• anteayer
Unwanted Guest 2025 #LMN Movie _ New Lifetime Movie 2025 _ Based On A True Story
00:00:00One, two, three, watch your head, okay so before you may have seen it, I'm going to
00:00:27let you guys know.
00:00:28Does anyone know what happened to him?
00:00:31No, no one does, but someone said that Alan tripped and fell down the stairs at the science
00:00:38God, I hope he's going to be okay.
00:00:41God knows how long he was laying there for.
00:00:44Anybody know that boy?
00:00:46I do.
00:00:50Yeah, me too.
00:00:53Detective Parker, mind if I ask you a few questions, girls?
00:00:58Sure, I guess.
00:01:00Friend of yours?
00:01:02We went out a few times.
00:01:04What's your name?
00:01:05Christine Roberts.
00:01:07How about you?
00:01:08What's your name?
00:01:09Oh, right.
00:01:12It's Amy.
00:01:13Amy Thomas.
00:01:16So when's the last time either of you saw him?
00:01:20A day or so ago, I guess.
00:01:27That's who you should be talking to.
00:01:30That's his girlfriend.
00:01:32His girlfriend?
00:01:34So I heard.
00:01:39Well, thank you for your time, ladies.
00:01:40Appreciate it.
00:01:41Um, Detective Parker?
00:01:44Is Alan going to be okay?
00:01:47He was dead when they found him.
00:01:54Christine, come on. Let's go.
00:02:01Well, I am sure glad to be getting out of here right now.
00:02:04Why is that?
00:02:06Are you kidding me?
00:02:07Alan's dead. This whole campus is going into a deep funk.
00:02:10Who'd want to stick around and be a part of that?
00:02:13Well, some of us don't have a choice.
00:02:16What do you mean?
00:02:18I'm kind of stranded here, you know?
00:02:24Hey, who's this?
00:02:26Oh, that's my mom. And her husband.
00:02:29He's handsome.
00:02:31I guess. Never really thought of him like that.
00:02:35They look perfect.
00:02:37You look like the perfect couple.
00:02:39Well, looks aren't everything.
00:02:41So wait, you're staying here for the holidays?
00:02:44Yeah, my books are, um, out of the country, so, uh...
00:02:48Well, you know, what can you do?
00:02:50Well, you can come home with me. My mom won't mind.
00:02:53No, thank you, but I couldn't...
00:02:55No, I'm serious. I insist.
00:02:57Now go pack your bag. We're getting out of this morgue first thing in the morning.
00:03:42You were up and out early?
00:03:43Yeah, I had a showing.
00:03:45Couple was leaving town and could only view the property at 8.30.
00:03:50Got it. Any luck?
00:03:52Oh, who knows?
00:03:54I mean, sales are down all over town.
00:03:56I haven't sold anything in a month.
00:03:58I hear you.
00:04:00I keep trying.
00:04:03It's all you can do.
00:04:08I think I know who that is.
00:04:10Oh, I want to change out of my good clothes. Would you mind?
00:04:13I got it.
00:04:19Uh, why do you always have the door locked when you know I'm coming home?
00:04:23Never can be too careful.
00:04:26It's like you don't even want me around.
00:04:30Hello, Christine.
00:04:34Now, who's this?
00:04:35Uh, this is my friend Amy. She didn't have anywhere to go for the break, so I brought her along.
00:04:40She won't need much.
00:04:41Hello, Amy.
00:04:42Hi, Mr. Benton.
00:04:43Please, don't be so stuffy. If you're a friend of Christine's, call me Charles.
00:04:47Okay, Charles. Thank you for having me. I'll try not to be a bother.
00:04:52I'm sure that won't be a problem.
00:04:55Where's Mom?
00:04:56Oh, she had some work around town this morning. She's changing out of her work clothes.
00:05:00Did she sell anything?
00:05:02Not yet, but she had some interest.
00:05:08Okay, come on. Let's go put our bags in my room.
00:05:13And this is my room. It's only got the one bed, but it's a big one.
00:05:20It's big enough for two.
00:05:22There is a guest room on the other side of the house if you prefer that.
00:05:26Oh, no, this is fine. Really, I wouldn't want to be alone in a big new house anyway.
00:05:31Me neither.
00:05:33So, Charles seems really nice. So handsome, too.
00:05:36Yeah, he's one of the top copyright attorneys in town. Except he's not my dad. He's my stepdad.
00:05:43Not that there's... He's a really great guy. Don't get me wrong. It's just, he's the kind of guy who never wanted kids, you know.
00:05:51I always wondered why you lived on campus when your house was so close by.
00:05:54It's really not a big deal. I just... I kind of wanted to give him and my mom their own space. You know?
00:06:00Trust me, Christine. I get it. I know what it's like to be in the way of other people's lives.
00:06:09What's that?
00:06:11That's Mr. Chips. Hello, little buddy. Did you miss me?
00:06:16You have a rat?
00:06:18He's a hamster.
00:06:20That's a rat.
00:06:22No, shh. You may hurt his feelings.
00:06:26He kind of smells funny.
00:06:27Yeah, my mom may have gotten a little bit behind on cleaning the cage. She gets forgetful sometimes.
00:06:34Where is your mom, anyway?
00:06:36We should go find her.
00:06:47There you are!
00:06:48Oh, Christine.
00:06:49Sweetie, I thought I heard you come in.
00:06:51Charles said you were getting dressed.
00:06:53Yes, I had an early morning. Who is your friend?
00:06:55Hi, Mrs. Benton. I'm Amy. Amy didn't have anywhere to go for the holidays, so I invited her to tag along with me. I said you wouldn't mind.
00:07:02Oh, no. It's fine. Of course. Yeah. I was just fixing lunch. You girls want a sandwich?
00:07:08Uh, no, thank you. I had a really big breakfast.
00:07:11I will have one, please, with extra mayo.
00:07:13You got it, sweetheart. Oh, and Amy, please call me Anna, okay?
00:07:18Okay, Anna.
00:07:19Oh, Charles, the ice maker is acting up again.
00:07:21Really? Okay, I'll take a look.
00:07:27It's that one piece of ice that always gets stuck in the bag.
00:07:33That ought to do it. But it can take a while before it makes enough ice for everybody. Maybe I should just run to the store and get a bag.
00:07:39Would you mind?
00:07:40Of course not. Anybody want to ride along?
00:07:42No, thank you. I'm about to go.
00:07:44I'll go, if that's okay.
00:07:47Sure. We'll wait back soon.
00:07:50Christine, do you need anything?
00:07:51No, thank you.
00:07:56So, Mom, how goes the war?
