• 15 hours ago


00:00I'm going to take a picture of you standing here.
00:16All right.
00:17Head this way.
00:18That's right.
00:19The sun is so good today.
00:20Three, two, one.
00:21I see you again.
00:22Thirty-year-old you.
00:23All right.
00:25Happy birthday.
00:27Hey, you stand up straight.
00:33Look at this one.
00:34This wind blows really well.
00:36My name is Gu Shiwen.
00:43Every year on my birthday I can receive a letter from a passenger.
00:50我都能收到一封过客的来信 I can receive a letter from a passer-by
00:55算下来已经11个年头了 It's been 11 years
01:00这个过客在每一个冰冷的冬天都会给我带来一丝温暖 This passer-by brings me warmth in every cold winter
01:07可能是我期待冬天为数不多的理由 Maybe it's one of the few reasons I look forward to winter
01:12这个过客是个什么样的人呢 What kind of person is this passer-by?
01:16他是男生还是女生 Is he a boy or a girl?
01:19他是心灵手巧的人吗 Is he a smart person?
01:22他是一个很文艺的人 Is he a literary person?
01:26他是开朗活泼的人吗 Is he a cheerful person?
01:29我想人世间的缘分浅薄 I think the fate of the world is shallow
01:34羁绊也深浅难测 It's hard to predict even if you're in love
01:38又或许是你来自另一个平行时空 Or maybe you're from another parallel universe
01:44又刚好遇到了这个时空的我 And you happen to meet me in this universe
01:49这位不存在的过客 This non-existent passer-by
01:54我总觉得冥冥之中我们有种特殊的交集 I always feel that we have a special connection in the middle of the night
02:00或许这只是我的一厢情愿 Maybe this is just my wishful thinking
02:04我们终究会在岁月的场合中渐行渐远 We will eventually grow apart in the course of time
02:13如果我没遇到我会认出你吗 If I didn't meet you, would I recognize you?
02:18还是会擦肩而过 Or would I pass you by?
02:43我在期待着某一天能与你相遇 I'm looking forward to the day I can meet you
04:07你还要这样装不认识我到多久啊 How long are you going to pretend you don't know me?
04:19三二一 Three, two, one
04:23好 可以了 Okay, that's it
04:27太近了 It's too close
04:48我想亲吻你 I want to kiss you
04:51我可以与你相拥 I can be with you and breathe again
04:55长久久久在你的身后 For a long, long time, when I'm by your side
05:01这次和我先回头 This time, let's turn back
05:19笨蛋 Idiot
05:20I'm going to beat you up.
05:35Qin Tan!
05:40Wait for me.
05:42Hurry up.
05:50Qin Tan!
05:59Are you cold?
06:01Qin Tan.
06:03I'm suddenly looking forward to winter.
06:08I remember you don't seem to like winter.
06:14Because in the past,
06:15there was nothing I wanted in winter.
06:18But now in winter,
06:20I have.
06:26Qin Tan.
06:47I remember you.
07:17I remember you.
08:18I remember you.
08:21I remember you.