• 2 days ago
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00:00what's up you guys welcome back to another video I know this isn't your
00:05typical GMB video but and we've been gone for a while yes and it's only right
00:11that we make this video and we respond to everything because I know that
00:16there's a lot going on and I know that there's a lot of questions speculating
00:20and I know that there's a lot of false narratives about me and Gaurak right now
00:26so no we shut that that one down before we get into the video let's shut that
00:35one down I hope you guys know that that video that blew up about me and Gaurak
00:39allegedly being arrested in our house being raided if you guys go to that AI
00:44page it says at the top that everything that they talk about is fake so hopefully
00:49a lot of you guys did not believe that yeah we're just gonna touch base on
00:52everything guys and I'm gonna start off with the reposts that I have made on our
01:01couples tik-tok channel um I just want to let you guys know that I didn't make
01:06those reposts to hurt anybody I was actually not educated well enough I
01:12didn't choose any of those people but my repost made it seem like I did choose
01:16that person so the the video I did make I looked really stupid me looking back
01:24at it now I look stupid and I made my fiance look dumb as well which I didn't
01:31mean to make her look dumb she was she wasn't looking away because she was
01:35embarrassed it was our five-year anniversary and I'm not saying it's our
01:40five-year anniversary to make anybody feel bad or anything it was I'm being
01:44honest and truthful to you guys right now I'm being vulnerable it was our
01:48five-year anniversary and I was just we were going through our comments I'm like
01:51oh dang there's a lot of comments saying bunch of stuff so I'm like okay let's
01:57just make this video quick that was my intention and Brittany was like she
02:01wanted to give me her own opinions on what I needed to say but I was I was
02:06hard-headed guys I didn't listen to her I'm like I'm gonna say however I want to
02:10say it cuz I'm the one that started all this so I'm gonna say it that's how I
02:14told Brittany she was just arguing with we were all arguing back and forth she
02:18was telling me it's not a good idea I'm like I'm like I don't care like it's my
02:22fault I'm gonna settle it and it was my fault for showing Brittany and then
02:27showing myself but I only showed her because I said it was our five-year
02:30anniversary I showed her and she was looking away cuz she didn't want to be
02:33part of that video at all she don't she made it clear she don't want to be part
02:37of that video because well I wasn't listening to what she had to say so yeah
02:41she she was a little bit upset at me and I understand but I was just trying to
02:45like okay I'm gonna film this I literally filmed it and posted it guys
02:48which I shouldn't have done I'm sincerely sorry for you know being dumb
02:55honestly um I didn't want to interrupt what when Garik was talking but if you
03:02guys saw in that video on tik-tok Garik had said that he runs GMB which is a
03:09hundred percent true all those reposts were not made by me they
03:13weren't approved by me and no I did not agree with anything that Garik was doing
03:18to all the friends and family that I heard too I am sorry on Brittany's side
03:22of the family I basically want to say that I didn't mean for anybody to feel
03:26like I wasn't on your side or that I wasn't speaking up for what was going on
03:30in the situation um there was a lot that was going on and I was arguing with
03:35Garik around that time because I was trying to speak my truth but it always
03:40just led back to me arguing with Garik because of what he did and what he
03:44reposted because people were now looking at me in that way and I didn't
03:48appreciate it at all from Garik's side basically because of those reposts that
03:53Garik made people were thinking that I also agreed with those reposts that he
03:58made or that I made those reposts as well but I 100% understand you and I get
04:03where you guys are coming from because it did come from the GMB account but I
04:07don't run the GMB account anything that gets reposted or posted on there it is
04:11Garik running it so I was really frustrated with Garik and I was arguing
04:16with him because I did not agree with anything that he was reposting or
04:20anything that he was saying so at that time I was going back and forth with him
04:25and I felt like a lot of people wanted me to speak up about why we made
04:30those reposts and at the time I felt like I didn't need to speak up on those
04:37reposts because Garik made them which I should have I should have basically put
04:42up my camera and made the video with Garik and said exactly what we're saying
04:46now but which we did try to but Garik like he said was being very hard-headed
04:51basically like Garik explained to you guys that I did try to help him in the
04:56response video but he wasn't really listening to me so I don't want people
05:02to think that I wasn't on your side or that I'm against you guys which I am
05:06completely not now moving forward to why we took a break and basically about all
05:12the other accusations that we have been getting about us breaking up we are we
05:18decided to take a break because of basically everything that was going on
05:21not just from those reposts but because of how badly me and Garik were arguing
05:26over everything we were getting death threats too like that's nothing to joke
05:32about either so everything was not its healthiest at the moment so we decided
05:38that we were going to take a break off of social media not just take a break
05:42off of social media but me and Garik did get to a point where we were gonna break
05:47up and that's why I think a lot of people jump to that conclusion and I did
