Police.24.7.2024.S02 E06
00:00All individuals are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.
00:05Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:07I want to tase his ass, man.
00:10Uh-oh. What's this?
00:12That crack is not mine.
00:14How have you been ever standing side by side?
00:16Hey, get down!
00:20You're going to hell.
00:22You're going to hell, boy.
00:30We're trying to stop a motorcycle that was stolen.
00:42It matches a stolen motorcycle from the other day.
00:44But he's not stopping right now.
00:46We're now going to the highway.
00:48Do I have room on that side?
00:54No, no, no, no.
00:55All right, hang tight.
00:56We're good.
00:58Where is he going?
01:03He's going to go to Carolina.
01:04They're going to cut it off.
01:08We're good.
01:18Stay behind.
01:19I got you.
01:20I got you.
01:22Go, go, go.
01:23Go, go, go.
01:28He's slowing down.
01:31Watch out, watch out.
01:41Watch his right.
01:42Watch his right.
01:45Go, go, go.
01:46You got to go.
01:47Kyle, go, go.
01:52Yeah, he's going to bail.
01:53100% going to bail.
01:54Right, right, right.
01:55I got you.
01:56I got you.
01:57Good call.
01:58He's going to blow.
01:59He's going to blow.
02:00Come on, dude.
02:01Come on.
02:03Stay on the left lane.
02:04Yeah, stay on the left.
02:05I got you.
02:06Watch his tail.
02:07Watch his tail.
02:09I want to tase his ass, but I can't.
02:13Stay back.
02:14Stay back.
02:15Stay back.
02:18Tase him.
02:19Go, go, go, go, go.
02:24Get ready.
02:25He's trying to find somewhere to bail.
02:26He wants to bail.
02:29Come on, dude.
02:30Watch your hands.
02:31Watch your hands.
02:33He's running.
02:34He's running.
02:35He's running.
02:42Where'd he go?
02:43He's in the house.
02:44He's in the house.
02:46He's in the house.
02:47I got you.
02:48I got you.
02:49I got you.
02:50This is actually going to be a problem for that address.
02:54I got you.
02:59He went inside the house.
03:00Locked the doors behind him.
03:05All right, watch out.
03:06Watch out. Watch out.
03:07They got him.
03:08They got him.
03:09Hey, is it y'all good?
03:12We're in custody.
03:21What made you not stop?
03:23What made you not stop?
03:27So you just risked everybody's life for warrants?
03:31It was a traffic stop.
03:33A traffic stop, yeah.
03:34For the tag on the vehicle.
03:35So it started off as a minor tag on a first-degree
03:38citation, right?
03:39For unregistered vehicles, right?
03:41He decided to not stop.
03:43Brought us all the way to South Carolina
03:45and then came back here.
03:47You're welcome to walk over and talk to him.
03:49Would you like to speak to him?
03:50Yeah, I would.
03:50OK, come on.
03:53I'm not here to beat you up, you know what I mean?
03:56Like, unfortunately, that's the only thing
03:57you have to answer for in life.
03:59You've got a bunch of traffic violations.
04:01You know, it comes with running from the police.
04:06Well, you got to stop doing it, bro.
04:08It's South Carolina, bro.
04:09Well, you're lucky that South Carolina didn't join,
04:11because you got charged today.
04:12That's why I came back over here.
04:13That's why I came back.
04:14I was like, no, I can't go back to South Carolina.
04:17Fair enough.
04:18It seems like he ran because he has a felony
04:22warrant out of our county and some warrants
04:24out of another county.
04:27If that is the case, and that's the only reason why he ran,
04:30that's his choice.
04:31But he put a lot of lives at danger.
04:32There were some kids in the street while we were here.
04:34It's an unfortunate event.
04:36It's an unfortunate, you know, thing that he did that.
04:38But if we got one more bad guy off the street,
04:40a guy who has to answer for his crimes
04:41that he's done in the past, I'm going to go from there.
04:43Good job.
04:44Very good.
04:45Very good work.
04:46Good job, guys.
04:49Oh, can you not touch that knife?
04:51Can you?
04:53Drop the knife!
04:54Drop the knife!
04:55Did you take any drugs today?
04:56Did I?
04:57Are you done?
04:58Like, did I take any drugs today?
