them up.
05:21I need to get some more of this stuff mixed up.
05:24So I need, oh, I forgot to put my bonding thingy in.
05:27I bought a thing to have bond repair.
05:30This is in hopes to like have myself
05:32not be bald after this.
05:34I did say to the Sally Beauty Supplies person,
05:36I was like, well, hopefully the next time I see you,
05:39I won't be bald.
05:40She didn't think it was that funny.
05:42Okay, I've been doing this for 20 minutes,
05:44which means this first foil has been on for 20 minutes.
05:46See, that's what I don't understand.
05:48If I put on this one way before the other one,
05:51how am I supposed to keep track of it, you know?
05:53That's what I'm worried about right now.
05:55It's just like getting to the end
05:57and like the first foil has been on for like an hour.
06:00Also, nobody talks about how painful it is
06:03to look out of the corner of your eye for so long.
06:06Like, I feel like that is not talked about enough.
06:09This face, like looking up the corner like that,
06:12like this, that's painful.
06:21Okay, just feels like every single one I do,
06:24it doesn't actually take away from the amount I have to do.
06:28I'm doing things,
06:29but I'm not actually getting anything off of my plate.
06:33There's still too much.
06:35Wow, why am I so far back on this foil?
06:39My gosh, not a good piece to be struggling with.
06:42It's okay, it's just the, you know,
06:44one of the most important face framing pieces.
06:47It's fine, it's fine.
06:49Not a bad spot to bone it in completely, Mia.
06:54We're in a bad way right now
06:55because this side has been on for like 40 minutes.
06:59Like this one down here will have been on for very long.
07:02And this one's just begun.
07:04And this is why I wish I would have done 10 volume
07:07because then I wouldn't be worried about it,
07:09but now I am worried about it.
07:10So am I supposed to like rinse it out
07:12or do I like keep going and just like expect
07:16the other pieces to be singed up?
07:18And see, I'm wasting valuable time right now.
07:21I'm chip checking, how you doing?
07:23Well, I'm in a bit of a dilemma.
07:25These ones have been on for almost 50 minutes,
07:28which is the max.
07:29But this, like I'm just starting over here.
07:31That's what I was thinking too.
07:32I don't even know what to do.
07:34Like, I kind of feel like I could just finish my head
07:36and leave it, but I'm like, what if my hair falls out then?
07:39Wait, I didn't think this far ahead.
07:41You know what?
07:52I feel like I'll be fine.
07:53So that's 50 minutes.
07:55The timers just went off,
07:57which means this one has been on for 50 minutes,
08:01which is the max,
08:02which means I have officially potentially crisped up
08:05my hair.
08:06Oh my gosh, it's so light.
08:08We're going to need to take that out.
08:14That's going to have to come out now.
08:16So I'm just going to rinse these ones
08:18because oh my gosh, if I don't,
08:19I think my hair is going to fly off.
08:21Wow, this is really light.
08:25I definitely should have used 10 volume.
08:28Oh my gosh.
08:30My hair will never be the same.
08:33Oh my.
08:34I kind of feel like they're all ready to come out.
08:36Excuse a moi?
08:38I cannot wait any longer.
08:39I must go shower.
08:40I haven't done the back of my head,
08:41but I promise I will.
08:42Just give me a sec.
08:43Cause like that, that's going to need to come out.
08:51Last time I saw you, it was a little bit frantic.
08:56Oh my.
08:58Cause I was concerned that I may have
09:00just burnt off a piece of my hair,
09:02which is kind of fun because I watched
09:04so many of these bleach fail videos.
09:06I felt like I was almost real time in one,
09:09but then I remembered it was real life
09:11and it wasn't as fun.
09:12So any who.
09:17Hopefully that doesn't happen again.
09:20So basically when I was rinsing my hair,
09:21I just rinsed the whole thing.
09:23Cause I was scared.
09:24How many people were scared?
09:25Here's what it's looking like.
