Luz Racco te lleva a un viaje íntimo al alma del blues. Este programa te invita a sumergirte en la magia de los videos más clásicos y las joyas raras del género que marcaron la historia de la música. Desde los grandes íconos que definieron el blues hasta descubrimientos únicos que pocos conocen, cada emisión es una celebración de la emoción, el sentimiento y la autenticidad que solo el blues puede ofrecer.
Déjate envolver por la melancolía de las guitarras, las voces que cuentan historias y los ritmos que fluyen como el río Mississippi. NOCHE DE BLUES es el refugio perfecto para los amantes del género, donde la nostalgia y la pasión cobran vida en cada nota y en cada video.
Apaga las luces, relájate y disfruta de una noche dedicada a los sonidos más profundos y auténticos del blues. ¡Esto es NOCHE DE BLUES!
Déjate envolver por la melancolía de las guitarras, las voces que cuentan historias y los ritmos que fluyen como el río Mississippi. NOCHE DE BLUES es el refugio perfecto para los amantes del género, donde la nostalgia y la pasión cobran vida en cada nota y en cada video.
Apaga las luces, relájate y disfruta de una noche dedicada a los sonidos más profundos y auténticos del blues. ¡Esto es NOCHE DE BLUES!
00:00:00A continuación
00:00:16Noche de Blues
00:00:30Hola, ¿cómo están? Bienvenidos a Noche de Blues. Los estaba esperando, los extrañé
00:00:44y hoy tengo preparado para vos lo mejor del blues, como siempre. El blues de antes, el
00:00:51blues de ahora y todo se une en ese lenguaje tan maravilloso que va directo a tu corazón.
00:00:58Hoy, en este momento, comenzamos con Freddie King y quiero que me cuentes qué sentís
00:01:07cuando un artista de antaño suena el día de hoy y te transmite las mismas emociones
00:01:15que quizás cuando lo escuchaste por primera vez. Contame. Acá te espero en Noche de Blues.
00:01:28Noche de Blues
00:01:58Noche de Blues
00:02:28Noche de Blues
00:02:58Noche de Blues
00:03:28Noche de Blues
00:03:58Noche de Blues
00:04:28Noche de Blues
00:04:58Noche de Blues
00:05:28Noche de Blues
00:05:58Noche de Blues
00:06:28Noche de Blues
00:06:58Noche de Blues
00:07:28Noche de Blues
00:07:58Noche de Blues
00:08:08Noche de Blues
00:08:18Noche de Blues
00:08:28Noche de Blues
00:08:38Noche de Blues
00:08:48Noche de Blues
00:08:58Noche de Blues
00:09:08Noche de Blues
00:09:19Noche de Blues
00:09:35Seguimos en Noche de Blues y algo tan personal como las historias que se cuentan a través
00:09:43del blues y sus leyendas, como por ejemplo la leyenda de Robert Johnson, que en una encrucijada
00:09:50de caminos él se encuentra con el diablo. Sí, así como lo escuchás. Robert Johnson
00:09:58era un guitarrista de blues, pero no era un gran guitarrista y todos lo sabían, pero
00:10:06de repente en esta encrucijada de caminos se encuentra con el diablo que le hace una propuesta
00:10:13y es ser el maestro de la guitarra a cambio de su alma. La leyenda cuenta, por supuesto,
00:10:22que Robert Johnson vendió su alma al diablo para convertirse en un guitarrista increíble,
00:10:29el cual fue reconocido hasta el día de hoy como un pionero del blues y del que tantos aprendieron
00:10:37de su música. A pesar de que tan solo grabó 7 canciones en un disco, su música los acompaña
00:10:45hasta el día de hoy a grandes artistas como Kate Richard, Eric Clapton, Zeppelin,
00:10:51Rolling Stones, por supuesto, y tantos, tantos otros que hoy en día continúan su legado.