00:07:58Well, it could be better, Mom. I mean, no one wants to buy a house anymore.
00:08:03But at least you're trying.
00:08:04Yeah. Yeah, I am trying.
00:08:06But am I trying hard enough?
00:08:08Are we talking about real estate, or are we talking about what's going on around here?
00:08:12Both. I seem to have lost that spark, you know? That thing that keeps every day from being like the day before. Now everything is just a routine.
00:08:19Can't always be fireworks.
00:08:22I know. I just feel like I need to shake it up every once in a while.
00:08:28So, how long have you and Christine been friends?
00:08:31Oh, a little while now.
00:08:34She's never mentioned me?
00:08:36No, but she doesn't really confide in me. I'm not her father, you know.
00:08:40She doesn't come home as often as she used to.
00:08:44Oh, well, I don't know.
00:08:45I mean, I don't know.
00:08:46I don't know.
00:08:47I don't know.
00:08:48I don't know.
00:08:49I don't know.
00:08:50I don't know.
00:08:51I don't know.
00:08:52I don't know.
00:08:53I don't know.
00:08:54I don't know.
00:08:55I don't know.
00:08:56I don't know.
00:08:57Oh, well, I talk about Christine all the time.
00:09:01But I'm also just a chatterbox.
00:09:03I say whatever's on my mind whether people want to hear it or not.
00:09:07Of course, you can get in a lot of trouble like that.
00:09:11No kidding.
00:09:13So, why don't you go home for the break?
00:09:15Won't your family miss you?
00:09:18Well, they're...
00:09:19My family's in Europe, actually.
00:09:22They go every year.
00:09:25You know, there's...
00:09:27Nothing for me but a big empty house.
00:09:29That's too bad.
00:09:31But you'll have a great time with us.
00:09:34You know, you're much better looking than your photograph.
00:09:41I think.
00:09:50So, Amy, hon, tell me.
00:09:52What kind of courses are you taking?
00:09:54Oh, I'm a pre-med student.
00:09:55Yeah, although I don't know how long that'll last.
00:09:57Why's that?
00:09:59Amy hates being around sick people.
00:10:01What? Liar.
00:10:03It's the truth.
00:10:04It's true.
00:10:05Okay, I just...
00:10:07I think it's kind of depressing.
00:10:09Don't you?
00:10:11Well, that's a curious career choice then, isn't it?
00:10:15Yeah, totally.
00:10:16My dad badgered me into it.
00:10:18Why would he do that?
00:10:20Because he thinks there's no future in chemistry.
00:10:23Oh, you're interested in chemistry?
00:10:27Yeah, I'm actually pretty good at it.
00:10:29And still, it's a very disciplined course.
00:10:31But, you know, not good enough for my dad.
00:10:35What does your dad do, hon?
00:10:37He's an engineer.
00:10:39Yeah, he builds things.
00:10:41He was a CB in the Gulf War.
00:10:43Oh, a military man.
00:10:45That's probably where you get your sense of discipline from.
00:10:47Um, can you make some of it rub off on Christine?
00:10:51Her room is always such a mess.
00:10:53Ha ha, very funny.
00:10:56Well, if I had a home as beautiful as this,
00:10:59I would never let it get messy.
00:11:02Where thou art, that is home.
00:11:07Are you sure you're only 21 years old?
00:11:10Oh, 21 and a half.
00:11:26Doesn't he ever sleep?
00:11:29Of course he does, during the day.
00:11:31Oh, great.
00:11:34He's really very sweet.
00:11:36You'll get used to him.
00:11:40He does smell better now that you cleaned his cage.
00:11:43You will learn to love him just like I did.
00:11:46Well, I don't know, I don't fall in love very easily.
00:11:51Did my mom see you with these?
00:11:53No, I think everybody's asleep.
00:11:56Why, is it a problem?
00:11:58No, no, I'm just wondering.
00:12:10You know, you're actually very pretty when you take those off.
00:12:16You know what I mean.
00:12:18No, actually, I'm not sure I do know what you mean.
00:12:20I'm just kidding around, Amy.
00:12:22I know.
00:12:24I know what you mean, guys don't make passes and all that.
00:12:28I'm just messing with you.
00:12:30I know, it's just, you're so beautiful.
00:12:34So perfect, I feel like everything comes so easily for you.
00:12:38No, I'm just lucky.
00:12:40I want you to do something for me.
00:12:42Come on.
00:12:45I want you.
00:12:50I want you to take your hair down.
00:12:54Come on.
00:12:55No, Christine, I don't do that.
00:12:56Come on, just do it.
00:12:59Let it go.
00:13:11Look at how gorgeous you are.
00:13:19You're sweet, but I could never get a guy like Alan to even look at me twice.
00:13:27Yeah, well, you didn't miss much.
00:13:32He was kind of a jerk.
00:13:35Still, it's really horrible what happened to him.
00:13:38Yeah, it's horrible.
00:13:42Hey, um, how come you never told that detective that Alan used to be your boyfriend?
00:13:49Yeah, he used to be, he's right.
00:13:51I wouldn't want to get involved now.
00:13:55He went off with someone else, so she should be the one they question.
00:14:02Amy, I...
00:14:04Hey, Amy, I...
00:14:23Alan were my boyfriend.
00:14:25I'd never let him fall like that.
00:14:40Good morning, Anna.
00:14:41Morning, Amy.
00:14:43You're up awfully early.
00:14:45Yeah, I know. I wanted to make breakfast for everybody.
00:14:48That's very nice of you.
00:14:51But why?
00:14:54Well, to be honest, it's one of the things I miss most about not living at home anymore.
00:14:59The smell of fresh coffee brewing and pancakes on the griddle reminds me of a time when my whole family was together.
00:15:09Everybody needs somebody to care about.
00:15:12I hope you don't mind, do you?
00:15:15No, no, of course not. I'm just a little surprised, that's all.
00:15:19Um, no.
00:15:21That's great.
00:15:23Oh, you're not wearing your glasses.
00:15:25Oh, my goggles?
00:15:26I just put my contacts in when I don't feel like wearing those anymore.
00:15:30You look very different.
00:15:32Different in a good way, I hope.
00:15:35No, of course, I didn't mean it like that. Yes.
00:15:39Good morning.
00:15:40Hey, good morning, Charles. I made breakfast. Have a seat.
00:15:53Here you go.
00:15:54Here you go.
00:15:56And be careful with the syrup. I don't want you to get it on your nice suit.
00:16:01Don't start spoiling me, Amy. I might get used to it.
00:16:05Well, I guess I'll go get dressed.
