[New] Lifetime Movies (2025) #LMN - BEST Lifetime Movies - Based on a true story (2025)#26
00:00:00You made me feel special.
00:00:06You are special. Each and every one of my patients is special in their own unique way.
00:00:13No. You tricked me.
00:00:18I thought you loved me!
00:00:20Okay, David, I need you to calm down. Please will you sit so that we can discuss this? Okay?
00:00:26You lied to me.
00:00:30You lied to me!
00:00:36I loved you!
00:00:43Best-selling author Dr. Madeline Fay was attacked by her patient David Sanders.
00:00:49Sanders was also the subject of Fay's best-selling book, Surviving the Nightmare.
00:00:55The strange attack happened early this morning in Fay's Upper East Side office.
00:01:00Worldwide, Surviving the Nightmare fans eagerly await Fay's next book, which she began writing prior to the attack.
00:01:08Best-selling author Dr. Madeline Fay was assaulted earlier today in a bizarre attack.
00:01:12Former patient David Sanders lunged at Fay in the middle of a routine therapy session.
00:01:17In an odd twist, Sanders was also the subject of her hit book, Surviving the Nightmare.
00:01:23Thankfully, building security was able to intervene before the violent attack turned deadly.
00:01:30I love you.
00:02:00I love you.
00:02:30I love you.
00:02:49Oh my God, I almost just killed you. You scared me to death.
00:02:54Well, I didn't know it was you.
00:02:58I'm really dizzy.
00:03:00Come on, we'll get you sat down. You'll be okay.
00:03:05I thought you were breaking in.
00:03:07You weren't supposed to come until next week.
00:03:09That was the plan, but I had my last session locked up at the office and drove straight here.
00:03:13Daddy wanted you here two weeks ago as soon as he heard that it happened.
00:03:17How is your neck anyway?
00:03:19You know, it's okay. I mean, it's still a little sore when I turn it, but yeah.
00:03:25Trust me, I wanted to get out of there.
00:03:26I mean, I just felt really bad abandoning my patients. I had to have one last session with them.
00:03:32Why? They're all crazy anyway.
00:03:35Kelly, you know I don't like that word.
00:03:38Just open your eyes, Maddy. You've devoted your life to helping these people.
00:03:42And then one of them tries to kill you. You don't let him squat.
00:03:46David was an exception. They're not all like that.
00:03:49Okay, just be careful. That's all I'm saying. Please?
00:03:52Okay. Can we please change the subject? I am here to relax and to write my book.
00:03:58What were you doing here anyway?
00:04:00I was fixing up the place for you.
00:04:02Daddy wanted to make sure that the toilets flushed and that the heating worked.
00:04:07I've become very handy. I am Daddy's handy lady.
00:04:12And you write a best-selling novel.
00:04:14I think that we can both see who's going, Maddy.
00:04:18What about the bakery? Voted number one in Gooseberry?
00:04:20That was like three years ago.
00:04:22Doesn't matter. It's still a big deal.
00:04:24Thanks, Maddy. But baking scones does not compare to being a best-selling author.
00:04:30We're all super proud of you.
00:04:32Thank you, Kel.
00:04:35Okay, I gotta go. Oh, let me take that.
00:05:26Day one. My name is Dr. Madeline Fay.
00:05:30This video and all videos hereafter are for reference purpose only.
00:05:35The patient's name and likeness will remain anonymous
00:05:39and all these videos will be destroyed at the publication of the book.
00:05:43The patient has agreed to the terms and can terminate the contract at any time.
00:05:48She suffers from bipolar disorder.
00:05:51The reason I chose her is because she is open and raw and honest.
00:06:00She is willing to share her struggles with the world and she's so courageous.
00:06:07I admire her very much and I am determined to help her.
00:06:19You there, Heather?
00:06:23I'm a mess, Dr. Fay.
00:06:25The crashes happen more frequently now.
00:06:28I have no motivation, no desire, no energy, no will.
00:06:34I stare out the window, hour after hour.
00:06:38I see kids playing outside, people talking and laughing, enjoying life while I rot away in my bed,
00:06:45wishing I could die.
00:06:47And then that weird, creepy sensation takes over.
00:06:53It's called disassociation.
00:06:55Yes. It's torture.
00:06:58It's like being in a coma, only I'm wide awake, paralyzed with fear and dread and hopelessness.
00:07:05How long did it last this time, Heather?
00:07:08Four days.
00:07:10That's a really long time.
00:07:11Four days.
00:07:13It's a really long time.
00:07:15That must have been awful for you.
00:07:18I'm scared, Dr. Fay.
00:07:21I don't want to die.
00:07:23I want to live, but not like this.
00:07:26I understand, Heather.
00:07:28I'm here for you.
00:07:30But you're not here.
00:07:32I hate talking to you on a computer screen.
00:07:34It's not the same as seeing you in person.
00:07:35I know that changing the routine for you, Heather, is really difficult, and it's going to take a little while to adjust, but nothing else has changed.
00:07:44And if you have any emergencies, you have my contact number.
00:07:47And if for some reason you can't get a hold of me, you have the number of Dr. Liebowitz, right?
00:07:52I'd rather stab myself in the eyeball with an ice pick than talk to Dr. Liebowitz.
00:07:56I know you're not a fan of his.
00:07:58He's a tool.
00:08:03Yes, he is a tool.
00:08:05But in a crisis, it is better than nothing.
00:08:11Heather, this book is going to be amazing.
00:08:13People suffering from mental illness are going to admire you so much.
00:08:19This is going to decrease the stigma in society, and we're going to educate the people that don't understand.
00:08:25You are part of the solution, and I am proud of you.
00:08:32I want you to trust me, Heather.
00:08:35I want you to believe me when I tell you that your life is going to get better.
00:08:44I'll talk to you later.
00:08:46You know, I have missed these so much. Kelly makes the best blueberry scones.
00:08:52She sure does.
00:08:54A perfect blueberry to scone ratio.
00:09:00Jackie, you look beautiful.
00:09:04You look beautiful.
00:09:06You look beautiful.
00:09:08You look beautiful.
00:09:10You look beautiful.
00:09:15Jackie, you look fantastic.
00:09:18Well, you're gorgeous, and you never age.
00:09:21Little Miss New York Times best-selling author?
00:09:25Yeah, I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.
00:09:28How's that going, by the way?
00:09:30I didn't want to bring it up, but we were all really worried about you.
00:09:34I'm coping.
00:09:36Yeah, it's been really hard trying to practice. You know, I feel like I was abandoning all my patience.
00:09:41I'm sure they understand. They know what happened, right?
00:09:45I mean, yeah. It was all over the internet.
00:09:48Well, at least he's locked up in jail.
00:09:50No, he's in a psychiatric ward. I mean, he can't get out, thankfully.
00:09:54Tell me about this new book you're writing.
00:09:57Well, it's about a woman with bipolar disorder.
00:10:00She's letting me do a story on her life. So, currently, she's my one and only patient.
00:10:07Wow, so she's going to come this far for therapy sessions?
00:10:09No, definitely not. It's all remote. Video sessions only.
00:10:13Perfect. Well, I can't wait to read it.
00:10:17Okay, enough about my book. Catch me up on the dirt. What's been happening around here? I've not been home in years.
00:10:22Well, you know who got divorced?
00:10:29Oh, well, he's such a sweet guy. That's so sad.
00:10:32No, it's a blessing. His ex was having an affair for like a year before he found out.
00:10:38Yeah. She started sleeping with the plumber. He was married, too.
00:10:43She got suspicious and hired a PI, and then she mailed a stack of photos to Tony, and that's how he found out.
00:10:51That is horrible.
00:10:53Can you imagine?
00:10:57He kicked her out and filed for divorce the next day.