09:27Yeah, there's definitely some pretty chunky highlights.
09:32Right in the front.
09:32So now I'm going to dry my hair.
09:34Now, normally I'd put on toner,
09:36but I want to tackle the back for a bit,
09:38which that's going to be horrible,
09:40but I'm going to do it.
09:41So I'm just going to dry my hair,
09:43which I'm pretty sure you could do now.
09:45Like I can do that, right?
09:46Can I dry my hair with heat after bleaching it?
09:52It says not to, but it says you can.
09:54So if I could go back in time,
09:56I would use the 10 bowl on this side and then the 20.
09:59So I regret not kind of going with my gut on that one,
10:03but it's okay.
10:04So this is probably going to make the breaker pop.
10:06So I'm going to unplug my light
10:09and I'm going to just blow dry in the dark.
10:20The back of my head is dry.
10:23I don't know if I've ever actually had
10:25a lot of bleach on the back of my head
10:28because I don't see back there.
10:29So I have no idea what goes on back there.
10:32Unfortunately, in panic, I flipped my gloves inside out.
10:39I can't believe that worked.
10:41Oh, they're nice and warm on the inside now.
10:44When I was in the shower,
10:45I literally thought I was going to reach onto my head
10:48and pull out a chunk of hair.
10:50That's kind of the vibe that I was picking up off of myself.
10:54Thank goodness that's not what happened.
10:56So I'm going to mix up some mixture.
10:59I'm just trying to basically do a little touching up
11:01of the back.
11:02I'm not expecting the back of my head to look great.
11:05I don't even know what it normally looks like,
11:07but I'm not expecting it to look that great.
11:10You know what, I'm not giving up though.
11:11Like this is hard.
11:12I knew it was going to be hard,
11:13but I still have a goal in mind.
11:15Like I want to be able to do my hair at home.
11:17I've said this before and I'll say it again.
11:19Firstly, you do not have to be good at something
11:21to enjoy it.
11:22I'm enjoying this.
11:23I don't think I'm doing a great job, but I'm enjoying it.
11:26At first, if you are not amazing at something,
11:28that doesn't mean you should give up.
11:30You should appreciate what you did, good or bad.
11:33Appreciate that you had an effort with it.
11:35You tried something new and you had fun while you did it.
11:38And even if you didn't have fun while you did it,
11:39good for you for trying something new.
11:41So if my hair falls off my head,
11:43at least I tried something new.
11:44Now this is going to be very much,
11:47I have no idea what's going on back there.
11:48So can you let me know if it looks bad?
11:51Oh gosh, I don't think this is a good idea.
11:54How am I supposed to see the back of my head though?
11:56Maybe I'm supposed to work in like a diagonal like this.
11:59Okay, you know what?
12:01You know what?
12:02Holy crap, this is really hard.
12:03Like if I can get this, I can do anything.
12:08Oh wait, I might need to do this the other way.
12:10Ah, my hands are getting tired.
12:11I need to start a timer again.
12:13This is my holy crap, holy crap, get this off your head.
12:15It's been on for 47 minutes timer.
12:18Now this is where things become a mystery.
12:20We're just gonna, oh my gosh, wait, wait.
12:25Stuart, I need help, this is gonna be horrible.
12:32Whoa, I can't, I can't tell which way I'm going.
12:36I don't think I'm gonna be able to see the back of my head.
12:38Just made it, but like feather at the top.
12:42No, don't start at the top.
12:44Don't start near the base.
12:45Just go in the middle.
12:46Go in the middle.
12:47Now see where the hair turns into blonde?
12:50Stop there.
12:51Stop there.
12:52This is not what I wanted this to be.
12:54I did not want you to be doing this.
12:56I'm killing it, don't worry.
12:58Okay, you can put the mirror down.
12:59The mirror's not helping me.
13:02Let me see.
13:03Oh my God, no.
13:04Oh my God, what is that?