04:59Do you see me right now?
05:19Early Friday morning, we had the hurricane come through.
05:22It came in.
05:23It was a pretty calm night.
05:25I don't think we were expecting the force
05:29that it was going to bring.
05:30We had several fatalities.
05:32It was tough seeing those calls come out
05:35for people needing assistance.
05:37I mean, it's people that are criminals.
05:39The weather ain't going to change that.
05:41They're still going to do criminal stuff.
05:43Right now, I just saw this vehicle have a equipment
05:47violation for the headlight.
05:49So I'm going to go ahead and perform a traffic stop.
05:53Show me where we're going to go.
05:54Speed and route to our region.
05:55Please pull to the right.
05:59411 dispatch, traffic stop.
06:01Bella Fonte and Laney Walker.
06:03411 dispatch, traffic stop.
06:05Bella Fonte and Laney Walker.
06:13How you doing, sir?
06:14My name's Deputy Hoskins.
06:15I'm with the Richmond County Sheriff's Office.
06:17You got anything in your left hand?
06:19OK, appreciate it.
06:21The reason I pulled you over?
06:22My headlight.
06:23Yes, sir.
06:24That's $100.
06:24I got to take the fender wheel off just to get it out.
06:26Fender wheel, take it off.
06:28I'm working on it, though.
06:30You still got to take care of it, though.
06:33When's the last time yourself or anyone else
06:35smoked marijuana in the motor vehicle?
06:38Earlier today?
06:39OK, yeah.
06:41All right.
06:42Yeah, because I can smell it.
06:44Is there anything left in here?
06:47No, you sure?
06:49So in the state of Georgia, based off a plain smell,
06:53that is enough to search your vehicle, OK?
06:55So do me a favor.
06:56Go ahead and step out on the driver's side.
06:59I don't have my proper stuff there.
07:02What are you missing?
07:08Sir, I'm not in the medical profession.
07:11Is it like a brace or something?
07:13Yes, sir.
07:13Sir, I got a foot drop.
07:15And basically, I'm just letting the car roll.
07:17See, I don't have no ankle.
07:20Is it OK if I get my wheelchair light?
07:24411 to 403.
07:27Beep, beep, beep.
07:32Can you come to Belafonte and Laney Walker?
07:35So, like, I want to call my mom real quick, man, because.
07:42Are you sure you're OK?
07:44Yeah, I'm fine, man.
07:44It's just that I wasn't expecting this.
07:46Like I said, like, I kind of got, like, high blood pressure.
07:49Yes, sir.
07:50I understand.
07:51I'm not trying to add to it, but, you know,
07:53I got to do my job.
07:54Yes, sir.
07:55And like I said, marijuana is illegal in the state of Georgia.
07:58And if it's just a little bit or something like that, man,
08:00I'm going to work with you all day long.
08:02You ain't going to get hemmed up for a little bit.
08:05But if it's a lot of it, or if you've got kilos of cocaine
08:08and, man, I need a promotion.
08:11I need one.
08:12No, no, no.
08:14Oh, I can't, like, stand up, because, like, I kind of,
08:17like, got pulled over right by the cool spot.
08:19But, like, I ain't going to be able to get out of the car.
08:21I ain't taking my brace with me.
08:23The first thing I did was take my own crutch.
08:28Hey, man, so he has a condition with his right leg
08:33that makes him immobile.
08:37Oh, that's my mom, right there.
08:38She's bringing his.
08:39Yeah, she's not going to be able to.
08:40Well, hey, she's.
08:41He's got to pull off, though.
08:42No, no, no, she's bringing his chair so he don't fall.
08:46How you doing, mama?
08:47All right.
08:48All right, y'all.
08:50Where y'all?
08:51Yeah, I'm just getting a little.
08:52He's got some marijuana coming from my head spot.
08:55I think we want to fish.
08:58Hey, officer.
08:59Yes, sir.
09:00You want me to truthful with you?
09:01Yes, sir.
09:02I got some marijuana with me.
09:04If it's a little bit, I'm going to work with you, brother.
09:06It's under an ounce.
09:08It's under an ounce.
09:10Where is that at?
09:11It's in your pocket.
09:16This all you got?
09:17That's all I got.
09:18Man, you shouldn't even be worried about that.
