• yesterday


00:00:00This week's news is brought to you by Izumiya Shigeru and Yukirin.
00:00:20Is there any news you're interested in?
00:00:24I don't think there's anyone as stupid as Trump.
00:00:28Because of this guy, the world is under so much stress.
00:00:34What about you, Yukirin?
00:00:36If I had to pick someone close to me, it would be Genzei Sakiokuri.
00:00:42The cheaper the tax is, the happier we are.
00:00:45What does that mean?
00:00:47First, let's go to Ukraine.
00:00:51President Trump and President Zelensky have had a heated debate that has resulted in the collapse of the U.S. and Ukraine.
00:00:59This week, President Zelensky took action to restore relations.
00:01:22You're gambling with World War III.
00:01:28And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country.
00:01:33Far more than a lot of people said they should have.
00:01:37Have you said thank you once?
00:01:39A lot of times.
00:01:40No, offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country.
00:01:49The first and second questions.
00:01:51A heated debate on the main stairs.
00:01:54Three days later, President Trump ordered the military support for Ukraine to be temporarily suspended.
00:02:01In addition, in all aspects of the battle, even the sharing of important military information was temporarily suspended.
00:02:10The European countries, which have taken the situation seriously, immediately met with President Zelensky.
00:02:17They issued military support for Ukraine.
00:02:21In addition, President Trump said he received a letter from President Zelensky asking for a restoration of relations.
00:02:30Has the United States really let go of Ukraine?
00:02:37Meanwhile, this Wednesday, President Macron's meaningful remarks ran across the world.
00:02:44The United States of America, our ally, has changed its position on this war.
00:02:50Support less Ukraine and let doubt hover over the rest.
00:02:53We believe that the United States will remain on our side.
00:02:56But we must be ready if this is not the case.
00:03:01He expressed a sense of crisis to the United States and announced that he would begin a debate on the defense of Europe with the help of France.
00:03:12It's been three years since the start of the invasion.
00:03:15Where will the chaotic world go?
00:03:22This is a question from Tomoko Unabara and Yuki Kashiwagi about this news.
00:03:27Please take a look at the illustration of H.G. Gahak.
00:03:33Why did President Trump and President Zelensky confront each other so far?
00:03:41Negotiations with the United States have ended.
00:03:44How will President Zelensky act from now on?
00:03:49Is it difficult to stop the war without President Trump and the United States?
00:03:55Please tell us.
00:03:58This is a question from Yuki Kashiwagi.
00:04:00Why did President Trump and President Zelensky confront each other so far?
00:04:05You can see a part of it in the news.
00:04:09I've never seen a video of them talking to each other.
00:04:15Why is this happening?
00:04:20This is a question from Tomoko Unabara.
00:04:22Why is it difficult to stop the war without President Trump and the United States?
00:04:27President Trump has been saying that for a long time.
00:04:30President Trump was surprised, too.
00:04:33He didn't say that he would end the war.
00:04:36I heard that it was a talk about stopping the war.
00:04:41President Trump thought that President Zelensky would say a lot of things.
00:04:44President Zelensky also said a little.
00:04:46What is the true intention of President Trump and President Zelensky?
00:04:50In the end, President Zelensky's attitude has changed.
00:04:58We think so, too.
00:05:02What do you think?
00:05:05Please tell us.
00:05:07He is a professor at Keio University.
00:05:09His specialty is international politics, which focuses on the former Soviet Union.
00:05:13He is a professor at Keio University.
00:05:15Nice to meet you.
00:05:18Nice to meet you, too.
00:05:20Where are you now?
00:05:23I'm in Moldova, next to Ukraine.
00:05:28Moldova, Moldova.
00:05:30You are in Moldova, south of Ukraine.
00:05:37What is the situation in Moldova?
00:05:41In particular, the situation is getting worse since the war began.
00:05:47It's a time of hybrid war between Russia and Ukraine.
00:05:51Last year, we had a terrible election interference.
00:05:55I looked into the election interference this time.
00:05:59Russian agent Ilan Shor openly distributed money.
00:06:05Information warfare is terrible.
00:06:07Are you trying to win the election?
00:06:15President Zelensky wants to join the new U.S. election.
00:06:19He is trying to interfere in that direction.
00:06:24This year, on January 1st,
00:06:27natural gas was transported from Ukraine.
00:06:34Moldova is also affected.
00:06:38It's a very difficult situation.
00:06:41Are there any Ukrainian citizens fleeing to Moldova?
00:06:48There are quite a few people fleeing to Moldova.
00:06:53There are still quite a few people.
00:06:56There are many people fleeing to Moldova.
00:07:02It's a big influence.
00:07:05I understand.
00:07:07Thank you for your time.
00:07:09I'm Toshihira Yamada.