13:06Okay, wait, wait, wait.
13:07You hold this from the back like that.
13:12This is gonna be so ugly.
13:14Should I just get some cardboard?
13:20Now I really don't want Brad to see this video.
13:23Brad, I don't want you to see this.
13:26Oh my gosh, my arms are tired.
13:28This might not turn out amazing,
13:30but I have some ideas for next time.
13:33Like I'm learning, I feel.
13:36Okay, that was lousy what I just did.
13:39That's it?
13:40I just like don't really wanna do it anymore.
13:43I have seen before where people will just paint
13:46on the balayage, like a hard foil.
13:48And that's what I was kind of thinking about doing
13:51with the rest of my hair.
13:52Cause this is all underneath this.
13:54This real estate doesn't matter as much, right?
13:56Like, let's be honest.
13:57No one's gonna see that.
13:59This is what I'm thinking about doing.
14:00Like, just like.
14:04That's true.
14:05Wait, why have I been being so specific about it?
14:07Cause then I could just take a foil and go like this.
14:11Oh no, I'm phoning it in.
14:19Don't phone it in.
14:20I'm actually, I'm having a better time
14:22just like painting it
14:23rather than being really good about it.
14:33What is going on?
14:34I literally feel like I can't see right now.
14:37I think this is a sign that I should stop.
14:39It just doesn't feel like I have enough foils on my head.
14:42You know, like I washed my hair to do this.
14:45This is why.
14:47This doesn't feel worth it.
14:48Let's do more.
14:52Oh, hello.
14:54Welcome to my Ceylon.
14:56Wow, this is a big day.
14:59Something's ringing in my ears right now
15:01about what Brad says,
15:03about when you apply it right near your scalp,
15:06it is the heat of your body
15:08processes those ones really fast.
15:11I don't want to talk about Brad right now.
15:14I'm fearful that he's going to see this.
15:17Your hair is melted, colored five different colors
15:20and it is definitely going to fall off.
15:23It looks like you've done a really good job though.
15:25I'm going to get better at this.
15:27And then I'm going to do this from home.
15:30It's time for me to take out these foils.
15:32I am like hoping that it doesn't look bad,
15:34but I also know it's the back of my head
15:36and I don't really care if it looks bad
15:39because you know what?
15:39Don't look at me from back there.
15:41Let's see.
15:42Okay, it's definitely lifted.
15:44Now, if I could go back in time,
15:46I've said this a hundred times,
15:47I would do 10 vol on this side
15:49so that I could move into 20 on this side
15:52so that I didn't have to shower twice,
15:55but I need to shower again.
16:02Okay, I'm back.
16:04Okay, so again, trusting the girl at Sally Beauty,
16:07I got this lightest beige blonde.
16:10It's T11.
16:11If this toner is not correct,
16:14I'm going to go to Sally Beauty Spice
16:16and I'm going to rage.
16:18Because I said to her, I said,
16:19that looks pretty cool tone.
16:21I'm kind of looking for warm.
16:22Like I personally like a brassy blonde.
16:25People don't like brassiness for some reason.
16:28They want to get all the brass out of their hair.
16:30I like it.
16:31I think it looks good.
16:32But I went with her suggestion,
16:33which to me is very cool tone and honestly kind of brown.
16:36So we'll see about that.
16:39Here's my workstation.
16:40I'm really happy with how it's looking.
16:42Can I put toner on with my bare hands?
16:45Okay guys, unfortunately I need to dig through the garbage
16:47and get my gloves out.
16:49Apparently I need these.
16:50Just going to mix that all together.
16:55Like I'm just going to flip around in my hair,
16:58kind of doing like a shadow root,
17:01question mark, exclamation point.
17:03Just making sure to get all the spots
17:05that are like aggressively blonde.
17:07Like, oh my gosh, that, what was that?
17:09What was that?
17:11Making sure we get, oh my gosh.
17:13Holy crap.
