Hear what happened to me after a day at the Cemetery - this is a real testimony!
I can’t deny this was an event that shook me just a little...
Even though I thought the whole ghost/spirit thing could not effect me because I believed in God.
The event brought the reality of the spirit world to life
in full bodied manifestation right in my living space...
I present this testimony in all honesty and truth as God is my sole witness to the event.
and my soul bares witness itself to the experience.
feel free to leave feedback
let me know if this has ever happened to you - have you had a spirit encounter?
I can’t deny this was an event that shook me just a little...
Even though I thought the whole ghost/spirit thing could not effect me because I believed in God.
The event brought the reality of the spirit world to life
in full bodied manifestation right in my living space...
I present this testimony in all honesty and truth as God is my sole witness to the event.
and my soul bares witness itself to the experience.
feel free to leave feedback
let me know if this has ever happened to you - have you had a spirit encounter?