00:11:00Well, good for him.
00:11:02Yeah. He was asking about you.
00:11:04What was he asking?
00:11:06Just, he was asking, okay?
00:11:11Well, I am focusing on being single and writing my book.
00:11:16How noble.
00:11:18Just think about it. He'll be at Kelly's party on Friday.
00:11:25Oh. I did not know that.
00:11:34Well, I've got to run. I have Pilates class.
00:11:39It's so good to have you back.
00:11:41We're going to do this all the time now, girl.
00:11:43Love to.
00:11:45Yes. And don't judge me. I'm going to take this scone to go.
00:11:51Bye, honey.
00:11:53Thanks for coming in.
00:12:05I am ecstatic to have my brilliant sweet Maddie back home.
00:12:12And every year you look more and more like your mother.
00:12:15Well, you both do.
00:12:18I just wish she could be with us right now.
00:12:24I know.
00:12:26Me too.
00:12:28You look great, Dad.
00:12:29Oh, I love what you did to the walls in our bedroom from when we were kids.
00:12:33Well, they were masterpieces of memory.
00:12:37You don't throw those in the dumpster.
00:12:39We had them carefully removed and framed and brought into this room.
00:12:46I just always thought it was so cool the way you let us write all over the walls.
00:12:51Well, I couldn't stop you.
00:12:54No, but you were expressing your creativity as well.
00:12:57You were expressing your creativity and look how it all worked out, huh?
00:13:01I have my famous writer and my culinary artist.
00:13:21So, Dad, Kelly tells me you've been busy.
00:13:24Oh, yeah. For better or worse.
00:13:25For better or worse.
00:13:27Always on the move.
00:13:29Can you tell her about the property on Block Island?
00:13:32No, what's that?
00:13:34Well, actually, it's a beautiful inn with a spectacular view of the ocean.
00:13:39It's on this lovely cliff.
00:13:41Sounds gorgeous.
00:13:43It is. And it did very, very well last summer.
00:13:46Who have you got running it?
00:13:48Who do you think?
00:13:50I've had no life at all last summer.
00:13:51All I did was go from island to then, island to then.
00:13:55Just imagine riding that ferry ten times a week.
00:13:58And I never hear any complaints on Thursday when the paychecks are cashed.
00:14:05Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm going to take this.
00:14:09Of course.
00:14:15Hi, Heather. Is everything okay?
00:14:17I'm overwhelmed. I can't function.
00:14:21Even brushing my teeth takes so much effort. I can't take it anymore.
00:14:26I need to see you, Dr. Faye.
00:14:28We have discussed this before and you agreed to doing the video sessions.
00:14:33Yeah, but I don't think it's working. I'm getting worse.
00:14:36I know it's difficult, but you must trust this process, okay?
00:14:42You have so much to live for.
00:14:44Like what?
00:14:45You are kind and you are beautiful and intelligent.
00:14:50I'm a loser who hasn't showered in six days. I hate myself.
00:14:55Well, what about the book and how many people that's going to make happy?
00:14:59You mean your book?
00:15:01You're just using me for another spot on the bestseller list. I'm not stupid.
00:15:07Heather, I know you're struggling, but you're just having a bad week.
00:15:11I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean that. I'm so ashamed. I'm sorry.
00:15:17Please forgive me, Dr. Faye.
00:15:19Okay, you're going to get through this because you are strong.
00:15:23I'm sorry I bothered you.
00:15:26I'm going to let you go. Good night.
00:15:29Good night.
00:15:42Sorry about that.
00:15:46Thank you, Dad. I'm going to reheat mine later.
00:15:49Well, it's part of the perks of being at home.
00:15:54I'm so lucky you're here. Kelly?
00:15:57Yeah, Dad?
00:15:59Make sure that tomorrow morning you pick up all the rent checks before you open the bakery, okay?
00:16:04Sure, Dad.
00:16:12I'll call you later?
00:16:14Yeah, bye.
00:16:16The next time I see you, it is party time!
00:17:11I'm sorry.
00:17:42I'm sorry.
00:17:44I'm sorry.
00:17:46I'm sorry.
00:17:48I'm sorry.
00:17:50I'm sorry.
00:17:52I'm sorry.
00:17:54I'm sorry.
00:17:56I'm sorry.
00:17:58I'm sorry.
00:18:00I'm sorry.
00:18:02I'm sorry.
00:18:04I'm sorry.
00:18:06I'm sorry.
00:18:08I'm sorry.
00:18:09I'm sorry.
00:18:39I'm sorry.
00:19:09Oh my God. Oh my God, I scared you again.
00:19:13I almost stabbed you.
00:19:22We need to call the police.
00:19:29And you're sure you locked the slider door?
00:19:31I mean, I think so.
00:19:33You think so?
00:19:34Well, I made some calls, and I can confirm David Sanders has not been released, and he didn't escape either.
00:19:42He's still in the maximum security division of the hospital.
00:19:45That's a relief.
00:19:47Yeah, but someone had to have opened the door.
00:19:49We checked every square inch of this place.
00:19:51Every room in the house, the basement, the attic, the beach, the yard.
00:19:55Whoever it was, they're gone.
00:19:57A lot of times it's just townie kids looking for an empty house to party in.
00:20:00And this place has been vacant for a while, so that's my bet.
00:20:04Oh, I forgot to give you this.
00:20:06Found it under the deck.
00:20:08Kept ringing and ringing.
00:20:13Ah, before we go, can you sign this for me?
00:20:18My wife's a huge fan.
00:20:20She's got a freak.
00:20:21Of course.
00:20:27There you go.
00:20:28Thank you so much.
00:20:30Alright, thanks guys.
00:20:32Thank you. Have a nice night.
00:20:3821 missed calls, right? Same number.
00:20:42Well, that's excessive. We call you 21 times.
00:20:45It doesn't matter. Okay, let's go inside. It's freezing.
00:20:52Hi, Heather. I'm so sorry. We got disconnected. My phone fell on the deck.
00:20:56Listen, I'm just calling you back to make sure you're okay.
00:20:59So, if you could leave me a text message, if you don't want to call, just let me know you're alright.
00:21:04Okay, bye.
00:21:06What was that about?
00:21:09Oh, it's just a patient. We got disconnected earlier. I was just seeing if she was okay.
00:21:13Is this another nutcase? Maddie, I mean, she would be concerned.
00:21:17No, no, no, no. Look, there she is right now. Everything is okay.
00:21:22Well, I hope you're right, Maddie.
00:21:24It's fine. I am absolutely exhausted. I have a video session in five hours.
00:21:29Okay, well, get some rest and I will call you later.
00:21:39It was a long night. I was manic.
00:21:42I rearranged all the furniture in my living room.
00:21:45Then I had this obsession with my Tupperware drawer.
00:21:48Tried to organize it, but half the lids were missing and I didn't want to throw any out.
00:21:51You wouldn't believe how many hours I spent in the kitchen.
00:21:54Are you okay?
00:21:58You seem out of it today.
00:22:02I do?
00:22:04I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted.
00:22:08Where were you when you called me last night?
00:22:13The park.
00:22:15What were you doing at the park?
00:22:17I had to get out of my apartment. My OCD was really bad. I'm still wired even right now.
00:22:23At least I'm getting things done though, right?
00:22:26But you know what happens after the mania.
00:22:29The crash.
00:22:31I hate it. Depression's brutal. I'd rather stay manic.
00:22:35No, Heather, you do not want to stay in the mania. It makes you make really bad decisions.
00:22:40Yeah, I know, I know. And it's stressful. I feel like I'm going to die.
00:22:44I know, I know. And it's stressful. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster and I can't get off.
00:22:50My life is hell, Dr. Faye. I just want to be normal.
