• anteayer
00:00:00Tell me what it is.
00:00:02Tell me what it is!
00:00:06You got five seconds.
00:00:12People ask me how it all happened that night.
00:00:14The decisions that got me there.
00:00:18I don't tell them anything.
00:00:20It's none of their business.
00:00:22Saying I'm evil?
00:00:24It isn't about that.
00:00:26This is a love story.
00:00:38My father served in the army and had bad dreams all the time.
00:00:40I grew up with his dreams.
00:00:44I loved him anyway.
00:00:46What choice did I have?
00:00:48It's okay, Dad.
00:00:50Everything's fine.
00:01:00I won't live like this.
00:01:04But my mother
00:01:06couldn't take it.
00:01:16Where are we going?
00:01:24D, baby.
00:01:28I can't.
00:01:32You and your brother take care of your daddy.
00:01:36Don't leave me.
00:01:48Baby, stop!
00:01:50Baby, stop!
00:02:06Get in here and make me some breakfast.
00:02:20Where's your brother?
00:02:22I don't know.
00:02:24He left early.
00:02:26Both of y'all is worthless.
00:02:36You know I don't eat my eggs this damn hard.
00:02:38Do it again.
00:02:50If you want more details
00:02:52of my lonely, unhappy childhood,
00:02:54go somewhere else.
00:03:06I'm not gonna talk about that.
00:03:20I rarely saw my brother anymore.
00:03:24And the few times that I did,
00:03:28I wish I hadn't.
00:04:00We're looking for Jamal Johnson.
00:04:02He hasn't been here in a while.
00:04:04Are you his sister?
00:04:06Yeah. He.
00:04:08You know where he might be staying, D?
00:04:12I haven't seen him in months.
00:04:14Who else lives here?
00:04:16My dad.
00:04:20But he's at work right now.
00:04:22Everything okay, D?
00:04:24You could tell me.
00:04:26Everything's fine.
00:04:30You mind if we take a look around?
00:04:34Sure. Why not?
00:04:52How'd you become a cop?
00:04:54I just applied.
00:04:56Like any other job.
00:04:58I went through the police academy.
00:05:00You like it?
00:05:02I do.
00:05:04Because you get to help people.
00:05:06Are you interested in becoming a police officer, D?
00:05:08I don't know.
00:05:10You can't be shy.
00:05:12There's no place for a shy cop.
00:05:14You need to know what you want and grab it.
00:05:16You think I could?
00:05:18If you want something badly enough,
00:05:20there's nobody here. Let's go.
00:05:22What high school do you go to?
00:05:26The Belford Police Department has a youth program at your high school.
00:05:28You should check it out.
00:05:30I will.
00:05:32If you really want to be a good cop,
00:05:34you give us a call if you see your brother around, okay?
00:05:36Here, take this.
00:05:38I'll grab you a T-shirt from the car.
00:05:46I didn't ride out my brother.
00:05:50But I did want to be a cop.
00:05:56You let the police in my house?
00:05:58What's wrong with you?
00:06:00There's nothing bad in here.
00:06:02That's not the point. The cops are not our friends.
00:06:04They seem nice.
00:06:06Yeah, you mean they seem nice, huh?
00:06:08Did I ask you if they were nice?
00:06:12Now, you want to be out on the street?
00:06:16Now, clean yourself up
00:06:18and go in there and fix me some dinner.
00:06:20There are police in my house.
00:06:22For a while,
00:06:24I gave up the idea of being a cop.
00:06:26Because what can you really do to help?
00:07:04Five years passed,
00:07:06as they do.
00:07:08I was still living with my father.
00:07:10I couldn't afford to move out.
00:07:12I worked in a warehouse, but I got fired.
00:07:14Jamal had warrants on him.
00:07:16And we saw him less and less.
00:07:30Don't even think about it.
00:07:34I need a job.
00:07:36I don't care.
00:07:38I don't want no cop in my family.
00:07:40I'm a grown woman, Dad.
00:07:44So you're a grown woman now, huh?
00:07:46You grown?
00:07:48You ready to move out on your own?
00:07:50If I had a real job, I could.
00:07:54Then go ahead.
00:07:56You apply for the police job.
00:07:58But if they hire you, you stay in here.
00:08:00You ain't taking a paycheck out this house.
00:08:06And don't even think about turning in your brother.
00:08:08I don't even know where Jamal is.
00:08:10And I don't want nobody in this house.
00:08:12And I need you to get out of the house tonight.
00:08:14I got a lady coming by.
00:08:18Go to a movie or something.
00:08:20Maybe I'll go to a bar.
00:08:22Find a man to take me home.
00:08:24I don't care where you go.
00:08:26Just make sure you stay out past midnight.
00:09:24May I help you?
00:09:26I'd like to apply to be a police officer.
00:09:28Are you a resident of Belford?
00:09:32Just fill this out.
00:09:34That's it?
00:09:36Just sit in the chairs over there.
00:09:44Ever thought you'd be a cop?
00:09:48Not really.
00:09:50Crazy, right?
00:09:52What if we get partnered up?
00:09:54They gotta hire us first.
00:09:56Are you kidding?
00:09:58I heard they're so shorthanded they'll hire anyone.
00:10:00As long as you're a resident of Belford.
00:10:02It's like the only rule.
00:10:06It's better than my last job.
00:10:08And you get to carry a gun.
00:10:10Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!
00:10:12Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!
00:10:16I just want to help protect people.