00:16:13Is it really spoiling someone to make them a decent breakfast?
00:16:17You work very hard, Charles. It's important that people make you feel appreciated.
00:16:22Even so, you don't need to pamper me.
00:16:25Where's Christine?
00:16:27Oh, she's still asleep. Yeah, she was so tired last night. Who knows when she'll wake up.
00:16:32She'll sleep till noon if you let her.
00:16:34Well, it is holiday break, and she's been studying so hard.
00:16:38Sometimes I worry about her getting sick, the way she just burns a candle at both ends. It's not healthy.
00:16:43I think you're the first person to ever accuse Christine of overstudying.
00:16:47But, you're right. Some people deserve to sleep in. Right now, I have a lot for him to run.
00:16:57Oh, let me get you a travel mug so you can take your coffee with you.
00:17:02Wow. I'm gonna make some lucky man very happy one day.
00:17:17I sure hope so. Here.
00:17:21Who opened this?
00:17:23I did.
00:17:25Yeah. Christine and I had a few glasses before you went to bed last night.
00:17:30I probably should have asked, but everyone was asleep, so I just thought...
00:17:36No problem. I was just curious.
00:17:39I'm gonna replace it when I go to the store today. I will replace that.
00:17:42Don't worry about it. Wine is meant to be enjoyed.
00:17:47No, thank you. Breakfast was great.
00:18:00Well, that is one nasty fall.
00:18:03I really don't know how something like this could have happened. We have an almost perfect safety record.
00:18:08Well, what troubled me was all the blood.
00:18:10The blood?
00:18:11Yeah. I mean, I can accept it on the stairs there, where the body would naturally hit the concrete steps.
00:18:17I can accept it at the bottom, where he finally landed.
00:18:20How does all this blood get up here before the body's even fallen a single step?
00:18:27Joe, you got it?
00:18:28I do.
00:18:30What's that?
00:18:32Coroner's initial report.
00:18:34According to this, Alan Kerwood received blunt force trauma to the head prior to falling down the stairs.
00:18:39Well, that explains the blood.
00:18:41What does it mean?
00:18:43It means that somebody killed that boy.
00:18:45Killed him?
00:18:47Yeah. They probably hit him with something heavy when he was standing right about here, then they just gave him a little shove.
00:18:55Then it was murder?
00:18:57Yeah. What's your school's record for that?
00:19:04Who'd want to kill Alan?
00:19:06Maybe no one.
00:19:09Could have been unintentional.
00:19:11Could have just been an argument. They got out of hand.
00:19:14Yeah. A fight, a scuffle maybe, in which case that fall would have been a complete accident.
00:19:19Why are you looking at me like that? You don't... Come on, you don't think I had something to do with it?
00:19:24You know, it wouldn't have taken a big person to do it. Just something heavy in the right hands.
00:19:31He was your boyfriend, right?
00:19:33That's right, but only for a few weeks.
00:19:35Had you two been arguing?
00:19:37That's crazy.
00:19:39Maybe one of your ex-boyfriends?
00:19:41Maybe one of his ex-girlfriends.
00:19:43No, but...
00:19:45But what?
00:19:47Well, I did think that he might have been cheating on me. He was really popular with the girls. You know how that is.
00:19:55Oh yeah, we know.
00:19:57So it may be someone else's boyfriend.
00:19:59I can't say. I just don't know. But I did think that there might have been someone else.
00:20:04Gentlemen, I'm sure if Marilyn knew anything more, she would tell you. Wouldn't you, dear?
00:20:09Of course.
00:20:11Any plans for the holiday?
00:20:13I'm flying home at noon. That is, if I'm free to go.
00:20:19You're free.
00:20:24She's one of our brightest students. I'm sure she's telling you the truth.
00:20:29Maybe. But is she telling all of it?
00:20:35For a minute there, I thought they were going to tell me I couldn't leave town.
00:20:39Come on, that's only in the movies. They can't actually stop you unless they plan to book you.
00:20:44Yeah, well, you weren't sitting there in the hot seat like I was.
00:20:47Okay, well, that's true. You must have been freaked.
00:20:53Just a minute.
00:20:55Hey, the airport shuttle's here. I'll call you back later.
00:20:59Okay. And stop worrying.
00:21:01Right. Bye.
00:21:05You're early. I said 10.30.
00:21:08What do you want?
00:21:31You got a minute?
00:21:32Sure. What's going on?
00:21:35It's the case with Olympic. The blueprint infringement. I have hit a wall.
00:21:39How so?
00:21:41Library of Congress shows no registration on file for any of Johnson's plans.
00:21:44They never registered them?
00:21:46Nope. And?
00:21:48And we can't file a lawsuit without a proper registration.
00:21:52Get an expedited claim going.
00:21:54I will get all over this.
00:21:56Hey, don't forget about Wednesday night.
00:21:58Well, how could I forget? Your dinner parties are always the talk of the water cooler.
00:22:02Oh, and this year, guess who's flying solo?
00:22:06Yeah. Becky's out of town.
00:22:08Mm-hmm. And that suits me just fine.
00:22:10I get to cut loose without her hovering over my shoulder. It is gonna be so good. Trust me.
00:22:16Yeah. I wonder what that's like.
00:22:21Cutting loose a little.
00:22:23You know what it's like?
00:22:24It's kind of like the difference between being married and only having a girlfriend.
00:22:39Hey, sleepyhead.
00:22:47What time is it?
00:22:49One o'clock.
00:22:51One? Oof.
00:22:52I guess I was more tired than I thought.
00:22:55It's okay. I don't blame you. There's been so much going on.
00:22:58I'm so sorry. What have you been doing?
00:23:00Me? Oh, I made breakfast and went to the corner to pick up a few things.
00:23:08Oh, no. Mr. Chip's got out.
00:23:12Oh, no.
00:23:16You must not have relatched the cage properly when you cleaned it yesterday.
00:23:19This happens all the time. He always comes back, but what a pain.
00:23:23It's okay. I'll help you look.
00:23:27Mr. Chip's, where are you?
00:23:30He's so tiny.
00:23:32Yeah, but he can cover a lot of territory when he wants to.
00:23:35Sooner or later he'll get hungry, though, and that's when we get him.
00:23:40Hamster merch is on his stomach.
00:23:43Something like that.
00:23:44Look, he'll be back. I'm so sorry I woke up so late.
00:23:47I'm going to go take a shower, and then we'll go do something fun.
00:23:50Okay. Great. I'll keep looking.
00:24:45Who's that?
00:24:54It's me, Amy.
00:24:56Oh, Amy. What do you want?
00:25:01I just...