00:22:54You have a chemical imbalance in your brain, Heather.
00:22:58This is not your fault, but we can improve the quality of your life.
00:23:03I know. You want me to go back on medication again.
00:23:08I tried that already. None of them worked. I felt like a zombie.
00:23:12I know. It takes time, Heather, and it can be really frustrating.
00:23:18I understand, but we have to keep trying. What works for one patient doesn't always work for another.
00:23:24There is a new bipolar medicine on the market that you haven't tried. Maybe that's the one for you.
00:23:32Okay. I'll think about it.
00:23:39That makes me happy.
00:23:42Are you sure you're okay, Dr. Faye? You look tired.
00:23:47These sessions are for you, Heather, not me.
00:23:51Come on. Don't be like that. You can tell me anything. I'm like family to you. I'm your favorite patient.
00:23:58Besides, no offense, you don't look so good. I mean, in all the years I've known you, I've never seen you look this rough.
00:24:06Okay. Well, I came home last night and the side door was open. Someone had broken in.
00:24:14Oh my God.
00:24:16Yeah. When I walked out onto the deck, I swear I saw someone running away.
00:24:21What did you do?
00:24:23I called the police and they came and they checked everything out, but they didn't find anything.
00:24:27You must be totally freaked out. Where is this place again?
00:24:30Where is this place again?
00:24:32Gooseberry Beach, Rhode Island. I mean, I grew up here. It's the safest place ever. Especially in winter. It's like a ghost town.
00:24:39I don't know, Dr. Faye. Maybe you should get a roommate. What about your sister? Maybe she could move in with you until you get settled.
00:24:46Did I tell you I had a sister?
00:24:49Yeah. Why? Is that a big deal or something? I mean, a lot of people have sisters.
00:24:55No, no. I just, I don't remember mentioning it to you. That's all. I'm fine, Heather, and I don't need a roommate.
00:25:02Okay. Let's redirect the conversation back to you. So where did you go after the park?
00:25:09Well, after I rearranged the furniture in the living room, then I moved on to the bedroom. I was stacking my sweaters.
00:25:25Madeline Faye.
00:25:28Tommy, hi.
00:25:31I heard you were back in town.
00:25:33Yeah, I had a coffee with Jackie yesterday.
00:25:36Oh, yeah, yeah. She called me last night and told me all about it. Are we expecting a home invasion?
00:25:43Well, I just had a little scare at the house last night.
00:25:47I'm sorry. I didn't mean to joke about that. What happened?
00:25:50No, it's fine. Well, someone broke in.
00:25:53Did they take anything? Are you okay?
00:25:56No, which is good. I mean, the police came, but they didn't find anything, so I'm just being extra cautious.
00:26:02You can't be too careful. Cameras are a good idea.
00:26:05Yeah. Not that I have any clue how to install this, but ...
00:26:09Well, you know, I might know a guy that can help. You know, he's tall, dark, handsome. I think he's off today, actually, too.
00:26:16Let's see if he can help you out.
00:26:19Oh, that would be great.
00:26:23Yeah, he's got a truck full of tools. A ladder. Actually, hold on.
00:26:27Hey, Tony. Can you help out this beautiful girl today?
00:26:31Yeah? Okay. He said he's good to go.
00:26:34And a ladder. I didn't even think about that. Thank you.
00:26:38Well, I'm parked out front, so I'll meet you there.
00:26:41Sure. Okay. I'll see you soon.
00:26:58Still nothing.
00:27:02I thought you said you were good at this.
00:27:04Who, me? No. I was just kidding. I've never done this before.
00:27:08I'm just glad I haven't electrocuted myself.
00:27:11Hold on one second. Alright, let me try something.
00:27:17Alright. How about now?
00:27:19It's up.
00:27:21How's the picture?
00:27:23Can you move it to the left a little? A little more? Stop there.
00:27:33This is great. I feel safer already.
00:27:37Well, good. You should feel safe in Gooseberry. Everyone feels safe in Gooseberry.
00:27:42Yes. It's been a rough couple of weeks.
00:27:46Yeah, I'm sorry about everything that's going on.
00:27:49That's okay. I'm a tough cookie.
00:27:52Oh, you don't have to tell me.
00:27:54Well, I'm really glad you're back in the neighborhood.
00:27:59Feels like the 90's again.
00:28:02I guess it does.
00:28:04Will you be at Kelly's party?
00:28:06Can't wait. See you soon.
00:28:25I love these little impromptu hangouts we have now.
00:28:30Me too.
00:28:32How'd you know I would want ice cream?
00:28:35Because you always want ice cream.
00:28:38This is true.
00:28:39Oh, look what I got.
00:28:42A security system.
00:28:44Oh, wow.
00:28:46Maddie, I feel so much better about you being alone right now. This is great.
00:28:50Me too.
00:28:52Guess who I ran into at the hardware store?
00:28:55Tony Miller.
00:28:59He actually offered to install it. So, I mean, I let him because I have no idea how to do it.
00:29:04That is so nice. I mean, Tony is always doing the nicest things for people.
00:29:11So, did you guys hang out?
00:29:14Well, he was busy installing it. I mean, we caught up a little bit.
00:29:25Everything okay?
00:29:28Why wouldn't it be okay?
00:29:31I don't know, because you look a little annoyed.
00:29:34You still have a crush on Tony, don't you?
00:29:38No, of course not. I mean, that was like 20 years ago. Come on.
00:29:43Yeah, no, you're right. Of course. I figured as much.
00:29:48Besides, everybody had a crush on Tony Miller, Gooseberry's star quarterback.
00:29:55Can't cook you with that.
00:29:57We had so much fun back then. We were such a good gang.
00:30:00Yeah, well, tomorrow we're getting the van back together again. Right?
00:30:06I think we're in trouble.
00:30:09I have no idea what to wear.
00:30:11Attention, please. Attention, everyone. Friends. Extended family.
00:30:17Oh, welcome. Welcome, welcome.
00:30:20Look at all this wonderful color. It's like a splash of summer in the dead of winter. I love it.
00:30:27I love it.
00:30:28I love it.
00:30:29I love it.
00:30:30I love it.
00:30:31I love it.
00:30:32I love it.
00:30:33I love it.
00:30:34I love it.
00:30:35I love it.
00:30:36I love it.
00:30:37It's like a splash of summer in the dead of winter. I love it. I love it.
00:30:41Now, of course, I want to thank you all for coming to my daughter Kelly's birthday.
00:30:46Hats off to Kelly!
00:30:51Where's the birthday girl?
00:30:53Come right over here.
00:30:55This is a big one.
00:30:57Come over and stay with your old man.
00:30:59Now, everyone, this is a special day.
00:31:03It's not every day that your little girl turns 40.
00:31:07Let's all welcome her to the wonderful world of middle age.
00:31:11Raise your glasses.
00:31:13A toast to Kelly!
00:31:14To Kelly!
00:31:17Oh, oh, while I have your attention, I also want to officially welcome home my beautiful, talented daughter Madeline,
00:31:26who is fresh off her best-selling book tour, and now she's home with her father for the winter here in Gooseberry.
00:31:36Everybody, to Madeline!
00:31:38To Madeline!
00:31:40Come, come. Congratulate her. It's a best-selling book. Who does that?
00:31:45From Gooseberry.
00:31:47Now I don't have to miss her every day. She's home.
00:32:03I still didn't pay you for helping me the other day.
00:32:07You know, I was just thinking that. I was thinking, uh, maybe you owe me a date or something.
00:32:14Is that right?
00:32:15Mm-hmm. Maybe like a traditional home-cooked meal.
00:32:19Oh, really? What did you have in mind?
00:32:23You know, at first I was thinking something really difficult, like instant mac and cheese.
