Eric Cartman is known for his explosive temper and outrageous behavior. Join us as we countdown the most memorable moments when Cartman completely lost control, from birthday tantrums to iPad meltdowns and everything in between!
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're looking at instances where Eric Cartman completely
00:13lost it.
00:22Number 10.
00:23Ants in the Pants From the beginning, it was clear that Cartman
00:27had an easily triggered temper.
00:29In the 10th episode, we see how quickly Cartman can be sent into full-on tantrum mode.
00:34To attend his over-the-top birthday, the other kids need to bring the gifts that Cartman
00:46Where most of the guests comply, Kyle fails to acquire a red Mega Man.
00:51Instead, he gives him Ants in the Pants, a real product that Matt Stone calls the lamest
00:58Throwing a spoiled fit, Cartman attacks Kyle, wishing he was dead.
01:06It was one of the first times we see Cartman get physically violent over virtually nothing.
01:12Although any other kid would kill to have a party like Cartman's, he's no longer in
01:16a celebratory mood, sending everyone home.
01:25Number 9.
01:26Phony Sea People Cartman longs to be where the sea people are.
01:31Upon arriving in the mail, Cartman doesn't receive a kingdom of mermaids, but rather
01:35a package of brine shrimp.
01:38Cartman takes out his disappointment on his so-called friends.
01:41Naturally, he targets Kyle for being Jewish.
01:45He proceeds to criticize Tweek's inability to button his shirt and stand for having a
01:54As Cartman releases his anger, heartbreak also washes over as he laments about the falsely
02:00advertised sea society that never was.
02:04As far as Cartman is concerned, the fake sea people can be sent down the drain.
02:09When Stan suggests putting them in the teacher's coffee though, Cartman immediately perks up.
02:21In barely a minute, he goes from 0 to 180 back to 0.
02:32Number 8.
02:33A Revenge Plot Begins After Scott Tenorman cheats him out of his
02:37money, Cartman is hell-bent on getting a refund.
02:41Tenorman pushes Cartman to the edge of desperation and humility, leaving him broken when the
02:46money is set ablaze.
02:54As Cartman's $16.12 burns, another fire is set within him.
02:59If Cartman was angry before, his blood is literally boiling now.
03:04Getting his money back is no longer Cartman's endgame, he's committed to a different kind
03:09of payback.
03:10With the rain pouring down on him, Cartman lets out a roar encompassing all of his rage,
03:15sorrow, and agony.
03:24It's a scream that says, I'm going to stop at nothing until the one who wronged me pays.
03:30Even if it means turning his parents into chili.
03:46Number 7.
03:47Accusing Kyle of Stealing a Photo Unable to find a suggestive photo of him
03:51in Butters, Cartman jumps to the most logical conclusion.
03:56Kyle took it.
03:57Interrupting a friendly game of whores, Cartman immediately starts firing off unfounded accusations
04:02and anti-Semitism.
04:08Despite having no evidence, Cartman puts up his dukes, threatening to beat Kyle if he
04:12doesn't cough up the photo.
04:15Cartman also drags Stan and Kenny into his vendetta against Kyle, sounding more and more
04:20like a Hitler youth.
04:21The constant hate speech at his people's expense prompts Kyle to give Cartman the slightest
04:26of punches to the arm.
04:28At first, Cartman sounds annoyed, then angry, then like a whiny baby, even though Kyle barely
04:35touched him.
04:42You win this round, Kyle, and you'll probably win the others too.
04:52Number 6.
04:53You Shouldn't Say That About Jesus
04:57For Cartman, Christian rock isn't about the music or the message.
05:00It's about going platinum and rubbing the success in his friends' faces.
05:15With a million albums sold, Cartman's prayers are seemingly answered.
05:19He puts on an extravagant celebration to commemorate this milestone, but his victory becomes a
05:26Turns out that Christian music doesn't give out platinum albums, at least in South Park's
05:44Cartman isn't pleased with his Murr album, shattering the prize.
05:48He also destroys his career with some choice comments about God and his son.
05:53Though Trey Parker isn't sure, he thinks Cartman's words regarding Jesus might be
05:58a first for television.
06:00Matt Stone was left questioning why the censors let them do this.
06:03In any case, Cartman gets his comeuppance.
06:14Number 5.
