A Book to Brighten Your Day*:
Bullet Journal*:
hi my loving tiffanythinks family, thank you for watching :) love you a lot a lot.
Instagram, TikTok & FB: tiffanythinks
We Got This x
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A Book to Brighten Your Day*:
Bullet Journal*:
hi my loving tiffanythinks family, thank you for watching :) love you a lot a lot.
Instagram, TikTok & FB: tiffanythinks
We Got This x
This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. I won't put anything here that I haven't verified and/or personally used myself.
00:00Hello, what time is it?
00:01Is it still morning?
00:02Yes, good morning my loving Tiffany Thinks family.
00:06How are you all?
00:07Today, I've woken up with such good spirit.
00:10I feel really energized.
00:13I think it's just so nice to know that chemo session 9 is done.
00:17If you haven't watched my last video, that was chemo session 9 and that's done.
00:23The lung ablation is done and I think I'm in kind of good,
00:29I'm in a good way and I'm very, very happy.
00:31This morning, I woke up and I felt very much like right,
00:35I want to clean, I want to dust, I want to hoover.
00:39We did do the rug clean.
00:42If you watched my last video, we got the rug doctor and we did clean the rug
00:46but I also wanted to hoover on top this morning
00:49and I've also cleaned out the fridge so I feel very, very productive.
00:53I think, you know what it is, it's coming up to spring
00:56and it's the time of the year where you just want to get things all sorted, isn't it?
01:00And especially where I'm in good spirits and where I feel,
01:05you know, like I've got energy, I might as well do it now
01:09because who knows, with me, things are so unpredictable, aren't they?
01:14So, I feel like when I've got the energy, I'm going to do it.
01:19I'm just using the Origins cream here
01:22just for under my eyes and on my eyelids
01:27just because with chemo, it does dry up my skin.
01:34It is actually a beautiful day today.
01:37My darling is coming home for lunch.
01:39I've actually just made the tuna filling
01:42and I'm not sure whether he wants toasted bread or if he wants plain bread.
01:47I did text him and I said, if you want toasted, let me know
01:51because then I'll make it as soon as he gets in, so it's still nice and fresh.
01:54But sometimes he doesn't want it toasted,
01:56so I'm kind of waiting on a reply before I can kind of make up the sandwich.
02:02It feels really nice, you know, I feel like I've been so...
02:09down, I have been quite down.
02:11I've been in bed, I've been grumpy, I've been sleepy.
02:15So, on the days that I feel good, I need to just be more like me
02:20and I feel like that today.
02:22Also, another good news is my little nephew is coming to stay over.
02:26We didn't plan this in advance.
02:28It was kind of, I was telling my sister,
02:30I don't want to get his hopes up just in case I'm not well.
02:33The last time he stayed over, it was not...
02:37I felt so bad because I was sleeping so much
02:39and I didn't have the energy for him.
02:41Whereas today, where I've woken up with high spirit,
02:44I was saying to my sister, he should come for a sleepover today
02:47because it's the perfect time because I feel good.
02:51And she said, yeah, she's told him, he's very excited.
02:54My niece, I wish she was at the age.
02:57She's not there yet, she's still so young
02:59and I don't think I can look after both of them.
03:01And with my nephew now, he's at the age,
03:03if I am tired or if I need a little break, he will understand.
03:08Whereas my niece, where she's too young, she doesn't understand.
03:11But I did get her a little toy.
03:13She actually asked for this.
03:15She wanted a little dentist set.
03:17She absolutely loves toys like this
03:20where she can kind of put things together
03:22and pretend she's a dentist,
03:24pretend she's got an ice cream machine thing,
03:27she's got a kitchen.
03:28She loves kind of those kind of toys.
03:30So I asked her, what toy do you want?
03:32And I haven't bought her anything in a very long time.
03:35And she asked for this, which is funny.
03:38It's a hippo and the hippo has braces.
03:41So she'll love this.
03:43She'll just, yeah, have a good time with it.
03:45So this is gonna be for her
03:47because she's not coming for a sleepover,
03:50but that will make her happy.
03:52And I just thought with my nephew,
03:54it will be nice to kind of spend quality time with him,
03:57take him to the bookshop.
03:58You all know, anytime he comes to stay over,
04:01I like to take him to the bookshop
04:03just because, or a stationery shop,
04:05only because when I was younger,
04:08I just remember my parents taking me to the stationery shop,
04:11whether it was WH Smith or Woolworths,
04:14or I was able to kind of buy stationery and a reading book.