00:32:28But you know, I said let's keep it simple, you know, like salmon, wild rice, grilled asparagus.
00:32:35Unless you're a mashed potato kind of girl.
00:32:38That is very specific. I like seafood.
00:32:42Well, you know, we have some juicy Atlantic salmon coming in off the coast, and we're supposed to have a hell of a catch tomorrow.
00:32:50I actually have a delicious salmon recipe that my mom used to make.
00:32:54Oh, well then, it's meant to be. I'll see you tomorrow.
00:33:01Okay. My kitchen will be open.
00:33:06Wow. Tony and Madeline must be hitting it off, huh?
00:33:10Yeah, they're getting pretty cozy by the fire.
00:33:14I'm sorry, does that bother you?
00:33:16You're kidding me, right? See, I knew you didn't care.
00:33:19Yeah, guys, I already told you I'm seeing someone else.
00:33:23You did? Who? When did you tell me?
00:33:26Like, last summer. Remember?
00:33:28I must be getting Alzheimer's.
00:33:30When are we going to meet this guy? Flowers for the birthday girl.
00:33:34Oh, thanks, Vinny.
00:33:35Hi, honey.
00:33:36You're adorable.
00:33:37You look great.
00:33:39This place is amazing.
00:33:41I love the beach thing.
00:33:43Your father really knows how to party.
00:33:46Hi, guys.
00:33:48So, this is Vinny.
00:33:50This is my best friend, Jackie, and this is Larry.
00:33:53Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just not used to being at such a nice place.
00:33:56Everything's so unique, you know?
00:33:59I recognize you now. From the bakery.
00:34:03Medium roast, oat milk.
00:34:07I'm sorry.
00:34:08Are you from here?
00:34:09No, no, no. I'm from Cleveland.
00:34:14Well, you know, I just, I love the water so much, but I was landlocked, and I just woke up one day, and I said, screw it, and I headed to the coast.
00:34:23Yeah, I know what you mean. I mean, there's nothing better than the ocean.
00:34:26I'll fix it up.
00:34:28This is the ocean.
00:34:30Hey, honey.
00:34:33I just wanted to tell you how amazing you look tonight.
00:34:36Oh, thank you.
00:34:37Gorgeous flowers. Where are they from?
00:34:39Yeah, Vinnie gave them to me.
00:34:42The bakery.
00:34:44Light roast, extra almond milk.
00:34:47Nailed it.
00:34:48Oh, wait. This is Vinnie.
00:34:51Guilty as charged.
00:34:52Oh, you guys know each other.
00:34:54Well, he made me a coffee.
00:34:57Oh, okay. Well, this is my sister, Madge.
00:35:00No, I know, I know, I know. I follow you on Instagram. I mean, me and like a million other people, right?
00:35:07But no, but I like your pics all the time.
00:35:11And sometimes I'll just drop an emoji in the comments.
00:35:15Very sweet. Thank you.
00:35:17Oh, Maddie, I forgot to tell you. The cops told me that they caught some high school dropouts going up and down the coast, breaking inside people's houses.
00:35:26Little bastards.
00:35:27Little bastards.
00:35:28That's a relief, though, right?
00:35:31Well, yeah. At least it's not an accident.
00:35:34Well, I mean, it was the same stuff that we used to do, just kids nowadays don't know how not to get caught.
00:35:40Oh, you know what? All right, let me take that for you.
00:35:46Hey, hey, hey. I hope everybody is having a fantastic time.
00:35:51I apologize, but I have to borrow my two kiddos just for a minute or two.
00:35:56I'm having an impromptu family meeting.
00:36:02Oh, what a night.
00:36:04Oh, what a night. There's nothing like a good old fashioned birthday festivities.
00:36:10It reminds me of all those huge parties we used to have at this house over your graduations and our anniversaries.
00:36:17Remember what your mother used to do at Halloween with making the whole place into a haunted house?
00:36:21Oh, it's a beautiful place, Dad.
00:36:22It sure is. And that is why it is so important to me that it stay in the family, always.
00:36:29Or as long as you girls still want it.
00:36:32No, Dad, we're planning on keeping it in the family forever, right, Kim?
00:36:36Yeah, we wouldn't have it any other way.
00:36:38You have no idea how important that is for me to hear.
00:36:43Well, that's why I want you to meet me here tomorrow morning.
00:36:45You remember Ron, my lawyer. He just wants to talk over a couple of important things about future arrangements.
00:36:51You know how I hate talking about stuff like that, Dad.
00:36:54Yeah, Dad. A little morbid. It's a party. Come on.
00:36:57I'm not sick. I promise you I'm not sick, but I'll let you in on a little secret.
00:37:01I'm not getting any younger, either.
00:37:03And ever since your mother, I have been worried about you being legally protected if something were to happen to me.
00:37:09But nothing's going to happen to you.
00:37:11You're living to a hundred.
00:37:12A hundred, yeah. Well, I feel spry, and supple, and ready, and people will pay to see these moves.
00:37:20No, no, no, no. It's not happening.
00:37:22Ow! Ow!
00:37:24Oh, all right, all right. It's cake time.
00:37:29Oh, do you want me to help?
00:37:31No, no, no. Your friend is helping me.
00:37:35No, it's Hermia, or Helen, or I don't know. I'm terrible with names.
00:37:38But she's a wonderful girl.
00:37:40She's a wonderful girl.
00:37:42All right, she's even putting on the candles right now.
00:37:45I'll get the camera.
00:37:47Here we go!
00:37:49A happy birthday to you!
00:37:56A happy birthday to you!
00:38:02A happy birthday, dear Kelly!
00:38:09Happy birthday to you!
00:38:18Happy birthday to you!
00:38:35What made you think it's okay to show up at a family event of mine uninvited?
00:38:40Do you know how inappropriate this is?
00:38:41Okay, look, I know you probably think I'm some weird stalker now, but it's really not as creepy as it sounds.
00:38:47Driving 200 miles to something you are not invited to is very creepy.
00:38:51I was feeling suicidal.
00:38:53You know, I had to get out of my apartment. I figured you'd be proud of me.
00:38:56That I was able to get out of bed and break the cycle.
00:38:59I know this is hard on you, Heather.
00:39:02But showing up to my sister's birthday party uninvited?
00:39:05How did you even know where to find me?
00:39:07Come on, Dr. Faye. It's the 21st century.
00:39:09You mentioned Gooseberry Beach in our session the other day, so I googled it.
00:39:13And I figured since I have money coming in from the book advance,
00:39:16I decided I deserve a little getaway weekend, a little vacay, right?
00:39:21So I hopped on a train and I ended up coming here.
00:39:24And then once I got into town, I mean, it wasn't hard tracking you down.
00:39:27Hello? You're famous!
00:39:30Okay. Okay, all of this information is making me really uncomfortable right now.
00:39:36I mean, you know, you're not the only one.
00:39:37I'm really uncomfortable right now.
00:39:39I mean, you'd be surprised at the information people offer up if you're just nice to them.
00:39:44There were some people at the bakery talking about a big bash at your dad's house
00:39:48and they said you were going to be there.
00:39:50I told them we work together. They gave me the address. I didn't even have to ask.
00:39:55This is insane.
00:39:57I mean, I didn't lie. Technically, we do work together.
00:40:02Heather, I think it is great that you want to travel and meet new people.
00:40:08But we had an agreement. There are boundaries.
00:40:12We made a deal that we would do this remotely so that I could isolate myself while I write the book.
00:40:17That is my process.
00:40:20So I guess I'm not included in that process?
00:40:23Of course you are. But I need space while I write.
00:40:28So you can make money off of me, but I'm not good enough to vacation in your quaint little beach community.
00:40:33Now I get it.