00:10:59Te dejo con un tema de él para que lo disfrutes tanto como yo. No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:11:20No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:11:50No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:12:20No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:12:50No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:13:20No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:13:50No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:13:53No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:13:56No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:13:59No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:02No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:05No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:08No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:11No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:14No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:16No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:19No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:22No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:25No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:28No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:31No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:34No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:37No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:40No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:43No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:46No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:49No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:52No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:55No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:14:58No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:15:01No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:15:04No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:15:07No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:15:10No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:15:13No te vayas, ya vuelvo.
00:15:17Some of your very best friends
00:15:23And all your loneliness
00:15:27I hope I can soothe
00:15:32I'll play the blues for you
00:15:37I'll play the blues for you
00:15:46I'll play the blues for you
00:16:13I've no name
00:16:17Not sure in a big star
00:16:23I'll play the blues for you
00:16:27On another old guitar
00:16:32And all your loneliness
00:16:37I will try to soothe
00:16:42I'll play the blues for you
00:16:47I'll play the blues for you
00:17:12And all your loneliness
00:17:17I will try to soothe
00:17:22And all your loneliness
00:17:27I'll try to soothe
00:17:32I'll play the blues for you
00:17:46I'll play the blues for you
00:17:49I'll play the blues for you
00:17:52I'll play the blues for you
00:17:55I'll play the blues for you
00:17:58I'll play the blues for you
00:18:01I'll play the blues for you
00:18:04I'll play the blues for you
00:18:07I'll play the blues for you
00:18:10I'll play the blues for you
00:18:13I'll play the blues for you
00:18:16I'll play the blues for you
00:18:19I'll play the blues for you
00:18:22I'll play the blues for you
00:18:25I'll play the blues for you
00:18:28I'll play the blues for you
00:18:31I'll play the blues for you
00:18:34I'll play the blues for you
00:18:37I'll play the blues for you
00:18:40I'll play the blues for you
00:18:43I'll play the blues for you
00:18:47I'll play the blues for you
00:18:50I'll play the blues for you
00:18:53I'll play the blues for you
00:18:56I'll play the blues for you
00:18:59I'll play the blues for you
00:19:02I'll play the blues for you
00:19:05I'll play the blues for you
00:19:08I'll play the blues for you
00:19:11I'll play the blues for you
00:19:13I'll play the blues for you
00:19:16I'll play the blues for you
00:19:19I'll play the blues for you
00:19:43I'll play the blues for you
00:19:46I'll play the blues for you
00:19:49I'll play the blues for you
00:19:52I'll play the blues for you
00:19:55I'll play the blues for you
00:19:58I'll play the blues for you
00:20:01I'll play the blues for you
00:20:04I'll play the blues for you
00:20:07I'll play the blues for you
00:20:10I'll play the blues for you
00:20:13I'll play the blues for you
