• 3 weeks ago
hosted by Tony Schiavone & Dutch Mantel; included the Big Van Vader vs. Pat Rose match from the 8/18/90 edition of Pro, dubbed over with new commentary:
The Nasty Boys defeated Tim Parker & Scotty Williams at 5:04 when Jerry Saggs pinned Parker following the running powerslam / flying elbowsmash combo
NWA US Champion Lex Luger defeated Tony Burton
Mark Callous defeated Dave Diamond
Hector Guerrero pinned Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker at 3:15 with a cradle roll; during the bout, it was noted Guerrero would be part of upcoming events in Texas that would also feature Jose Lothario as a guest referee; after the bout, Guerrero cut a pre-taped promo about his return to the NWA
Brad Armstrong defeated Bob Holly
Sid Vicious defeated David Stoudimiere