00:40:35No, that's not it at all.
00:40:38You don't want to be my friend.
00:40:45I want you to understand that I care deeply about you as a patient.
00:40:51But this book is not about our friendship. It is about your bipolar disorder.
00:40:56And for this to be successful, we need to strictly keep doctor-patient. Okay?
00:41:08I'm having second thoughts. I'm not sure I want to do the book anymore.
00:41:16Okay. If that is what you really want, then I will respect that.
00:41:22But I would really like you to think about this. We have put so much time and work into it.
00:41:28I know. I know. I'm sorry. I just don't think I have it in me, Dr. Fay.
00:41:32You know, I'm going to go say goodbye to your dad and then I'll take off.
00:41:35He was really nice to me. It must be nice having a dad like that.
00:41:40I'll see ya.
00:41:41Okay, Heather, just wait a second, alright?
00:41:46You don't have to go right now.
00:41:50Why don't you stay and have some cake?
00:41:53You did look really good.
00:41:56How about you stay at my house tonight and I will take you to the train station tomorrow. Deal?
00:42:03Thank you so much, Dr. Fay. This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. Thank you.
00:42:19Hey, goodnight guys. Thanks for coming.
00:42:22Ronnie, you all set for tomorrow morning?
00:42:24Yeah, I'll be there bright and early.
00:42:26Look, I want you to know ahead of time, these things can get a little emotional, so just...
00:42:29Be prepared, pal.
00:42:31Well, we'll keep it light. It's a family meeting, not a funeral.
00:42:35Yeah, they're in for one hell of a surprise, aren't they?
00:42:38See you in the morning.
00:42:39See ya.
00:42:42Thanks for the party, Dad.
00:42:44Oh, happy birthday, Cal.
00:42:46Thanks, Dad.
00:42:47Goodnight, sweetheart.
00:42:49Remember, tomorrow morning.
00:42:50We will.
00:42:54So, who's your friend?
00:42:56Oh, uh, Heather. Um, we went to grad school together. She used to live down the hall, remember?
00:43:03Maybe. I mean, we partied a lot back then, right?
00:43:10I'm so glad that you could make it tonight.
00:43:13I know. This was special.
00:43:16Alright, bring it in. One last birthday hug.
00:43:19Oh, happy birthday.
00:43:21Nice meeting you, Ben.
00:43:22You too, brother.
00:43:23Um, so we're all going to head up in after hours after. You want to come?
00:43:27Ooh, I am going to bed.
00:43:30I'm downtown. Sorry.
00:43:33Later, lame squad. Bye.
00:43:40Looking forward to dinner tomorrow night.
00:43:43Me too.
00:44:21This place is amazing, Maddy. I'm sorry, I mean, Dr. Fay.
00:44:28It's okay. We're not in session right now, so. We're just two women having a cup of coffee. You can call me Maddy.
00:44:35Really? Gee, thanks. Okay. I feel so good right now, Dr. Fay. I mean, Maddy.
00:44:43I'm sorry I came unannounced, but I haven't felt this good in ages.
00:44:47I'm glad you're feeling better, Heather. And tomorrow we're back to video sessions, right?
00:44:53You and Tony look great together.
00:44:56Thank you, but I'm not looking to get involved with anyone right now, so.
00:45:02Oh, come on. You can be honest with me. You like him.
00:45:07Just a little bit, yeah.
00:45:09Ah, yes. See, I knew it. Aha, yes. I'm a little different than your other patients.
00:45:13I'm like a sister to you. And my sister deserves a good man in her life.
00:45:22I really appreciate you saying that, Heather. But, uh, it is really important that you respect my personal life.
00:45:29It's very inappropriate, because I'm your therapist.
00:45:33I thought you said we're just two women having a cup of coffee together.
00:45:37Oh, no, we are. We are. But we still just have to have boundaries, okay?
00:45:53Okay. Here it is.
00:45:57This room is bigger than my whole apartment.
00:46:02Sheets are brand new. Dad should be comfy. And the bathroom's just here.
00:46:06This is so nice. Thank you.
00:46:08You're welcome. You too.
00:46:10Good night.
00:46:11Good night.
00:46:38See you tomorrow.
00:46:59See you tomorrow.
00:47:08See you tomorrow.
00:47:39What are you doing?
00:47:40What are you doing?
00:47:44I heard a noise in the hall.
00:47:46I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water.
00:47:49You look like you saw a ghost.
00:47:52No, I'm fine. I'm just a little bit spooked.
00:47:56I'm fine.
00:47:58I'm fine.
00:48:00I'm fine.
00:48:02I'm fine.
00:48:04I'm fine.
00:48:06I'm fine.
00:48:08I'm spooked.
00:48:11I heard my door slam.
00:48:13Are your windows open?
00:48:17The windows in the hall are.
00:48:21Well, the wind probably slammed the door shut.
00:48:25Mystery solved.
00:48:31Fine then.
00:48:33Back to bed.
00:48:34Good night.
00:48:36Good night.
00:48:39Good night.
00:48:51Good morning.
00:48:53You made your coffee.
00:48:59You didn't sleep much last night, did you?
00:49:02No. I have a test and turned all night. I'm absolutely exhausted.
00:49:06Look, I checked the train schedule and it looks like there's one leaving in 45 minutes and then a few that leave later.
00:49:12So, if you can give me a ride to the station, I'll just catch the early one.
00:49:15Okay. Sure.
00:49:17You okay?
00:49:19Yeah. I think I partied too hard. A little brain fog.
00:49:23Start sipping, sister.
00:49:25Oh, your phone's been ringing off the hook all morning.
00:49:29It has? Where is it? What time is it?
00:49:32A little after ten.
00:49:36Shoot! I had an appointment with my sister this morning. I'm going to be so late.
00:49:41Oh, God. She's called me a hundred times. Hang on.
00:49:44I'm so sorry. On my way.
00:49:48Is the train station in walking distance?
00:49:51No. Do you mind if I take this meeting and I'll take you on my way back?
00:49:55Yeah. No problem.
00:50:01Take your time.
00:50:07Dad, I am so sorry.
00:50:11It's all right. It's all right, sweetheart. Just have a seat.
00:50:14Let's do this. We've been making Ron wait long enough.
00:50:18No, it's okay, Bob. I guess superstars run in their own time.
00:50:23Do you want to kick things off?
00:50:25Yeah. Well, when your mother and I moved here, it was just a sandcastle.
00:50:30You know, a little town full of surf bums.
00:50:33And we always knew that the three things we loved were each other, you kids, and the beach.
00:50:42So, you know, we saved our money.
00:50:44I taught surfing and I taught swimming and scuba, and your mother got into real estate.
00:50:50And so we saved up and we bought a little beach to the beach, and then we moved here.
00:50:56And so we saved up and we bought a little beach to the beach, and then we bought another and another and another.
00:51:02And over 40 years, we got a lot of beach property. Nobody else wanted it on this side of the cove.
00:51:09That's where my best friend comes in.
00:51:11I trust this man, like a brother, to divvy it all up fair and square before I ride that big wave into the sky.
00:51:24Take it over, Ron.
00:51:26You got it, Bob.
00:51:28Okay, here goes. I guess we should start with the stock portfolio, then we'll make our way to the property breakdown.
00:51:35So between the liquid cash, the stock portfolio, and all of the properties, we're looking at a grand total of $33.5 million.
00:51:56Plus my gold Lincoln.
00:51:59$33.5-ish million.
00:52:06All right. Thank you, Ron. See ya.
00:52:12$33.5. Not bad for a beach bum, huh?
00:52:19I'm going to head down to the water.
00:52:21Don't forget your towel this time, Dad.
00:52:24Check. This time, I may forget the trunks.
