Mahila Samriddhi Yojana: अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस (International Women's Day) पर दिल्ली महिला मोर्चा (Delhi Mahila Morcha) ने जवाहर लाल नेहरू स्टेडियम में कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया, जहां दिल्ली सरकार (Delhi CM Rekha Gupta) महिलाओं को 2500 रुपये की आर्थिक सहायता देने वाली योजना के रजिस्ट्रेशन की घोषणा कर सकती है। 18 से 60 साल की महिलाएं इस योजना का लाभ पात्र होंगे। जानिए Mahila Samriddhi Yojana के लिए क्या शर्तें तय की गई हैं और किन Documents की जरुरत होगी. (Delhi Women 2500 Rupees Scheme)
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00:00On the occasion of International Women's Day, i.e. on 8 March, Delhi's Chief Minister Rekha Gupta
00:06started the Women's Development Scheme.
00:08After the CM's announcement, registration for this scheme has begun and after verification,
00:12Rs. 2,500 will be credited to the women's accounts.
00:15Official notification has not yet come, but some information about the scheme is coming.
00:21For example, what are the conditions for application in the scheme?
00:24What documents will be required?
00:26How will women get Rs. 2,500?
00:28How will you apply for Rs. 2,500?
00:31So let's know all this in detail in this video.
00:34For the Women's Development Scheme, you will have to visit an office for registration
00:39or you will have to apply sitting at home.
00:41If you have this question in your mind, then let me tell you that according to the information,
00:45the whole process will be online and it is believed that a separate website and mobile app
00:50is being launched for the Women's Development Scheme.
00:53What will be the eligibility for this?
00:55The first condition for application in this scheme will be that the applicant is a woman,
00:59a Delhi citizen.
01:00Second, she should not be a government employee or a retired employee of any kind.
01:04Third, BJP has already clarified that the Women's Development Scheme is for poor women.
01:09If a woman falls below the poverty line, i.e. falls in the BPL or EWS category,
01:14then the family's annual income should be Rs. 2.5 lakhs to 3 lakhs.
01:19The age of the woman should be between 18 and 60 years.
01:23In addition, the woman is not already taking advantage of any other scheme.
01:27So these are some conditions after which the woman will be considered eligible for the Women's Development Scheme.
01:33Now comes the documents.
01:35So if you fulfill the necessary eligibility for this scheme,
01:39then you will need documents to apply for the Women's Development Scheme online,
01:44which will include Aadhaar card, ID card for being a resident of Delhi,
01:48BPL card, Aadhaar card link bank account number, Aadhaar link mobile number,
01:53your I.I.C.E. ID, passport size photo and Jati ID, if this is applicable.
01:59In addition, you also have to keep in mind that if you have not yet registered on the Delhi government's e-district portal,
02:06then you should do that today.
02:08If the Delhi government does not apply for this scheme through any new portal or mobile app,
02:13then you may need it.
02:15So far, more than 450 services and schemes have been applied through the e-district portal in Delhi.
02:21If the BJP government continues this, then you will need a user ID and password to log in to the e-district portal.
02:28According to Delhi's BJP MP Manoj Tiwari,
02:31it may take about 45 days to prepare a list of beneficiaries and to send money to their accounts.
02:38Before the elections, the BJP promised in its announcement letter that
02:43Rs. 2,500 will be given to poor women in their accounts.
02:47In this way, on the occasion of Women's Day today,
02:50as Rekha Gupta announced when she became the CM that
02:53the first cash will come in the women's account today.
02:56That's all in the video.
02:57How did you like the information?
02:59Do tell by commenting.
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