09:19I want to be straight up with you.
09:20I'm sorry.
09:21I do smoke a little bit because I got these pain problems.
09:25Man, you ain't got to explain nothing.
09:28It sounds like you've got a whole lot going on.
09:30You know, he was kind of misleading,
09:32saying that he smoked a little bit for his pain,
09:36which is understandable.
09:37He does have a lot going on.
09:40However, he was anxious.
09:41He was nervous.
09:42He was giving all the indicators.
09:43I'm going to continue the search,
09:44and then we'll go from there.
09:50Look at that.
09:55Oh, wow.
10:03Mr. -----.
10:05In keeping with our honesty with each other,
10:08can you tell me what this is used for?
10:13Something like a, oh.
10:19I got that for a reason, in case I, like,
10:21lose my key at my key fob.
10:24You got marijuana.
10:25You got it packaged in a mason jar like that.
10:28And you have a box used to, commonly and addictive,
10:32to transport narcotics with on the outside
10:34of your motor vehicle.
10:37If I wanted to, I already have enough
10:39to lock you up for distribution of marijuana with intent, OK?
10:42But that ain't happening.
10:43You ain't in handcuffs.
10:45All right?
10:46All I'm saying is you're painting the entire picture
10:49for me to make it easy to do that.
10:54If I didn't find anything else in this vehicle,
10:56I'm searching it.
10:57Be honest.
10:58No, sir.
11:01What's this?
11:03What that look like to you?
11:05See that rock?
11:07See that one?
11:08Yes, sir.
11:09Mr. -----.
11:11Mr. -----.
11:12Yes, sir.
11:14What I'm going to test, what this going to test for?
11:17It's going to be cocaine.
11:18Crack cocaine.
11:19It's going to be cocaine, sir.
11:21Yeah, that's it.
11:22See that one?
11:23Searching the back of the vehicle,
11:25Deputy Boyd found three bags total.
11:29Two of them had hydrococaine in them,
11:30and one of them had crack cocaine in them.
11:34You got some cash.
11:35Deputy Boyd in the speaker box also found cash.
11:39So we're going to have to count that.
11:40We'll call narcotics and see where they want
11:43to take the case from there.
11:45So this individual will be transported to our county
11:48jail for the charge of distribution of marijuana
11:51and distribution of cocaine.
11:54I don't want you getting mixed up in it at all.
11:57Mama's going home tonight.
11:59Take your ticks.
12:03Oh, -----.
12:05Hey, get down.
12:07Do it, -----.
12:10One more in.
12:10I got your back.
12:15The Department of Justice.
12:29Officer Hadley Bazon with the Kent Police Department.
12:32I, weirdly enough, never want to be a police officer.
12:36I thought I was not brave enough, but I tried it.
12:39And I went on a ride along and then
12:40fell in love with the fact that every single day
12:43You get to impact someone on their worst day, potentially.
12:46And so that's what made me want to do it.
12:49We're turning to go north on the 1-9 from 2.6.
12:55We'll call you back very soon.
12:56The B-116 has rear lights on, but there's no front lights.
13:13So right now, we're trying to get in front of a pursuit
13:17that's happening.
13:18They are a suspicious vehicle that's been involved
13:21potentially in a shooting.
13:22So we're going to try to jump ahead and put down spikes
13:26so we can hopefully stop them.
13:44We're going to go backwards.
13:48Northbound or south?
13:52So they're going to set spikes up in front of him now.
13:55What our goal is going to be, because we're behind,
13:58if he bails, we want to be there to help.
14:02So they're bailing now.
14:02So we're going to get out here, and we're
14:06going to try to get with them.
14:10Hold it.
14:13Hey, get down!
14:20One more in.
14:20I got your backs.
14:21You got a launch.
14:23I got a car to see you move.
14:27There's a driver detained.
14:29So you're two detained here.
14:30There were two that bailed on foot.
14:32That's steep.
14:33When I roll you on your right side,
14:35I want you to kick your knees up in your stomach.
14:36That's how we're going to set it up.
14:37Do you understand me?
14:38You understand me?
14:41We're just taking a look inside the vehicle,
14:43and he's running the van just to see if we can get a return on it,
14:46see if it's stolen or anything like that.
14:53Hey, sir, you're under arrest, OK?
