Get ready to melt as we countdown the most adorable Disney kids that have stolen our hearts! From classic animated characters to modern heroes, these little ones are guaranteed to make you go "Awww" with their irresistible charm and heartwarming personalities.
00:00Oh, look at me! That's me as a baby!
00:06Welcome to Ms. Mojo,
00:08and today we're looking at Disney's most endearing little ones
00:11that have that special brand of adorable.
00:14The number one rule in my family?
00:17Honor your parents.
00:21Number 20.
00:22Todd and Copper, the Fox and the Hound.
00:25He's just a little runt now, but he'll grow.
00:29To this day, we're still devastated over Todd and Copper's doomed friendship,
00:33especially considering how innocent they started out.
00:36Oh, my. You're such a little toddler.
00:40Todd was a tiny, excitable little fox with a knack for trouble,
00:44but who could possibly stay mad at that face?
00:46Copper, meanwhile, was an endearing, curious pup
00:49who wasn't much of a hunting dog at first,
00:52but was definitely fun to be around.
00:54My name's Todd. What's your name, kid?
00:57Mine's Copper. I'm a hound dog.
01:00Gee, I bet you'd be good playing hide-and-seek.
01:04You wanna try, Copper?
01:06Can I use my nose?
01:08Ha, ha, ha. Sure.
01:10Even if their species are natural-born enemies, neither one cared.
01:14They promised to be besties forever.
01:16Our hearts swelled over their friendship,
01:18only to be shattered later when they were forced to become foes in adulthood.
01:22Oh, no!
01:24Oh, no!
01:26Oh, no!
01:28Oh, no!
01:30Still, their bond never truly faded deep down,
01:33and neither did our love for them.
01:35Come on, Copper.
01:37Get out of the way.
01:44Number 19. Groot, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
01:48I am Groot.
01:50Hey, we're not looking at you funny.
01:52After the original Groot's heroic sacrifice in the first Guardians film, a small piece
01:56of him spawned a brand-new version. With his new pint-sized appearance, baby Groot instantly
02:01stole our hearts.
02:03Now, whatever you do, don't push this button. Because that will set off the bomb immediately
02:09and we'll all be dead. Now, repeat back what I just said.
02:13I'm Groot.
02:15I'm Groot.
02:16That's right.
02:17I'm Groot.
02:19Not only is he a cute little munchkin, but he knows how to bust a move.
02:26In addition, we can't help but giggle at his curiosity over the death button. Look how
02:30excited he is to blow everyone up.
02:34We're all gonna die.
02:40Unfortunately for us, no one stays young forever, and baby Groot quickly enters his rebellious
02:46teen years in the film's post-credits scene.
02:48I am Groot.
02:49I am not boring. You're boring. You know what's boring? Sitting there playing that mind-numbing
02:55game of what's boring is me tripping over your vines every day.
03:00The bad attitude only makes us miss his baby form even more.
03:04Number 18. Lady. Lady and the Tramp.
03:07Oh, how sweet.
03:10You like her, darling?
03:12Oh, I love her.
03:13Before her misadventures with the Tramp, Lady entered Jim Deere and Darling's lives as an
03:18adorable fluffy Christmas gift.
03:20Any dog lover in the audience automatically fell in love with her almost as much as her
03:24new parents did.
03:26Over here. That's a girl. There now, a nice little bed for you.
03:35We could feel our hearts clenching when she started whimpering in fright being left alone
03:39in the dark.
03:40Pretty soon, she became the epitome of class and sophistication while still making us smile.
03:45Even her origin story is downright adorable. Get this, artist Joe Grant showed Walt Disney
03:50a drawing of his dog, the real-life Lady, and the rest was history.
03:55Aw, Jim.
03:57Oh, all right.
04:01But remember, just for tonight.
04:08Number 17. Mirabelle Madrigal. Encanto.
04:23Make your family proud.
04:26Make my family proud.
04:29At the start of Encanto, we got to meet little five-year-old Mirabelle before she was set
04:33to receive her miracle gift. Look how excitable she used to be.
04:36What do you think my gift will be?
04:40You are a wonder, Mirabelle Madrigal.
04:43Looking at the large pink bow in her curly hair and her little dress, it was hard not
04:47to smile as she walked to her door. It was even harder not to cry when she didn't get
04:52her gift that night, and see it deeply affect her over time.
04:59Will you use your gift to honor our miracle?
05:14Still, she admirably used her disappointment to help her support her equally adorable younger
05:19cousin Antonio during his ceremony in case things didn't go right. Thankfully, they did.
05:24That's one magically adorable family.
05:27I am so sorry.
05:30Number 16. Simba, the Lion King.
05:33The future king of the Pride Lands has just been born, and it's a precious little kitty
05:43The minute baby Simba appeared on screen, we were gushing over his big head and tiny
05:48body. Seeing him try to paw at Rafiki's staff only made us squeal harder, and when he gave
05:56a little sneeze? Forget it. Our hearts can only take so much cuteness. The only ones
06:01more excited to see little Simba are the Pride Landers as Rafiki presents them with their
06:05future ruler.