00:25:05I just wanted to use your hairbrush.
00:25:08Oh. Uh, I just didn't know who it was.
00:25:14Who else could it be?
00:25:16Uh, you know what I mean.
00:25:24Do you mind?
00:25:28Of course not.
00:25:45Phone ringing.
00:25:51Hello? Benton Residence?
00:25:53Hey, Christine.
00:25:55No, this is Amy, Christine's friend.
00:25:57Oh, gosh, Amy. I'm so sorry. This is Claire. Is Anna around?
00:26:02No, not at the moment. Can I take a message?
00:26:06Oh, Anna and I were supposed to have lunch tomorrow at noon. I just wanted to confirm she was still available.
00:26:11Oh, I'm so sorry. She asked me to tell you that something's come up and she's not going to be able to make it.
00:26:19Oh, gosh. Okay, well, no big deal. Um, can you just tell her that I'll catch up with her next week?
00:26:26I will do just that. Thanks.
00:26:33Was that the phone?
00:26:34Oh, yeah, it was Claire. She told me to tell you that something's come up and she's not going to be able to make your lunch tomorrow.
00:26:41But she did say that she would call you next week.
00:26:43Oh, what a flake.
00:26:45So, what are you two girls doing today?
00:26:49Uh, I don't know. Just girl stuff.
00:26:53Hey, do you want a glass? It kind of takes the edge off the day.
00:26:58Oh, thanks. It's a little early.
00:27:00Oh, please. People in Italy have wine at every meal. Even kids.
00:27:06Yeah, so I've heard. But, uh, not for me. Thank you.
00:27:12Miss Benton.
00:27:16Are you okay?
00:27:19Of course. Why do you ask?
00:27:23Look, I know it's none of my business, but you just seem a little troubled.
00:27:27No, not at all. I mean, maybe I'm a bit out of sorts.
00:27:36I am a pre-med student, and I don't just study medicine. So, if you want to tell me how you feel, maybe I could help.
00:27:44I just need to smile more.
00:27:50You sure?
00:27:51Alright, well, if you do decide that you want to talk, just say the word.
00:27:56Well, well, don't you worry about me. You girls just have fun today.
00:28:00I think we're going to the mall.
00:28:02Oh, and keep an eye out for Mr. Chips. He's on the loose.
00:28:07Yep. I'm afraid so.
00:28:15Such a shame.
00:28:18Such a shame.
00:28:30It's not. And then this guy, he's like, do you want to dance? Do you want to dance? He keeps asking me, and I say no.
00:28:36He's like, come on, just one dance. And so finally I say, okay, okay, let's dance. And guess what?
00:28:43He couldn't dance.
00:28:44No, he could not dance.
00:28:48I'm not a very good dancer either, so.
00:28:51But you're a girl, that's fine. I mean, with a guy, it's just they want to dance so they can get up close and breathe all over you.
00:28:58I mean, how many guys do you actually know that like to dance? Like, none.
00:29:03See, Christine, this is what I'm talking about. You always have everything all figured out, don't you?
00:29:08Absolutely not. But I do know a thing or two about men.
00:29:15And then the...
00:29:21I've never had a nightie. I want to get one. I want to get one that looks like that.
00:29:28It's sheer and lacy and a bright color.
00:29:32Listen to you.
00:29:35Who would you model it for?
00:29:38Nobody, I guess. I just... I just like to have one.
00:29:44See, that's the problem with lingerie. Nobody ever gets to see it but you.
00:29:51True. But my grandma did send me some mad money, so why not go mad?
00:30:04Why not indeed?
00:30:44Oh, my God.
00:31:15Can't sleep?
00:31:17No. You startled me.
00:31:20Maybe I should make more noise, huh?
00:31:22No, it's okay. I just... I wasn't expecting to run into anyone.
00:31:26I'm just a little bit restless tonight, that's all.
00:31:29Funny. Me too.
00:31:32Do you care to join me?
00:31:35Maybe just a wee dram.
00:31:37Where's Christine?
00:31:40How come every time we're alone together you ask me about Christine?
00:31:45Do I?
00:31:47Do I make you uncomfortable?
00:31:49Don't be silly.
00:31:52Then how come you won't even look at me?
00:31:54Do I make you uncomfortable?
00:31:56Don't be silly.
00:31:59Then how come you won't even look at me?
00:32:11Do you like this?
00:32:13I got it at the mall today.
00:32:16It's very pretty.
00:32:19I like the color.
00:32:21It suits you.
00:32:23Did you know that they say color can affect a person's mood?
00:32:29I've heard that.
00:32:34So what about this color?
00:32:37Does it make you feel anything?
00:32:40Maybe you should put a robe on. It's supposed to get down in the upper thirties tonight.
00:32:45Well, who cares? I'm inside. It's nice and toasty in here.
00:32:49Oh, and to answer your question about Christine.
00:32:52She's asleep.
00:32:57She's been asleep since ten.
00:33:02Then I guess it's just us two night owls.
00:33:13See you tomorrow.
00:33:15See you tomorrow.
00:33:16See you tomorrow.
00:33:46See you tomorrow.
00:34:16Good night.
00:34:47Mrs. Benton.
00:34:49Good morning, Amy. You're just in time. Breakfast is almost ready.
00:34:53Charles, breakfast!
00:34:57Wow, look at you.
00:35:00Yeah, coffee's on if you want some.
00:35:04Pleasant surprise.
00:35:06I thought I'd get an early start on the day.
00:35:08Go sit.
00:35:10Amy, why don't you have a seat? I'll fix you a plate.
00:35:16Thanks, but I'm not hungry.
00:35:18Well, could you tell Christine that breakfast is ready?
00:35:24This is great, honey. What's the occasion?
00:35:27No occasion. I'm just, you know, trying to be the woman you married.
00:35:31You already are.
00:35:33No, I haven't been that woman in a while. But I can be. And I will be.
00:35:38Don't even think about it. Everybody gets sidetracked once in a while.
00:35:41I want to get that spark back that we used to have. Let's start doing that right now.
00:35:47I'd love to help you.
00:35:49Come quick. There's something wrong with Christine.
00:35:54She's real sick. She wants you.
00:35:58Real sick.
00:36:05Oh, baby, what's the matter? Christine, what's wrong?
00:36:09Christine, what's wrong?
00:36:11Mom, I think it's just a cold. A really bad one. I feel awful. My head is pounding and I can barely breathe.
00:36:19Amy said you've been burning the candle in both heads. This is what happens.
00:36:24Stop trying to make me feel better.
00:36:28No, no, no. You stay right where you are, young lady. You are not leaving this bed today.
