i hope you enjoy besties ily xxx
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enquiries: jack@kultlondon.uk
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00:00Hi guys and welcome back to my channel. Welcome back to a brand new video. So it's the weekend.
00:15We've got a really cute weekend planned. So today is Saturday, obviously, and Emma and
00:20Tom and little Bobby are coming over to stay, which we're so busy for. And we're going to
00:24Soho Tavern for dinner. Whenever our friends and I visit them, they're like, we need to
00:28go to Soho Tavern. So I've brought Emma and Brad there. I like to go there with the girls
00:32when we ever do go out for food. That's all I've really brought there, actually. But me
00:36and Emma go there all the time and you guys know how much we love it. So I'm so excited
00:39to show Emma and Tom what they've been missing out on. And Bobby might give them a bit of
00:43a chilli cheese naan bread. Who knows? Obviously joking. The boys are my pop. I'm so excited
00:48to see them. The sun is shining. The sun's been shining literally for the past like three
00:53days. It's been so nice. Oak's at golf this morning, of course. Every weekend he's always
00:57at golf. Boring. So it's just been me. I've had a very chill, slow morning. It's suddenly
01:03like 11 o'clock, so I'm going to make myself a cup of tea, make the doggies their breakfast.
01:08And then I think I'm just going to have like a clean round of the house because when I'm
01:11in the house, my room, every single video I'm like, I need to clean my room. I really
01:15need to clean my room. I had my hair done as well. It's looking a bit frazzled, but
01:20we'll pretend it isn't. I'm in a good mood. Got my cute pink pyjamas on from Primark.
01:24Sun's out. Bobby's coming to see me and him and Tom. And then tomorrow, I've got my other
01:30nephew coming tomorrow. I'm so excited. So basically, Coburn, Keeks, his mum and dad
01:35had another litter six months ago. And there's this one probably called Chilli. I was thinking
01:41Chilli, well, his name's Chilli. He's literally the cutest thing you'll ever see in your life.
01:46A little boy. Coburn, Keeks, little brother. And they only live not that far away. Like
01:50they still live in Birmingham. So we've been chatting for a while now, to be fair. You know
01:56when you just make friends with someone because you're both those crazy obsessed dog mums?
01:59That's me. And Chilli's mum. So we've invited him over to our house tomorrow for Chilli to meet
02:04his big brother and sister. I actually can't believe it. I think I could possibly collapse
02:09when he walks in my front door and just not believe it. We've also planned to have him
02:12for a week when they go on holiday. I'm so excited. I'm literally going to be like living
02:16my three dog dream through having little Chilli around. He literally looks like a baby coat. It's
02:21way too soon. You're actually not going to believe it. So yeah, we've got a really cute weekend
02:25planned. So obviously I thought I'd bring you along. Today's just going to be a cleaning day
02:28until Em and Tom get here in a bit. It's 11 o'clock. That is the plan. So excited to bring
02:32you along. It's going to be a really wholesome, fun weekend. We've had a few parcels delivered
02:36so I thought we could unbox them together. This one I've already opened. So one of my friends,
02:41Livvy, Livvy Roberts, you probably follow her on Instagram. She's doing a podcast. It's called
02:46Tea Time with Livvy and she sent me her PR box. So we've got a tea bag in the cutest little pink mug.
02:53How nice is that? A picture of her looking unreal. Wow. The podcast launches on the second,
02:59which will be after this video comes out. So if you've not listened to it, make sure you go and
03:04do that. We've got a little cookie, like a shortbread I think, which I actually might have now
03:09with my tea. No way. A little spoon that says spill the tea. This lighting's really bad, I'm sorry.
03:16And then a little letter as well. And even the stamp says Tea Time with Livvy on it.
03:22All right, let's see what this says. Oh, Tea Time with Livvy. It says, I've been keeping the biggest
03:28secret and I'm finally ready to spill the tea with my brand new podcast. Grab a cuppa and a biscuit
03:32and get ready to listen from 6pm on Sunday, the 2nd of March. Love, Livvy. How cool does she look?
03:38I'm so excited to listen to this because you don't even understand. Some of the stories that Liv's
03:42told me, you're not ready for. She basically got drunk and told me a whole life story and I was
03:47like, wow. She's got a lot of tales to tell, so you need to be listening. All right, the next parcel
03:55is from Kosas. I love Kosas stuff. We've got the new serum powered colour corrector.
04:02So we've got the dark circle erasers and under here it says lift to reveal step two.