00:52:28Bye, Dad.
00:52:30I'll let him know how the water is.
00:52:43$33.5 million?
00:52:46Yeah, I had no idea.
00:52:48It's like we won the lottery, Maddie.
00:52:53Well what? We did. It's our money.
00:52:56The only way it's our money is if Dad's not here.
00:52:59It's not like I want him to die, but it's inevitable.
00:53:03Yeah, he will.
00:53:05Well, it's different for me, Maddie.
00:53:08I didn't write a book that sold a million copies last year.
00:53:12Why does my book always have to come up when we're having discussions about money?
00:53:16I'm very sorry.
00:53:18I'm just a little emotional right now.
00:53:21That was really, really heavy for me.
00:53:24It's fine.
00:53:26You want to come back to my house and watch a movie?
00:53:30Oh, wait. Scrap that.
00:53:32I can't. I have a therapy session.
00:53:33Why? I won't listen, I swear.
00:53:35No, it's fine. It's going to be a long one.
00:53:38Well, I don't have anything to do today.
00:53:44Okay, you know what?
00:53:47You know my friend that was at your party last night from grad school?
00:53:51Oh yeah, Heather from down the hall.
00:53:54You know, I really don't remember her from before last night.
00:53:58Yeah, it's because you never met her.
00:54:03What I am about to tell you is strictly confidential.
00:54:06And the only reason I'm telling you is because I trust you.
00:54:09But promise me you're not going to say anything.
00:54:11Okay, what?
00:54:13Heather is my patient.
00:54:17I know.
00:54:19Why was she at my party?
00:54:21Well, that's the thing. She kind of just showed up. I didn't invite her.
00:54:25She's stalking you. This is happening all over again.
00:54:29No, she's not a stalker. I mean, she's...
00:54:32One of your patients shows up at your house uninvited at a family function.
00:54:39And you don't see that as a red flag?
00:54:42Why didn't you just tell her to leave? Or call the police?
00:54:46I didn't want to make a scene at your party.
00:54:49It's fine anyway. She's going home later.
00:54:51As soon as I get back to the house, I'm dropping her at the train station.
00:54:53Are you telling me that she's at your house alone?
00:54:56She's probably going through your underwear.
00:54:58Okay, I've known her seven years. She's a good person.
00:55:01She's a crazy person.
00:55:05Is she the one you're writing the book about?
00:55:07This is strictly confidential, Kelly, and I cannot tell you anything else. It's illegal.
00:55:12So she is?
00:55:14I didn't say that.
00:55:16You didn't have to.
00:55:18Well, now I'm definitely coming. In case she tries to kidnap you.
00:55:21Okay, you know what, Kelly? I really need to trust that you're not going to say anything, okay?
00:55:26Of course not.
00:55:29Alright, let's go.
00:55:55You're Jackie, right?
00:55:56That's right. I'm Heather. We met at the party last night.
00:56:02Maddie stepped out, but come on in. She'll be back soon.
00:56:10Can I get you anything? Water? Soda? Glass of wine?
00:56:14No, I'm good. I'm doing some remodeling.
00:56:18I got these swatches from the hardware store, and I wanted to get Maddie's take on them.
00:56:23Mind if I look?
00:56:24Uh, sure.
00:56:32I'm sorry. I just don't think any of these are right.
00:56:38Yeah, when it comes to color schemes, I never lie.
00:56:40You're right. These are all trash. Why does it have to be so damn hard to find the right color?
00:56:47Finding the right color is highly personal.
00:56:49You know, first thing you have to consider is the mood you're going for, and lighting is important too.
00:56:57You know what? I'm going to take you up on that glass of wine.
00:57:01Thought you'd never ask.
00:57:20I'm thinking about a lot of mahogany for the dining room.
00:57:36Hi, uh, is Maddie home?
00:57:39You're Tony, right?
00:57:41Yeah, uh, and you are?
00:57:43Heather, from Kelly's birthday.
00:57:44Right, um, well I have some fish for Madeline, so is she here?
00:57:49No, she stepped out, but she'll be back. Come on in.
00:57:53Hey, Tony.
00:57:55Oh, Jackie's here. It's a party.
00:57:58Hey, you want a drink?
00:58:00Yeah, I'll take a beer. Check out these beautiful beasts of the sea.
00:58:05Wow, they're huge, huh?
00:58:07Yeah, look, and I know, like these big ones, they've been known to jolt back to life after they've been out of the water for an hour.
00:58:12Get out.
00:58:14Look, you can even hear their heartbeat. You can just get a little closer, just a little closer.
00:58:26Hi, guys.
00:58:28Madeline, I brought the goods.
00:58:31I brought the swatches.
00:58:33I brought the booze.
00:58:35Well, well, looks like there's a party going on, and we're not invited.
00:58:39Well, it looks like you guys are having some fun.
00:58:41I'm sorry, Madeline, I probably should have called first.
00:58:45No, it's fine.
00:58:47So, Maddie tells me that you were friends in grad school, right?
00:58:53You know, I don't remember you.
00:58:56Well, that's because she had to leave a couple months earlier, right?
00:59:01Right, I wanted to stay, but I had some things going on.
00:59:05Is that my wine you're drinking?
00:59:09Oh my God, how many glasses have you had?
00:59:12I'm sorry, I didn't know it was yours. I'll buy you another bottle.
00:59:16Are you even supposed to be drinking?
00:59:22It's fine, Kelly. We have plenty of wine.
00:59:25What do you mean, am I supposed to be drinking?
00:59:29Well, doesn't it interfere with your men?
00:59:34Okay, you know what, Kelly? You are mistaking her for my old roommate,
00:59:39who was having a nervous breakdown before her finals, remember?
00:59:44Oh, yeah.
00:59:47Okay, you don't even look like her. I mean, she was a knockout.
00:59:52Tall, blonde.
00:59:55What was her name again? I forget.
00:59:58Her name was Gail.
01:00:00Oh, right. Gail.
01:00:05You must think that I'm such a snob. I'm sorry, mistaken identity.
01:00:10Yeah, no problem. Don't worry about it.
01:00:13You know what, I didn't realize how late it was. I better get going. I have a train to catch.
01:00:19Um, I probably should get going too. I smell like a fish factory.
01:00:23Maddie, I'll see you tonight?
01:00:27I'm gonna get going too.
01:00:30Okay, do you want to come with?
01:00:34I'm going back to the hardware store to get some paint and some other things. I'd love your input.
01:00:39Oh no, she can't. She has a train to catch.
01:00:43Yeah, she's right. I already missed the first one, but thank you for inviting me.
01:00:47Just take the next one. We'll shop first and then I'll drop you off at the station. Come on, it'll be fun.
01:00:52Okay, well, I guess that's one less thing for Maddie to do.
01:00:56I really don't mind.
01:00:57I need her. This girl is a walkie-talkie HGTV show. It'll be a disaster without her.
01:01:04You say so.
01:01:08Thanks for the hospitality.
01:01:17I can't believe that you just did that to me.
01:01:20Relax. Did what?
01:01:23Are you kidding me? You just put me in a very dangerous situation.
01:01:28Calm down, Madeline. You're getting all worked up for nothing.
01:01:32Oh, you think that was nothing? Kelly, you betrayed me.
01:01:37Do you know that it is illegal for a psychiatrist to share her patient's information?
01:01:41I could lose my license. I could get sued. Not to mention she is completely unstable right now.
01:01:48She could hurt herself.
01:01:49Okay, first of all, sued for what? I covered your ass. I have nothing to worry about.
01:01:56Heather's not dumb. You think she bought my lame story? Trust me, she didn't.
01:02:02No, you trust me. We do not need another psycho in your life.
01:02:07Haven't you learned your lesson? She is unstable. You said so yourself.