00:10:18That's it.
00:10:28You will spend the next two hours
00:10:30filling out psychological tests.
00:10:32There are no wrong or right answers.
00:10:34Just be honest with how you feel.
00:10:36The daily life of police officers
00:10:38are mentally and emotionally challenging.
00:10:40So I want to make sure
00:10:42that you guys are up for it.
00:10:44Let's begin.
00:11:08How do you think you did?
00:11:10I think I did okay.
00:11:12Yeah, we're about to be cops.
00:11:14Let's get drunk.
00:11:20You know, someday
00:11:22we're gonna be patrolling right here in this park
00:11:24busting vagrants like us.
00:11:26Like, yo! Put that bag down!
00:11:28You really do know how to do this?
00:11:32You really do that?
00:11:36Depends who it was.
00:11:38If it was one of my exes,
00:11:42I would tase him and cuff him
00:11:44then throw him in the trunk.
00:11:46You are terrible.
00:11:50Still, we're friends.
00:11:52We can watch each other's backs on the job.
00:11:54You think we're friends?
00:11:56Of course we are.
00:11:58We don't seem like friends to you?
00:12:00I don't know.
00:12:02Give me your address. We're hanging out.
00:12:04My father doesn't really like when people
00:12:06hang around the house.
00:12:08Mm-mm. No.
00:12:10Fathers love me.
00:12:12I mean, not like that.
00:12:14Sometimes like that.
00:12:16But not your dad's father!
00:12:18Tell me we can hire all these.
00:12:20The scores aren't great,
00:12:22but I can clear all of them except for one.
00:12:24We need all we can get.
00:12:26Disapplicant, superficial, and shallow.
00:12:28And she scored low marks on integrity and self-control.
00:12:32Dee Johnson.
00:12:34She was borderline anyway.
00:12:36She lied about her termination from her last job
00:12:38and didn't mention on her application
00:12:40that she has a brother.
00:12:42I don't know.
00:12:44I don't know.
00:12:46She lied about her termination from her last job
00:12:48and didn't mention on her application
00:12:50that she has a brother who is a long-time fugitive.
00:12:52Too bad. We need black women particularly.
00:13:32Dee, I know you're in there!
00:13:36Dee, open the door!
00:13:46You look terrible.
00:13:48They didn't hire me.
00:13:50They hire everyone.
00:13:52Yeah, not me.
00:13:58So what'd they say?
00:14:00I forgot to tell them that I got fired from a warehouse for stealing.
00:14:02Who hasn't?
00:14:04And my brother has a warrant on him.
00:14:06Okay, what's the charge?
00:14:08Attempted manslaughter.
00:14:12You don't think all cops have jailbird brothers?
00:14:14I also failed my psychological test.
00:14:18How did you fail that test?
00:14:20I just answered the questions honestly.
00:14:22You told the truth?
00:14:24They said the answers didn't matter.
00:14:26Of course the answers matter. The answers always matter.
00:14:28You need to tell them what they want to hear.
00:14:30It's too late now.
00:14:32Nuh-uh. You just apply again.
00:14:34They don't want me.
00:14:36Okay, the guy who told me to apply,
00:14:38he's a cop in the 8th Ward.
00:14:40He failed his psych test the first time.
00:14:42When he reapplied, he brought them a note
00:14:44from a psychiatrist that said he was cool,
00:14:46and they took him.
00:14:48I don't have a psychiatrist.
00:14:50He didn't have a psychiatrist.
00:14:52He faked the letter.
00:14:56Look, they are desperate
00:14:58for police officers.
00:15:00They're not gonna reject you
00:15:02unless you give them a reason to.
00:15:04So don't give them any more reasons.
00:15:10Are you bleeding?
00:15:12Oh, it's fine.
00:15:18What's that?
00:15:20It's nothing.
00:15:26It worked.
00:15:28One month later, and I was in.
00:15:32Three weeks at the police academy,
00:15:34and I graduated a cop.
00:15:36But once I became a cop,
00:15:38things felt right.
00:15:44Gloria was right.
00:15:46Firing the gun felt so good.
00:15:48Like I could take on the world.
00:15:50I was thrilled to be a cop.
00:15:52Little did I know
00:15:54that becoming a cop would destroy my life.
00:15:56The police were still shorthanded,
00:15:58so most of the time I didn't have a partner.
00:16:00I didn't care.
00:16:12I still love her.
00:16:14I love her.
00:16:16I love her.
00:16:18I love her.
00:16:20I love her.
00:16:22I love her.
00:16:54I felt like I could help people.
00:17:06Who'd you give it to?
00:17:08Who'd you give it to?
00:17:09Who'd you give it to?
00:17:10Who'd you give it to?
00:17:11Don't you lie to me!
00:17:13Leave her alone!
00:17:14She took my stuff.
00:17:15You want me to bring you in?
00:17:16You want me to bring you in?
00:17:22Don't bust me, I'm leaving.
00:17:23Talk to me.
00:17:24I don't need a lecture.
00:17:25I'm not trying to lecture you.
00:17:26This is my life.
00:17:28Is this the life you want?
00:17:29I don't know.
00:17:30You from around here?
00:17:32That's the way I sound.
00:17:33That's my girl.
00:17:34That's what I'm here for.
00:17:35Hey, what's with you?