04:08Yay! They sent me more of their concealers. This is one of my favourite concealers ever. Thank you
04:13so much, Kosas. I'm excited to try those. And then the last parcel is from Rehab. So in this box,
04:20we've got a blow dry brush, the hair oil, high shine finishing hair oil, a high shine lip oil
04:27and then this is a hairspray. Essential hairspray, set your style in place with medium flexible hold
04:32and luminous finish. It's non aerosol hairspray. As if that's a hairspray, that is so sick. Smart
04:38from Rehab. I can't wait to try those as well. This is oil. I just want to show you what we got
04:45from TK Maxx the other day because very successful. First of all, this candle. I went in there and I
04:50said to Oak, I was like, we've got so many candles, we don't need any more. We've got another one.
04:56Oh, it just smells so nice. It's like a citrus, sugared citrus and tropical fruits.
05:01I think it looks nice as well. So that's a kitchen candle. And then all of our actual
05:06glasses to drink out of in this house are broke. So we bought some new ones. These were £15 before
05:12and if you watch my Dubai vlog, you saw that. Did I show you in the vlog? I'll show you in my
05:16TikTok vlog anyway. I wanted these glasses from Zara Home but there's no way we're getting them
05:20home without breaking. We've got these ones, which are basically the same thing. They're
05:25called beer glasses, but I would not have a beer in that. I want to wash these off actually,
05:29put them in the cupboard. How nice are they? Just like basic glasses like that. And then the last
05:34thing. So I was looking for the bow glasses. Not in there, obviously. And then I was also looking
05:40for that bow dish that I was looking for. Also not in there. You know what I did find? The cutest
05:46heart-shaped dish ever. How nice is that? And imagine my mac and cheese in that. Sorry. That's
05:52like two big portions of mac and cheese. I'm able to eat half of one of those mac and cheese,
05:57no questions asked. That is so cute. There was also one with cherries on, which I did love,
06:02but I just saw this and I was like, that's cute, that's pink. So I got that. Then my TK Max purchases.
06:09This was £7.99, which I don't think is too bad. The candle was £10.99 and the glasses were £15.99
06:15and that was my little TK Max shop. Now the doggies have finished their breakfast. I want to go up and
06:20start cleaning my room. I won't be bothered, but it needs to be done. I will get dressed at some
06:25point today, I promise. But while I'm cleaning, I'm doing it in my pyjamas. I'm being comfy.
06:29I'm just going to clean up my room. It's basically just loads of unpacking
06:33and stuff that needs to go away. It's all just clothes, basically. So I'm going to spend the
06:37next probably 20 minutes. That might be a bit hopeful, but we're going to hope that it's 20
06:41minutes doing this and then I can clean downstairs. I might do a quick time-lapse. So enjoy.
07:11All right, room's clean. I need to move myself off the window ledge and I'm dressed, so we love that.
07:29I've put a light on because the light is so weird in my room. Because the window is there and the
07:33sun's shining, I've had to put my light on. So please ignore that. I've decided I'm going to try
07:37and take my eyelashes off. They're so overdue to come off. They've served their purpose. Love them
07:42while they were there, but so ready for them to go. I didn't know how to get them off and a lot
07:46of people said baby oil. I don't have that. I've got this Aveeno Skin Relief Oil, so I'm hoping
07:51this on a cotton pad won't work. So let's give that a go. I might add this in my eyes. Do not
07:57spray near eyes or face. Well, they've got to come off somehow. Oh, one's come off, actually.
08:03Definitely should not have this on my eyes though. I'm just going to hold it there for a minute.
08:07Please. I don't want to be left with no eyelashes because I want to get an LVL.
08:11I miss my lash lifts. I don't think this is working. Not a single eyelash has come off.
08:18Oh, there we go. That one's come off. See, I'm pulling them out, but some of them are taking
08:22hairs out with them. I don't want that to happen. It is what it is. I just need to hope that I've
08:26still got some eyelashes left by the end of it. So if I get these off, I'll let you know. Guys,
08:30I think it's a bit of a fail. Okie's also back if you can hear Keeks barking. I've got quite a few
08:36out, but I noticed that my actual eyelashes are coming out with them, so I think I'm just going
08:40to have to leave them like this. I've literally got barely any left on this one. There's loads
08:43on here, so that's really good. I need to get a lot proper stuff to get them off, but I just don't
08:46have it. Here is it. Where are my children? Oh, look at him barking up and down. You missed
08:56out. All right, all right. Oh, you're biting me now, you little sheep. Hello, hello. I've
09:03got them something special. Oh yeah. I've got you a present. Oh, guys, Dad's bought a present.
09:10Exploratory back from golf. Whoa. What is that, guys? What's that? I've got a size of that.
09:19Got them a sausage roll from the golf course. Look at that. Oh, should we put it in your bowls?
09:27Should we put it in your bowls? Yeah. I love them all. I told you how big they are,
09:32but it's mad seeing it, isn't it? I've got a size of that bad boy. It's a chunky roll, mate.