00:07:11I'm an international journalist who works in the IT field.
00:07:19Mr. Yamada, you were in Washington yesterday.
00:07:23What was the reaction of the local people?
00:07:26It was a very chaotic situation.
00:07:28The negotiations started at 11 a.m. on Friday.
00:07:32The negotiations lasted about two and a half hours.
00:07:34I was listening to the local government officials.
00:07:38I was surprised to see the reaction of the local government officials.
00:07:42I think I'll talk about it later today.
00:07:44It was an unexpected development.
00:07:46The local people were also surprised.
00:07:49Mr. Hirose, what do you think of Ukraine?
00:07:54Mr. Zelensky, who wants to re-establish relations with Ukraine,
00:07:58Mr. Putin, who wants to re-establish relations with Ukraine,
00:08:02Mr. Yamada, what do you think of Ukraine?
00:08:06Ukraine is moving to a stalemate.
00:08:10Let's take a look at this.
00:08:13The cause of the failure of the talks was Washington on Friday.
00:08:18President Zelensky, President Trump, and Vice President Banz.
00:08:23There was no translation.
00:08:25President Banz and Vice President J.D. on Friday.
00:08:30Was there a problem?
00:08:32President Trump said,
00:08:34He is risking the lives of millions of people.
00:08:38He said he was gambling on whether or not a third world war would break out.
00:08:43As a result, the scene in Ukraine stopped for a while.
00:08:46Mr. Hirose, the Establishment of an Advertising Resource Agreement.
00:08:51It's a word I hear a lot.
00:08:53Is this a very important point?
00:08:56To put it simply,
00:08:58Ukraine has a lot of very important rare minerals.
00:09:03Until now, it was iron ore.
00:09:06The United States will cooperate to mine it.
00:09:10In the future, we will put the profits of the mineral resources into the fund.
00:09:1650% of the profits will be jointly managed by the United States and Ukraine.
00:09:2350% of the profits will be jointly managed by the United States and Ukraine.
00:09:28In the end, the United States will take it.
00:09:31By taking this money,
00:09:36the United States has emphasized that it will take back the support it has paid to Ukraine in the war.
00:09:46However, the United States wants to take a post-war approach to Ukraine in the future.
00:09:55In particular, the most important point is that the United States wants to cooperate with the United States on the guarantee of security guarantees.
00:10:04Therefore, the direction of cooperation is completely different.
00:10:09Does this mean that the United States is providing 18 trillion yen of resources to Ukraine?
00:10:15That's what they say.
00:10:18In the first place, it was free of charge when the Biden administration was in power.
00:10:24However, the Trump administration said,
00:10:28We don't have the money to pay you back, so let's use the mineral resources.
00:10:34Yes, I understand.
00:10:36Ukraine has suspended its military support for Ukraine.
00:10:39Two days later, President Zelensky met with the heads of 15 countries, including Europe, in London.
00:10:46The military support for Ukraine has been strengthened, and the economic sanctions against Russia have been continued.
00:10:53On Tuesday, he gave a speech at the U.S. Senate.
00:10:58He expressed his thoughts.
00:11:00He received a letter from President Zelensky.
00:11:03He said,
00:11:04We are ready to cooperate to achieve high-quality peace under the strong leadership of President Trump.
00:11:09We are always ready to sign at the right time.
00:11:12Mr. Zelensky also posted something like that.
00:11:17Mr. Yamada, you gathered in Europe and gave a speech at the U.S. Senate.
00:11:24Yes, that's right.
00:11:25First of all, the mineral resources agreement.
00:11:27Before the 28th, everyone in Washington knows that the agreement will be signed on that day.
00:11:33Do you think the agreement will be signed?
00:11:36When the presidential election was over, President Trump chose his Ukrainian special envoy and formed a team.
00:11:45He made a new channel in Paris, France, where he negotiated with Ukraine and Russia.
00:11:53At that time, he said,
00:11:54Let's take a step towards a ceasefire on the 100th day.
00:12:01It's been about 120 days since the 28th.
00:12:04The first step towards a ceasefire was supposed to be the announcement of the agreement.
00:12:10But it was a mess.
00:12:12That's why Mr. Zelensky made a fuss here.
00:12:14Actually, there's a proof of this.
00:12:16At first, when Trump greeted Mr. Zelensky, he shook his hand and greeted him.
00:12:21At that time, he said,
00:12:23I'm wearing a suit today.
00:12:27What I mean is,
00:12:28On that day, Mr. Trump was going to make a big announcement.
00:12:32In fact, he told Mr. Zelensky to wear a suit in advance.
00:12:36Despite that, he showed up in this military uniform.
00:12:38He showed up in a military uniform, so I think Mr. Trump was like,
00:12:41I think that's probably the first thing.