00:17:36my life okay this is the life you want
00:17:45you from wrong here no I took a bus thought it looked nice
00:17:53about maybe I could get lost somewhere you did that how I'm not going back
00:18:01there's places here that will help you
00:18:07what they want I just want you to want want you to actually try
00:18:19I know just come with me
00:18:31but I never fit in with the other cops tell me what you see people you're
00:18:46looking for crimes tell me what shift in there I don't see anything
00:18:53the hot dog vendor homeless woman they're here every day she didn't pay
00:18:59for that hot dog she's hungry he's a nice guy I want you to go there and
00:19:04shake him up what's your fear see how he reacts
00:19:11I don't think I can do that then we have a problem
00:19:17I guess we do
00:19:59why'd your friends run it's exercise jogging stuff like that and you stayed
00:20:23because there's nothing on you right you want to frisk me you want me to
00:20:28frisk you hey I ain't never said no to a pretty woman
00:20:37what's your name officer Johnson your first name
00:20:43hey train last name you like your job I do I wanted to be a cop once you still
00:21:05I like having you around keeping an eye out on the neighborhood don't keep
00:21:11coming around yeah
00:21:17well I'm running so nobody thinks I'm snitching I'm pretty fast
00:21:41back to your car I never understand why they say men are like dogs I wish men
00:22:04were like dogs dogs are loyal dogs just want you to be happy I would have been
00:22:10more than happy with a man like that but I decided why not get a dog
00:22:19it was love at first sight
00:22:23Oh what are you doing didn't I tell you I don't want no dog in this house he's
00:22:44mine is it a police dog maybe maybe don't is he gonna ride around in your
00:22:55police car with you no then he ain't standing around here this is my house
00:23:01too I don't care I'm not laying around here and having him stink up the whole
00:23:05house but it's good enough for you what do you think you're talking to what are
00:23:15you gonna do arrest me okay your own father
00:23:28I'll lock him up out back when I'm at work and if you want a girlfriend maybe
00:23:33you should go to her place
00:23:40make she grow I did my job play good cop did all my shifts filled out all of my
00:23:58paperwork I even won a couple of officer of the month awards from the
00:24:04local Kiwanis Club for my work in the community Erica was doing great she was
00:24:14staying at a shelter they found her a job sure I wanted love but I was picky
00:24:22my house was my safe place I wanted a man who felt right to bring there and
00:24:28none of these men felt right at least I had my dog
00:24:38then one day there he was again
00:24:44so hey can I ride with you no it was like to be a cop you can ride in the
00:24:55back no no I've done that
00:25:05fine but when I tell you to get out you got to get out
00:25:27I'm looking for you I've been around
00:25:31looking for me maybe
00:25:36all right so what now just ride around bad guys something like that what if you
00:25:45get a tip about some bad guys
00:25:49I'd have to check it out all right then let's go
00:26:37this is it yep this right here is one of my favorite places
00:26:46there's no one up here isn't that a good thing what's the crime us not getting
00:26:53any alone time that's the crown man
00:27:06they used to come up here all the time just look at the city about all the
00:27:12people who live here
00:27:18that's why you brought me up here isn't it nice
00:27:26yeah yeah it is
00:27:31and that's why I brought you up here
00:27:52where you been
00:27:56Where you been?
00:28:02My dinner was supposed to be on the table four hours ago.
00:28:05Come on. You're perfectly capable of making your own dinner.
00:28:14You been with a man?
00:28:17Let me tell you something. You ain't staying up in this house being a sneak around hoe like your mother was.
00:28:21Don't talk about my mama.
00:28:23Then don't be a sneak around hoe.
00:28:26Where is he?
00:28:40My dog.
00:28:42I don't know. He probably ran off.
00:28:45Damn you.
00:28:48Told you I ain't got no damn dog.
00:28:52Shut up.
00:28:55Come on, Shadow. Where are you?
00:28:59Shadow, where are you?
00:29:01Come on, please.
00:29:04Hey, hey. Have you seen a dog this little? All black?
00:29:17No. No, no.
00:29:20Get away. Get away.
00:29:22No, no.
00:29:24No, no.
00:29:32No, no, please.
00:29:34No, no.
00:29:52Trey was right.
00:29:54I could do anything.
00:30:00Comes to dogs.
00:30:01Finding love is easy.
00:30:03Dogs just want to love you and be loved.
00:30:13Now I know what you're thinking.
00:30:15How could I bring another dog into this place after what happened to Shadow?
00:30:20I never found him, but I think he's buried in the backyard.
00:30:24But I'm not going to look there.
00:30:26I can't bear to know.
00:30:29So why would I bring Cupcake into this house?
00:30:32Well, now that I was here alone, I want a company more than ever.
00:30:46I need to know if I should report a missing person.
00:30:48Is this for a case or...
00:30:50My dad.
00:30:51You don't know if your dad's missing?
00:30:53He is his own man.
00:30:55Do you have a girlfriend?
00:30:57Something like that.
00:30:58Are you with her?
00:30:59It's just been two weeks.
00:31:01Think he might be in trouble?
00:31:04I just thought there was a procedure for this sort of thing.
00:31:07You can fill this out if you want.
00:31:09When he comes home, let us know.
00:31:10We'll pull it from the system.
00:31:12Got it.
00:31:44What would happen if your dad walked in right now?
00:31:49Don't worry about it.
00:31:52He's gone.
00:31:57With dad's paycheck no longer coming in,
00:31:59I had to find a second job to make ends meet.
00:32:02Fortunately, people like hiring off-duty cops as security.