09:41That's Dad bought for you guys. What's that? Should I give him a little taster?
09:47Oh, that smells nice, Kobe. He drops it out of his mouth though, doesn't he? When we give
09:52Kobe something that he hasn't had in a while, he kind of just takes it in his mouth, drops it.
09:57Oh, that smells good. I might bite it. Taste test.
10:04Can you see why I literally get them made for a single week? That's a good sausage roll.
10:09How unreal is that? Stunning. This bit's the best as well, isn't it? Got the crispy edge,
10:12or do you think you prefer a lot of the- A lot of the soft. You like the softer end of it.
10:18All right, then, it's for the dogs. Did you get me a present? I was actually not going to get
10:23you a present, but I'm going to do it for you today. Why didn't you? Because I've only just got
10:27back. Can you get your car clean? It needs to be fixed first. I was speaking to Posty about that
10:32earlier. That's right. That's how I did it, yeah. I was on that wall there. All right,
10:37Kobe's is done. That is a good sausage roll. I don't even really like sausage rolls,
10:41like the big ones, do I? But that's not good. You have to have a- Have to have a taste test.
10:45Yeah. I reckon it's on par with the grapes. It's better than my sheets all over grapes,
10:49that was. Smells so nice. Yeah, can you? Yeah. What a nice treat for the babies.
10:56Who's ready for their sausage rolls? Have you guys had breakfast already? We've got-
10:59Yeah. Yeah, exactly. All right, Kobe's. Here we go. Kiki Smith.
11:07Oh, is that nice? Nice kicks. Well done. Thanks. Good dad. Good dadding.
11:14That's a whole day in my bag. I've got the half of the round.
11:18Worth it. Yeah. Making myself some lunch. These are actually the best things ever.
11:23The Asda Essentials. These are like 25p. So good. Oak's going to do a blue job. Put oil in my car.
11:30The light came on. And then I don't really know what I'm going to do, to be honest.
11:34Who's your sausage roll? So nice. Why's he nice? Oh, pretty girl. It's time for our walkies.
11:42The sun's out today as well. The sun is booming. The sun. Can stay. Doing its job today. I love the
11:47sun. Hi, Squeaks. I've just seen a cat. I really want to. We're going for a walk now. She can let
11:53out all this energy that she's got. Wow, we forgot. We forgot that the long 30 meter lead's in my car,
12:00so sadly she's having to be limited at eight today. I can't believe we forgot. We forgot there. I even
12:04went to my car to get her ball out from yesterday and forgot about the lead. I know. I didn't know
12:09where it was and I just thought to myself, like when we pulled up, I thought it's got to be in
12:13your car. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't even think about it, but it's fine. She's over there. She's got
12:17to walk around the edge today instead of running around in the middle. I know because I like when
12:21she has the full load because she just goes wild. Yeah. Proper gets a run out, don't she? Yeah. It's
12:26all right though. She'll get a run out. Look, she's still jogging. That's Squeaks normal pace.
12:31Jogging. That's a walk for Squeaks. Look at them dogs. She'd be a good marathon runner.
12:35They're like wolves. They do. Fucking hell, they're sick. I just had a big fat brain wave.
12:39That's a joke, but they've just seen a golden, no, it's like a golden retriever, let's say,
12:44but anyway, it doesn't matter. It's about like the guy basically come up to us and was like,
12:48are they twins? And then we were talking about it. No, they're brother and sister,
12:51you're a partner. We walked off and he was like, well, I said all dogs that are born in the same
12:55litter are all like twins. Technically twins. Yeah. Or are they called if they're like,
12:59so codes is one of seven. Yeah. What's that? Heptagons. Heptagalons, I just said.
13:08That's a big dog over there. What would you call eight octaglets? Octagons. Octagalons.
13:18Octaglets. Kiki was meant to be a twin. Okay. Twin triplets, quadruplets. Septuplets.
13:24Septuplets. Where'd you get the Septuplets from? That's the five in French. Septuplets. No,
13:29it's not. It's seven. Yeah, it's seven. I was thinking. Anyway, let us know if you know what
13:33they're called. The one is seven. Yeah. But all dogs are twins that are in the same little mental.
13:38I don't want, I don't want to Google it. I don't want to know. No. I kind of want to find out.
13:42Heptagalons anyway. Pavel's got two sticks to choose from. No. Spoiled boy. Look how wholesome
13:48he looks up there. More kissing's done and we had a ice cream van and Oak's like, I want an ice
13:54cream. I'm going to find it. It's a sunny day. As soon as it's anything above eight degrees
13:57in this country. Ice cream weather. Yeah. I don't even know where it is. I think he's down here.
14:02I'm going to try and find it. No, not down there. I can't remember the last time I drove around to
14:09try and find an ice cream van. These are all dead ends, aren't they? I reckon he's gone, you know.