00:12:43Another thing is that Mr. Zelensky is right behind the White House.
00:12:47There's a hotel and he's staying there.
00:12:50He's here before 11 o'clock.
00:12:52Before that, he's talking to the Democrats.
00:12:56The Democrats told him,
00:12:58Don't make Mr. Trump angry.
00:13:00Don't make Mr. Trump angry.
00:13:02Don't have any weird discussions.
00:13:04I think there was a feeling that he was going to say something before that.
00:13:08So, in the United States,
00:13:10On the one hand, there's talk that the U.S. government is playing a trick on him.
00:13:16But if you ask me,
00:13:17I think Mr. Zelensky probably wanted to appeal to the public.
00:13:22Mr. Ojii, do you agree?
00:13:24Well, there are two things.
00:13:26One is that there's no translation.
00:13:28If you look at the lines of that speech,
00:13:32It's just a normal fight.
00:13:34So Zelensky says,
00:13:36What do you mean?
00:13:38It's like,
00:13:40It's not a mother tongue.
00:13:42I can't convey the nuance properly.
00:13:44So it's a sell-out.
00:13:46That's one thing.
00:13:48The other thing is the background.
00:13:50Originally, this war in Ukraine
00:13:52NATO America vs. Putin
00:13:54The battlefield is Ukraine.
00:13:56There's a way of looking at it.
00:13:58That's what Biden has been doing all along.
00:14:02However, Trump has Ukraine and Russia that are separate from the United States.
00:14:08I'm an outsider in both companies.
00:14:12There's a difference between those two mindsets.
00:14:14I see.
00:14:16Zelensky said,
00:14:18America will solve it with diplomacy.
00:14:20Zelensky said,
00:14:22Diplomacy is impossible.
00:14:24We have to keep fighting.
00:14:26That's the kind of English he said.
00:14:28Then America said,
00:14:30I've been giving you 50 trillion yen.
00:14:32Are you going to keep giving me money?
00:14:34What do you mean?
00:14:36Is there a problem with calling you the first name of J.D.?
00:14:40I don't think that's a good idea.
00:14:42I don't think it worked.
00:14:44Maybe you should have given me more money.
00:14:46That's what it felt like.
00:14:48I don't have money.
00:14:50How much money do you have?
00:14:52I don't know.
00:14:54It's an ordinary fight.
00:14:56What do you think of the steps?
00:15:00I don't think we can do it without a translation.
00:15:04Zelensky's English is not good.
00:15:08That's just an English.
00:15:10It's not your original English.
00:15:12It's impossible without a translation.
00:15:14It's impossible without a translation.
00:15:16I was surprised that he was able to do it.
00:15:18In other words, if you put in a translation, it will be corrected to a beautiful English, right?
00:15:21This is why Mr. Aoyama, who is also the writer of Nichibe,
00:15:24and Mr. Ishiba, who is also a translator, and Mr. Abe,
00:15:27Yes, Mr. Takao,
00:15:27who I have met many times with Trump,
00:15:30came in between.
00:15:31That's right.
00:15:31After all, the English is sophisticated, and for example, the religious background,
00:15:36and the usage of honorifics.
00:15:37After all, English also has honorifics.
00:15:39For example, JD will definitely say Mr. Vice President again.
00:15:44That's because it's the first time I've met him.
00:15:46I can also translate the consideration of such a thing.
00:15:48As Mr. Kashiage said earlier,
00:15:49if there is a translation, there is no need to do it deliberately, right?
00:15:52In such a fireball,
00:15:54I see, there is a way.
00:15:55There is a way to do it.
00:15:57Mr. Nakama, what do you think?
00:15:58Well, I didn't know that.
00:16:00Certainly, I think that's what I was told.
00:16:03However, from the standpoint of Ukraine, it's a frustrating story.
00:16:06Even if I was told to give me resources,
00:16:09I think that there is no other way but to have a relationship with the United States.
00:16:15I think so, too.
00:16:16I think it would have been better to keep it emotional.
00:16:18I think so, too.
00:16:19Now, there seems to be other causes of bloodshed.
00:16:22Please take a look here.
00:16:24In the first place, there is a personal grudge against President Trump and President Zelensky.
00:16:28This is the view of Mr. Yamada, a teacher.
00:16:30In 2019, the son of former President Biden,
00:16:33Hunter Biden,
00:16:34There were many suspicions, such as Ukraine's suspicion of Ukraine.
00:16:37Mr. Trump asked for an investigation.
00:16:40And Mr. Zelensky didn't investigate.
00:16:42As a result, President Trump went on a rampage for abuse of power.
00:16:47In addition, in last year's presidential election,
00:16:49I think he was supporting the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania.
00:16:54I think it was in Trump's belly.
00:16:58Mr. Yamada, what do you think?