05:51make no people jump to that conclusion because we took down posts of each other
05:55so we did take down posts of each other because me and Garik like I told you
05:59guys we were arguing very badly we were having a lot of disagreements and I did
06:04I have to admit that I did have a lot of animals animosity and resentment towards
06:09Garik because I felt like he could have listened to me and understood me from a
06:14different perspective and he wasn't we just argued a whole bunch and you know
06:19we got to the point where like okay I was I was actually looking for new spots
06:24to go we were gonna figure it out like we were gonna co-parent like we had a
06:27sit-down talk like it was not nice I mean it was not pretty that you know so
06:34every couple has arguments every couple has fights we went on our phones and
06:39whatever however it went I don't know who did it first but we took down posts
06:43and the other person takes down posts and it just we took our names like on
06:49some childish shit you know so we were we were on some childish shit and as the
06:53days went by we we like thought about it and and not just that but we our family
06:59and friends talked to us as well so yeah like me and Garik were breaking up
07:04basically I'm not gonna beat around the bush me and Garik were breaking up like
07:08he said he was looking for new places for him to go and live we did already
07:12kind of figure out the situation with the dogs and we did already figure out
07:16the situation with the cars and everything else behind it but after
07:21taking some time off and actually having a different type of sit-down talk
07:27without being so angry with each other it did it was different and not only
07:31that but our family they love us a lot so when they started to see all of that
07:36happening online they also reached out to us and told us that we shouldn't have
07:42a lot of resentment or animosity towards each other that you know everything's
07:46gonna be okay as individuals we do make mistakes and the best thing that we
07:49could do is learn from it and either we can go down a path where we learn from
07:53it separately or we learn from it together and we have created such a
07:59beautiful fan base and we have created like such a crazy support system not
08:04just with our family but with our with social social media so we've created a
08:09beautiful relationship yeah that shouldn't get crushed over something so
08:12they shouldn't end like that yeah I think in the beginning we were just I
08:15would have to say I was more angry with Garek versus he was angry with me and I
08:21was really hurt we did have a talk and we did come down to an agreement that it
08:28shouldn't end this way and that we do love each other very much and that I was
08:34super hurt and I know that Garek's intention wasn't to hurt me or to hurt
08:39any of you guys I understand that you know Garek does a lot of dumb things but
08:44that's why I'm here to correct him and to always correct him I also do want to
08:50touch on something very quickly a lot of people were like oh she's enabling him
08:55and she agrees with him and she's allowing this and I do want to say that
09:01in private I did correct Garek and as his fiance that is what you are supposed
09:07to do as a fiance you are supposed to correct your significant other in
09:11private and a lot of you guys were also talking about the fact that oh she's
09:15very quick to call him out in other videos and she's very quick to be loud
09:21and she's very quick to do this and do that but this was a whole different
09:25video you guys this was actually a very important video this wasn't a funny like
09:30belittling video this wasn't a Garek you're stupid Garek like shut up
09:34it's nothing like I said something about her last year and she's like oh you got a big note
09:38like it was nothing to be funny about or to correct him for it wasn't
09:44anything for me to correct him for all of social media to see I did it on my
09:49own time and I did it in private so that's basically what I have to say a
09:53lot of people I I 100% understand why you were upset and I hear you I trust me
09:59I do I do appreciate a lot of our supporters that reached out to us I want
10:05to explain to you guys that I love you a lot I read a lot of your DMS and it
10:12really touched my heart because I know a lot of you guys were reaching out and
10:16saying like oh I know that there's a lot going on but you guys need to focus on
10:20your mental health take as long as a break as you need to I also do want to
10:25say thank you so much to a lot of our friends and our family that reached out
10:28to us and was checking up on us you guys are greatly appreciated it did give
10:33us a lot of reassurance because there was a lot of people that would say such
10:37kind words and such meaningful words of you guys are great you guys you know put
10:43a smile on my face and you guys have helped me get through a lot of mental
10:46health issues and I just want to take this as a learning experience and as a
10:50growing experience because you grow and not just with age but with your mentality
10:56you grow and mistakes are made and that is the whole point of being human that
11:03is the whole point of being here on this earth is that you're always gonna make a
11:07mistake but the best thing that you can do from making mistake is learning from
11:11it and changing your whole perception of things so I think that that's the best
11:16takeaway that I can get from all of this I appreciate everybody no matter what
11:21for the people that love us and will continue watching us no matter what we
11:25love you guys we are gonna be slowly but surely coming back with snapchats if
11:32you guys want to go catch us on snapchat we're gonna be filming our daily lives
11:35if you guys want to go and follow us on that and we will be back on YouTube very
11:41very soon we promise we're not going anywhere
11:43GMB forever love you guys