04:18And I think that's why I'm very much into my stationery
04:21and into my reading because from a young age
04:24is what really excited me.
04:26So I kind of want that for him.
04:30And even so, that would be a memory for him
04:33that every time he came to his Chidthi's house,
04:36which is his auntie, Chidthi means auntie,
04:39mom's sister in Tamil.
04:41And so anytime he comes to Chidthi's house,
04:43he'll have that reminder of,
04:45yes, she used to take me to buy a book,
04:48sometimes a toy and a pen or a pencil.
04:53I just, I feel with all of this that's going on,
04:57I have missed out on a lot in their lives
05:00and I still want to make memories.
05:02I really, really, I spent a lot, a lot of time
05:06with my nephew when he was very, very young
05:09since he was born because I was well then
05:12and even after work, I would drive up to see him
05:15and I feel like nowadays time is flying by
05:19and there's so much going on with me
05:21that things, it's hard, you know,
05:25when you're not able to make as much memories as I'd like.
05:28And so days like today, I just need to kind of say,
05:32yes, today is the day
05:34and it really just worked out perfectly.
05:37I also organized makeup bits.
05:39I wanted to get this all sorted out as well.
05:41Skincare, brushes, all of that is done
05:44so I'm very, very happy because I feel like I'm ready.
05:47I'm so ready for spring.
05:49I'm so ready for the next chapter.
05:51In regards to the clavicle area,
05:53we're just going to not think about both areas
05:56and we're just going to get on with having the chemo done.
06:00So I've got 10, 11, 12, so three more sessions of chemo
06:04and then we'll go from there.
06:05I don't want to think about it right now
06:08because I don't have hospital appointments
06:10in the next couple of days.
06:12It feels like I'm having a break
06:14and I think that's why I'm in such good spirit
06:16because having a break from the hospital
06:19is honestly so nice.
06:21You know, driving up to the hospital and then parking
06:23and then going, you know, being in the hospital,
06:27it is draining.
06:28And when your everyday feels very much,
06:31oh, I need to go to the hospital,
06:32I need to go to the hospital,
06:34it does take a toll on your mental health.
06:36Always thinking, right,
06:37everything's centered around the hospital
06:39so what time is the appointment?
06:41If it's at three o'clock,
06:42it just means we're waiting for the appointment.
06:44If it's in the morning,
06:45it might mean that we're in the hospital till 12, one.
06:48So it's just, I think that's why I'm in good spirits
06:52because I feel like, right, I've got a few days off
06:55and then I've got a PICC line clean
06:57but that's very, very minor.
06:59And then I will, you know,
07:01so I just need to take each day
07:04and I need to just be happy.
07:09I need to be happy and make memories
07:12and spend time with my loved ones
07:14and just do things that make me super happy when I can.
07:20On the days that I can't, that's fine.
07:22But today and tomorrow is going to be a super fun day.
07:26Let's see, you got a message.
07:28He just said, don't worry,
07:29he'll come and decide when he gets here.
07:31At least the sandwich filling is all done.
07:34Oh, another thing I was telling you all about,
07:37I used to love, you know, the Tea Pigs,
07:41green tea and peppermint tea.
07:43I stopped drinking it with this chemo.
07:45I don't know, it feels very, very strong.
07:48And so Matt, he went to M&S
07:50and he got the, you know, the little green box,
07:53the green tea box.
07:55And I've actually really, really been enjoying it.
07:57I'll show you, hold on.
07:59Let's turn this light on.
08:00Do we need the light on?
08:02Yeah, we'll just put it on.
08:03Yeah, I've been really enjoying this green tea
08:05and I think it's because it's not strong,
08:08whereas the Tea Pigs one,
08:10I think once chemo's over, I will like it again
08:12because I've got two boxes,
08:14so I don't want it to go to waste.
08:15But right now, this is the one he got me.
08:18So if you don't like green tea that's too strong,
08:21get this from M&S.
08:22It's pure green tea, 20 teabags.
08:24And he said it was a fraction of the price
08:26in comparison to the Tea Pigs.
08:28So that's a bargain.
08:31Also, this is the sandwich filling
08:33that I've made and just set up here.
08:35So I've just put in tuna,
08:38which is, you know, just tuna from the can.