00:16:59Yes, yes, there is a connection.
00:17:01Mr. Trump became president in 2017.
00:17:04In 2019, Mr. Zelensky became president.
00:17:07Two years later, the presidential election was held in the United States.
00:17:10At that time, Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump were aiming for a re-election.
00:17:15At that time, Mr. Zelensky told him to take advantage of the situation.
00:17:18In Ukraine, Mr. Biden is doing something illegal in his family.
00:17:21What kind of illegal?
00:17:23I think he got money from a local natural resource company.
00:17:28He told him to investigate it.
00:17:29In addition, he told him to make it public that he was investigating and investigating.
00:17:34After that, there was a phone conversation.
00:17:37When I read it, I was under a lot of pressure.
00:17:41If he didn't do it, he was supporting the military in the United States.
00:17:47He threatened to stop the money.
00:17:48It's the same as this time, right?
00:17:49That's how he threatened it.
00:17:51That's why it was cut short.
00:17:54After that, it was the same in Pennsylvania.
00:17:56Mr. Biden appeared at the meeting.
00:17:58It was last year.
00:17:59I think he did something like holding Mr. Biden's shoulder.
00:18:01That's what Mr. J.D. Burns said in the debate this time.
00:18:07So I think there's a connection.
00:18:10I think that's what's lost here.
00:18:13I think Mr. Zelensky is looking down on him because he's looking at him from a very high position.
00:18:17Mr. Honko, what do you think?
00:18:19Hunter Biden.
00:18:20It means that there was also a suspicion in Ukraine.
00:18:22After President Trump became president, there have been no more people.
00:18:28It's the same with Gaza.
00:18:30Everyone says Trump is a bad guy.
00:18:32I think he's good at it.
00:18:34And then he's going to inform them.
00:18:36He really puts in a translation.
00:18:38I can't get it in.
00:18:39If you're going to go to a place where you're making money,
00:18:44I think the least amount of courtesy is necessary.
00:18:46I didn't have that, so I was emotional.
00:18:48And then the domestic state of Ukraine.
00:18:52Mr. Zelensky did not run.
00:18:55I can't run, but I think I can't because it's a war.
00:18:59I want to increase the number of people who support me.
00:19:02There may have been a pose for people in Ukraine.
00:19:07Ukraine's mineral resources are aimed at that country.
00:19:10Please take a look at this.
00:19:12Is Russia cooperating with the United States in mineral resources?
00:19:15This is Ukraine.
00:19:17About 5% of the world's mineral resources are in Ukraine.
00:19:19Professor Hirose, is 5% of the world's mineral resources in Ukraine?
00:19:27Yes, there are various reasons.
00:19:31But I don't know if it is commercially viable.
00:19:38Even if there is a negotiation, I don't know if it can be easily mined.
00:19:46If it is very difficult to dig, it will cost a lot of money.
00:19:52There is a possibility that it will not be commercially viable.
00:19:56So it's pretty risky.
00:19:59Russia has known about the existence of negotiations since the Soviet era.
00:20:05But Russia doesn't have the technology to mine minerals.
00:20:10If Russia and the United States work together,
00:20:12I don't know if the U.S.-Russia relationship will be stable.
00:20:15That's what I think.
00:20:17That's right.
00:20:19And if Russia can build a cooperation relationship,
00:20:24The U.S.-Russia relationship is said to be very bad right now.
00:20:26But I think that will be stable.
00:20:28For Russia, it's a one-flag race.
00:20:31I think we should keep moving forward.
00:20:34Professor Oishi, is there a possibility to cooperate with the United States and Russia to mine minerals?
00:20:40Is there a possibility to do it alone in the United States?
00:20:42Do you need the technology?
00:20:44The only technology is the United States.
00:20:46If you look at it from Putin's point of view, he thinks that Ukraine is all his, so he might be able to join the U.S.
00:20:52Oh, I see.
00:20:53He thinks that Ukraine is all his.
00:20:56He thinks that Ukraine is all his, and he thinks that Russia is all his.
00:21:00But in the end, he can only join the U.S.
00:21:02So if someone joins the U.S., from Putin's point of view, it might be a good thing.
00:21:08So if someone joins the U.S., from Putin's point of view, it might be a good thing.
00:21:16I think so.
00:21:17I think so.
00:21:18I think so.
00:21:19I think so.
00:21:20I think so.
00:21:21I think so.
00:21:22I think so.
00:21:23I think so.
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00:40:25I think so.
00:40:26I think so.
00:40:27I think so.
00:40:28I don't know.
00:40:58But 10 or 20 is easy.
00:41:02And it's expensive. Every year, 6 to 7 trillion yen.
00:41:06It's expensive, but even if it's worth 1.6 million yen, it's not an expensive measure.
00:41:12Oh, I see.
