• 2 days ago


00:00here right you hack here we go now this particular hack is to show you how to tap a little power off
00:04of a high voltage wire with a little little 10 gauge wire and uh full disclosure i skipped past
00:11like seven wrong ways and finger pointing and wagging but uh yeah you put a little knot in
00:16there you loop it you swoop it you give it a good tug and then uh that taps in there that
00:22bad boy's not going anywheres and just for safety reasons we're going to get ourselves a little
00:26little heat shrink sticking over there god forbid someone gets hurt there you go awesome
00:32now somebody who's only ever been good at one knot and that's the shoe knot anytime i watch
00:36these guys do these knots i'm always impressed that's a 10 out of 10 knot the only problem is
00:40this isn't a video about sailboats it's about electricity and that's dangerous and that'll
00:44catch your house on fire or electrocute somebody so i'm gonna have to give you a zero out of 10
00:48for this one may god have mercy on your soul i'd like to thank for playing better luck next time
00:53there you go