00:32:06The restaurant was run by Maria Lopez and her children, Alicia and Diego.
00:32:11They had a lot of cash business, so they wanted a guard there so there was no problems.
00:32:18And there was never any problems.
00:32:20It was an easy gig.
00:32:22Stand in a corner, keep an eye out, get paid cash at the end of the night.
00:32:27They gave me lots of leftovers.
00:32:32The family talked a lot of Spanish to each other.
00:32:35Probably talking about me.
00:32:39I didn't care.
00:32:40The food was good.
00:32:46Meanwhile, Trey came over a lot.
00:32:49Cupcake liked them fine.
00:32:51I liked them fine, too.
00:33:04Tell me that you don't have five girls out there.
00:33:09No, I don't have five girls out there.
00:33:12Just one?
00:33:15Just shy.
00:33:19Not a handsome guy like you?
00:33:22I mean, yeah, I've had girls before, but not like you.
00:33:30How about you?
00:33:33I've never had any girls before.
00:33:36Stop it, you know what I mean.
00:33:41No man like you.
00:33:47You know if we keep seeing each other, you have to stop breaking the law, right?
00:33:51Why can we not put all that aside when we're together?
00:33:57Do you know somebody who's going to hire me?
00:34:00Pay me well?
00:34:03Look, D, if not, I got obligations to my brother.
00:34:09I mean, can you afford to take care of me right now?
00:34:13I mean, can you afford to take care of me right now?
00:34:16Not right now.
00:34:18Then don't ask what I'm doing.
00:34:22Hey, listen, it's just until I get right.
00:34:26Then I'll walk away, okay?
00:34:36I do want to take you shopping, though.
00:34:40I got no issue with that.
00:34:44I like doing for him.
00:34:46Giving things to him.
00:34:48I like the fact that he wanted to be with me.
00:34:50I encourage that.
00:34:52I figured it would keep him out of trouble.
00:34:55See you later.
00:34:58Appreciate it.
00:35:10See you later.
00:35:32I'm Trey's brother, Latrell.
00:35:34He told you about me?
00:35:36That he lives with you.
00:35:39We're seeing each other.
00:35:41How much older are you?
00:35:43Just four years.
00:35:45And you know what he does?
00:35:47Do you know what he do?
00:35:49That's funny.
00:35:51Look, don't jam him up.
00:35:52I'm not jamming.
00:35:53Don't say nothing.
00:35:55You want what's best for him?
00:35:57That's cool.
00:35:58But just keep him out of a cell, you heard?
00:36:01I want what's best for him.
00:36:05All right.
00:36:10When I said I wanted the best for him, I meant it.
00:36:13I really did.
00:36:20The only thing that mattered was having fun with him.
00:36:23He even took me to the beach.
00:36:25I didn't even think I liked the beach.
00:36:29But with him, I did.
00:36:46Tell me what you want.
00:36:51You know, like, with us, the future.
00:36:55I don't, uh...
00:36:58I don't really believe in the future.
00:37:01I just want to be with you.
00:37:04I just want to be happy right now.
00:37:08You happy?
00:37:10Of course.
00:37:20Hey, hey.
00:37:22I've seen him before.
00:37:24It's okay.
00:37:26Does it make them attractive?
00:37:30Do you know you can tell me anything, right?
00:37:38I used to, um...
00:37:41cut myself.
00:37:43Whenever I feel, like, alone.
00:37:46It's just how, like, I felt like I was in control of my pain
00:37:52and in control of my body.
00:37:56I'm sure it's everybody.
00:37:59Everybody has scars.
00:38:01There's a story behind every scar.
00:38:04I'd love to check this out.
00:38:07I had seen his scar before,
00:38:09but I never felt comfortable enough to ask him about it.
00:38:12It's crazy, right?
00:38:14A lawnmower just jumped up and bit me.
00:38:17Wait, what?
00:38:21I'm just playing around.
00:38:23I, uh, I fell off my bike
00:38:26trying to do tricks to impress my brother.
00:38:29I know, I know, it's stupid, but...
00:38:33it's part of me now.
00:38:36And I ain't ashamed about it.
00:38:39So never, don't ever be ashamed.
00:38:42Your scars are beautiful.
00:38:47are beautiful.
00:38:53You are beautiful.
00:39:15Tell me we can just stay here forever.
00:39:18You know it gets cold at night.
00:39:21I have you to warm me.
00:39:24That works for me.
00:39:27That works for me.
00:39:38I started picking up as many extra shifts as I could,
00:39:42but I spent as much time as possible with Trey
00:39:45because he made me feel alive.
00:39:51He made me feel alive.
00:40:22Why you leave Buster?
00:40:24They aren't hurting anyone.
00:40:26All right.
00:40:28What would your boss say about that?
00:40:30I go with my gut.
00:40:32If my gut says it's okay, then it's okay.
00:40:35Crap, get down, get down.
00:40:41It's so stuffed up.
00:40:45Well, can I come up?
00:40:47Get up.
00:40:51If anyone asks you why you're riding around with me,
00:40:54tell them you're writing a story for a school paper.
00:40:57What school?
00:40:59Any college. They ain't gonna check.
00:41:01All right.
00:41:03Whatever you say.
00:41:15How can I believe you quit the police force?
00:41:17Girl, it was boring riding around in that police car all by myself.
00:41:20Every call I got was for domestic dispute.
00:41:23And I got tired of telling those women,
00:41:25girl, are you crazy? Leave his ass.