00:41:13Because it's a dimensional measure.
00:41:16If it's that much, you can pay it.
00:41:18So, to be honest, there's a lot of deception.
00:41:22What about you, Mr. Fujii?
00:41:23Well, it says here that there's no chance of getting the money back.
00:41:27But if I were to say it directly, it's because of the 178,000 yen withdrawal.
00:41:35But actually, there's a bigger chance of getting it back.
00:41:38What I mean by that is...
00:41:40The reason why it's in the current budget is because...
00:41:43it's in the range of the tax.
00:41:45It's in the range of the tax, not the international tax.
00:41:49It's been around for a long time.
00:41:51It's because it's been around for a long time.
00:41:54It's not just in the range of the tax.
00:41:58There's also a deposit.
00:42:00Or by issuing a red tape, it's done in a normal country.
00:42:04In the first place, you have the primary balance, the Kurojika rate.
00:42:09Because you have it, your budget is tied up.
00:42:13You should have been able to withdraw the tax rate and save the budget for 7 to 8 trillion yen.
00:42:19You've crushed that.
00:42:21For example, if you look at X or SNS...
00:42:25I understand Mr. Fujii and Mr. Takahashi's opinions.
00:42:28But it's not unlimited.
00:42:30There are opinions like, you have to close where you close.
00:42:34Of course.
00:42:35We're not telling you to do it unlimitedly.
00:42:39We're telling you to do it in a more reasonable ratio.
00:42:423 times the GDP ratio.
00:42:44I've been saying this since I was in government.
00:42:47The primary balance is calculated only in one part of the government.
00:42:51Can you explain the primary balance?
00:42:53To be honest, it's just a red tape and a black tape.
00:42:56But you can't just do it in one part.
00:42:58That's why I call it a unified government.
00:43:01In a normal company, it's called a link.
00:43:05That's where you do it.
00:43:07If you calculate it there, it's a black tape.
00:43:09Then you can't just get caught in the red tape in one part.
00:43:15Mr. Abe knows about this.
00:43:17I always say, don't calculate it in one part.
00:43:20Do it in all parts.
00:43:22Then it's a black tape.
00:43:24Then there's no problem.
00:43:26It was written in a magazine, right?
00:43:28Mr. Abe's generation...
00:43:30Mr. Abe's close friends...
00:43:33It was my job to make sure that Mr. Abe doesn't get close to people like this.
00:43:39Call him here.
00:43:42I can't do it.
00:43:44I'm going to kill you.
00:43:48That's how it is.
00:43:50It's also a battle of power.
00:43:52It's going to be a big deal for the Ministry of Finance.
00:43:57In short, the Ministry of Finance...
00:44:00It's going to be a big deal.
00:44:02I know that.
00:44:04I'm sure of it.
00:44:05That's why I'm fishing.
00:44:08It's a chance to change the atmosphere.
00:44:11The Ministry of Finance's job is to keep the tax rate.
00:44:16In the end, it's a political decision.
00:44:18But you're not used to being the prime minister.
00:44:20You're fighting with the Ministry of Finance.
00:44:22But politics...
00:44:24I'm talking about the tax rate.
00:44:26Obviously, the mass media is wrong.
00:44:28You don't know that, do you?
00:44:30That's terrible.
00:44:32I'm just saying that it's in line with the world standard.
00:44:37I was told that the Ministry of Finance ignores the tax rate.
00:44:42No one calculates the tax rate as correctly as I do.
00:44:46It's the same for me.
00:44:48We hear it every week.
00:44:50But we can't actually calculate it.
00:44:53So it's difficult.
00:44:55Mr. Aoyama, the formula is difficult.
00:44:58The formula is difficult.
00:45:01But what Mr. Takahashi and Mr. Fujii are saying is...
00:45:04If it's correct, the government is burning it down.
00:45:07That's right.
00:45:09They've been using the money for 30 years in the wrong way.
00:45:13It's true that it's strange that they're using the tax rate.
00:45:18As I said in this program,
00:45:211.2 trillion yen has already been spent on the bank.
00:45:24It's not in the budget.
00:45:26The budget is a mess.
00:45:28The government spends money on the bank.
00:45:32It's not in the budget.
00:45:34They're using the tax rate.
00:45:36It's strange that they're using the tax rate and not correcting it.
00:45:41It's a problem with the bank.
00:45:43Mr. Aoyama's view.
00:45:45The government succeeded in the strategy of dividing the party.
00:45:49On the other hand, politics is about numbers.
00:45:52The government has to do something about it.
00:45:54That's why the Japanese Consulate-General came up with this strategy.
00:45:58The Japanese Consulate-General succeeded in this strategy.
00:46:01However, the Japanese Consulate-General is still meditating.
00:46:05Let's turn to the next page.
