• 2 days ago
Barry Windham pinned Jeff Stone at 3:32 with a lariat; during the bout, a video insert aired with Windham claiming the Four Horsemen would take down NWA US Champion Lex Luger, El Gigante, and Junkyard Dog
Brian Pillman pinned Tim Hughes at 3:04 with a crossbody off the top; during the match, a video insert aired with Pillman promising an “all-out blitz” on Stan Hansen and the Four Horsemen
Mark Callous (w/ Paul E. Dangerously) pinned Dave Johnson at 3:46 with the heart punch; during the match, a video insert aired with Dangerously hinting he knew the Black Scorpion’s identity
Mike Rotunda & Tim Horner defeated Mike Thor & Death Row 3260 at 6:18 when Horner pinned Thor with a bridging O’Connor roll; during the bout, a video insert aired with Rotunda & Horner challenging the Master Blasters to face them
The Junkyard Dog pinned Brian Carr at 2:38 with the Big Thump; during the match, a video insert aired with JYD & El Gigante talking about their new team
NWA US Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner fought Fatu & the Samoan Savage in a non-title match with 3:34 shown with the match continuing as the broadcast ended; the Steiners were announced as champions but did not have the title belts