00:41:27At least you told them.
00:41:29Please, none of those heavers ever listened to me.
00:41:33People are stupid.
00:41:35And I never got to shoot anybody.
00:41:41But for real, working at the warehouse is so much better.
00:41:44And the women actually listen
00:41:46when you tell them to kick their pathetic ass men to the curb.
00:41:49Not that you're pathetic, Trey.
00:41:51I don't know. I heard you.
00:41:53Thanks, though.
00:41:55You better not be, or I will cut you.
00:41:57Hey, if I need to do it.
00:42:02So, I heard you've been letting him ride around in your squad car.
00:42:06Who told you that?
00:42:08Is it serious?
00:42:11I guess so.
00:42:13I want it to be.
00:42:15Does he treat you good?
00:42:17So good.
00:42:20Here you go.
00:42:22Trey, would you eat worms for her?
00:42:25Babe, I would never make you eat worms.
00:42:28I would, though, if she asked me to.
00:42:32Okay, okay.
00:42:34D, would you help Trey move a body?
00:42:37Okay, if it was, like, wrapped in a carpet or something.
00:42:40Gloria, seriously?
00:42:42Questions have to be asked.
00:42:45You know what? Hell, yeah.
00:42:47I'd do that for you. Would you do that for me?
00:42:50Of course I would. You know that.
00:42:53I'd do anything for you.
00:42:57Yeah, you got it.
00:43:00All right.
00:43:02Do anything.
00:43:04Do anything.
00:43:15Oh, thank you for giving me my hours.
00:43:30Can't stay away even on your night off, huh?
00:43:33Can't turn down free food.
00:43:35This is my nephew.
00:43:37Trey. Trey. Eddie.
00:43:41Grab us a table.
00:43:43I have to talk to him.
00:43:49Can you make us a plate?
00:44:29I need to pick up more hours.
00:44:31Can I work Friday now?
00:44:33Eddie's working Friday.
00:44:35How is Eddie getting so many hours?
00:44:37He's good, quiet, doesn't need so much food.
00:44:43As many hours as you can give me, I'll take them.
00:44:46You get what you get.
00:44:56We're leaving. Let's go.
00:44:58We didn't even eat yet.
00:45:00We'll go somewhere else. Come on.
00:45:05Stupid people.
00:45:07Why does he get so many hours?
00:45:09Because he's white? Because he's a man?
00:45:11Because he eats there. I've seen him eat there.
00:45:14There's a lot of cash in that place.
00:45:17I'm just saying.
00:45:19There's a whole lot of green up in there.
00:45:21I just want to take it.
00:45:29They don't deserve that.
00:45:30Oh, they don't?
00:45:31Let it go.
00:45:33All right. Okay.
00:45:35Not then.
00:45:37You know.
00:45:38How does your gut feel about working with people who deserve to get jacked?
00:45:42What people?
00:45:44You know.
00:45:47Bad people.
00:45:51As a matter of fact,
00:45:54where's your next night shift?
00:46:04Who is this guy again?
00:46:06He's just some small-time.
00:46:08He doesn't know you or anything, right?
00:46:13I'm pretty sure I know.
00:46:15Pretty sure?
00:46:17He's not going to see me, all right?
00:46:20Yeah, I don't know about this.
00:46:23Look, you're just a cop being a cop.
00:46:26So if you pull him over, you're just doing your job.
00:46:29Letting things happen as they happen.
00:46:38There he is.
00:46:45Let's go.
00:47:06All right.
00:47:22All right, don't let him get you forehead.
00:47:32Pull him over.
00:47:34I need a reason.
00:47:36I need to at least make it look like a traffic stop.
00:47:49There it is.
00:48:06Okay, so I just need you to pretend like you're my partner.
00:48:09Pretend like you have a gun and that you're covering up for me.
00:48:12Pretend I got a gun?
00:48:16Use this.
00:48:17Dee, this don't even look like a gun.
00:48:19Make it work.
00:48:22All right.
00:48:24I'm really doing this, huh?
00:48:28You happy?
00:48:32I am.
00:48:34How you guys feeling?
00:48:36You guys say, let's do this.
00:48:56Is there a problem, officer?
00:48:58Driver's license, please.
00:49:10Malik Woodson.
00:49:12You felt the signal when you made it right back there.
00:49:15I was in the turn lane.
00:49:17You still have the signal.
00:49:21You been drinking?
00:49:23Might have had a little drink and now I won't go.
00:49:26Step out the car.
00:49:28If you could just give me the ticket for not signaling.
00:49:31Step out of the car now.
00:49:34Step out of the car.
00:49:46Hey, hey, hey. Cooperate.
00:49:50You got any weapons on you?
00:49:54So I can search your car?
00:49:59How can you prove it?
00:50:01Not without a warrant.
00:50:02You can get one of those.
00:50:03Might make things a little bit more complicated, though.
00:50:06Well, I'm just trying to make things as easy as possible.
00:50:15What's new?
00:50:17Got a paper bag in my car.
00:50:19The time I found it, I was going to turn it into a police station.
00:50:23Maybe you could do that for me.
00:50:44Super slow.
00:50:56We good?
00:51:02Drive safe.
00:51:49We rolling now?
00:51:51That's what I'm talking about.
00:52:01I'm not really sure when I first crossed the line.
00:52:05When I faked my psychological evaluation.
00:52:08When I got involved with the criminal.
00:52:11When I let him ride with me.