14:13Do you reckon? Yeah. Your ice cream dream has been crushed. I'm on a game. Spending that weekend
14:17chasing around an ice cream van. What about you? It went this way, I heard it. I don't want to ruin
14:22my dinner, but if you're getting one, I want to get one. Oh, that's not him, is it? That's my boss.
14:26No, it's definitely not. Oh, this is where I can't. This is where I don't know where he's gone now.
14:30He's going to go left or right at the end of this road, isn't he? I reckon he's gone right. Right?
14:35Yeah. Put your music on again. Yeah, play your ice cream bells. I think it's a fail, you know.
14:40Me too. It's not worth driving. We've got twisters in the freezer. Yeah, but that's not an ice cream.
14:45He'd have gone right, I reckon. He's gone now.
14:47They always go down little low-key lines, but I don't know. Yeah. It's very rare they come to buy our house.
14:53They don't ever come down our road. I heard it yesterday. Well, no ice cream for everything.
14:57Do you want an ice cream, Cubs? Not quite an ice cream van, are they, but I've got a twister.
15:02I had to fill the void, you know. I've had a slush pop in. What colour is that? Yellow or green?
15:07Yellow. Mine's all frozen. It's been in there that long, though. I need a twister.
15:11Right, I'm going to light our new kitchen candle so it smells fresh. Smells so nice. Hello.
15:17Gorgeous. I've just got myself changed out of my dark wool compose. I've just put on literally another hoodie and leggings.
15:24I've got my Mean Bing hoodie on. I've had this for so long, but I've literally not worn it because I bought it in extra large
15:28because I wanted it when it first... I don't know if it was when it first came out. It was huge.
15:32I had to get it altered. It was literally like all the way out of my knees. I had it altered.
15:35And now it fits perfectly. I've got my navy leggings on, my adenola, and then I just need to put some shoes on.
15:41I think Em and Tom should be here soon. I don't actually know where they are. Probably in the next 10 minutes.
15:47I'm going to sit on the sofa for now and chill. I've also made myself look a bit more put together.
15:51I've straightened my hair, I've glued in my eyebrows. I tried to get some more eyelashes off, not coming off.
15:56But now I'm going to chill for a little bit. Who is it, guys?
16:01Who is it, piggies?
16:03Aw, his hair's got even longer since last week.
16:05What are you doing?
16:07Hi! Who's that coat?
16:09Who is it?
16:13Who is it?
16:15Who's that coat?
16:17Who is it?
16:19That was cute.
16:21They actually really care.
16:27You've got your own little...
16:31You've got your new friends.
16:33Aw, I've missed him.
16:35Aw, no.
16:37He's so cute.
16:39He's been practising with Otto, that's why.
16:41Who's that puppy?
16:45We're on our way to Soho.
16:47The last however long, it's just gone so quick since I've got to ask.
16:49I know, what time did I get there?
16:51Don't know.
16:53Do you reckon that was, what, 30 minutes?
16:55Yeah, probably. It went so quick.
16:57And they were so good.
16:59Keeks was proper interested in him, weren't you?
17:01Yeah, she was like right there, like, studying him.
17:03Face, all up in his grill.
17:05But they were both so gentle, so I love that from them.
17:07But it's time for food.
17:09So excited. Taking them to our fave spot.
17:11I can't wait.
17:13Every time I go here, I just have that thought,
17:15I make so much shit, and then I eat it,
17:17and I'm like so full, and I regret ordering so much.
17:19It's a vicious cycle, because I'm still going to order loads anyway, so.
17:21Yeah, you are.
17:23And also, life's too short.
17:25He's too short.
17:27Guys, we've got Bob's out for his first Soho.
17:29He's having a lovely time.
17:31He's just had a massive mixed grill.
17:33Now he's ready for a nap.
17:35Can't keep his eyes open.
17:37I've never known a baby like him.
17:39He's so chill, and just sleeps all day.
17:41He doesn't even really wake up for his food, to be honest.
17:43And that's the way.
17:49He's been asleep all day.
17:51He's living the dream, to be honest.
17:53I'm so excited to bring out our food.
17:55We've got a Ricordli.
17:57Do you like Ricordli?
17:59Try it under after.
18:01It's not my favourite drink.
18:03Oh, how can you drink that?
18:07It's so sweet.
18:09I do not like that.
18:11I just don't like gas.
18:13I don't either, but Ricordli.
18:15Do you want a drag?
18:17I didn't think about that.
18:19Where did we go?
18:21Someone was like, are you going to have a cocktail?
18:23And I was like, no.
18:25I can't wait for the day that we taste this.
18:27I can't wait for the day.
18:29Are you going to come to my birthday?
18:37I'm really mad at the food this time.