14:54This is the driver?
14:56The driver is under arrest for eluding.
14:57Ran from SPD earlier today, possibly
15:00a suspect in a shooting.
15:01Ran from us earlier and Tukwila PD, I just found out.
15:03They also ran from them.
15:05We have four detainees.
15:07What's that?
15:09I got three, two and one.
15:13Two others, as far as we know, are detained
15:16over just west of our location.
15:19It's a little confusing because when you have multiple scenes,
15:21you don't know all the information because we're
15:23having to just go through radio.
15:25So the car potentially involved in a shooting,
15:27do they want to talk to these people?
15:29I can ask them.
15:30All we have right now is the driver eluding, that's it.
15:33Is the car stolen?
15:35All we have is eluding.
15:37So this was a vehicle that was causing a lot of chaos
15:39here in the valley.
15:40So it was good for us to be able to stop them
15:43and get them here detained and arrested for the eluding.
15:57My name is Juwan Lora.
15:58I'm a patrol officer here with Wilmington PD.
16:02People say the full moon makes things crazier.
16:06Every now and then on a full moon,
16:07people get some dumb stuff.
16:1017th and Anne.
16:13We're going to assist EMS on a call.
16:15Their guy called about his girlfriend
16:19either having some kind of mental issue
16:20or wanting to commit suicide.
16:23And EMS has been there already for a hot minute,
16:27but they're asking us to go there for whatever reason.
16:33This guy looks fun.
16:37Let's go.
16:45Say hi.
16:47Come on.
16:48Hey, what's going on?
16:49You mind putting your pants up all the way for us?
17:01Because I'm trying to find out your information?
17:04All right, what's your last name?
17:08I'm trying to help you.
17:09Just give me a sec.
17:19She's telling us that she does have a warrant.
17:21I'm just double checking her stuff real quick to see
17:23if she actually does or not.
17:25But it looks like one of them is going
17:26to be for possession of drug paraphernalia,
17:28and then the other one's going to be for misdemeanor
17:30crime of domestic violence.
17:38You got two warrants.
17:45I mean, we don't have a choice here.
17:47Let's see.
17:49No, we don't.
17:51No, we don't.
17:52I can't just ignore your warrants.
17:54That's not how this works.
17:56Put your hands behind your back.
17:58Turn your hand.
18:00Let's go.
18:00So we're going to my car.
18:02Let's go.
18:03We're walking.
18:04We're walking.
18:07I'm going to hell, boy.
18:09You're on his side.
18:10I'm not on anybody's side.
18:11I'm sitting right here in front of my car.
18:13You're not putting me in that car.
18:14Somebody else is back there.
18:16No one else is in the car.
18:18Do you have any knives, any weapons?
18:20Somebody else is back there.
18:22Just relax, OK?
18:24Stand up straight.
18:28Oh, I got a taser in my bra, because I was
18:30scared of this girlfriend.
18:31You have a taser in your bra?
18:32We got a female officer for search.
18:34This had the girl in the house that was putting dog
18:38on my drink, on my food.
18:40And it's all, like, it's all.
18:42There's receipts.
18:43Let's just put it that way.
18:43There's receipts.
18:44Did you take any drugs today?
18:46Did I take any drugs willingly today?
18:49OK, that's not the question.
18:50Did I? Are you done?
18:51Like, did I take any drugs today?
18:52Do you see me right now?
18:54I guess.
18:55I'm officer, so I'm going to be the one searching you, OK?
18:58Dose me.
18:59All right, turn around for me.
19:04Got the light, and it's got the little tic thing.
19:11She's good.
19:12All right.
19:16Yeah, you got her right over here.
19:18He's the freaking meanest one.
19:20I think I'm pretty nice.
19:22Let's see here.
19:23That is his trashy-ass girlfriend.
19:25It's trash.
19:27Pretty good.
19:28You see?
19:29No, y'all are tricking us.
19:31All right, so we're going to the hospital.
19:33We're going to the jail, OK?
19:34No, I don't want to go to that hospital.
19:36You don't have an option.
19:37There's a guy in the back with me.
19:40She thinks there's somebody back there.
19:42She's on some kind of impaired substance.