06:15A Little Problem As per usual, Cartman's berserk behavior
06:20stems from a little problem.
06:23The issue in this case is literally little.
06:26Rampaging through the cafeteria, Cartman nearly flips a table when a physical indicates that
06:32he's not as well endowed as his classmates.
06:35At least, that's what Cartman assumes.
06:43The measurements are actually for overall height, although it turns out Cartman is indeed
06:48packing the tiniest package.
06:50We can't speak for all toxic males, but it's clear that Cartman is compensating for something.
06:56The bigger he goes, the smaller he is.
07:06Cartman should have been sent to anger management a long time ago.
07:09His meltdown in this season 15 episode finally leads to some overdue counseling.
07:15Not that it's much of an impact.
07:20Number 4.
07:21I Want An iPad When the other kids become suspicious of his
07:25fake iPad, Cartman snaps at his mom for not purchasing him a real one.
07:30He harasses her into taking him to Best Buy, but Leigh-Anne would rather they get a cheaper
07:42Although Leigh-Anne usually caves to her son's demands, she refreshingly lays down the law
07:46for a change.
07:48To say that Cartman creates a scene would be an understatement.
07:57Making false claims that could get his mother thrown in jail, Cartman leaves with nothing.
08:02His tirade isn't over, however.
08:13Cartman vents to Dr. Phil about his mom before cursing out God.
08:18Leigh-Anne wouldn't cause Cartman physical pain for his actions, but the creator doesn't
08:22hesitate to send down a lightning bolt.
08:29Number 3.
08:30Challenging Kyle Nobody is having a worse holiday than the
08:34Broflovskis, being forced to return Ike to his Canadian birth parents.
08:39This inspires the adults of South Park to be charitable rather than buy their children
08:44Christmas presents.
08:57While many kids are disappointed, nobody is more pissed off than Cartman, who is all too
09:02eager to blame Kyle.
09:10Cartman has threatened Kyle before, but rarely has he appeared more committed to beating
09:15him up.
09:16A mission to Canada subdues Cartman's wrath for a little while, but upon missing the Christmas
09:21deadline, he goes back into punch-out mode.
09:24This builds to a hilariously anticlimactic showdown with Kyle delivering a gentle jab
09:29and Cartman making a face that requires the animators to draw him a whole new head.
09:43Number 2.
09:44Can't go to Casa Bonita They hang out, but are Cartman and Kyle truly
09:50Kyle doesn't think so, hence why Cartman isn't invited to Casa Bonita for his birthday.
09:56Cartman begs Kyle to take him, almost earning our sympathy.
10:03It's too little, too late for Kyle, driving Cartman to unleash a profanity-laced freakout.
10:09While Cartman is infamous for overreacting, seeing him shift gears this suddenly still
10:14feels like whiplash to the audience.
10:17Cartman storms off, only to return with his tail between his legs.
10:26Kyle dismisses him again though, setting off another verbal attack.
10:30The way Cartman tells Kyle that he hopes he dies is so simple and childish, yet so brutal.
10:36There's furious finality to Cartman's tone of voice.
10:39Of course, this is far from over.
10:48Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
10:52Losing his theme park, Cartman won't be moving along from this.
11:08An unexpected diagnosis, ice cream can't ease his justifiable anger.
11:20James Cameron rant, we're sure the Ferngully filmmakers feel like Cartman.
11:30Beating Cupid Me, romance is officially dead.
11:39Trashing Butters Room, while trash-talking to the Lord.
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12:14Cartman's foul mouth usually gets himself and others into trouble.
12:18When all hell breaks loose in the South Park movie though, his unhinged anger and unfiltered
12:22vocabulary save the day.
12:25With the V-chip in his brain going haywire, Cartman comes up with some creative words
12:29to shock Saddam.
12:34In addition to discharging all of the profanity he's been keeping locked up, Cartman takes
12:39on the appearance of an anime character.
12:42While South Park hasn't always been known for its state-of-the-art animation, they went
12:46all out here with intense angles, 3D effects, and an epic camera spin.
12:52The language doesn't hold back either, capping things off with a profane use of Barbra Streisand's
12:58We've never been happier or more enthralled to see Cartman go berserk.
13:17What's your favorite Cartman freak out?
13:19Let us know in the comments.