00:36:33What am I supposed to do?
00:36:34You need your rest. You need to let this run its course. You're not going anywhere.
00:36:39What, now you're the expert?
00:36:41Yes. As a matter of fact, I am. Now, I'm going to get you something to drink. You've got to stay hydrated.
00:37:35Well, feel better, princess. I'll call you later. See how you're doing.
00:37:43Okay, I'm going to run to the drugstore and pick up some cold meds. Maybe those will help.
00:37:48Mom, I'm so sorry. I feel so bad. I know you had that dinner party to get ready for.
00:37:54No, no. Don't even think about it. I'm sure Amy can help out if I need to.
00:37:58Yes, of course I can. I'd be happy to help out. Here, drink this.
00:38:12Can one of you please help me to the bathroom?
00:38:15Oh, sure. Oh, I've got this.
00:38:19I guess I'll run to the store.
00:38:23Oh, make sure you get some decongestant and a thermometer. I couldn't find one.
00:38:27I think I can handle this.
00:38:30Alright, after you're done, it is straight to bed.
00:38:33Yes, doctor.
00:38:54I'm ready.
00:39:07Now you stay put and I will be back again soon to check on you.
00:39:12Oh, I think you're such a good friend, Amy. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you.
00:39:17Just take it easy. Your mom's going to be home soon and you won't even need me around anymore.
00:39:20Don't say that, please. Come on. I want you around.
00:39:25Well, then I'm not going anywhere.
00:39:34This way, guys. We're going right over here.
00:39:45I just got your message. Is she-
00:39:48I just got your message. Is she-
00:39:50Yeah, she is.
00:39:52Airport shuttle driver said there was no answer at the door and then her folks phoned it in when they couldn't reach her.
00:39:59You're going to love this.
00:40:01What's this?
00:40:02Toxicology report from that kid.
00:40:04It's about time. Let me guess, alcohol, right?
00:40:07Nope. Something better's in there.
00:40:10Sodium diethyl barbiturate? What the hell is that, Joe?
00:40:13It's a sleeping powder. Odorless, tasteless, classified as a hypnotic.
00:40:18It's powerful stuff. Knocks you out in minutes.
00:40:21And get this, has not been used since the 1950s.
00:40:25Tell me, how would somebody get a hold of that today?
00:40:29You can make it. If you have a chemistry lab.
00:40:33You mean like the chemistry lab here on campus?
00:40:36That's what I'm thinking.
00:40:39You figure it was used on her?
00:40:41I guess we'll see.
00:40:46Only three students have a key to the chemistry department.
00:40:50Connelly, Williams and Thomas.
00:40:54Thomas? Amy Thomas?
00:40:57That's right. A promising pre-med student. She absolutely excels at chemistry.
00:41:02We already talked to her. What about the other two?
00:41:05Once again, both excellent students.
00:41:07All volunteers, teacher's aides.
00:41:09Can we get their contact info?
00:41:11Of course. But these other two students, they've already left town.
00:41:16I wouldn't bet on it.
00:41:40Yeah, can I speak to Christine Roberts, please?
00:41:44Yes, this is Christine.
00:41:46Christine, this is Detective Parker. We met at the college the other night.
00:41:51Yes, I remember.
00:41:53Well, I'm calling about your friend Amy Thomas.
00:41:57Amy? What about her?
00:42:00Well, I was told that she may be staying with you for the holiday break.
00:42:03Yeah, she was.
00:42:05Was? She's not there now?
00:42:09No, she left yesterday.
00:42:13Left? Any idea where she went?
00:42:18I'm not sure. I think that she went to spend time with her family. They're in Europe.
00:42:24Oh. And she didn't say anything else?
00:42:27No, that's all, Detective. She can be a little secretive sometimes.
00:42:33Yeah, we're just starting to figure that out ourselves.
00:42:39No problem.
00:42:58There you are, buddy.
00:43:05Mr. Chips.
00:43:11Come on, buddy. Don't run away.
00:43:23Come here, buddy. Where are you?
00:43:28Come on.
00:43:37Come here, buddy.
00:43:49Hi, Mr. Chips.
00:44:09How better?
00:44:30I'm in here, Mrs. Benton.
00:44:33I told you, you could stop calling me Mrs. Benton. It's Anna.
00:44:37I know, I know. I'll do better in the future. I promise.
00:44:41What's going on?
00:44:43Uh, nothing. Christine is asleep, so I just thought I'd clean up a bit.
00:44:48No one wants to come home to a messy kitchen.
00:44:50Wow, that's so unexpected. You really are too good to be true.
00:44:54I spilled cranberry juice. You don't want a sticky floor.
00:44:58No, you don't, but I could have done that.
00:45:02Oh, I always clean up my messes. Anna?
00:45:07I'm gonna go check on Christine.
00:45:10Okay. I will be in in a second, just when I finish up.
00:45:38Honey, you awake?
00:45:40You awake?
00:46:12So how many people are you having for this dinner party tomorrow night?
00:46:16Um, just two other couples. So with you and Christine, that makes eight of us.
00:46:20Oh, great.
00:46:22You know, I used to braise short ribs with my mom as a kid. I loved it.
00:46:27The house would just fill up with the most amazing aroma and just float around for days.
00:46:32Sometimes, sometimes it was like I could almost taste the air.
00:46:37Well, the trick is to prepare everything a day in advance.
00:46:40It's such a shame. We used a perfectly good bottle of wine on raw meat, right?
00:46:46Well, we're only gonna use half a bottle.
00:46:48Oh. Well, great. Then more for us. You want some?
00:46:53No, thanks.
00:46:58Do you not like wine?
00:47:01Uh, I don't drink. I haven't for some time.
00:47:07Oh. Why is that? Is it because it causes problems for you and Charles?
00:47:14That's kind of personal, Amy.
00:47:16Oh, God. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything. I just, I...
00:47:21I have this thing where I say whatever pops into my head and sometimes it's the wrong thing. I'm sorry.
00:47:28That's alright. And Charles and I don't have any problems. We're fine.
00:47:33Oh. Well, that's good to hear.
00:47:37Yeah. Takes work. But I'm up to it.
00:47:41We are going to need the Dutch oven.
00:47:44Okay, where is it?
00:47:46Oh, it's up here. Charles put all the big pots out of the way so we'd have more room in the kitchen.
00:47:50Oh, you know, I would help you with that, but I'm a little afraid of heights.
00:47:54No, that's okay. I think I can reach it if I'm here.
00:47:57Just help me.
00:47:59Yeah, thanks. Okay. I think I can reach the lid.