19:44And a lot of the times, the jail would
19:48like us to get clearance from the hospital
19:50because we don't want them overdosing or something
19:53while they're sitting there waiting
19:55to get processed into the jail.
19:56All right.
19:58Fill up with that money.
19:59Yeah, I appreciate it.
20:00You hollered something in.
20:02So I stopped.
20:03You got arterial bleeds coming from your head.
20:06Closest place, my man.
20:08I didn't do nothing.
20:09You possessed crack.
20:10I didn't possess it.
20:11You did.
20:12I usually bring in food.
20:29But tonight, I did not.
20:31So I'm going to enjoy some pad thai.
20:37We got the goods.
20:46They give us lunch breaks.
20:50They usually give us an hour.
20:53But with me, mainly just eat in my car when I can.
20:57I don't like to be off the street as much as possible.
21:00I don't like marking myself unavailable.
21:02So if I can eat in my car and it's a little bit quicker
21:05than going in and out, then that's what I do.
21:10You ready for this?
21:20284, you can discard 378 from the hit and run.
21:23I'll take it.
21:28284, I'm on Montclair.
21:35What's going on?
21:37Well, I mean, I just got rear ended on going down the market
21:41and sitting at the intersection, taking that left,
21:43going on the curb.
21:44The guy just was going straight.
21:46He smacked right into the rear corner panel.
21:48He was stopped.
21:49He reversed.
21:50He pulled out in front of me.
21:51Like, I got out of my car.
21:52I was like, yo, what are you doing?
21:54Like, he's an old guy up there.
21:55He's an old guy up there.
21:56He ran into his apartment.
21:59And then he just said, got to go by, and then left.
22:03Where's the truck at?
22:05It's that red Ford over there.
22:08When I was following him, he's just
22:09swerving on the road, going in and out of lanes, of course.
22:12Like, not going fast.
22:13Yeah, just kind of swerving and stuff.
22:15Feeling like he's drunk driving or something.
22:18What's going on?
22:18Obviously, he can't stay in one lane.
22:21I'm going to go over there, check out his vehicle,
22:23and then I'll get it.
22:24I'll walk over with you?
22:24Yeah, yeah, yeah.
22:25Of course.
22:26Because I haven't even seen him, like I said.
22:28But he's, oh my god.
22:29Were you wearing your seat belt?
22:31Yeah, I was.
22:31OK, and none of your airbags went off?
22:33None of them went off.
22:34Oh, shit.
22:37Yeah, it's pretty good.
22:39I think he's got some of your taillight.
22:42And it's like, that whole shit went off into me.
22:44Fucking hell.
22:46What apartment did he go into?
22:49I believe that shit up there.
22:53Before we're going to try and make contact with the suspect.
23:05Hey, how are you?
23:06I'm fine.
23:07Is there an older gentleman that lives here?
23:09Are you the only one that lives here?
23:10I live here, yeah.
23:11So is there another male that lives here?
23:13A man?
23:14My grandson.
23:15Can you have him step out here and talk to us
23:17real quick, please?
23:18OK, just a minute.
23:24Sir, you can't have a copy, 0-0-0.
23:27How you doing, sir?
23:28Can you step out here and talk to us for a second?
23:29Yes, sir.
23:34Speak to this officer right here, if you don't mind.
23:36Yes, sir.
23:36Do you know why we would be up here trying to talk to you?
23:38No, sir.
23:39No idea whatsoever?
23:40Absolutely not.
23:43Do you remember driving home shortly?
23:45No, sir.
23:46You don't remember driving?
23:47No, sir.
23:48Driving back?
23:49Where were you at probably an hour ago?
23:52I'm here.
23:53Where you at?
23:56You going to be straight over me, or are you just?
23:58What do you mean?
23:59I'm home sleeping.
24:02Because your truck's got some damage to it.
24:06How did that happen?
24:08I don't know what you're talking about.
24:10I've been sleeping.
24:11Got you.
24:12So you've been identified as the suspect in a hit and run, OK?
24:19I've been there all night.
24:21Got you.
24:21I understand what you're saying, all right?
24:23Just listen to what I'm saying, OK?
24:25So there is a vehicle at Kerr Market trying
24:29to make a left-hand turn.
24:30And all of a sudden, he gets rear-ended from the back,
24:33OK, by a red pickup truck, all right?
