• 2 days ago
My first vlog 🥰
my first vlog 🥰 ||

Hey Everyone There is Suraj Vlogs so guys my name is Suraj Kumar chaurasiya and I am From Bihar ( Dis.:- Motihari, Police station:- Pakaridayal , Home :- Chorma ).
This is my first vlog video 🌹🥰

Video Created By :- Me
Edited by :- Me
Video shooted by Oppo a77s 📷📸

Now Lives At :- Rajsthan ( Kota- The smart city )
Studying In :- Allen ( Path to success ) 💯

Instagram :-    / suraj_official_ch  ​

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bablu banna vlog
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my first vlog 2022
my first vlog viral
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my first vlog video
my first vlog tags 2022
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