00:48:02Okay, just hand it down to me.
00:48:04Yeah. It's heavy. Okay, here.
00:48:08Got it.
00:48:09Oh. Oh, almost got this. Hold on.
00:48:15Almost got it.
00:48:18Almost got it.
00:48:25Oh my God. Are you okay?
00:48:28Are you okay?
00:48:29What happened?
00:48:30Oh my God. The chair, it just, you were leaning too far forward and it just flipped right from under you.
00:48:35Are you hurt?
00:48:36It just flipped right from under you. Are you hurt?
00:48:38My leg. I think I might have broken it and my back really hurts.
00:48:42Okay, okay, okay. Don't move. It could make things worse, all right?
00:48:45I know exactly what to do. You're going to be fine. I can take care of everything.
00:48:52Well, it all just happened so fast. One minute she was in the chair, the next minute she was on the floor.
00:48:57How bad is it?
00:48:59Well, they say she broke her tibia and her fibula. She also tweaked her back, but that's not as serious.
00:49:04Look, I can be there in about 30 minutes.
00:49:06No, no, no, no. Don't. Don't do that. She's ready to go home now and I've got the car.
00:49:11I'm just waiting on them to fill her prescriptions.
00:49:14You sure?
00:49:15Of course I'm sure. I've got important things to do. Just leave this to me.
00:49:19All right. Tell her I'll be home early.
00:49:22I'll see you at the house. And Charles, don't worry, okay? This is just a little setback. It's nothing life threatening or anything.
00:49:30She's in good hands.
00:49:32Amy, I don't know how I can thank you enough.
00:49:34I'll see you at home.
00:49:41So, the doctors say that your mom should just stay in bed the next few days, and she should put as little pressure on that leg as possible.
00:49:49How's the soup? Is it too hot?
00:49:51Oh, it's great. Thank you.
00:49:56Man, whatever you got, you got it good. Now your poor mom.
00:50:01Some vacation for you.
00:50:02Stop. Really, I'm just glad I could be here to help out.
00:50:08Could you imagine Charles trying to handle both of you on his own?
00:50:14Done with that?
00:50:16Thank you. Yeah, I'm just getting really tired.
00:50:21Okay. Well, I'll keep quiet for you.
00:50:24So, no sign of Mr. Chips?
00:50:26No. But maybe he just finally escaped to Greener Pastures.
00:50:30I really hope he didn't get outside. It's going to be freezing tonight.
00:50:35Again? Really?
00:50:38Well, get some rest.
00:51:06You taking visitors?
00:51:08What an idiot I am.
00:51:11What kind of talk is that?
00:51:13I should have known better. All I had to do was go into the garage and get a step letter, but no, not me.
00:51:21You should have let Amy climb up there.
00:51:24Yeah, she said she was afraid of heights.
00:51:25Really? Afraid of heights?
00:51:27Well, what difference does it make? What's done is done.
00:51:30Does it hurt?
00:51:32It might when these drugs wear off.
00:51:34Then we'll make sure that doesn't happen.
00:51:36They're the good ones. You want some?
00:51:39No, thanks. I'm trying to quit.
00:51:41Too bad. Could have had a party.
00:51:45Maybe later.
00:51:48I'll be back.
00:51:49I'll wait right here.
00:52:20I thought you said you were going to be home early.
00:52:23Oh, hey. I got caught on a conference call with Washington. It took forever.
00:52:29I'm sorry I wasn't home earlier to help out.
00:52:32Don't apologize to me. I'm nobody.
00:52:36Don't say that.
00:52:40Here. I thought you could use this after a day like today.
00:52:45There you go, spoiling me again.
00:52:48Where's yours?
00:53:01What smells so good?
00:53:03It's wine braised beef for your dinner party tomorrow night.
00:53:08I have to cancel that.
00:53:10Why would you do that?
00:53:12Anna has worked so hard to put everything together. It would kill her.
00:53:15Besides, I can stage the entire dinner party and play hostess.
00:53:20I don't know about that.
00:53:22Look, the hard part's already done.
00:53:25Please, let me help you with this.
00:53:29Anna's a huge client.
00:53:32Anna did want this to happen.
00:53:35Then it's done.
00:53:37Get this to Anna.
00:53:39How'd you manage to get the dutch oven down?
00:53:41Oh, it's no big deal. I just climbed up and grabbed it.
00:53:49If Anna would have let me help her in the first place, then it never would have been a problem.
00:53:55Why are you dressed like that?
00:54:04Dressed like what?
00:54:10Like that.
00:54:13Like that?
00:54:15Like that.
00:54:17No, like that.
00:54:19Like that?
00:54:21Like that.
00:54:23Like that.
00:54:26Like that.
00:54:28All my clothes are in the wash.
00:54:31But if this shirt bothers you, I can take it off.
00:54:36Just say the word.
00:54:55I love you.
00:55:25I love you.
00:55:55I love you.
00:56:22Do you pop?
00:56:27Breakfast is almost ready.
00:56:29I'm already running late.
00:56:37But you're the boss.
00:56:42You can go in whenever you want.
00:56:49I gotta go.
00:57:15Here you go.
00:57:17Thanks, hon.
00:57:19I wish you didn't have to go in today.
00:57:21I know.
00:57:23I came around to help you.
00:57:27That's just it. I feel so helpless lying here while some strange girl runs my house.
00:57:33We're lucky to have her here.
00:57:35Just checked in on Christine.
00:57:37She's doing worse today than she was yesterday.
00:57:40I know.
00:57:42And I'm worried.
00:57:44I'm scared.
00:57:46Scared of what?
00:57:48Of her.
00:57:50Of Amy?
00:57:51No, I mean it.
00:57:53Look at what's happened since she got here.
00:57:55Christine got seriously ill within a day and is getting worse by the minute.
00:58:01She didn't like Mr. Chips and now he's disappeared.
00:58:03I accidentally fall and break my leg in two places.
00:58:06And all of this after some boy that Christine used to date accidentally falls to his death.
00:58:12How could she have anything to do with these things?
00:58:14And why?
00:58:16Because, Charles, she wants you.
00:58:18I see how she's constantly looking at you.
00:58:19She needs me and Christine out of the way.
00:58:21And I'm scared.
00:58:23I think maybe you're just being a little bit jealous, Anna.
00:58:27She's just a kid.
00:58:29Why are you protecting her?
00:58:31You see that tea cup?
00:58:33I don't remember anything after I drank that last night.
00:58:36Not anything.
00:58:38And there's something in the bottom, like undissolved sugar or something.
00:58:46I don't see anything.
00:58:47No, it's there.