24:38That driver gets out, who then identifies you, not by name,
24:42but by appearance.
24:45Unfortunately, I can't charge you with DWI
24:48now that you're back at your house.
24:51You kind of lucked out on that one.
24:53But I'm going to have you stand here with this sergeant,
24:55and I'm going to write you a citation for hit and run, OK?
25:00Because I have to do a crash report,
25:02and that is needed for the report.
25:05I don't believe it fits on that.
25:07Well, you understand that the hit and run's
25:09an arrestable offense, right?
25:10OK, yeah.
25:12So you're not going to give the officer your information
25:14so he can do his report?
25:17I'm just asking.
25:17I mean, you have the right.
25:20All right, well, turn around.
25:27Just make this difficult, because all you have to do
25:29is give the man your thing that he needed.
25:31Put your hands together like you're praying.
25:33Palms together like you're praying.
25:38Do you have some clothes for him?
25:40Because he didn't want to go to jail tonight.
25:42He was involved in the hit and run,
25:44and he didn't want to give us information.
25:45So therefore, we're just going to take him to jail for that,
25:48He's going to get a citation.
25:50Can you give us the clothes that he
25:51was wearing when he came home, please,
25:52so we can put them on him?
25:54Thank you, ma'am.
25:55284, can I get a transport unit, please?
25:58Just get me the fuck out of here.
26:00We got to wait for somebody to come pick you up,
26:03transport you to the station.
26:05All right.
26:05Where's all the damage?
26:07You want to see it?
26:10Can I have a test on my nose?
26:11Come here.
26:12Come here, you son of a bitch.
26:17Yeah, I hit my nose on it.
26:21Why didn't you just give us your phone number?
26:24Same reason I want to sell you the shit, so.
26:28No, no, I'm not mad.
26:30It's just.
26:31Yeah, but you've still got to be disrespectful.
26:32You've still got to be respectful to everybody, right?
26:35I love Jesus, my Lord and Savior.
26:37That's all.
26:40All right.
26:42I'll see you at the station.
26:44Your car, good to drive.
26:45Obviously, you drove here, but.
26:48She'll be doing awesome.
26:48All right.
26:49Mom already told me she don't have one.
26:51So if she can just come get them,
26:52and she has church in the morning.
26:53She gave me a hug, said thank you.
26:55It's something.
26:56She's really going to be the victim here.
26:58Get her car in.
26:58Now she has to pay for it.
27:00That's got to be it.
27:02All right.
27:03Appreciate it.
27:15Derek Holmes.
27:16I'm a deputy sheriff here in Putnam County, Florida.
27:18I've been in law enforcement now for four years.
27:20You know, safety is a big, big part of this job.
27:23You know, rather, it all stays safe.
27:25But I'll tell you what, that is one thing
27:27that I love about this job.
27:29All of a sudden, now you're getting this call that's
27:32just off the wall, chaotic, crazy,
27:35and you don't know what to do.
27:36You don't know what to do.
27:37You don't know what to do.
27:38You don't know what to do.
27:39You don't know what to do.
27:40You don't know what to do.
27:41You don't know what to do.
27:42You don't know what to do.
27:43It's just chaotic craziness.
27:45And you know, it's nothing more exciting than that.
27:48I can't do that at a desk job.
27:49So that's why I love this thing.
27:54On the way to a battery complaint
27:56where it seems like an elderly lady was battered
27:59by her neighbor.
28:00And she is currently bleeding.
28:02So we're going to get there as quick as we can
28:04to see if we can assist her.
28:14What happened?
28:15This man down here.
28:16Hold that on your head.
28:17Keep it there.
28:18I went to my garbage deal.
28:20He rode by, left.
28:22Knocked the seat.
28:23Go ahead and left.
28:24He backed up.
28:25And he seen me going to the garbage.
28:27Jumped out of his truck.
28:29Said, I'll whip your ass.
28:30I said, you ain't going to whip nobody's ass.
28:33By that time, he was swinging on me.
28:35So his neck fell off.
28:36He was swinging.
28:37He said, you can't hit a man that's had an accident.
28:39I said, I'll whip your ass.
28:40He said, I'll whip your ass.
28:41I said, I'll whip your ass.
28:42He said, you can't hit a man that's had an accident.
