00:00why does this look like a tiger and a frog had a baby what is um this is going downhill fast
00:08oh no i fear they have sent my prescription to target looks like we're going to target girl
00:22yeah so my usual pharmacy was closed and i had to break my target street guys i stayed out of there
00:27for months i was doing so good i walk in there end of february early march and i'm immediately
00:31met with anxiety because easter is everywhere these baskets are the best for teacher gifts
00:36or pets or kids but i hate how early it comes because i feel like if i don't participate in
00:40shopping now anyway looky here pharmacy was closed looking at that bag for my camera and
00:45my electronics i honestly don't think it would have been big enough these i purchased i put the
00:48bag out on my camera and these led strip lights are quite literally the only thing i actually
00:52needed from target and some things for the pups my fur babes don't worry i did not end up falling
00:56victim to the bunny i like that tray but they have better on amazon but this they got me i had
00:59to have it don't worry i did not fall victim to the bunny vase face however give me a break
01:04seriously it's so good i fear i have to get it i fear do i have two at home that look exactly like
01:10this yes please look how easily i get distracted that little tray caught my eye but not for 20
01:14dollars though i'm good i get stepping up their junior clothing major the swishy is in that swishy
01:19material is going to be so i called my lab about those hoodies she did not like any but i did get
01:23her a couple basic tees okay the women's clothing section was hitting as well i thought i'd show you
01:27a couple of these cute pieces i loved that dress i fear i am very much a sucker for anything that
01:31gives grandma okay now this you guys i ended up getting this gray one double zippers you can wear
01:36it so many different ways i love it i came for a prescription left with no prescription just less
01:40money in my bank account this is why i had not been to target in months we'll not be going back
01:45anytime soon