08:42Tuna from the tin.
08:43And then I put red onion, salt, pepper, mayo.
08:47Again, if you're going to M&S,
08:49you need to get this classic mayo because it's delicious.
08:53And then a bit of lemon.
08:55And that's the filling.
08:57Also, another little update.
09:00If you watched my last video
09:01where I got a new pillow for my little reading corner,
09:05I'll show you.
09:06It actually works perfectly in this corner.
09:09That is so nice, isn't it?
09:10I love the bees.
09:11I love the flowers.
09:13I just love the colors.
09:15It's actually the perfect fit for this little seat.
09:19That's all the updates.
09:20I just feel,
09:23I feel,
09:24this is kind of the energy I want.
09:26And I know there will be a time
09:28where the doctors will say,
09:30Tiffany, have a little break, you know?
09:32Just, you don't need to come to the hospital.
09:35And I need to remember,
09:36there will be a time like that
09:37because you've got to believe that, you know?
09:39You have to believe there will be a time like that
09:42because if I allow myself to think
09:43that's never going to happen,
09:45it's going to bring me down.
09:46So I need to tell myself that my life will get back to,
09:52maybe not back to normal
09:53because my life will never get back to normal,
09:55which is fine.
09:55I've accepted that.
09:56I just want to have little snippets of my old life back,
09:59like going to work and being able to clean
10:02and not be out of breath.
10:03I don't know if you can hear,
10:04but I do get out of breath really quickly,
10:06but that's fine.
10:07I've had lung bladion,
10:08I've done it in both lungs.
10:09So it's just the buildup
10:10and I'm so much better than before.
10:12Like look, I couldn't do that before.
10:17Now, if I do a little walk,
10:18I do get out of breath,
10:19but you know what?
10:20That's what to be expected
10:22when you have lung procedures, you know?
10:25So over time, things are going to get better.
10:28I have so many of you tell me your story
10:31or tell me a story of your family
10:34or a friend who's gone through so much
10:37and they're 80 years old now.
10:38There's so many lovely ladies that message me
10:41and say, Tiffany, I am 80 years old.
10:44I've got a stoma bag.
10:45I had lung surgery.
10:46I've been through chemo,
10:48I've been through radiotherapy
10:49and I'm now 80 years old.
10:51Or I'll get another message that says,
10:53Tiffany, don't give up.
10:54I went through this and I'm now 70 years old.
10:57Or I'll get another message that says,
10:59I had a friend that lived up to 85 years old
11:02and she had so many health complications.
11:05And you know, when I read that,
11:07it gives me a boost.
11:08There is so much that people go through
11:12and everyone's body is so different.
11:14I know this because even with my chemo
11:18and my treatment and my plan, treatment plan,
11:22and someone else in another country
11:24has a different treatment plan
11:25or another area of the country.
11:27So everyone deals with things very, very different.
11:30Cancer isn't one for all.
11:33Everyone's very, very different.
11:35And I just have to have hope, you know?
11:38And if you're going through any health complications,
11:41whether it's cancer or any health problems,
11:43please don't give up.
11:44We can't.
11:45I know there's times where I feel like
11:47I come on here and I say, I can't do this.
11:48I can't do this.
11:49But we have to kind of stick together
11:51and we got this.
11:54Yeah, we got this.
11:55And sometimes we hear more about the bad,
12:00like the statistics.
12:01We hear this in five years and this.
12:05But sometimes we just want to hear the good stuff, you know?
12:07So let's not give up and let's do life together.
12:11Whether it's a health issue or studying,
12:15whatever your, whatever stage you are in your life,
12:19just let's get through life together
12:21because life is so tough as it is.
12:24We're all going through some sort of struggles,
12:25not just, oh, health.
12:27There's so much different parts of our lives
12:30that we're going through.
12:32For me right now, currently,
12:34I'm going through the health side,
12:36but before it was different.
12:37So every stages of our life, we're gonna have problems,
12:41but let's just come together, be happy, be kind,
12:44and let's do life together.
12:47And I really, really feel positive
12:50and sending you lots of positive energy,
12:53lots of love, lots of prayers.
12:54And we got this.
12:57Always, always, always, always and forever.
12:59This is Matt's.
13:01I thought I'll give Matt some hearts today
13:03when he comes home for lunch.
13:06And I put in a Yorkshire tea bag.