06:18While he'd face many hardships later in life, there was no doubt in our minds that this
06:22cub would make a great king.
06:29Number 15. Dalmatian Puppies, 101 Dalmatians.
06:33When it was announced that Pongo and Perdita would be having kids, they got more than anyone
06:37could bargain for.
06:41Fifteen spotted puppies. Each one is an excitable bundle of joy with its own distinct quirks.
06:59Lucky is the runt of the litter, Roly is perpetually hungry, and Patch is the scrappy young one,
07:06just to name a few. Eventually, 84 more pups join the pack after escaping the sadistic
07:11Cruella de Vil. Pongo, Perdita, and company don't have the heart to turn them away. Who
07:16would? They're 101 of the cutest pups we have ever seen. Anyone who would try to hurt them
07:21is a monster.
07:32No wonder Cruella is so hated.
07:36Number 14. Jumbo Jr., aka Dumbo. Dumbo.
08:01The moment Dumbo arrived, our hearts melted. Just look at his large blue eyes full of childhood
08:15innocence, his tiny little trunk, and his enormous ears. Everyone kept ridiculing and
08:20shaming him because of the latter, but they don't know what they're missing. Even if they
08:24caused him a lot of trouble, we can't help but gush over them in proportion to his body.
08:42Plus they make an adorable blanket when he needs to be bundled up. By the film's end,
08:46those naysayers will regret making fun of this adorable elephant when he soars his way
08:51to fame as the adorable star we all know he is.
09:10Number 13. John Jackson, Jack-Jack Parr. The Incredibles franchise. Initially, it was believed
09:16that Jack-Jack only had one superpower, being unnaturally adorable. With a solo cluster
09:23of hair, tiny teeth, and a contagious laugh, it's hard to picture him as anything but an
09:28innocent child. However, we later learn that not only does he have actual superpowers,
09:34but they are insanely unpredictable. Polymorphing, teleportation, laser eyes, and who knows what
10:00other abilities are all contained in this cute little bundle of destruction. With some training,
10:05little Jack-Jack is more than capable of being the hero no one expected him to be.
10:09Plus, it says a lot when a baby manages to warm the heart of the normally cold Edna Mode.
10:19Number 12. Din Grogu, The Mandalorian. While his real name is Din Grogu, fans will always refer to
10:26him as Baby Yoda. The young toddler finds itself under the care and protection of the titular
10:30Mandalorian in the show of the same name. We can't blame the bounty hunter for being so protective.
10:44Just look at this little guy. The big green head on a tiny cloaked body, the shiny black eyes,
10:49the adorable little toddler noises. It's too much. Not to mention its curious nature
11:09mirroring an actual child's. And we couldn't forget his precious use of the force.
11:27The fact that the character is portrayed by a practical puppet makes us want to hold the
11:32real deal. The team knew what they were doing when they created the child.
11:36Number 11. Dory, Finding Dory. In Finding Nemo, we practically squealed over Squirt's
11:45excitable energy. In the sequel, we found something that made our hearts burst even
11:52more. Did you think older Dory was cute enough? How about a smaller Dory with huge purple eyes
11:59and a small excitable voice? If looks could kill, our hearts would have exploded over how
12:20adorable she was. There was an extra sense of relatability seeing her short-term memory loss
12:25at such a young age and not just being played for laughs. Thankfully, she had parents who were
12:30patient enough to help her through her differences in childhood, which made their reunion in adulthood
12:35even more beautiful. Number 10. Hercules, Hercules.
12:50Sure, as an adult, he became the first mega-hunk superstar. But even as a baby,
12:59there was something about Hercules. With the teeniest curl of a nose and winning smile,
13:04we just can't get enough of the itty-bitty wonder boy. His big sparkling eyes just add to the cute
13:15factor. And how many infants have a full head of hair that looks like it's made of pure-spun gold?
13:20His appeal isn't all due to his looks though. His first meeting with Pegasus is something
13:24that gives us all the feels. Not to mention the way Herc looks so happy
13:45even when being flown off by his kidnappers, or when he disposes of them. That's pretty high on
13:50the cute scale. Number 9. Anna and Elsa, Frozen. Two cuties for the price of one.
14:20Because how could anyone separate these two little beauties? No, we're not talking about
14:25Kristoff and Sven, though we could be. The perfect dynamic of an excitable younger sister and one who
14:31needs a little bit of coaxing. We could watch these two build snowmen forever. Fair-haired Elsa and
14:37red-tressed Anna are both beautiful little girls, with the kind of eyes that people just fall right
14:41into. But what lands them on the list is the chemistry between them. The love and joy that
14:50these two share is a perfect example of what sisterly love is supposed to be about. It warms
14:55even the iciest of viewers' hearts, which makes their later forced separation that much more
14:59painful. Number 8. Tiana, The Princess and the Frog.
15:20How could anyone in New Orleans really compete with Tiana's willfulness and
15:27charm from the time she's just a hopeful kid? Without being overbearing or obnoxious,
15:32Tiana demonstrates a strong sense of self and a belief in her own abilities,
15:36qualities she's going to need as she grows up. Though she has a wonderfully expressive face
15:49and springy black curls, it's Tiana's endless drive that makes her special. From a young age,
15:54she makes a mean gumbo and has lofty aspirations, but her parents teach her
15:58that family is really what's important. Number 7. Merida, Brave.