00:58:49You have to look hard, but it's there.
00:58:54Maybe it is sugar.
00:58:56I don't use sugar in my tea, Charles.
00:58:59She put something in it.
00:59:01What do you want me to do?
00:59:03I want you to get her out of this house right now.
00:59:06I can't just throw her out.
00:59:08No, no, you don't have to throw her out.
00:59:10Just make up some excuse.
00:59:12Just drive her back to her dorm.
00:59:14Please do it.
00:59:15Just do it for me.
00:59:17Do what?
00:59:19If it's an errand you need to run, I'd be happy to help out.
00:59:23No, I can handle it.
00:59:29Oh, silly me.
00:59:32I forgot to come back for this.
00:59:40Well, let me know if you need anything.
00:59:55Thank you, Charles.
01:00:02I'll see you later.
01:00:07Take care of that leg.
01:00:24I'll be home early to help with the dinner.
01:00:26Don't worry about a thing.
01:00:28I've got it all under control.
01:01:13Christine, I'm starting to worry about your mom.
01:01:19Well, look, I know it's none of my business, but I think she might be depressed.
01:01:27I'd be depressed too if I were her right now.
01:01:30True, but she has a small pharmacy's worth of painkillers on her nightstand right now.
01:01:35And I think she might be over-medicating herself.
01:01:39No, she wouldn't do that.
01:01:41Look, Christine, your mom told me about her trouble with alcohol.
01:01:47I know all about it.
01:01:49And now with the accident, I'm worried.
01:01:53Some people have addictive personalities, Christine, and they just can't help themselves.
01:01:58Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
01:02:01I know she's going to be okay.
01:02:04I know my mom.
01:02:06She's stronger than people think.
01:02:08Stronger than people think.
01:02:10Whatever you say.
01:02:16I just...
01:02:19If she were ever to overdose, I would never be able to forgive myself for not saying something.
01:02:24So I just thought you should know.
01:02:26I mean, thank you for caring, but...
01:02:30You don't need to worry.
01:03:02Zip me up.
01:03:14Where did you get this?
01:03:19Oh, I got it from Anna's closet.
01:03:22She was asleep, otherwise I would have asked her.
01:03:25But I'm sure she won't mind. I have to look good for your guests.
01:03:39Do you like it?
01:03:41You look great.
01:03:49Don't be like that. Hey.
01:03:52You know, people will be here soon.
01:04:00I did all this for you.
01:04:02I know.
01:04:04I did all this for you.
01:04:08Oh, you know, that'll be Kane. My junior partner.
01:04:12Oh, I'll get it.
01:04:17I'm going to finish getting dressed.
01:04:34Come on in.
01:04:36I'm early.
01:04:37Oh, it's no problem.
01:04:41I'm Ken. I work for Charles.
01:04:43Yes, I know who you are.
01:04:45I brought a little something for the party.
01:04:47Oh, excellent. Thank you. You didn't have to do that. That's so sweet.
01:04:51So tell me, where have they been hiding you?
01:04:53I'm a friend of Christine's.
01:04:56So is she still laid up here?
01:04:58Yes, she is. It's awful. And Mrs. Benton.
01:05:01That's why I offered to help host the dinner party, so Charles didn't have to cancel.
01:05:05Well, you certainly are easy on the eyes.
01:05:08So your name wouldn't happen to be Amy, would it?
01:05:11Yes, it is. Why? Has somebody been talking about me?
01:05:15Well, as a matter of fact, just as Charles was leaving the office today.
01:05:20A police detective called named Parker asked if there was an Amy staying at the Benton house.
01:05:26Wow, a detective. What did you tell him?
01:05:28I told him the truth. That I'd never heard of anyone named Amy.
01:05:33But boy, oh boy, have I now.
01:05:36Yes, you have.
01:05:38So Amy, are you on someone's top ten most wanted list?
01:05:42Hardly. No, actually there was an accident at my school. It was pretty serious.
01:05:47And I gave the detective a statement, so he's probably just calling to follow up.
01:05:51I should give him a call tomorrow. But more importantly, can I shake you up a cocktail?
01:05:55Amy, can I shake you up a cocktail?
01:05:58You seem to me like you are a vodka martini guy, straight up. No vermouth, olives on the side.
01:06:06Amy, I might be falling in love with you.
01:06:09Well, Ken, that's what all the boys say.
01:06:14And that, gentlemen, is the growing problem with digital content delivery.
01:06:18It's just too difficult to protect, if not ultimately impossible.
01:06:22That's where the new system needs to be put in place.
01:06:25A file list of managed works. Make the webmasters accountable for their own actions.
01:06:31Now, we have had success with PsychoView last year and recovered all the revenue generated by an illegal distribution up until that point.
01:06:38Well, that is exactly what I wanted to hear.
01:06:41Well, I can work up a proposal if you'd like. Have it ready for you by next week.
01:06:45Great. That should work out just fine.
01:06:48So, anybody have plans for the holiday?
01:06:52I am headed to San Luis for the rest of the week.
01:06:56Oh, the water is beautiful up there. When do you leave?
01:07:00Tonight. I've got a backpack and I'm out of here as soon as dinner is over.
01:07:04I don't know how I'll get along without you.
01:07:06Well, I am sorry, Charles, but I can't help you there.
01:07:11You're going to have a great time.
01:07:15And I will be here, taking care of everybody.
01:07:19Amy, you're a perfect angel. And you've done a wonderful job with the dinner.
01:07:24Yes, it was expertly cooked.
01:07:27I tried.
01:07:29You succeeded.
01:07:37I don't know how I'll get along without you.
01:07:40Yes. Well, that is exactly what I wanted.
01:07:43Now, we have had success with PsychoView.
01:07:46Taking care of everybody.
01:07:56What a lovely evening.
01:07:58I can't thank you both enough for coming to my home.
01:08:02Oh, thank you so much.
01:08:04It was a pleasure.
01:08:06Pleasure. Brian, drive safely.
01:08:08Thank you very much. Good night.
01:08:10Thank you. Good night.
01:08:12Well, I think we nailed that one.
01:08:15I think we did.
01:08:17You guys can thank me later.
01:08:22She is quite a find. You, my friend, are very lucky.
01:08:27Why do you say that?
01:08:29Well, she's got a lot going on for her.
01:08:31And plus, the rapper ain't half bad, am I right? Huh?
01:08:34Don't you have a long drive ahead?
01:08:36Yeah. Yeah, I should.
01:08:38I should hit the road, man.
01:08:41Hey, about Amy.
01:08:46Never mind.
01:09:02Unzip me.
01:09:22You can keep going if you want.