13:07I'm not gonna make the tea yet for him
13:09because when he comes in, I'll boil the kettle
13:11and make a nice hot cup of tea.
13:14Do you know what?
13:15You know when they say a clean space kind of cleans your mind?
13:19I don't know if that's the actual saying.
13:21I genuinely feel like that today.
13:22I'm gonna go through where I got a few bits kind of organized
13:25and there's still a lot left to do.
13:27I wanna go through, I guess we still need our coats.
13:31It's still cold.
13:32It's still really cold.
13:33I've got two layers on.
13:34I'm still frozen.
13:36So it's not that time where we swap out our clothes yet.
13:40I've shown you this book before.
13:42My sister got this for me.
13:43I'll leave it linked below if you wanna get yourself one,
13:46but I go through this.
13:48I used to have this by my bed,
13:49but now I've kept it by my table
13:51just because I wanted to move things around.
13:54And sometimes when it's by my bed, I don't open it.
13:57So I've left it on my table here,
13:59just where my computer is.
14:03So this I feel like is very fitting for today.
14:06Windows open, fresh air in,
14:09put some fresh bedding on, declutter,
14:11sort little bits of paper hanging around,
14:14dust some stuff, put the toys back in their pile,
14:18maybe finally put the washing away, put the kettle on,
14:22sit back, drink tea, feel zen.
14:24I'm here now, aren't I?
14:25I'm in the sit back, drink tea, feel zen.
14:29This is a great little book.
14:32And then I put that in here.
14:35Kind of organized this little area here as well.
14:39I think it just looks nice, you know,
14:40just to change things up.
14:41I've got my bullet journal.
14:43I've got a little prayer here that Amma gave me.
14:46I just like having that.
14:47Coloring book, just, you know, a few bits and bobs.
14:51I'm going to take out, so in here,
15:01I don't know if it'll fit in properly,
15:02I'll take that out.
15:06This was from when we went to Le Fay,
15:10when we went to Lake Garda.
15:12So I absolutely,
15:15I don't actually use this pen,
15:16but I keep it for memories.
15:18That holiday was unreal.
15:20It was the most relaxing.
15:25Yeah, I, do you know what?
15:27I actually am loving that little corner there.
15:29It's very girly.
15:30It's got muted down pink colors, blues,
15:33and yeah, loving that little corner.
15:35I think it's nice.
15:36I'm so glad I moved my books over to that side
15:39because it just gives me a little bit more space
15:41and it's not too cluttered.
15:43We don't have a bookshelf
15:44because I'm still arming and aring about the bookshelf.
15:47I like the messy look
15:49and I like books kind of being in piles.
15:53Eventually, I probably will get a bookshelf,
15:56but for now, I'm kind of liking this vibe.
16:00Matt is back and he wants toast.
16:02So toast tuna.
16:04I'm glad I didn't make the plain sandwich
16:06because he wants toast.
16:09Making a cup of tea as well.
16:12Can I get a slab of cheese?
16:13And green tea.
16:15I was telling everyone how the green tea from M&S
16:17is so nice because it's not too,
16:19yeah, it's not too strong at all.
16:22Whereas the tea pigs,
16:23it's a little bit too strong for me now.
16:42I'm just parking the car.
16:44I thought, well, the weather is really nice right now.
16:48I'll just get a few steps in
16:50and I've got my big coat on all the layers
16:53because it is still quite cold.
16:59It was so nice kind of having,
17:01I had a green tea.
17:02I already had food before I got here,
17:04but I'm just going to have a little bit of tea
17:06and then I'm going to go to bed.
17:07I'm going to go to bed.
17:08I'm going to go to bed.
17:09I'm going to go to bed.
17:10I already had food before Matt came in,
17:14but it was just nice to kind of spend lunchtime with him.
17:17Just makes my heart happy, you know,
17:20just being present and not being so grumpy
17:27and being a bit meh.
17:29It's nice to kind of feel like me.
17:31And I think sometimes it's hard to pick yourself up
17:36from those, you know, when you're feeling meh,
17:37it's hard to get out of this kind of weird space.
17:40I do honestly think also the sun being out,
17:43even though it's cold,
17:44but the sun being out does make you feel happier,
17:47doesn't it?
17:48I think when it's kind of cold,
17:50I don't mind during Christmas time,
17:53but you need a little bit of sunshine.
17:55Like, oh, it just feels so nice.