00:46:08Mr. Izumiya wants to reduce gasoline prices.
00:46:13It's gasoline.
00:46:15It's gasoline.
00:46:16It's gasoline.
00:46:18It's expensive to carry things.
00:46:21It's expensive to carry things.
00:46:23First, reduce gasoline prices.
00:46:25They're just doing it because it's cheap.
00:46:28It's gasoline.
00:46:30Why didn't you say anything about the trigger?
00:46:33Release of trigger information.
00:46:36If it's 160 yen for three months, it's a lie.
00:46:41Trigger information.
00:46:43Trigger information is a story of doing it once and returning it to its original state.
00:46:46This time, it's a story of losing money.
00:46:49Trigger information is a story of reducing it once and returning it to its original state.
00:46:56It's not like that anymore.
00:46:58It's a story of stopping the assumption tax rate.
00:47:01That's why I mentioned the word trigger.
00:47:04But you should do the trigger first.
00:47:07If you don't make such a promise.
00:47:09While we're making the rules here, if we implement the rules, we'll make it cheap.
00:47:13That's right.
00:47:15The Japanese government and the people are arguing that we should reduce gasoline taxes.
00:47:19We submitted a joint proposal to reduce gasoline taxes.
00:47:23I'd like you to lend me your strength.
00:47:27I'd like you to lend me your strength.
00:47:29Mr. Maehara.
00:47:30We've been arguing since April of next year.
00:47:32We've been arguing since April of next year.
00:47:37We've been arguing since April of next year.
00:47:39We've been arguing since April of next year.
00:47:42What's the difference?
00:47:44What's the difference?
00:47:46I feel like it's only April of next year.
00:47:49I feel like it's only April of next year.
00:47:53Mr. Aoyama.
00:47:55It's painful.
00:47:56It's painful, isn't it?
00:47:58But you've already agreed to the main budget.
00:48:00If you agree to this from April of this year, you'll have to re-establish your budget for April of this year.
00:48:06In short, you're in a situation where you can't agree.
00:48:10I know that.
00:48:12But I wanted you to lend me your strength because you agreed to this.
00:48:15I know that.
00:48:18We're having a lot of arguments behind the scenes.
00:48:22These two people went to vote for the national democracy.
00:48:27They won, they lost, they got out, and they went to ICHI.
00:48:31I think the bad thing about this relationship has a lot to do with this.
00:48:36Anyway, I won't forgive you for betraying your friends.
00:48:42What's the relationship between Yoshimura and Maehara in ICHI?
00:48:49Actually, Yoshimura and Maehara seemed to be just getting started.
00:48:54Yoshimura and Maehara were close friends with Toru Hashimoto.
00:48:59I wanted to work well with Hashimoto.
00:49:02Does ICHI have an influence on Hashimoto?
00:49:05Actually, ICHI doesn't have an influence on Hashimoto.
00:49:08But ICHI thinks that Hashimoto's criticism of ICHI is a huge minus on the election.
00:49:14ICHI can't talk to Hashimoto, so please let me talk to Hashimoto.
00:49:19I came to the studio at the last minute of the show.
00:49:22I went to Hashimoto.
00:49:25I can't talk to Hashimoto.
00:49:28I want to talk to Hashimoto, but I can't.
00:49:31I went to Hashimoto.
00:49:34I'm sorry for this.
00:49:36I sent you the budget for the budget.
00:49:41I sent you the budget in August of this year.
00:49:43I have a lot to say.
00:49:45I think it's a good idea to send me the budget.
00:49:50But why did you come to the Senate and fix it?
00:49:56The Senate was told to freeze the budget.
00:50:00I was told that I couldn't freeze the budget, but I became a member of parliament, and I was suddenly sent a letter of resignation.
00:50:07So what was the budget that passed through the House of Representatives once?
00:50:10Even if I become a member of parliament again this time, I have to return it to the House of Representatives.
00:50:14Was the answer in the House of Representatives appropriate?
00:50:18From Mr. Ishiba's point of view, the people said,
00:50:22Wait a minute, the people are saying that this law is too pitiful, so it's a negative material for the summer election.
00:50:33To put it simply, I finally noticed the voice of the members of the House of Representatives that if they do this, they will not be able to fight the election.
00:50:41But it's spring, and we're going to discuss it again in the fall.
00:50:46That's too short.
00:50:48Mr. Takahashi, do you feel sorry for the members of the House of Representatives?
00:50:55It was the day before yesterday, wasn't it?
00:50:57It's okay to say the day before yesterday.
00:51:00I can't believe it either.
00:51:03I can't believe it.
00:51:05I can't believe it.
00:51:07To be honest, I can't believe it.
00:51:09So you're saying that you lied two days ago, and now you're saying that it was a lie at that time.