01:09:27I'm pretty tired tonight.
01:09:31So that's the way it is?
01:09:34That's the way it is.
01:09:50Oh, Anna.
01:11:30Morning. Have a seat. It's almost ready.
01:11:33We need to talk.
01:11:43Okay, let's talk. What do you want to talk about?
01:11:47I'm worried about Christine.
01:11:50She's not getting any better.
01:11:53With Anna out of commission, I think it's time that I brought in some professional help.
01:12:01Professional help?
01:12:05What are you trying to say?
01:12:07What I'm trying to say is...
01:12:11Well, I appreciate everything you've done here. Especially me.
01:12:18But I need to hire a living nurse.
01:12:23She's going to need the guest room.
01:12:27You're throwing me out?
01:12:29After everything that I've done for you?
01:12:33After everything that we've shared?
01:12:36I mean, we had...
01:12:38We had something going here.
01:12:41No, we never had anything going here.
01:12:44That was a mistake and a big one.
01:12:46No, that's not true. Don't say that. That's not true.
01:12:51Well, now I realize that.
01:12:59I really love my wife.
01:13:00My wife.
01:13:06I need you to leave. I'll drive you back to campus.
01:13:09No, no. No, you don't have to... You don't have to drive me anywhere.
01:13:15You don't want me around? Fine. Fine.
01:13:20Then I'll leave on my own. I have my own friends. And I can get my own damn ride.
01:13:25I'm sorry about this, but it is for the best.
01:13:28Oh, is it?
01:13:30Is it? Is it for the best?
01:13:33What do you know about for the best?
01:13:37I'm the best thing that ever happened to you.
01:13:42Better than that lazy stepdaughter of yours.
01:13:46And I'm sure as hell a lot better than that pathetic excuse of a wife that you have laying in there right now.
01:13:51And you know it. You know it.
01:13:58I'm sorry.
01:14:02My mind is made up.
01:14:09Fine. Fine.
01:14:15Then I won't be here when you get back.
01:14:18Because I wouldn't want to ruin or get in the way of your happiness.
01:14:51Good morning, sunshine.
01:14:55How'd your dinner go?
01:14:58Uh, dinner went fine. Thanks.
01:15:02You got visitors.
01:15:06In your office. It looks very official.
01:15:20Can I help you?
01:15:22Detective Ed Parker. This is my partner, Joe Davis.
01:15:26Police? Is there a problem?
01:15:28Do you know a girl by the name of Amy Thomas?
01:15:31Yes. She's a friend of my stepdaughter, Christine.
01:15:36Oh. Do you know where she is now?
01:15:39She's been staying at our house the last few days.
01:15:42And how's that been going?
01:15:47Christine became sick immediately and has been bedridden ever since.
01:15:51And Amy was taking care of her when my wife had an accident.
01:15:58What kind of accident?
01:16:00She took a bad fall. Broke her leg.
01:16:04We'd like to talk to Miss Thomas.
01:16:07It might be too late. I told her this morning to get out.
01:16:17Let's go.
01:16:27I'm sorry I can't stick around to help you feel better.
01:16:31There's nothing that would have made me happier.
01:16:36But I guess everybody's done with me now.
01:16:44It's sad.
01:16:47It's tragic, really.
01:16:51I give and I give and I give, but I just can't seem to find what it is that I'm searching for.
01:16:59People can be so shallow.
01:17:04They don't know what love is.
01:17:07But I do.
01:17:10I know what love is.
01:17:13And I deserve it.
01:17:17And I just can't seem to find it.
01:17:23In a moment, that leg won't be hurting you at all anymore.
01:17:30You won't feel any pain.
01:17:34You'd like that, wouldn't you?
01:17:38I know I would.
01:17:44I'll be right back.
01:17:46I'll be right back.
01:18:05Christine, what is it? You called for me?
01:18:08Yeah, I had a really bad dream.
01:18:12I really want to see my mom.
01:18:17Well, your stepdad thinks that you've already suffered enough, so it's time to take you to the doctor.
01:18:24Yep. Come on, Scout's honor.
01:18:27Come here, can you help me get dressed?
01:18:30No, there's no time for that. We're already running late.
01:18:32I can't go like this, I need to get dressed.
01:18:34No, come on.
01:18:35What are you doing? What are you doing?
01:18:37Come on, it has to be this way.
01:18:38Let go of me!
01:18:39No, you this way.
01:18:40Christine, let go! It has to be this way.
01:18:45Leave me alone!
01:18:47Stop it!
01:19:19Stop being so ungrateful, Christine!
01:19:22The whole family is ungrateful! Come on!
01:19:43You always got everything you ever wanted.
01:19:48All you ever had to do was wish for something and it was yours.
01:19:54Perfect Christine.
01:19:58Beautiful Christine.
01:20:08I never got anything!
01:20:12I'm nobody.
01:20:28I'm nobody.
01:20:29I'm nobody.
01:20:31I'm nobody.
01:20:32I'm nobody.
01:20:58Now, Christine.
01:21:02You wanna just lay around and sleep your life away.
01:21:09Like a selfish little bitch.
01:21:13Let me be my guest.
01:21:35Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.
01:21:57I want you to know, you're making me do this, Christine.
01:22:03Amy, please stop!
01:22:06It's all your fault.
01:22:32I'm sorry.
01:22:40You've ruined everything.
01:22:57Don't move, Miss Thomas.
01:23:03Amy, don't move.
01:23:05I'll shoot you.
01:23:14I'm sorry.
01:23:20I'm sorry, Charles.
01:23:44What the hell was this all about?
01:23:48Who knows?
01:23:50So many pieces from so many places to put together.
01:23:53She wasn't even Amy Thomas.
01:23:56The real Amy Thomas died two years ago.
01:24:00Then who was she?
01:24:02Well, we'll find out, eventually.
01:24:05Who knows, we might even find out why she did all this.
01:24:10I don't think anybody ever really loved her.
01:24:14But it's over now, isn't it?
01:24:18It is for her.
01:24:29It is for her.
01:25:00I am going to tell you a story.
01:25:03You've all read it.
01:25:05And you have the most important story to tell.
01:25:09So, it's called, Kirtiman's Friend.
01:25:14Kirtiman's friend, or human, lives in his work, not in his age.
01:25:19Let's start the main story.
01:25:21Let's start the main story.
01:25:52So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:25:55So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:25:58So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:01So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:04So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:07So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:10So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:13So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:16So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:19So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:22So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:25So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:28So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:31So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:34So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:37So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:40So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:43So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
01:26:46So, Kirtiman's friend lives in his work, not in his age.