17:57Okay, let's go and get a few steps in.
18:00I actually just parked up because it makes sense.
18:03It just makes sense.
18:04I don't put too much pressure.
18:05I need to do it slowly
18:07and find a little spot
18:11and do some breathing exercise,
18:13just be present, you know?
18:15Sometimes it's okay just to sit on the bench
18:17and look at trees and, you know, that's fine.
18:22I think it's ever since we moved here,
18:24I have loved just sitting on a bench
18:26and just staring out.
18:28And I never used to be that kind of girl,
18:32but now that's, it makes my heart happy.
18:35So why not do it?
18:37Another thing I've been doing is,
18:39Amma, she does this a lot.
18:40I spoke about this briefly in my last video,
18:44but she does lipstick.
18:46So she doesn't wear any makeup.
18:47She'll wear like moisturizer, thick moisturizer,
18:50and then she'll put on a bit of lipstick.
18:52And I've been trying to do that.
18:53Oh, my phone.
18:56Sorry, my sis just called.
18:58Also, I love, love, love the sun.
19:00Right, I was saying, my mum,
19:02she puts on lipstick and that's all she does
19:05and it makes her feel like completed.
19:08And I've been trying to do it.
19:10I'm gonna try this one today.
19:11This is the Charlotte Tilbury lipstick in Walk of Shame.
19:17Oh, it's very bright.
19:18Let's blend that in.
19:21Just a little bit.
19:24I don't know.
19:25I love that Amma does it and she's,
19:26I feel like Amma wears bright red lipstick
19:29and she's been doing it forever,
19:32since I was born, even way before I was born.
19:35She would always,
19:36everyone says Amma's known for her red lip.
19:39Sitting on a bench.
19:41My hands are cold.
19:43I feel fresh.
19:45I do think I'm gonna have a little power nap.
19:48It's been very much go, go, go, but I feel good.
19:52I do feel good.
19:53I think once I have a little power nap,
19:54I'm gonna wake up with more energy
19:57before we go pick up my nephew.
19:59I don't wanna be tired of him.
20:01I wanna kind of be in good form
20:03and I think a little snooze will help.
20:05Going outside, fresh air is exactly what I needed.
20:09My hands got cold really quickly.
20:10I don't know if it's the neuropathy,
20:12but I kept, I didn't wear gloves
20:14because I didn't think it was gonna be that cold,
20:16but I kept putting my hands in my pocket.
20:18I honestly just feel like me
20:20and I know, I don't know if that makes any sense.
20:23It feels like a long time since,
20:27you know, I start feeling like this,
20:29even though my breath and can't walk for too long
20:33and that's okay, I can look past that.
20:35I feel like mentally and emotionally,
20:37I'm feeling like me again
20:39and it is just having that break from the hospital,
20:42having that break from, yeah, I needed this.
20:47I needed a day like this.
20:48I feel like the next few days are gonna be lovely.
20:51No hospital days, which is exactly what I need.
20:57Oh, my phone.
20:58My mama.
20:58Hi, mama.
20:59Love you, mama.
21:01It's her break time and she's checking in.
21:04I told her that I've got a little bit of lipstick on
21:06because of her and she said, don't wear too much,
21:09especially because of my skin being all dry.
21:11So she said, don't do too much.
21:12And I said, no, I just put on a little bit.
21:14I always use Aquaphor.
21:16Aquaphor is the only thing that helps with my dryness.
21:19I feel like the Aquaphor, for my face,
21:22Aquaphor is the best.
21:24I feel like it's the best for my skin.
21:26For my face, Aquaphor is the best.
21:29Even kind of my cuticles, my hands,
21:32Aquaphor is very, very good.
21:33They gave me Epi-Max cream, which I use on my legs,
21:37especially at nighttime,
21:38because I've got so much dry patches around here
21:43and my arms as well, but that's fine.
21:46You know, it was only six more weeks.
21:49So all good, all good.
21:51I'm worried.
21:52I know I keep saying only six more weeks
21:54and I am worried that they're gonna say more chemo after,
21:57but hopefully they give me a break.
22:00I don't want, hopefully there's no more chemo,
22:03not for a long time anyways.
22:04I just, I don't want any more.
22:13Everything is nice and organized.
22:14The bed's sorted.
22:15I've done the note.
22:17Everything is a tick, tick, tick.
22:19I spritzed this on.
