Full Video: Why most people struggle with money || Acharya Prashant, with Youth (2022)
00:00You know of the Sri Lankan financial crisis.
00:03You also know how your neighbor Pakistan is unable to pay off its loans.
00:08Even the interest on the loans.
00:09Why do you think that is happening?
00:10Where is the money going then?
00:12The money is being siphoned off towards unworthy priorities.
00:17That's where the money is going.
00:18That's how the Sri Lankan economy collapsed.
00:20That's how any economy collapses.
00:22A person collapses because he is unwise.
00:24A nation also collapses because the nation is unwise.
00:27Are you getting it?
00:28So spirituality is not just about taking Ram Nam and sitting in your corner
00:33and being aloof from the world and meditating with your eyes closed.
00:36You require spirituality at every step in life.
00:39Want to choose a career?
00:41You need to be spiritual to make the right decision.
00:43Want to buy a car or a house?
00:45You need to be spiritual to make the right decision.
00:47Want to choose a man or a woman for a relationship?
00:50Again, you need to be spiritual to make the right decision.
00:53Any decision that you have to take in life will go bad
00:56if it is not taken from a spiritual point.