00:20:16I'll play the blues for you
00:20:19I'll play the blues for you
00:20:22I'll play the blues for you
00:20:25I'll play the blues for you
00:20:28I'll play the blues for you
00:20:31I'll play the blues for you
00:20:34I'll play the blues for you
00:20:37I'll play the blues for you
00:20:40I'll play the blues for you
00:20:43I'll play the blues for you
00:20:46I'll play the blues for you
00:20:49I'll play the blues for you
00:20:52I'll play the blues for you
00:20:55I'll play the blues for you
00:20:58I'll play the blues for you
00:21:01I'll play the blues for you
00:21:04I'll play the blues for you
00:21:07I'll play the blues for you
00:21:10I'll play the blues for you
00:21:13I'll play the blues for you
00:21:16I'll play the blues for you
00:21:19I'll play the blues for you
00:21:22I'll play the blues for you
00:21:25I'll play the blues for you
00:21:28I'll play the blues for you
00:21:31I'll play the blues for you
00:21:34I'll play the blues for you
00:21:37I'll play the blues for you
00:21:40I'll play the blues for you
00:21:43I'll play the blues for you
00:21:46I'll play the blues for you
00:21:49I'll play the blues for you
00:21:52I'll play the blues for you
00:21:55I'll play the blues for you
00:21:58I'll play the blues for you
00:22:01I'll play the blues for you
00:22:04I'll play the blues for you
00:22:07I'll play the blues for you
00:22:10I'll play the blues for you
00:22:13I'll play the blues for you
00:22:16I'll play the blues for you
00:22:19I'll play the blues for you
00:22:22I'll play the blues for you
00:22:25I'll play the blues for you
00:22:28I'll play the blues for you
00:22:31I'll play the blues for you
00:22:34I'll play the blues for you
00:22:37I'll play the blues for you
00:22:40I'll play the blues for you
00:22:43I'll play the blues for you
00:23:13I'll play the blues for you
00:23:16I'll play the blues for you
00:23:19I'll play the blues for you
00:23:22I'll play the blues for you
00:23:25I'll play the blues for you
00:23:28I'll play the blues for you
00:23:31I'll play the blues for you
00:23:34I'll play the blues for you
00:23:37I'll play the blues for you
00:23:40I'll play the blues for you
00:23:43I'll play the blues for you
00:23:46I'll play the blues for you
00:23:49I'll play the blues for you
00:23:52I'll play the blues for you
00:23:55I'll play the blues for you
00:23:58I'll play the blues for you
00:24:01I'll play the blues for you
00:24:04I'll play the blues for you
00:24:07I'll play the blues for you
00:24:10I'll play the blues for you
00:24:13I'll play the blues for you
00:24:16I'll play the blues for you
00:24:19I'll play the blues for you
00:24:22I'll play the blues for you
00:24:25I'll play the blues for you
00:24:28I'll play the blues for you
00:24:31I'll play the blues for you
00:24:34I'll play the blues for you
00:24:37I'll play the blues for you
00:24:40I'll play the blues for you
00:24:43I'll play the blues for you
00:24:46I'll play the blues for you
00:24:49I'll play the blues for you
00:24:52I'll play the blues for you
00:24:55I'll play the blues for you
00:24:58I'll play the blues for you
00:25:01I'll play the blues for you
00:25:04I'll play the blues for you
00:25:07I'll play the blues for you
00:25:10I'll play the blues for you
00:25:13Unchain my heart
00:25:16Unchain my heart
00:25:18Baby let me go
00:25:20Baby let me go
00:25:22Unchain my heart
00:25:24Unchain my heart
00:25:26Cause you don't love me no more
00:25:28You don't love me no more
00:25:32Every time I call you on the phone
00:25:36Some fella tells me that you're not home
00:25:39So unchain my heart
00:25:43Please set me free
00:25:47You got me under your spell
00:25:51Like a man in a trance
00:25:55But I know darn well
00:25:59that I don't stand a chance
00:26:03Unchain my heart
00:26:06Unchain my heart
00:26:08Let me go my way
00:26:11Unchain my heart
00:26:15You worry me night and day
00:26:21Why let me lead a life of misery
00:26:25When you don't care a bag of beans for me
00:26:29So unchain my heart and set me free
00:27:11Unchain my heart
00:27:29Let me go my way
00:27:33Unchain my heart
00:27:37You worry me night and day
00:27:44Why let me lead a life of misery
00:27:48When you don't care a bag of beans for me
00:27:51So unchain my heart and set me free
00:27:59Unchain my heart and set me free