22:23I got this again from the Christmas advent calendar
22:26and it's just making my skin look so glowy.
22:30I don't know.
22:30I don't know why I did it,
22:32but I feel like hopefully this doesn't make my skin more dry.
22:39I just wanted to pop it on.
22:41Let's put a little bit more on.
22:46This adds a glow.
22:47I probably shouldn't be doing this to my skin right now.
22:51I'm taking my anti-sickness
22:52because last time I left it and then I was really struggling.
22:56So this is the metoclopramide.
22:58I'm gonna take this with me just because I might need it.
23:04I feel like I need it now,
23:05but I'm gonna wait till I actually need it.
23:06Actually, should I just take it now and then it's done?
23:09Because I can't take this for the next eight hours.
23:11Then I don't need to think about it.
23:12Yeah, I'll take it now.
23:14Let's do it.
23:15So this t-shirt slash jumper is good
23:19because it covers up the pick line.
23:21My niece, anytime she sees this, she'll say,
23:25"'Chitty got a boo-boo, Chitty got a boo-boo."
23:29Let's cover it up.
23:29It's such a cutie.
23:32"'Chitty got a boo-boo."
23:36Let's cover it up.
23:41Hold on.
23:42Chitty, can you open this?
23:46Hello, good morning, my loving Tiffany Thinks family.
23:50It's the next day.
23:51My lovely godson, my lovely nephew,
23:54is here for a sleepover.
23:56We actually-
23:56I came last night.
23:58You came last night, yeah.
23:59We went and picked him up late.
24:01It got quite late, didn't it?
24:02But we-
24:04Yeah, we went to sleep quite late.
24:06What was I saying?
24:07But we did have a lion.
24:08Aston slept in till nine o'clock.
24:11So we're all nice and refreshed.
24:13We're just quickly popping into my friend's-
24:15I feel a little froggy.
24:18Why, do you think you overslept?
24:19Maybe you overslept, but it's good.
24:21You got a lot of energy.
24:22We are quickly going to our friend's
24:24because we're giving her little boy,
24:27we're giving him some books.
24:28The dinosaur books.
24:29All of these dinosaur books.
24:31There's a dinosaur in your book.
24:33Welcome to dinosaur school.
24:35And the last one is Dr. Saurus.
24:39When Asty was younger, he was obsessed with dinosaurs.
24:44When he was younger, he was so obsessed with dinosaurs.
24:46Yeah, but now I'm not.
24:47No, he's not.
24:48Okay, let's go in and say hello.
24:51Do you remember to say hello to the sun
24:55shining down on me?
24:58Yes, he used to sing that to me like 24 seven.
25:02And then after, we're going to go to Blue Water
25:04and we're going to go buy Asty a little book
25:06and a little toy.
25:08I'm going to just leave the car like this, okay?
25:09And then we'll figure it out.
25:10Shall we take some sweets for them as well?
25:14Say hello.
25:21I always park here.
25:22But Chicky, have you gone past the Lego shop before?
25:25I don't think I've ever been.
25:27No, but have you gone past it?
25:29I don't know.
25:30I might have.
25:31I think it's because it's not-
25:32It's got a big Lego dragon in the front.
25:35I think it's because that's not where I normally park.
25:36It's green.
25:41No, the Lego shop's inside it.
25:45We're here in Blue Water.
25:46We're trying to get a parking spot.
25:55Right, we are going to the Lego shop.
25:56I don't think I've ever been inside the Lego shop here.
25:59Yeah, yeah, but you went past it.
26:01I don't think I've even ever seen it.
26:04I don't ever look for the Lego shop.
26:06It's got a green Lego dragon at the front of it.
26:10Oh, okay, we'll go find it.
26:11It's like actually here.
26:12A real dragon?
26:14A Lego one?
26:18A Lego?
26:20Oh, it's here.
26:21Up here.
26:24It's on Boots.
26:26It's next to Boots.
26:27Where are we now?
26:28We're here.
26:32Let's go, let's go, let's go.
26:37This is cool.
26:42Yeah, we're going to sit and make this together now.
26:45Both of them.
26:45Yeah, let's do this.
26:47So, fun times.
26:53This is so cool.
26:54Now we're on the second Lego.
26:56To be honest, you're doing this all on your own.
26:57I'm not really doing much.
27:02I can give this.
27:03Look at this one, he's got sunglasses on.
27:05He's a cool dude.