17:16Making sure to get that.
17:17And I'm guessing I have a situation happening
17:19on the back of my head,
17:20because you know,
17:21why wouldn't there be a situation back there?
17:23So I'm going to actually just start dipping in.
17:27This almost smells worse
17:29than whatever I had just before this.
17:32Oh my gosh.
17:33It's horrible.
17:34All right.
17:36Let the cards fall where they fall.
17:38I'm done.
17:39As the toner sits,
17:41this scary, almost balding myself patch
17:44definitely is getting more beige.
17:47So I don't want to leave it on for too long.
17:48I'm going to leave it on for 15 minutes
17:49and then I'm going to shower.
17:50And then I'm going to shampoo my hair.
17:51I'm going to condition it.
17:53And then I'm going to go to sleep
17:54because my legs are killing me.
17:56And then I'm going to wake up tomorrow.
17:58I'm going to style my hair and show you it.
18:00Show you that this wasn't a horrible idea
18:02and that I did okay.
18:04We'll see.
18:09Okay. Are you ready to see the grand reveal?
18:12No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
18:13Drum roll, please.
18:17Here's my hair.
18:18Take a good look.
18:19Here's the back.
18:20I'm afraid to show you the back
18:22because they literally don't know what it looks like.
18:23But here you go.
18:25I probably should have feathered it a little bit more
18:29at the root.
18:30Cause like right now it looks like
18:31I have grown out roots already.
18:33Whereas I wanted it to look like
18:34it had already been grown out.
18:36If that makes sense.
18:37But I feel like in everyday life
18:39if I'm not looking super closely at it
18:41I don't really notice that.
18:42All I noticed is that before
18:44from like here to here, it was dark.
18:47And now I've got this brightness back in.
18:49I'm definitely happy with the toner.
18:51I'm definitely someone who likes the golden warm blonde.
18:55I didn't want to be like an icy blonde.
18:57And I feel like this is a good toner for that
18:59because it definitely still has a lot of warmth.
19:01I'm sure a lot of people are watching this
19:04and they're thinking like, that needs to be toned.
19:05But I prefer warm looking hair.
19:07I don't know why.
19:08I just think it's more me.
19:09If I was going to critique my technique
19:12I would say on this side, I have a few like chunky pieces.
19:16Like there's like, it's giving early 2000s zebra hair
19:20a little bit on this side.
19:22And to the hair I almost lost along the way
19:25this chunk right here, as you can see
19:28it's super, super bleached.
19:31This was literally the first foil that I put in
19:34and it is like well lighter than the rest of my hair.
19:37It kind of gets hidden.
19:38But when you actually look at that
19:39that piece literally almost got singed off.
19:42I learned a lesson with that one.
19:44But like for my first time, I'm pretty happy.
19:47And I feel like I learned a lot along the way.
19:50To anyone who wants to try doing this at home
19:52I would honestly say the most important thing
19:54is setting out with realistic expectations.
19:58For instance, I set out hoping to have a good time
20:02and learn some things along the way
20:04and not to lose any of my hair along the way.
20:07I didn't know if it would look good
20:09but I knew if it looked bad, I would be able to fix it
20:12as long as I wasn't losing like big chunks of hair
20:15out of my head.
20:16But if you're going into it being like
20:17I want it to look the exact the same
20:19as when I leave my salon appointment
20:21with like a professional hair stylist
20:24you might be disappointed, okay?
20:26We just need to be realistic.
20:29It was a little dicey there for a second
20:30but I think we pulled through.
20:31And you know what?
20:32It's not perfect, but I'm happy with it.
20:34And I'm the one who has to have it on my head.
20:36And I already have appointments booking up, okay?
20:39My mom already wants me to do hers.
20:40So that's a great sign.
20:44But yeah, thank you for coming along with me
20:46on my first time ever bleaching my hair at home.
20:49We pulled through with decent hair.
20:52It's not perfect, but I'm happy with it.