18:39It's absolutely ridiculous.
18:41We've got chicken tikka masalas, the boys have got lamb.
18:43And we've also got a mixed grill to share.
18:45There's so much food.
18:47The boys have gone all the way over there.
18:51We missed you so much.
18:55I missed you.
18:57We're home.
18:59And is it your dinner time?
19:01Is it Kitty's dinner time?
19:03Is it your dinner time?
19:05Huh? You hungry?
19:07Your dinner.
19:09Let's see your dinner.
19:13Guys, we were in Soho for three hours.
19:15Time actually just went so quick.
19:17I'm so full.
19:19We brought food home, obviously,
19:21because you have to bring your leftovers home
19:23when you go to Soho.
19:25So that's lunch tomorrow.
19:27It was so nice to see Tom and Em, wasn't it?
19:31He's so perfect.
19:33He's literally the perfect baby.
19:35He makes it seem so easy.
19:37If I could guarantee that my baby would be a Bobby,
19:39I'd have one tomorrow.
19:43I really would.
19:45But knowing our luck,
19:47our baby would not be a Bobby.
19:49Our baby would be a Kiki Smith.
19:51Not a Cobes.
19:53They got fishy fish pie, as always.
19:55Hurry up, Mum.
19:57Sorry, Squeak.
19:59I'm not doing it quick enough.
20:05You know what Cobes likes?
20:07He likes if he has a bit of food
20:09off the side of his bowl so he can lick it.
20:11He likes licking it off the side.
20:13Right, do you want your dinner, Cobes?
20:15We've been lighting this candle
20:17that we got from Bath and Body Works in Dubai every single day.
20:19It's called You're the One.
20:21It literally smells unreal.
20:23It's this one.
20:25It smells gorgeous. I like that.
20:27Already turned the lamp on. I'm going to get my pyjamas on
20:29and we're going to sit and watch
20:31the Married at First Sight reunion.
20:33That is our Saturday evening plans.
20:35What a perfect Saturday night.
20:37Turn off the big light and get cosy.
20:39This is a regular occurrence now
20:41in this house.
20:43He's sleeping on Dad's side.
20:45He's sleeping on Dad's side as well.
20:55Night, Cobes.
20:57Listen to his noises, actually, if I do this.
21:05How cute is that noise?
21:07I love that you guys
21:09want to snuggle us in bed.
21:13She doesn't stay for long. She'll get down in a bit, won't you?
21:15And then I'll wake up in the morning
21:17and you'll be on my feet, won't you?
21:19I love, like, in the middle of the night, she just
21:21gets up on the bed. I just feel the
21:23weight of her drop on me and I'm like,
21:25are you sure you are?
21:27Cobes relocated to my side now.
21:29But it's bedtime now, so I'll see you in the morning
21:31when baby Chilli
21:33comes to see you.
21:35Is your little brother coming to see you?
21:37Is he coming over?
21:39Is it Chilli?
21:41I think she's going to love him.
21:43Match her little crazy energy.
21:45Right, see you in the morning.
21:47Good morning, guys. It's actually Monday
21:49now. I didn't end up filming
21:51pretty much anything yesterday. I didn't film anything
21:53yesterday, actually. But Chilli came over
21:55and he was literally the cutest little thing in the whole world.
21:57But he's just a baby.
21:59And basically he kept biting Cobes and Keeks
22:01and I didn't like it. So I didn't really play.
22:03We didn't really go as all of us planned
22:05and thought it would. But we're going to keep trying.
22:07We're going to go and see them again at the end of the month.
22:09We're going to go on a big walk. Instead of coming straight into our house,
22:11we're going to go on a walk and then see
22:13how that goes after. But they are going to be friends.
22:15They have no choice but to be best mates.
22:17So we're staying hopeful.
22:19But yeah, yesterday we just went.
22:21They came over.
22:23We went on a walk. Came back here after
22:25and just chilled for a bit. And then what did we do
22:27for the rest of the day? Literally nothing.
22:29We just chilled, to be honest. Had a very Sunday-y Sunday.
22:31But today's Monday.
22:33Back to work. I've got some stuff to do this morning
22:35and then me and Oka are actually off to
22:37MacArthur Glen in a bit.
22:39I'm actually working with them on Instagram.
22:41MacArthur Glen's actually such a good place to shop
22:43if you've not been there before. It's like an outlet
22:45and they do everything so much cheaper.
22:47So I'm going to go and have a look in there
22:49and see what they've got. Get some new clothes.
22:51Ready for summer. They've got so many brands.
22:53They've got Calvin Klein. They've got Yankee Candle.
22:55Rituals. The list literally goes on
22:57so I'm excited to get there today. I love a little shopping
22:59afternoon. I've got some work to do first.