00:28:29Unchain my heart and set me free
00:28:59Cry baby
00:29:16Cry baby
00:29:24Welcome back home
00:29:29You know she told you
00:29:34Honey, I know she told you that she loved you
00:29:37Much, much more than I did
00:29:43But I know she left you
00:29:46And you swear that you just don't know why
00:29:51But honey, you know that I'll always be around
00:29:57If you ever want me, come on and cry
00:30:01Cry baby
00:30:13Honey, welcome back home
00:30:18Don't you know that I'm a liar
00:30:23Honey, nobody ever gonna love you
00:30:27The way I tried today
00:30:32To take your pain and all your heartaches
00:30:40But honey, you know that I'll always, always be around
00:30:46If you ever want me, come on and cry
00:30:50Cry baby
00:31:02Honey, like you always seem to do
00:31:08And I know that it might be true, darling
00:31:12That the grass always looks greener
00:31:16When you're looking at somebody else's eyes
00:31:23But honey, you know the real thing
00:31:24While waiting for you at home
00:31:27I saw you did
00:31:29I had a man
00:31:34He said, honey, honey
00:31:38You know that I love you
00:31:40See, but I gotta go find myself
00:31:42You know, I gotta go find my life
00:31:44I gotta go find myself over in Africa
00:31:48Or over in New York City
00:31:51Or over in Olima
00:31:54Some place those cats always wandered off to
00:31:56I never figured out exactly where it was
00:31:59They're always going somewhere, man
00:32:04And I said, baby, don't you realize
00:32:09You're looking for your life over there, honey
00:32:11You know where your life is
00:32:13Your life's waiting like a goddamn fool
00:32:16Right here
00:32:18For you, man
00:32:20And one morning you're gonna wake up in Casablanca
00:32:23One of those fancy places, honey
00:32:25You're gonna be freezing to death, man
00:32:28You're gonna wake up and you say, good God, no
00:32:31Good, good God, no
00:32:34I just went off and left that woman
00:32:36In that great big huge double bed
00:32:38With a great big fur rug on top of it
00:32:40And those satin sheets, man
00:32:42What am I doing in Casablanca, man?
00:32:45I mean, really, man
00:32:47One of these days that cat's gonna wake up
00:32:48And say that to himself
00:32:50And when he comes back home, yeah
00:32:52Just like a Capricorn doll I am
00:32:55I'll be standing there waiting, man
00:32:58I said, baby, I knew one day
00:33:02Honey, I knew, knew, knew one day
00:33:06That you'd finally come on home to me
00:33:09Honey, when you walk through my front door
00:33:13I'm gonna be able to tell by the look in your eyes
00:33:16I say, good God, I mean, finally done got in
00:33:21Lord, I mean, finally done realized
00:33:25So you can put your head on my shoulder, baby
00:33:29Cause I know you got some more tears to shed, dear
00:33:33So come on, come on, come on, come on, come on
00:33:39And cry, cry, baby
00:33:45Cry, baby
00:33:49Cry, baby
00:33:52Oh, honey, welcome back home, yeah, yeah, yeah
00:33:57Cry, baby
00:34:01Cry, cry, cry, cry, dear
00:34:04I know when you wanna get a little, little lonely, baby
00:34:09Cry, cry, cry, baby
00:34:20You can talk to your mama now
00:34:24Honey, you can talk to your sweet little mama now
00:34:29Cry, cry, baby
00:34:37Cry, baby
00:34:41Cry, cry, cry, cry, dear
00:34:54Cry, baby
00:34:58Cry, baby
00:35:28Think about it
00:35:37Every night and day
00:35:40I go to the old folks' home
00:35:44To visit my old friend
00:35:47And he always asks me
00:35:50When I'm coming back again
00:35:53And I tell him I'll be here
00:35:56Just as soon as I can
00:36:02So many people are left alone
00:36:08They don't even get a call on the telephone
00:36:15You know the kids have been gone so long
00:36:21And they don't know if they're ever gonna come back home
00:36:26Can I tell you
00:36:27Nobody wants to be lonely
00:36:38You know they don't
00:36:40And no, no, nobody wants to be sad
00:36:52Listen to me, baby
00:36:55I bet she is up behind me
00:36:59Because of my age
00:37:02But I won't quit living
00:37:04Till I'm dead in my grave
00:37:09I'm determined
00:37:11To try to be strong
00:37:15Even if I have to
00:37:18Do it all alone
00:37:20Cause nobody wants to be lonely
00:37:32No, baby
00:37:34No, nobody wants to be sad
00:37:44Are you listening to me, baby?
