• il y a 21 heures
Un policier a été tué et un autre blessé lors d'une fusillade vendredi soir à Newark, dans le New Jersey. Les deux policiers étaient membres du département de police de Newark. La fusillade s'est produite peu après 18h30 près de Broadway et de Carteret Avenue. Les deux policiers ont été emmenés à l'hôpital universitaire de Newark, a déclaré le bureau du procureur du comté d'Essex.

Le Newark Fraternal Order of Police, le syndicat de police du département, a confirmé à CBS News New York qu'un policier est mort à l'hôpital. Des sources ont déclaré à CBS News New York que le tireur présumé était un mineur et qu'il avait été placé en garde à vue. Ce suspect a également été blessé par balle, selon des sources.

Selon ces sources, le tireur présumé, âgé de 14 ans seulement, a été placé en garde à vue avec plusieurs suspects.

"Cela ressemblait à un accident de voiture, et il y a eu boum, boum, boum", a déclaré le témoin Randy Mejia, qui travaille dans le quartier. Mejia dit que juste avant la fusillade, il a vu des policiers courir.

"Ils poursuivaient, mais je ne sais pas s'ils poursuivaient quelqu'un. J'ai vu peut-être quatre policiers qui descendaient vers la rue", a-t-il dit. "Ils couraient dans la rue".

Des policiers des communautés voisines se sont rassemblés devant l'hôpital universitaire vendredi soir pour montrer leur soutien au département de police de Newark.


00:00Breaking right now at 11, a Newark police officer killed in the line of duty tonight and another injured still in the hospital after a shooting.
00:10Good evening, I'm Christine Johnson. It is still a very active scene in Newark and here's what we know at this hour.
00:17Two officers were shot around 6.30 tonight near Broadway and Carteret.
00:22Both officers were taken to a nearby hospital. One of them was pronounced dead a short time later.
00:28The shooter, whose sources say is a teenager, was also injured.
00:32We have team coverage on this breaking story. Laurie Bordenero at the hospital where both officers were taken.
00:38Let's begin with Derek Waller who's live at the scene with the latest information. Derek?
00:45And Christine, as you just mentioned, law enforcement sources tell our Christine Sloan that the suspect here,
00:51the suspect accused of shooting and killing that police officer tonight is a teenager and is alive and in custody.
00:59We also just got a word from the New Jersey State PBA that the second officer who was shot tonight is in critical condition at the hospital.
01:08This all happened right behind me past that police tape.
01:10Down there you see where that cop car is flashing down at Carteret Avenue here on Broadway in front of the White Castle.
01:15It happened earlier tonight in front of horrified witnesses.
01:20People gathered right outside Luis Munoz Marin Elementary moments after the tragedy.
01:26The New York Police Union says one officer is dead, a second officer shot and wounded
01:31after a shootout near Broadway and Carteret Avenue just after 6.30 Friday night.
01:36It sounded like a car accident and it went boom, boom, boom.
01:39Randy Mejia is a security guard at the McDonald's right across the street.
01:43Right before the shooting, he saw cops running.
01:47They were chasing, but I don't know if they were chasing somebody.
01:49I saw maybe four cops on the way down toward the street.
01:54Were they chasing like in a vehicle or were they running down the street?
01:57They were running down the street.
01:58This is a massive crime scene stretching several blocks with detectives and crime scene investigators combing the scene.
02:05The New Jersey Attorney General's office saying in a statement,
02:08our law enforcement officers put themselves in harm's way every day to protect our communities.
02:14And tonight is a painful reminder of the depth of the sacrifices they make.
02:22And again the breaking news here.
02:23One Newark police officer shot and killed in the line of duty tonight.
02:27And we've also learned that a second officer in critical condition after being shot in the chest and leg.
02:33The suspect here, a teenager.
02:36The Essex County Prosecutor's Office is taking the lead on this investigation.
02:40They have released very few details so far.
02:43Reporting live here in Newark, Derek Waller, CBS News, New York.
02:46All right, Derek, thank you for that update from Newark.
02:49Right after this shooting, those officers were rushed to the hospital.
02:53Laurie Bordenero continues our team coverage now from Newark.
02:57Christine, we are here outside University Hospital and you can see security is tight.
03:02Two police officers have been stationed outside the entrance to this trauma center all evening.
03:08Police officers from neighboring communities have been showing up.
03:11Many gathering outside the hospital, hugging one another.
03:14We are also told Governor Murphy was inside the hospital.
03:17He is calling this a rapidly developing situation and asking for prayers for these officers, their families
03:24and all our men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line to keep us safe.
03:29We did speak briefly with a man who says he is the uncle of the officer who died.
03:33He was distraught and says he still doesn't have a lot of information.
03:36I don't know what happened.
03:39I don't know what happened.
03:44I don't know nothing more.
03:45Again, a lot of police officers still coming and going from the hospital.
03:49This is a very somber night for this police department and for the community.
03:53In Newark, Laurie Bordenero, CBS News, New York.
03:56And our morning show team will have much more on this breaking news story tomorrow, beginning at 6 a.m.
04:03You can also get updates anytime on our website, cbsnewyork.com.