00:52:14All I knew was, I didn't really know what the line was anymore.
00:52:19And I was scaring less and less.
00:52:23Maybe I should leave.
00:52:25He might eat the money.
00:52:27We can make more.
00:52:29The problem with money is the more that you get, the more you seem to need.
00:52:34But at work, I was covering up better and better.
00:52:38There have been reports that you've been seen driving around with a young man.
00:52:42Young man?
00:52:44Oh, the students.
00:52:47Mostly girls, though.
00:52:49They've been having this classroom assignment, so I've been taking them out one by one.
00:52:53Super intelligent.
00:52:55I think a few of them plan on joining the force after school.
00:52:58I consider that community outreach.
00:53:01If you're going to do that, clear it with the outreach director, all right?
00:53:04Got it. Absolutely.
00:53:06Otherwise, good job.
00:53:08Thanks, Captain. Have a good day.
00:53:10You too.
00:53:25Ready for another one?
00:53:41So this is how we're going to do this.
00:53:44You lie here quiet for ten minutes.
00:53:46When you don't hear me above you breathing, you can leave, all right?
00:53:50All right?
00:53:59All right.
00:54:05You ever think about what you want to do with your life?
00:54:09Well, what's wrong with this?
00:54:13Like, what do you see yourself doing in ten years?
00:54:16Ten years?
00:54:18Dee, I don't even know what I'm going to be doing in the next ten days.
00:54:22I just want to be with you.
00:54:25That'll be the plan for now.
00:54:33There he is.
00:54:35Wait. He's with someone.
00:54:37That don't change nothing.
00:54:39It makes it riskier.
00:54:41Look, nobody is going to mess with a cop, all right?
00:54:44Just do it like last time.
00:55:07People always are insane.
00:55:25Let's go.
00:55:45Is there a problem, officer?
00:55:47Yeah, you didn't signal back there.
00:55:49This is bull.
00:55:52Step out the car.
00:55:54Don't do it.
00:55:56Hey, I got it. Chill out, all right?
00:56:07You stay inside unless you want to lie on the street in your nice clothes.
00:56:33My, my, my.
00:56:37Look, why don't you keep that cash, officer?
00:56:40For your time.
00:56:42I don't take your money.
00:56:44Hey, chill. I got this. Hey, chill out.
00:56:46Hey, hey, get out of the car.
00:56:48Stay in the car.
00:56:52Are you hit?
00:56:54No, no.
00:56:56Will, put down the gun.
00:56:58It's not me shooting. That's that crazy cop.
00:57:02Hey, hey, yo, it's cool. He's laying down. Let's go.
00:57:05He's 20. Let's go.
00:57:22Hey, did you see how fast they hit the ground, though?
00:57:25Get in the car.
00:57:31What are you doing with a gun?
00:57:33I can't cover you with a nightstick, D. That's crazy.
00:57:36Why did you even get a gun?
00:57:38Look like it's hard to get a gun.
00:57:54Yo, stop.
00:57:56Why are you so mad?
00:57:58Because you could have killed somebody.
00:58:00I shot in the air.
00:58:02Did he even have a gun?
00:58:04He wasn't supposed to get out of the car.
00:58:08I was just trying to scare him.
00:58:10Yeah, and you scared me.
00:58:12I'm sorry.
00:58:14I'm sorry.
00:58:16You do something like get a gun, you need to run up at me first.
00:58:19Especially when you're riding in my patrol car.
00:58:22So, can I bring it in the future?
00:58:26Fine. I'll leave it at home.
00:58:29You forgive me?
00:58:32Huh? You forgive me?
00:58:34Of course I forgive you.
00:58:37I bet they still laying on the ground right now.
00:58:42Don't worry.
00:58:44They're not going to say nothing to nobody.
00:58:47They're not going to say nothing to nobody.
00:58:50Trust me.
00:58:59Something changed that night.
00:59:01He still wrote with me sometimes, but more and more, he had something else to do.
00:59:07I knew he was working the corners again.
00:59:10He suddenly had more money.
00:59:12Money he wasn't getting from me.
00:59:15But, he spent a lot of it on me.
00:59:20And we had a lot of good times.
00:59:26So, I just looked the other way.
00:59:33Get down.
00:59:35I started pulling robberies without Trey.
00:59:40I like the rush.
00:59:45Oh, there we go.
00:59:51But I miss them.
00:59:55It's funny.
00:59:57Before I had someone, I never felt as lonely as I do now.
01:00:01When he's not around.
01:00:03I miss him.
01:00:13I haven't seen you in a while.
01:00:15Just checking on Erica. Making sure she's still doing okay.
01:00:18I thought you knew. She stopped coming after a few weeks.
01:00:21I don't know what happened to her.
01:00:24I went by the shelter.
01:00:26I hadn't seen Erica in months.
01:00:28I looked for her, but she was just gone.
01:00:34One night while I was working,
01:00:36Trey went to a party at a house who was a friend of a friend of his.
01:00:40I swung by to pick him up.
01:00:42He told me to pick him up four blocks away.
01:00:44He didn't want anyone seeing him getting into my patrol car.
01:00:47He didn't want anyone seeing him getting into my patrol car.
01:00:50He didn't want anyone seeing him getting into my patrol car.
01:00:54But when I got to the corner, it was empty.
01:00:57So I drove on toward the party.
01:01:05What was you saying back there?
01:01:07Girl, what did I say?
01:01:08What you talking about?