00:51:15I can't believe it.
00:51:17It's a bad story, but normally, it's a lie.
00:51:20It's a lie, but in fact, in August, we're going to do a lot of things to get rid of it, and that's how much wisdom we're going to get.
00:51:27Even if it's a lie.
00:51:29Politically, it's like, what the hell is this?
00:51:32It's a lie, isn't it?
00:51:34What I said yesterday was a lie.
00:51:36I've never seen a prime minister who's been so involved in state affairs.
00:51:40Yesterday, Mr. Ishiba and Mr. Yoshihiko Noda, the representative of the Ministry of Justice, even had a secret meeting.
00:51:46Mr. Noda said, please freeze this much.
00:51:49He said, please put up the face of the Justice.
00:51:51At that time, it was very hard.
00:51:53Yeah, toast.
00:51:55I'm sure it's toast.
00:51:57It's like it won't move even if you try.
00:51:59That's where I gave up.
00:52:01I don't know about Mr. Noda, but that's about it.
00:52:04So I'm going to crush the face of the Justice.
00:52:06If you're a member of the House of Representatives, you're going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:10Even if you're a member of the House of Representatives, you're going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:14I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:16I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:18I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:20I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:22I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:24I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:26I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:28I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:30I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:32I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:34I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:36I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:38I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:40I'm going to have to go through the budget.
00:52:43Last month, the Japan-Ishin-no-Kai announced that they would work hard for Japan in the real world.
00:52:59This month, on the 2nd, they announced that they would not be participating.
00:53:03There are two reasons why they gave up.
00:53:05The first reason is that their family was confused by the online slander.
00:53:10The second reason is that they couldn't ignore the public's reaction to the announcement of the Japan-Ishin-no-Kai.
00:53:19In the first place, they were trying to do their best for Japan, weren't they?
00:53:23That's right.
00:53:24They've been doing a lot of public speaking activities in Japan.
00:53:28They've been doing a lot of public speaking activities in Japan.
00:53:31In particular, in the current political world in Japan, there is a very low sense of urgency for China.
00:53:37I see.
00:53:38There is a lack of seriousness in Japan.
00:53:44But I know better than most Japanese people how serious the threat of China is.
00:53:53That's why I want to be of help.
00:53:56The other reason why they decided to leave Japan is that Yoshihiro Yoshimura has been known for a long time.
00:54:05I was very impressed with his recognition of China.
00:54:10He may not be well-known, but in various situations, he said that China had a different sense of value from Japan.
00:54:20In addition, it is a threat to Japan.
00:54:23In order to deal with the threat of China, Japan must increase its national defense.
00:54:29As I mentioned earlier, Yoshimura has been in various situations.
00:54:34In order to do that, Japan must seriously consider sharing.
00:54:38He was also thinking about sharing.
00:54:40That's right.
00:54:41I think it's rare to see such a clear sense of politics in Japanese politics.
00:54:50So after Yoshimura was elected as president, I decided to work with him.
00:54:58There was a reason for that.
00:55:00First of all, was the net threat of China a big deal?
00:55:03Well, that's true.
00:55:05As soon as Yoshimura was elected as president, there was a lot of speculation.
00:55:11The biggest reason was that Yoshimura was a spy of China.
00:55:15Because he was a spy, Yoshimura thought he would join the Japanese National Assembly.
00:55:19Was there a lot of opposition to Yoshimura's appointment as president?
00:55:23The public's reaction was also big.
00:55:25Was there any concern about Yoshimura's family?
00:55:29I don't think there was any concern about that.
00:55:34After Yoshimura's appearance, I heard from various friends and acquaintances that Yoshimura was born and raised in Japan.
00:55:51In my case, I was born and raised in China.
00:55:55So I was worried that Yoshimura would join the Japanese National Assembly.
00:56:03I was also worried that Yoshimura would listen to me.
00:56:07But that's the reality.
00:56:09So I thought Yoshimura couldn't ignore that.
00:56:15That was the second reason.
00:56:18Mr. Fujii, you came to this program with us and told us a lot of stories.
00:56:24Mr. Sekiya, as a friend, I would like to respect your judgment.
00:56:33I think it was good for me as an individual.
00:56:38When I said I would do my best for Japan,
00:56:40I was worried about the three-party agreement on the Japanese-Japanese friendship.
00:56:45I was worried about the public's dissatisfaction.
00:56:49When I thought about whether I could really serve Japan,
00:56:52I thought it was a good decision for Japan.
00:57:01Mr. Sekiya, you said that the Japanese-Japanese friendship was different.
00:57:11You thought the Japanese-Japanese friendship was the best for China.
00:57:16But when it comes to the China issue,
00:57:18rather than the Japanese-Japanese friendship,
00:57:21I think Yoshimura-san's idea resonated with me intuitively.