23:01I did wash and dry my hair last night
23:03but it just needs to be going over with the straightener
23:05because I obviously didn't dry it properly so it's going to be wavy.
23:07But yeah, I'm going to get my work done
23:09and then we can head out in a bit.
23:11I will insert a couple of videos of stuff I'm chilling.
23:13I didn't get many because
23:15they weren't really
23:19They were just sort of like
23:21staring at each other like, what are you going to do?
23:23But it's fine. He's just a baby.
23:25He's trying to play.
23:27But they're just... I don't think
23:29Hobes and Keats were thinking that
23:31he was playing. They were thinking, what the fuck?
23:33Baby shark.
23:59I was about to do a delivery
24:01and it's not for me.
24:03It's for me.
24:05I actually need to sit and order some stuff
24:07because I've not ordered anything
24:09and we go skiing in a week.
24:11You actually do.
24:13This is what I believe to be
24:15skiing goggles.
24:19It's them.
24:21Of course, hats and gloves.
24:23It's them.
24:25It's them.
24:27It's them.
24:29Of course, hats will go with the...
24:33You've got to do this.
24:37The suspense.
24:39They look small.
24:41Like kids.
24:43Have you ordered kids?
24:45They're not just kids, are they?
24:47They look small.
24:51I think they're fine.
24:53They don't look small.
24:55I'm going to call them out.
24:57They're bad.
24:59They're so sick.
25:01What do you do?
25:03Do you put them on your helmet?
25:05They're sick.
25:07They're bad, aren't they?
25:09I need to order some.
25:11Have you not ordered no ski goggles?
25:13Sleigh Queen.
25:15Yeah, they're bad.
25:17How long did they take to come?
25:19Four days.
25:21Who's Oakley round there?
25:23Are they a bad boy?
25:25Let's take a quick ride from work
25:27to come and see your snow goggles.
25:29They're sick.
25:31You have to do that
25:33so it goes around your helmet.
25:35Should we go to the doggies quickly?
25:37Where's my babies?
25:39Hello, Mr. Cobra.
25:41Hello, Moody Bollocks.
25:43What's your new name?
25:45Hi, pretty princess.
25:47Hi, pretty girl.
25:49Of course they want to go outside.
25:51See you later.
25:59The weather's really giving spring.
26:01It's fantastic.
26:03The last four days in the UK
26:05have been good.
26:07It's been good for the dogs as well
26:09because it's not boiling hot.
26:11It's still cold, but it's sunny.
26:13They can go out in the garden.
26:15It's all I want to see every day.
26:17If the weather was like this every day,
26:19it would be great.
26:21It's great all the time.
26:23We're on our way to Macavagh Glen now.
26:25We're going to go for lunch first
26:27because it's one o'clock.
26:29I'm pretty hungry.
26:31We're going to do some shopping.
26:33You love a little shop, don't you?
26:35I love just walking around
26:37and not having to look at everything.
26:39Even though you might not buy anything.
26:41I want to go in Carhartt today.
26:43Just have a quick gander.
26:45Anywhere you want to go specific.
26:47Candles everywhere.
26:49Is there a Yankee there?
26:51I think there is.
26:53I do want to go in Under Armour as well.
26:55We'll have a look.
26:57I know.
26:59I'm wearing a really cute springy outfit.
27:03I thought it was red and blue,
27:05but it's brown and blue.
27:07When I first showed this,
27:09he was like,
27:11I hate that.
27:13Then I put it on and came downstairs
27:15It's what you do to these clothes.
27:17I try.
27:19Let's go shopping.
27:21Do you know what we get as well?
27:23We're going to Slim Chicken.
27:25If you haven't had Mac and Cheese in my life,
27:27you can get Mac and Cheese.
27:29There's a sauce called Cayenne Ranch.
27:31It's the best thing you'll ever taste in your life.
27:33Don't know about that, but it is good.
27:35We'll show you when we get there.
27:37We're here.
27:39Last time we were here, it was Christmas time.
27:41We should have bought the dogs.
27:43It's dog friendly.
27:45We're in Slim Chicken, just deciding what we want.
27:47I definitely want
27:49Mac and Cheese.
27:51There it is.
27:53Imagine it's gone.
27:55Do you want Mac and Cheese and some tenders?
27:57I might get some boneless bites.
27:59Don't do that.
28:01What have I bought out of these?
28:03New boneless bites.
28:05We've got food here.
28:07I obviously got Mac and Cheese.
28:09We were going to get five tenders,
28:11so we've got seven.
28:13We're going to share this wrap.
28:15We've got some chips and a milkshake.
28:17Let's get cracking.
28:19What should we do first?
28:23Let's go then.
28:27That sauce is so special.
28:29It's just ranch.
28:31We've got seasoning.