00:37:46I'm telling you
00:37:48Nobody wants to be lonely
00:38:00No, no, nobody wants to be sad
00:38:18It's just the blues, y'all
00:38:29It's just the blues, baby
00:38:32Come on, son
00:38:36Do it again, son
00:38:44Come on, y'all
00:38:55Yeah, he's acting up over there, man
00:38:58He's all in the camera and stuff
00:39:01He's acting up over there, yeah, yeah
00:39:04That's what I'm talking about, son
00:39:07I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:39:37She drinks whiskey all the time
00:39:42All the time
00:39:46I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:39:50She drinks whiskey all the time
00:39:56All the time
00:39:59You know I love that woman
00:40:04Cause she's mine, mine, mine
00:40:07Oh, mine
00:40:09I love her, John
00:40:11Oh, mine
00:40:14Put some whiskey in her whiskey
00:40:18Whiskey and a beer
00:40:22She don't wear no perfume, y'all
00:40:25Put a little whiskey behind for me
00:40:28I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:40:33She drinks whiskey all the time
00:40:38All the time
00:40:41You know I love that woman
00:40:44Cause she's mine, mine, mine
00:40:48Oh, mine
00:40:51Oh, mine
00:40:53Drink some whiskey over there, baby
00:41:23Do it again, son
00:41:53Do it again, son
00:42:10Put some whiskey behind for me
00:42:12Drink some whiskey over there, baby
00:42:14Do it again, son
00:42:44Here we go, here we go
00:42:46Listen now
00:42:48My baby, she drink whiskey
00:42:50Until she can't even see ya
00:42:52When she gets tired of drinkin' whiskey
00:42:54She throw the rest all over me
00:42:56I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:42:58She drinks whiskey all the time
00:43:00All the time
00:43:02You know I love that woman
00:43:04Cause she's mine, mine, mine
00:43:06Oh, mine
00:43:08I love that woman
00:43:10Cause she's mine, mine
00:43:13All the time
00:43:15What you laughing at, man?
00:43:17What you laughing at?
00:43:19You know I love that woman
00:43:21Cause she's mine, mine, mine
00:43:23Oh, mine
00:43:25Oh, mine
00:43:27Oh, mine
00:43:29Oh, mine
00:43:31Whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:43:33Whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:43:35Hey, son
00:43:37I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:43:39I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:43:42I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:43:52I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
00:43:54My wife like wine, y'all
00:43:58She don't drink no whiskey
00:44:06Oh, my
00:44:08I love that woman
00:44:10We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:14We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:18We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:22We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:26We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:30We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:34We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:38We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:42We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:46We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:50We wish you a merry Christmas
00:44:55Seguimos en Noche de Blues y ya hablamos del Diablo
00:45:00Ya te presenté a un ángel y ahora vamos a conocer un coro de ángeles
00:45:07Allí donde la música toma otra forma y esta es una banda actual
00:45:13Hablamos también del pionero, de Robert Johnson, quien vendió su alma al Diablo
00:45:19Y hoy en día podemos disfrutar de este coro de ángeles
00:45:23Con esa fusión de transmitir lo que es la música del blues de antaño
00:45:29Y traerla al día de hoy en esta fusión de hombres y mujeres
00:45:35De armónicas, de guitarras, batería, donde todo suena mágico y perfecto
00:45:41¿Te parece si lo disfrutamos juntos?