00:57:29What do you think?
00:57:30Did your family feel relieved when you said you wouldn't run for office?
00:57:33They were relieved.
00:57:37But I'm sure they'll say a lot of things in the future.
00:57:41On the Internet?
00:57:43Yes, that's a problem.
00:57:45I think Yoshimura-san's family will never be relieved.
00:57:48That's right.
00:57:49I said it in the interview.
00:57:50My wife will never be relieved.
00:57:53When I had a fight with her,
00:57:55I said,
00:57:56I'll apologize as soon as I hear the word election.
00:57:59That's enough.
00:58:03Thank you for coming to this program.
00:58:07Let's move on.
00:58:09Let's move on to China.
00:58:11The National People's Congress, or National People's Congress,
00:58:15which determines China's important policies, has begun.
00:58:18As the economic downturn continues,
00:58:20there seems to have been a change in policy.
00:58:30This Wednesday, the National People's Congress,
00:58:33which determines China's important policies,
00:58:36will be held.
00:58:39What is attracting attention is
00:58:41what kind of economic policy China, which has been declining for a long time, will launch.
00:58:48Currently, China has achieved the growth target of GDP 5%,
00:58:54but real estate decline has been long-term,
00:58:56and the unemployment rate of young people is 16.1%.
00:59:01In addition, President Trump of the United States
00:59:04has decided to increase the tax on China to 20% as a countermeasure.
00:59:10China has also decided to increase the tax on the United States.
00:59:14The future of export, which has been driving the economy for a long time, is also unclear.
00:59:20On the first day of the National People's Congress,
00:59:24Prime Minister Lee Kyo-hye, who asked for a government activity report,
00:59:28criticized the Trump administration, saying that
00:59:33one-countryism is disrupting the circulation of the international economy,
00:59:37and emphasized the increase in consumption and domestic demand as the key to economic recovery.
00:59:43In addition, from the perspective of national security,
00:59:47China has shown a position to stimulate the domestic economy
00:59:51by putting the leaves on private companies that have been strengthening the closure.
00:59:55As for national security,
00:59:57China has announced a budget of 7.2% from last year.
01:00:02In the midst of clarifying the military-national route,
01:00:05Prime Minister Lee Kyo-hye said at a press conference yesterday,
01:00:10China will definitely achieve unification of Taiwan.
01:00:14As the trade friction between the United States and China intensifies,
01:00:18what impact will the road chosen by China have on Japan?
01:00:27Mr. Shigeru Izumiya asked this question about this news.
01:00:33The leaders of the United States and China are now
01:00:36just provoking each other, both military and economic,
01:00:41and they will find a landing point somewhere and eventually find a compromise.
01:00:47I think so, but I want to hear the explanation and prediction of the experts.
01:00:53Please tell me.
01:00:56It's long.
01:00:59I think so, but...
01:01:01I didn't say that.
01:01:04Let's go.
01:01:05Mr. Ryo, please tell this news to these people.
01:01:08Mr. Daisuke Kondo, a journalist who is in China as the editor-in-chief of Kodansha Modern Business.
01:01:15Mr. Hei Seki, a Japanese who knows China better than anyone else.
01:01:22Let's go.
01:01:24Mr. Kondo, please tell this news to these people.
01:01:27The only way to recover the economy is to promote private enterprises.
01:01:30However, Xi Jinping's true intention is socialism.
01:01:34Mr. Seki, please tell this news to these people.
01:01:37Xi Jinping's heart is not in the economy, but in Buddhism.
01:01:43Yes, I understand.
01:01:45After the commercial break, let's see what will happen in China.
01:01:52This week, the National Assembly of China, the ally of justice, which is broadcast live, has opened.
01:01:58Please take a look at this.
01:02:00The National Assembly is a national assembly that is held once a year.
01:02:06Approximately 3,000 representatives from all over China gather to discuss the bill.
01:02:12Mr. Kondo, what kind of representatives are there this year?
01:02:20As you can see, last year, Xi Jinping was very safe.
01:02:30This year, he emphasized science and technology.
01:02:32He talked about deep-seeking.
01:02:38As you know, the National Assembly of China is held only once a year.
01:02:44In Japan, it is held about 280 days a year.
01:02:46This year, there is only one bill to pass in a week.
01:02:50There is only one bill to pass.
01:02:52It's called the Representative Act.
01:02:54It's a law that puts the National Assembly and local committees under Xi Jinping.
01:03:01Last year, it was called the National Assembly Act.
01:03:04It puts all the central committees under Xi Jinping.
01:03:07There is only one bill to pass.
01:03:09It's not like the Japanese parliament and the Ukrainian parliament in the U.S.
01:03:15There is a loud applause.
01:03:17Xi Jinping is talking.
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