16:15Sure, the trio of brash, mischievous little brothers in Brave have their fair share of
16:22way cute moments, but they have to take second place to their incredible sister. With that shock
16:27of wild red hair, giant bright blue eyes, and a smile that lights up her little face,
16:32Merida is a wee darling. Combine that with her impish personality,
16:44and she's a real winner. When she's given her first set of bow and arrows, we kind of knew
16:49she'd get pretty good with them, but her first tries are nothing short of adorable.
16:57When she delves into the forest and meets a will-o'-the-wisp, we truly see how endlessly
17:01inquisitive she is. Number 6. Tarzan, Tarzan. Maybe Tarzan should have just stayed a little
17:08baby. Sure, when he grows up, he shows that he knows how to rock that loincloth,
17:20but just look at how fetching his pudgy little arms are as a baby. And how many
17:24babies would be so calm when a gorilla shows up and starts inspecting them?
17:39Tarzan doesn't mind being hung upside down, and he's perfectly content to spend time making
17:45little bubbles. Once he reaches out to give Kala's fingers a squeeze, she's sold,
17:50but he had the rest of us the minute he sneezed. Number 5. Boo, Monsters, Inc.
18:09To scary monsters, the little girl called Boo is considered toxic.
18:22Well, if by toxic they mean so cute you just want to scream, then she's guilty as charged.
18:27Seriously, how can you not love a little girl who's got those big old eyes,
18:31especially when they water up and she starts crying?
18:33But we love Boo because of how innocent and childlike she is. She's trusting and loving
18:42and sweet, but also very ready to react to unpleasant stimuli. With her adorable little
18:47pigtails, it's no wonder Kitty and Mike fall for her just like we did.
18:52Number 4. Chip, Beauty and the Beast.
19:10He spends most of the movie as a slightly broken teacup, but whether he's in his
19:14enchanted form or his human form, Chip steals your heart right away.
19:22What mother wouldn't want to have a son like Chip? He's Mother's little helper without being
19:39a mama's boy, a sweet kid that has an optimistic outlook even about his enchantment. And who can't
19:45help but chuckle when his mother and friends are singing about Belle and the Beast's relationship,
19:49and Chip just doesn't understand what they're talking about?
20:03As a human, he's every bit as lovable too, which is quite an accomplishment.
20:13Number 3. Rapunzel, Tangled.
20:16Rapunzel may not have the happiest of childhoods, but her infancy started out well.
20:20Granted, being the beloved daughter of a king and queen isn't a bad way to begin life. But
20:25Rapunzel was clearly a good baby. She was lively and curious, a squirming little bundle of
20:30happiness. And even as a baby, she had a head of gorgeous golden hair. Even after being kidnapped
20:45by a witch, Rapunzel was a precious child, obedient, kind, and full of wonder. This is
20:50one little girl who never gave up hope, despite having every reason to do so.
21:07Number 2. Lilo, Lilo and Stitch.
21:15Lilo doesn't have the benefits of royal birth or a fairy tale setting.
21:35She's a realistic little girl being raised by her well-meaning but inexperienced older sister.
21:40Seen as an oddball by other kids her age, it doesn't help matters that Lilo has very
21:48definite, strong opinions that she's unafraid to voice, or express in other ways.
22:00Lilo also has quite the wild imagination.
22:05But Lilo's stubborn streak comes from her desire to have a happy family at any cost.
22:09She makes mistakes, but she's unerringly honest, determined, and loyal. Roll this up into a package
22:15of jet black hair and an infectious smile, and you've got the cutest of them all with a great
22:19big heart. Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
22:31Charlotte LaBeouf, The Princess and the Frog. A little princess since the beginning,
22:36and not much changed.
22:44Ember Luman, Elemental. She literally warmed our hearts as a newborn.
22:55Bambi, Bambi. We can't stop smiling at the young prince learning to walk.
23:02Kind of wobbly, isn't it? Melody, The Little Mermaid 2 Return to the Sea. She inherited the best of both
23:21her parents and Tara Strong's voice. Sweetie, no. Oh, we've got to keep Melody away from her
23:29until Morgana is found. Melody can't go in the sea.
23:32Oliver and the Kittens, Oliver and Company. Anyone who overlooks a little tabby cat is wrong.
23:45Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about
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24:01Number 1. Moana, Moana. Those eyes! We can't resist.
24:07Little Moana has what seems to be an ideal life.
24:15Living near the shore, this little sweetie pie is interested in everything the island has to offer,
24:20and gathers seashell after seashell. Her little giggle is just part of the innocence that makes
24:25Moana so appealing and endearing. Her fast friendship with the ocean is incredibly captivating,
24:47and little does she know that she's making a lifelong pal. The ocean giving her adorable
24:52brunette dress is a makeover, and then their goodbye waves skyrocketed this new Disney heroine
24:57into our hearts. Which Disney child made you go aww? Let us know in the comments.
25:12Squeak, squeaker, squeaking?
25:21Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo,
25:25and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.