01:01:09Yo, I was even...
01:01:11Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
01:01:13Shoot. Let's go.
01:01:20Oh, hell no.
01:01:51Step out of the car.
01:02:02You want to tell me what happened?
01:02:04You want to tell me what happened?
01:02:05I'll see you later.
01:02:07I'll see you later.
01:02:13Hey! Stay in the car!
01:02:20Stay in the car!
01:02:41Hands up! Hands up! Hands up!
01:02:43Back away from the gun!
01:02:45The gun is his. It just went off.
01:02:46That ain't my gun.
01:02:47Arrest him.
01:02:51Him, too.
01:02:52Not him. He's the victim.
01:02:54I'll take his statement.
01:03:02At that point, I really thought I could do anything.
01:03:08I thought I was invincible.
01:03:13I was wrong.
01:03:16Later that night, I was caught to the scene of a found dead body.
01:03:21That in itself was pretty routine, but...
01:03:25this one hit a little different.
01:03:36I couldn't save everyone.
01:03:39And I knew I let her down.
01:03:42And I knew I let her down.
01:03:58It wasn't your fault.
01:04:00I didn't follow up.
01:04:03She slipped.
01:04:05And I wasn't there to catch her.
01:04:07That's not your job.
01:04:10You are a cop.
01:04:12You're not Wonder Woman.
01:04:13Come on.
01:04:15Look, if you're trying to save addicts,
01:04:18there's plenty of addicts still out there.
01:04:23Tell me that you weren't doing it.
01:04:28I bet you could.
01:04:29Tell me.
01:04:33Look, I quit in a hot second.
01:04:35Like we were bringing money in from somewhere else.
01:04:49What do you mean, no?
01:04:56You're supposed to be on the door.
01:04:58I'm keeping an eye out, okay?
01:05:00There's nothing happening.
01:05:01This is why you don't get shifts.
01:05:04I do my job.
01:05:05There hasn't been any issue since I've been on duty.
01:05:07You're supposed to stand up near the door,
01:05:09watch the restaurant, watch the parking lot,
01:05:11make the customers feel safe.
01:05:12The customers do feel safe.
01:05:14Do your job.
01:05:15I need more shifts.
01:05:16Do your job.
01:05:17And no more free food for your nephew,
01:05:19if he even is your nephew.
01:05:38They don't respect me.
01:05:40They never respect me.
01:05:42We can clear a lot of money for you on a Saturday night.
01:05:44Taking my shifts and giving them to him?
01:05:46He's not even our lad.
01:05:48And they were talking about getting some work done
01:05:50at his weekend, right?
01:05:51I bet you they'll owe some cash back for that.
01:05:53They owe me.
01:05:55And I'm gonna need another gun to replace one of the cops, too.
01:06:01What are we talking about?
01:06:03I'm talking about robbing the restaurant.
01:06:07I can do this with or without you.
01:06:10I don't know about that.
01:06:12Hey, but it'll be a lot easier with you.
01:06:17Come on.
01:06:19What's your gut say?
01:06:22My gut?
01:06:24Say yes.
01:06:32Getting a gun was easy.
01:06:33The police station is full of guns.
01:06:36It's not safe.
01:06:41Fill out a form.
01:06:42Fake a signature.
01:06:48Pretend you're just running an errand for someone else.
01:06:50And you're good to go.
01:07:01Did I buy the bullets for a gun at Walmart?
01:07:03Under my own name?
01:07:06I did that.
01:07:08That might not have been too smart.
01:07:12But I felt invincible.
01:07:15And angry.
01:07:20Okay, we're closed.
01:07:22Come back soon.
01:07:25Did we think it through?
01:07:27Did we have a plan?
01:07:28Nah, not really.
01:07:31We just got caught up in the rush of it all.
01:07:36We're closed.
01:07:37You need to leave.
01:07:39Maria, can we talk?
01:07:42It's late.
01:07:43I'm very busy.
01:07:46Just give me a second.
01:07:47Just give me a second.
01:08:04Try again, I might die.
01:08:05Try again.
01:08:07Just say it won't last.
01:08:18I just wanted to apologize for the other night.
01:08:20It's just that things are tight right now.
01:08:22And I could really use as many shifts as possible.
01:08:25We'll see how it goes.
01:08:29Come back on Friday.
01:08:47Bye, D.
01:09:28Have a nice night.
01:09:42As soon as the kitchen staff clears,
01:09:44we're in.
01:09:51What's taking them so long?
01:10:01You ever think about going back to school?
01:10:06Come on, D.
01:10:08You know who makes the bank?
01:10:11Like wires and stuff?
01:10:13You can learn that.
01:10:16Don't you gotta be smart?
01:10:18Baby, you are smart.
01:10:20You know, I had an uncle.
01:10:22He was a plumber.
01:10:24He had a nice-ass house.
01:10:28Maybe he can put you on.
01:10:31I don't know about that.
01:10:32He's dead.
01:10:35He was old, though.
01:10:37Plus, I ain't trying to deal with nobody's toilets.
01:10:41But wires...
01:10:43I can deal with wires.
01:10:49You nervous?
01:10:52A little bit.
01:10:57But someone once told me that being nervous means you're alive.
01:11:01It's a good thing.
01:11:02Someone once told me that being nervous means you're alive.
01:11:06It's a good thing.
01:11:09Don't worry about it.
01:11:11If anything goes wrong,
01:11:13know that I'm a police officer.