01:02:13You should be thanking me for getting her out of here.
01:02:15You should be thanking me for getting her out of here. You're way too nice.
01:02:21Wow. Okay, I can't believe I'm in this position. This is horrible.
01:02:29I'm sorry that I did that. Bring it in.
01:02:41You're going to love this place.
01:02:43You're going to love this place.
01:03:14Be easy with that salmon. That salmon's going to need a psychiatrist in a minute.
01:03:21Did you always want to be a psychiatrist? I can't remember.
01:03:25No, I actually wanted to be a vet. And then we had to put a family dog down, so I was like, no.
01:03:31Oh yeah, that's the worst. I've been through that a couple of times, actually.
01:03:37Really? Yeah, my last dog, Sailor, he was my best friend.
01:03:42Fifteen years, took him everywhere with me, and oh my gosh, he loved the boat. And he was a great swimmer.
01:03:48And one day, we were out there, and this pod of dolphins comes out and swims right in front of our boat,
01:03:53and Sailor just takes off and jumps as far as he can and dives right in there with the dolphins.
01:03:57Oh, wow.
01:03:59No, it was incredible. I mean, the dolphins were swimming right in front of us.
01:04:01Diving above him. He's just spinning around, barking. He's like, ruff, ruff. I swear he thought he was one of the dolphins.
01:04:07Like a furry little dolphin.
01:04:10The sad part was reminding him he was still a dog. The look he gave me was, it was priceless, but yeah, he was a great dog.
01:04:23I would love to be a psychiatrist.
01:04:25Yeah, he was a great dog.
01:04:31I would love to go on the boat with you sometime.
01:04:34Yeah, we should catch a sunset. It's the best part of my day.
01:04:39Most of the time it's just me out there, looking out, and you know, there's so much to look at, but nobody to look at it with.
01:04:49Well, I'd like to see some stuff with you.
01:04:52I'd like that.
01:04:58This fish is delicious.
01:05:03Pretty good score, I'd say.
01:05:05I'm so impressed with these colors. Thank you so much. I would have never thought to pick any of this stuff myself.
01:05:10Anytime. Thanks for showing me around town. I mean, this place is like out of a Norman Rockwell painting.
01:05:22They have everything.
01:05:33Can you back this stuff up, please?
01:05:46I have some time before the train. You hungry?
01:05:49Actually, my husband will be home soon, so I need to get back.
01:05:54So, you said you went to school with Maddie, right?
01:05:59Uh, yeah.
01:06:01Cornell or Penn?
01:06:06Maddie didn't go to Cornell.
01:06:08Listen, Heather, I know that you're not Maddie's old pal.
01:06:12You're her patient, and I'm her patient.
01:06:16You're her patient, and I'm really confused right now as to what your motives are.
01:06:21Madeline has been through enough already. Are you stalking her?
01:06:26No, I'm not stalking her.
01:06:28Then why did you lie to us?
01:06:31Okay, look. Yes, I am Maddie's patient, but she didn't want anyone to know. I swear. That's the truth.
01:06:39Did Maddie invite you to Kelly's party, or did you just show up?
01:06:43Well, I just showed up.
01:06:46Then you are stalking her.
01:06:48No, I'm not. I love Dr. Faye. I wouldn't hurt a hair on her head.
01:06:53See, you need to know something about us. Maddie was always the sweet one. Kelly, the funny one. I was the tough one.
01:07:03So I'm calling you a cab. I want you to get in, get on that train, and never come back. Understand?
01:07:10You can't tell me what to do, Jackie. So why don't you mind your own business?
01:07:15My friends are my business, and I will do whatever it takes to protect them.
01:07:21Why don't you just stop being crazy and go back to where you came from?
01:07:26Did you just call me crazy?
01:07:28I am not crazy!
01:07:32Stay away from me, psychopath!
01:07:41You know, I've lived here my whole life, and I've never gotten tired of looking out at the bay and watching the waves crash.
01:08:03You forget how beautiful this place is till you come back.
01:08:06I thought I was a city girl, but I don't know. It's been very peaceful this time.
01:08:11Hmm. It's a little bit different than the city, huh?
01:08:16Not yet.
01:08:21You know, we've known each other for 30 years. This is the first time we've ever been alone.
01:08:30Well, that's because you never asked me on a date.
01:08:33Well, I mean, I've always been obsessed with Steve Bauer. It's like...
01:08:38Steve Bauer? Are you kidding me?
01:08:43Absolutely not. Where did you hear that?
01:08:46Kelly. I mean, she said that I had no chance with you because you're so in love with Steve.
01:08:55Wait. Kelly said that? That's so weird.
01:08:59Yeah, I mean, I was, you know, I was a little heartbroken, actually. I just kind of had a crush on you since freshman year.
01:09:09Yeah, I definitely wasn't in love with Steve Bauer. I had no idea why Kelly would say that. No.
01:09:21So you would have dated me?
01:09:23Yes. I liked you a lot.
01:09:37Sorry, I couldn't waste another single day of my life without doing that.
01:09:42Don't apologize. Let's do it again.
01:09:46Come on, Maddie. Pick up.
01:09:54Maddie, it's me. Listen. I know Heather is your patient, Kelly told me. I'm sorry.
01:10:04Maddie, it's me. Listen. I know Heather is your patient, Kelly told me. I'm sorry.
01:10:15I couldn't help it. I confronted her. Things got heated and I left her on the side of the road.
01:10:22She looked like she wanted to kill me. Call me ASAP.
01:10:30Hey, Jackie, what's up?
01:10:32Kelly, you were right about Heather. She's a total nutbag. She just tried to attack me.
01:10:41See, I told you. Are you okay?
01:10:45I'm fine.
01:10:47Well, Maddie says that she's bipolar and obsessed.
01:10:52Oh, God. So creepy.
01:10:56I know. But at least she's with Tony right now. He'll protect her.
01:11:01What? He's meeting Larry after dinner to play cards. And I don't want Maddie alone.
01:11:08Why not? What is it?
01:11:10In case Heather tries to do something.
01:11:13Yeah, but you dropped her off at the train station, right?
01:11:16No. I told you. She tried to kill me. So I got in my car and I took off.
01:11:27I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:11:29Uh, yeah. Jackie, she is very dangerous. I'm so glad that you got out safely.
01:11:35Now we just have a loose cannon roaming around town.
01:11:38We should call the cops and send them to Maddie's house just to check.
01:11:43Not yet. I think that all of those cops, the flashing lights, all that hoopla could be very triggering to Maddie.
01:11:52I should just go right now and check it out myself.
01:11:55Okay. Just call me and please let me know she's okay.
01:11:58Absolutely. And don't worry. I will never let that psycho hurt my sister.
01:12:11I know.
01:12:27Heather, what are you doing here?
01:12:31I trusted you, Dr. Fay. I really did. You let me down.
01:12:36What are you talking about?
01:12:38Does he know too? I bet everybody in Gooseberry knows, right?
01:12:43Knows what?
01:12:45That I'm her crazy patient lady.
01:12:48Wait. She's your patient?
01:12:50Heather, he didn't know anything. I've not said a word.
01:12:55You're lying. You told everyone.
01:12:58They all think I'm some whack job. Just when I thought you actually cared about me.
01:13:07You didn't pick up.
01:13:09A message?
01:13:11Hi, Daddy. It's Kelly. So, I am heading over to Maddie's right now.
01:13:17I don't want to upset you, but I think that she may be in some danger.
01:13:21It's one of her patients.
01:13:23So, um, anyway, could you come and meet me at the house? I'm really scared.
01:13:41Please let me explain. Let's sit down.
01:13:45Let me see who it is.