00:45:44No te vayas, ya volvemos
00:46:06I used to spend my nights out in a bar room
00:46:17Liquor was the only love I knew
00:46:26But you rescued me from reaching for the bottle
00:46:32And brought me back from being too far gone
00:46:41You were as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
00:46:50You were as sweet as strawberry wine
00:46:58You were as warm as the clouds around me
00:47:06And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:47:17I've been looking for love in the same old places
00:47:28Found a bottle of a bottle's always right
00:47:37But when you poured out your heart I didn't wish that
00:47:44Cause there's nothing like your love to get me high
00:47:52You were as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
00:48:01You were as sweet as strawberry wine
00:48:10You were as warm as the clouds around me
00:48:16And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:48:46And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:49:16And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:49:26And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:49:36And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:49:47And I see you walk away from me
00:49:56I was just, I was just an empty can
00:50:04I had your sweet kiss and you were on the brink
00:50:10You were as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
00:50:19You were as sweet as strawberry wine
00:50:28You were as warm as the clouds around me
00:50:35And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:50:44When I looked down in the glass that I held to my lips
00:50:48And I saw the reflection of the tears rolling down my face
00:50:52That's when I knew I loved you and I couldn't do without you
00:50:55And I'd rather be a blonde
00:50:57And I see you walk away from me
00:51:00And honey I stayed strong on your love all the time
00:51:31And I'd rather be a blonde
00:51:36I'd rather go blind
00:51:46And I see you walk away
00:51:50I'd rather be a blind
00:52:00I'd rather be a blind
00:52:31And I'd rather be a blind
00:52:40And I'd rather be a blind
00:52:47And I'd rather be a blind
00:52:52And I'd rather be a blind
00:53:05And I'd rather be a blind
00:53:12And I'd rather be a blind
00:53:22I need somebody to love, I need somebody to love, I need some mama to hold me tight
00:53:38Sombras resuelven el ritmo de la canción
00:54:21En el shower, in my lonely night
00:54:25To a shot of whisky, I'm making it easy
00:54:32I need somebody to love
00:54:36I need somebody to love
00:54:40I need someone to hold me tight
00:54:46I spent my night life in a cellar lying on a chair
00:54:56I hate my food, cream, butter, bread or wine
00:55:04I close my eyes to the station
00:55:09I ask you why
00:55:15I need somebody to love
00:55:19I need someone to love
00:55:23I need someone to love
00:55:27I need someone to love
00:55:45I need somebody to love
00:55:49I need someone to love
00:55:53I need someone to love
00:55:57I need someone to love
00:56:01I need someone to love
00:56:05I need someone to love
00:56:09I need someone to love
00:56:23I need somebody to love
00:56:25I need somebody to love
00:56:29I need somebody to love
00:56:32I need somebody to love
00:56:38I need someone to hold me tight
00:56:42I need someone to hold me tight
00:56:48I need someone to hold me tight
00:56:56Oh, I need someone
00:57:00Oh, I need someone
00:57:05Oh, I need someone
00:57:08Hold me tight
00:57:38Oh, I need someone
00:57:42Oh, I need someone
00:57:46Oh, I need someone
00:57:50Oh, I need someone
00:57:54Oh, I need someone
00:57:58Oh, I need someone
00:58:02Oh, I need someone
00:58:05Hold me tight
00:58:19No lloqueaba, chicos?
00:58:23Lloqueaba, oh sí
00:58:25No, no, no dijo que no
00:58:29Sí, cómo lloqueaba
00:58:33El blues es un estilo de vida, es vivir con esa nostalgia en el corazón, en el cuerpo
00:59:01y quizás querer acercarnos a ello constantemente, teniendo quizás algún instrumento en nuestra
00:59:08casa, sepamos tocar o no, entre nosotros yo tengo una colección de armónicas que de
00:59:15vez en cuando un poquito juego y las hago sonar, pero bueno, me hacen sentir parte del
00:59:22blues, me hacen sentir y revivir esa sensación que tengo en el cuerpo de escuchar a un músico
00:59:31de blues tocando la armónica, entonces ¿por qué no? ¿por qué no ser parte de esa forma?
00:59:38También con la vestimenta, en la forma de hablar, no solo en la música que escuchamos
00:59:43y compartimos, eso es el sentimiento del blues y estamos llegando al final de este programa,
00:59:53en este recorrido que no se pueden quejar porque hay de todo, tenemos historias, leyendas,
00:59:59testimonios, ángeles, música y blues para todos, nos encontramos la próxima semana
01:00:08aquí en XLEVEL, en Noche de Blues, no se lo pierdan, estén muy atentos a la programación,
01:00:14dejen sus mensajes, sus comentarios, que todos lo leemos y con mucho amor los espero la semana
01:00:21que viene, bye bye.