01:11:15I'll make sure everything turns out right.
01:11:21All right.
01:11:25Here they go.
01:11:33Just remember.
01:11:35Wait until I go in.
01:12:33We're closed.
01:12:35You have a key?
01:12:44Don't move.
01:12:46Where's the money?
01:12:48I don't know.
01:12:50Don't get scared now.
01:12:51Where's the money?
01:12:53Y'all hear me?
01:12:54Where's the money?
01:12:55Oh, my God.
01:12:56Where's the money?
01:12:58Get on the ground.
01:13:00Get on the ground!
01:13:03What, y'all think I won't really set it off here?
01:13:05Tell me where it is!
01:13:11Y'all got five seconds.
01:13:25You good?
01:13:28Yeah, yeah.
01:13:29Did you get the money?
01:13:30They hid it.
01:13:32Oh, my God.
01:13:37Where do we should go?
01:13:38Just take the money.
01:13:39It's in the tin over there.
01:13:56Just go.
01:13:57We won't say anything.
01:14:00You're a cop.
01:14:01Who's going to believe us?
01:14:05We need to make it look like it was a single shooter.
01:14:09We won't tell anyone!
01:14:18All right, we gotta get out of here.
01:14:19Come on, come on.
01:14:20Let's go.
01:14:21Let's go.
01:14:29Let's go.
01:14:40Dee, there's about $5,000 right here.
01:14:46Alicia saw me.
01:14:49No one saw me shoot the cop.
01:14:51Yeah, but I'm pointing a gun at her.
01:14:55Look, all right, just say you were going to leave.
01:14:59You saw a man breaking in.
01:15:00You were about to stop, all right?
01:15:03The rest of it was just confusion.
01:15:05Just confusion.
01:15:08All right?
01:15:09I don't know.
01:15:11No one saw you shoot the people in the back alone.
01:15:14That was whoever shot that cop.
01:15:19All right.
01:15:20All right, okay.
01:15:21All right.
01:15:24All right.
01:15:39Hey, where are you going?
01:15:43You gotta save your brothers tonight.
01:15:45Look, you can keep the cash, all right?
01:15:48Just keep it, but just don't lose it.
01:15:51Look, we gotta lay low until all of this blows over.
01:15:55All right.
01:16:00Someone else shot him.
01:16:02You chased him?
01:16:04You drove after them?
01:16:08And they're caught, all right?
01:16:09Right, and it was a black pickup truck.
01:16:12The license plates were smeared with mud.
01:16:17And they got away.
01:16:22They got away.
01:16:31They got away today.
01:16:51Just stay here.
01:16:52Don't say a word to anybody.
01:16:55You gonna go back?
01:16:57I have to.
01:16:58It goes with the story.
01:17:03All right, well...
01:17:07Just be careful, all right?
01:17:09It's gonna be okay.
01:17:11I'll see you soon.
01:17:20All right.
01:17:50Come on.
01:18:20You got this.
01:18:22You got this.
01:18:25They'll believe anything you say.
01:18:28Why wouldn't they?
01:18:29You're in charge.
01:18:31You're in charge.
01:18:34You're in charge.
01:18:50You're in charge.
01:18:51You're in charge.
01:18:52You're in charge.
01:18:53You're in charge.
01:18:54You're in charge.
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01:18:59You're in charge.
01:19:00You're in charge.
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01:20:31You're in charge.
01:20:32You're in charge.
01:20:33You're in charge.
01:20:34You're in charge.
01:20:35You're in charge.
01:20:36You're in charge.
01:20:37You're in charge.
01:20:38You're in charge.
01:20:39You're in charge.
01:20:40You're in charge.
01:20:41You're in charge.
01:20:42You're in charge.
01:20:43You're in charge.
01:20:44You're in charge.
01:20:45You're in charge.
01:20:46You're in charge.
01:20:47You're in charge.
01:20:48You're in charge.
01:21:08That was
01:21:09The last time on someone.
01:21:11We were trying
01:21:13In his trial.
01:21:15Yeah, after shooting Eddie, Trey took his wallet and used Eddie's MasterCard letter
01:21:21that night at a convenience store.
01:21:23They caught it on camera.
01:21:25He got the death penalty.
01:21:31I was tried four months later.
01:21:32They had all kinds of evidence against me.
01:21:35The two guys from the street fight even testified.
01:21:39My lawyers subpoenaed a bunch of witnesses to testify on my behalf, but then they didn't
01:21:43even call any of them.
01:21:45What was the point?
01:21:47I was guilty.
01:21:49It took the jury ten minutes to return a guilty verdict on all counts.
01:21:52Ten minutes.
01:21:54The jury recommended the death penalty, which I got, but that doesn't mean they actually
01:22:00killed me.
01:22:01I'm still on death row.
01:22:04Wait, there's more.
01:22:08One month after I was sentenced, they dug in the backyard of my house and found bones.
01:22:14Nah, not dog bones.
01:22:16Human bones.
01:22:17If it wasn't my father, I'm not saying.
01:22:21But if it was, he deserved it.
01:22:24The detective who worked my case later told people that I was the most cold-hearted person
01:22:29he had ever encountered in 30 years as an officer.
01:22:38He called me cold-hearted.
01:22:39He don't understand me at all.
01:22:44Everything I did was out of love.
01:22:47I would have done anything to keep him covered.
01:22:57I thought I found my love story, but I guess I was wrong.
01:23:04Should have just kept my dog.