28:33Cayenne cheese.
28:35It's lovely.
28:37Mac and Cheese taste test.
28:45I can appreciate it's not with Mac and Cheese.
28:47I prefer it when it's crispy on top.
28:49I prefer slimy Mac and Cheese.
28:51I'm going to have half this wrap.
28:53It's a buffalo wrap.
28:55I'm going to dip it in this.
29:03Enjoying it?
29:05We're in Rituals.
29:07They do the nicest smelling home stuff.
29:09We've got one of these Rituals at home,
29:11but we've not opened it yet.
29:13You just sprayed it all over me.
29:15It's not orange.
29:17Smell this.
29:19It's going to make me sneeze.
29:21Is it the same as that?
29:25I like the smell.
29:27It's sweet orange.
29:29Look at the prices.
29:3110% off, 10% off, 10% off, 30% off.
29:33Sleigh from MacArthur Glen.
29:35It's so good.
29:37They've got mini air fresheners for your car.
29:39How does that even work?
29:41Pull that thing out.
29:43That's nice.
29:45That actually looks sick.
29:47I feel like every car air freshener you have looks shit.
29:49It's a bougie car air freshener.
29:51You're going to get it on the trees.
29:53Rituals bougie one.
29:55It looks nice.
29:57I've just come into the changing room to try these on.
29:59Look how nice these are.
30:01I wish you could feel it through the screen.
30:03I picked up the zip up and also the crew neck
30:05but in two different sizes
30:07because I don't know what size I prefer.
30:09I'm going to try these on now.
30:11I just tried on these really cute pink cabin plan buttons
30:13but the lighting here again is not fun
30:15so I'll show you when I get home.
30:17I thought I'd give you a really quick haul
30:19of the bits that we bought.
30:21I'm not going to try it all on.
30:23I've got this on because I just wanted to try it on.
30:25I've got this car heart top.
30:27I think the colour is so sick and I like that.
30:29The blue heart blue I think is really cool.
30:31The lighting in the changing room wasn't the best.
30:33These pink cotton cabin plan trousers.
30:35How cute are they?
30:37They'll be perfect for the summer.
30:39And of course the Levi's grey crew neck
30:41that you saw me pick up at the start.
30:43This is a really soft brushed cotton.
30:45It's not very thick.
30:47It's a lighter layer which again
30:49I think is perfect for spring summer time.
30:51This was £35 down from 50.
30:53This top was £31.
30:55These trousers were
30:57I can't remember the tags come off.
30:59I think they were £35 but I can't remember down from what.
31:01Oak picked up this car heart zip up jacket
31:03and the quality of this is a joke.
31:05I won't be sitting in it to be honest.
31:07It's literally the nicest thickest thing.
31:09It just says car heart on it there.
31:11That was, there's no price on it.
31:13I feel like it was £84 down from something
31:15but I can't remember what it was.
31:17Oak also picked up a beanie from Car Heart when we go skiing.
31:19And then the last thing.
31:21We've already bought these for our house
31:23but they smell so nice that we got a new two pack.
31:25They're from Rituals.
31:27They're a bit more secure.
31:29Read diffusers and they're really nice.
31:31That was it. That was our successful little trip.
31:33I didn't end up filming much like I said
31:35because I'm working with them on Instagram.
31:37I was just focusing on that.
31:39But now I'm going to take my makeup off,
31:41get my dog walking clothes on
31:43and then take the doggies out before it gets dark.
31:45We've just walked the dogs and both of us nearly forgot
31:47we've got a ski lesson.
31:49You nearly forgot. I had to remind you.
31:51Yeah but you said I keep forgetting we've got skiing.
31:53Yeah throughout the whole day I just kept forgetting
31:55I completely forgot about it.
31:57I took my makeup off, we've walked the dogs and then I was ready to chill.
31:59Yeah you were literally like
32:01I'm just going to take my makeup off and walk the dogs.
32:03And then what did you say?
32:07Did you say we'll have a chill evening or something?
32:09Probably, I don't know but it turns out we've got a 3 hour ski lesson.
32:117 till 10.
32:13Oh no it's a late one. We were meant to do it at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
32:15but because we both had work to do today.
32:17It is what it is.
32:197 till 10. That's so late.
32:21That's my bedtime.
32:23It was actually really fun, we had one last week on Thursday.
32:25It was fun.
32:27I'll try and film some clips on my phone while we're in there.
32:29We didn't film anything last time because obviously
32:31we'd never stepped foot in a ski before.
32:33Whereas this time, we don't know what we're doing because it's still shit.
32:35We're a little bit more clued up aren't we?
32:37I'd say so yeah.
32:39We've got to go from the top of the slope today and I really don't want to do it.
32:41Yeah but you won't just fall off straight away.