01:13:50Tony. I didn't expect you to be here. I thought that you were playing cards with Larry still.
01:13:55Yeah, well, dinner got a little delayed. What's up?
01:13:58I just need to talk to my sister.
01:14:00Sure. Come on in.
01:14:03Heather. What a surprise.
01:14:07I thought we'd met already.
01:14:08Okay, Kelly, could you come back tomorrow? We're in the middle of something.
01:14:11Actually, no. We need to talk right now.
01:14:15Jackie and I called you 50 times. You didn't pick up.
01:14:19We were worried sick. Especially with this one roaming around.
01:14:24Okay, what just happened?
01:14:26It's probably a breaker. We'll go check it out.
01:14:39Alright, we're good.
01:14:41Alright, we're good.
01:14:44Come on.
01:15:08Heather, if you don't mind, I need to talk to my sister.
01:15:14In private.
01:15:32Maddie, you've got to get that woman out of this house. And out of your life.
01:15:39Forget about the book. She's a psycho.
01:15:41Forget about the book. She's a psychopath.
01:15:44Okay, she is not a psychopath. She has a mental illness and she is my patient.
01:15:49Obviously she is in distress.
01:15:51Seriously, Maddie? Are you the crazy one?
01:15:55Kelly, you need to let me handle this. Okay?
01:15:59No more. That is enough.
01:16:02She is not dangerous and I am fine.
01:16:05I think that you should go home.
01:16:07Tony is here and I feel safe with him.
01:16:18You know, I heard everything you said, Kelly.
01:16:21And I wish you wouldn't call me a psychopath.
01:16:23It's rude. And quite honestly, really offensive.
01:16:28You are offended by me.
01:16:31Well, that's too bad because I'm protecting my sister.
01:16:34Do you want to make something of it?
01:16:36Hey, Kelly! Maddie, let me finish her.
01:16:38Protecting her from me?
01:16:39Is that what you're telling everyone?
01:16:41I'm some homicidal stalker who wants to kill Dr. Fay?
01:16:44Yeah, the same Dr. Fay who's been prescribing you crazy pills for your entire adult life.
01:16:50I think you're the crazy one, Kelly.
01:16:52You're mean and nasty and jealous of Dr. Fay.
01:16:57How dare you talk to me like that?
01:17:00Okay, ladies. That is enough.
01:17:02You're a manipulative bully.
01:17:04And just for the record, you don't scare me.
01:17:10She should scare you.
01:17:19Hang on. Quick. I'm calling 911.
01:17:23Don't move.
01:17:27Oh, my God. Kelly, what are you doing?
01:17:31I'm in charge now.
01:17:35Kelly? Kelly, I just got your message.
01:17:37I'm on my way, sweetheart, all right?
01:17:39Ten minutes. I'm coming.
01:17:44Hello? I need the police at 23 Seaview Lane.
01:17:49Yes. My daughter's in trouble.
01:17:52Yes. 23 Seaview.
01:17:59I don't understand.
01:18:03Why would you?
01:18:04Why would you?
01:18:06Perfect little Maddie with her perfect little life.
01:18:10You never had a struggle.
01:18:12You have no idea how hard I have to work.
01:18:17What are you talking about? Of course I do.
01:18:21I know what you do for Dad.
01:18:23I try to work out where is all this anger coming from.
01:18:27I'm not one of your patients, Maddie.
01:18:29Don't try to psychoanalyze me.
01:18:30I'm not trying to. I just don't know what's going on.
01:18:34What's going on is you got to become a best-selling author and you got to go to the big city
01:18:41while I was stuck here playing Mrs. Fix-It and making cupcakes and cleaning toilets for you.
01:18:49Everything's always been about you, Maddie.
01:18:55And I hate you.
01:19:01You hate me?
01:19:04Your father should be here right now. Where is he?
01:19:07Where's your father, Kel?
01:19:11Why is Dad coming here?
01:19:14Oh my God, Kelly. What are you doing?
01:19:17You've always had it so easy.
01:19:21I bust my ass for 20 years and you expect to just swan in here and share everything 50-50?
01:19:30Wait, this is about Dad's money?
01:19:33Brainiac. She finally figured it out.
01:19:38You're not going to hurt Dad.
01:19:41Of course not.
01:19:44Then he's going to do it.
01:19:51Tony, call the police!
01:19:53Can't hear you.
01:19:55Why not?
01:19:57He's dead.
01:20:00Wait, you killed Tony?
01:20:03That wasn't part of the plan.
01:20:06Yeah, I know it wasn't, Kelly.
01:20:08I'm doing my best under the circumstances, okay?
01:20:12He kept fighting back.
01:20:14What did you want me to do?
01:20:16What is it with you and this guy, huh?
01:20:18What are you, like, in love with him or something?
01:20:21Shut up, Vinny!
01:20:24He's right. You are in love with Tony.
01:20:26And that's why you hate me. Because he likes me and he doesn't...
01:20:32Shut up!
01:20:40What are you doing, Kelly?
01:20:43You're not going to get away with this.
01:20:46There are cameras everywhere.
01:20:48That's fine. I studied telecommunications in prison. I'll wipe the game.
01:20:57Help me!
01:21:00Help me!
01:21:27Kelly, Kelly, put the gun down!
01:21:31Heather! Heather!
01:21:37Kelly, please.
01:21:39Drop your weapon now!
01:21:57Wait till you see what we've done.
01:22:02What do you think?
01:22:04I love it.
01:22:08Look at this.
01:22:14What do you think?
01:22:16I love it.
01:22:20Look at this.
01:22:27I'm so proud of you.
01:22:47I would like to make a toast to Heather.
01:22:50For your courage and your bravery.
01:22:53And may you stay on your path.
01:22:56To good health and wellness.
01:22:59I am so proud of you.
01:23:01And to you, Maddy.
01:23:03For believing in me and never giving up on me.
01:23:05You're my hero.
01:23:07Well, you saved my life.
01:23:09Better than Chocobolo for me.
01:23:11Didn't hit anything vital.
01:23:13Terrible shot.
01:23:15You know, it's taken me a while to figure this out, but...
01:23:19You really are more than a patient.
01:23:21You are my best friend.
01:23:24You're my best friend, too.
01:23:27Well, as Albert Hubbard once said,
01:23:30a friend is someone that knows everything about the other person.
01:23:34The good and the bad.
01:23:37And yet, they still love them.
01:23:39Cheers to you both.
01:23:45Hey, hey.
01:23:49What do you think of this?
01:23:51It's phenomenal.
01:23:53We have Heather to thank for all of this.
01:23:57Boss, thanks. It really isn't that big of a deal.
01:24:00Oh, no, I speak the truth.
01:24:02She meticulously selected every detail from floor to ceiling.
01:24:08Not only is she literally a lifesaver, but she is indispensable.
01:24:13She can do anything.
01:24:15Oh, no. She is a walking, talking HGTV show.
01:24:18This really is a dream job for me.
01:24:20So, thanks, you guys. You're the best.
01:24:22Well, the guests should be arriving any minute.
01:24:25So, Heather, you and I should go take a last look to make sure everything is ship-ship.
01:24:30And make sure that the party is ready to set sail.
01:24:35Aye, aye, Captain.
01:24:40My Maddie.
01:24:43I couldn't be more proud.
01:24:45My heart is full. You did a beautiful job.
01:24:48As always.
01:24:55All right, we'll see you in a bit.
01:25:02So, I've been doing some thinking.
01:25:05And, uh, decided I'm going to stay here.
01:25:11You know, I can't leave my dad after everything that happened.
01:25:16Maybe I'll write another book.
01:25:18That's good.
01:25:20Any other factors keeping me here?
01:25:23Oh, other factors, huh?
01:25:27Welcome home for good, Maddie.