32:43You'll gradually get yourself ready, you'll be fine.
32:45I'm scared. You'll be fine.
32:47I wonder what our instructor is going to be like today because he was really nice last time.
32:49He was, he was a legend.
32:51What was his name? Matt.
32:53Shout out to Matt.
32:55It's alright though, it was all nice.
32:57You could see when you were there, all the groups had nice instructors.
32:59I'm looking forward to it.
33:01I just want to get better, that's what I want to do.
33:03I want to be good enough to actually do some,
33:05not even good skiing because realistically
33:07we've left it two weeks
33:09before we go in to start skiing lessons.
33:11Because we've done, it wasn't really a,
33:13it was a three hour lesson but a lot of it was talking wasn't it?
33:17I feel like this time we'll have more skiing time.
33:19We're level three, no level two this time.
33:21Bless us.
33:23I feel like a kid doing my swimming badges.
33:25See I didn't even get swimming badges.
33:27I've also got on one of Oak's jackets.
33:29Oak's got his new ski trousers on.
33:31Waterproof today guys.
33:33I don't own any ski clothes so I've just put on Oak's jacket
33:35so I can bring my phone in the pocket.
33:37And I've just got on a track suit.
33:39We're ready to ski.
33:41I've heard that this one's better though.
33:43Yeah I've heard it's better as well.
33:45Few people have said.
33:47Wish us luck.
33:49We made it.
33:51We're going skiing at the snow dome.
33:53Booted off, ready to go.
33:55We're going to be coming from up there today.
33:57I don't know how it's actually allowed to film
33:59because it's hard.
34:01Everyone constantly in a kid.
34:03Look at her go man.
34:09Those cones are absolute light work.
34:13Light work.
34:15You've got to go as wide as possible.
34:17And get your feet pointing towards the walls.
34:23Light work for our Shazza.
34:35That was a quick one for you that was.
34:39Where are we going?
34:41Straight to the tap.
34:43Straight to the tap.
35:01Love that.
35:03How are you getting on?
35:05Follow over here.
35:07Follow over four times.
35:11Here he comes.
35:13You feel like you're going so fast when you're up there
35:15but then watching it back is so funny.
35:23That was so quick.
35:25That was so quick.
35:27We're going up.
35:39We're going up.
35:41We're literally right at the top now.
35:43Oh, I nearly stuck it.
36:19And we are home.
36:21That three hours went so quick.
36:23My body, my legs are in so much pain right now.
36:25This one was so much better.
36:27Yeah, it was, basically.
36:29You're kind of left to your own devices.
36:31Well, not really left to it.
36:33It gives you little tips and that.
36:35You're just constantly skiing.
36:37You're not stopping really, are you?
36:39I'm not waiting for each person to go.
36:41He watches you down once and he's like,
36:43okay, go on then.
36:45Every so often he's like,
36:47now that you're doing that, add this.
36:49It was good.
36:51I did fall over three times.
36:53Does it not?
36:55The rope's hard.
36:57I fell twice then.
36:59We can officially ski.
37:01We can go and ski by ourselves now.
37:03I think we're going to go Friday
37:05just for one more ski.
37:07Pre-holiday ski.
37:09Yeah, just another bit of practice.
37:11We're back with the doggies.
37:13They're so cute.
37:15I'm having a girl dinner.
37:17I'm having some noodles.
37:19I'm not that hungry.
37:21I'm not that hungry for food.
37:23I just love these asda noodles.
37:25I've spiced them up a bit this time.
37:27I've added paprika in them.
37:29You know what?
37:31Let's see what that's like.
37:33I love noodles.
37:35I love noodles.
37:37Hello, pretty girl.
37:39Hi, little princess.
37:41Hi, pretty princess.
37:45You was good though.
37:49I did a really smooth one, Oak said.
37:51But you didn't get it on record.
37:53No, you were too smooth.
37:55Too smooth.
37:57We only got a few on record.
37:59We had to build our confidence a bit first.
38:01Especially the big slope.
38:03I'd say your best run was off camera.
38:05I think yours probably was as well.
38:07I'm glad you did the top.
38:11It was a really steep bit at the top of the hill
38:13and I didn't do it until we had 20 minutes left.
38:15I was like, I need to do it.
38:17While we're here.
38:19I did it.
38:21I'm going to bed.
38:23I'm going to end this vlog here.
38:25What time is it now?
38:27It's 10 past 11.
38:29We're having our dinner.
38:31I wouldn't do a 7 o'clock ski session again.
38:33Too late.
38:35We could do it if it was an hour.
38:37It's because it was a lesson.
38:39I'm going to end this vlog here.
38:41Thank you so much for watching.
38:43I hope you enjoyed.
38:45Thanks for watching.
38:47I'll see you very soon in a brand new video.