28:45Yeah, I'm 75 years old.
28:47He's 34.
28:48He can't hit me, right?
28:50Do me a favor.
28:51Go to your yard out there, OK?
28:53Have a seat.
28:54Hold that on your head.
28:55We're going to go down there and meet you.
28:57And I want my phone back.
28:58Yeah, he took my phone.
28:59He picked up my phone.
29:00All right.
29:01Straight up, didn't he?
29:12Sounds like my zone partner has dealt
29:14with this individual that had battered that guy
29:18before in the past.
29:19OK, we're good.
29:27She just tried to call me.
29:28All right, keep your dog inside there for me.
29:31Turn around.
29:32Put your hands behind your back.
29:33Right now, you're being detained.
29:36You can clear.
29:37He came to my place and pushed me.
29:39And I defeated him.
29:40Hey, just chill out for a second.
29:42What was your first name?
29:44My father was a police officer.
29:45I respect the law.
29:46You said Timothy, right?
29:47Tim, yes.
29:48Tim, we're going to walk out to my car right there.
29:49All right.
29:50And we'll have a discussion, OK?
29:51And we'll figure out what's going on.
29:52Yes, sir.
29:53Make sense?
29:54Yes, sir.
29:55I got my wallet on me.
29:56I'll get it.
29:57I'll get it, buddy.
29:58I can't run or anything.
29:59I got you.
30:00I just had major neck surgery.
30:01Listen to me.
30:03This one right here and this one right here,
30:05put my fingers in, OK?
30:06Just decide not to move around.
30:08Turn around and put your butt right here for me.
30:11We're going to get to the bottom of it, OK?
30:13Where were you at the time that this all occurred?
30:15I was driving by in my truck.
30:16OK, in your truck.
30:17I went to my friend's house right across the street.
30:20And then what happened?
30:21He hollered something at me.
30:23So I stopped.
30:24He wants me to move out of this neighborhood.
30:25He does not want me here.
30:26That's what he's telling me.
30:27He wants me to move.
30:28From today, that's what he's telling you?
30:29Yes, sir.
30:30He was telling me to hit him.
30:31Hit him.
30:32Hit him.
30:33Hit me.
30:34Hit me.
30:35I want you to go to jail.
30:36Hit me.
30:37That's what he's been trying to do.
30:39He hit me in my jaw.
30:40And I took him to the ground.
30:41And I was holding his arms down.
30:43And I was like, dude, your head's bleeding.
30:45You need to stop.
30:46So you got out of your truck to confront with him?
30:49Yes, sir.
30:51And where was he at at the time?
30:52He was in the road.
30:53He was in the road at the time that this occurred?
30:54Yes, sir.
30:56This all happened in the road.
30:57Did you go on his property at all?
30:58No, sir.
30:59I'm going to go down there.
31:00Yeah, check on him.
31:01We was in the road.
31:02You were in the road the entire time?
31:03Yes, sir.
31:04Did you leave him in the roadway?
31:05No, sir.
31:06He was walking to the house, telling
31:07his wife to call the law.
31:09She came out with a gun after you?
31:10Yes, sir.
31:11I was coming back from the driveway.
31:12She came down the road.
31:13He was holding me.
31:14He was holding me.
31:16All right.
31:17See that car right there?
31:18We're going to walk over to that one.
31:21Am I going to jail?
31:22Right now, you're placed under arrest right now for battery.
31:27We'll get that in just a second.
31:29Yeah, gotcha.
31:33I need my medication.
31:35We'll work that out in a second.
31:36Just get in the car.
31:39What's the story you gathered from him further?
31:41You can see where he was in his driveway.
31:44The pile of blood's in the driveway right there.
31:46Yeah, I see it.
31:48Hold on.
31:49Let's do that.
31:50You got an arterial bleed on your head.
31:52You got an arterial bleed coming from your head.
31:54You're going to need to get it closest place, my man.
31:57Let's see if we can try and walk him over here.
32:00And then actually do this.
32:02So my suspect claimed that the fight had occurred somewhere
32:06right out in front of our victim's house
32:08out on the roadway.
32:09But there are no indications of any kind of a fight
32:13except for right here in the driveway,
32:16which validates the story of the victim
32:19versus the suspect who is now heading to the Putnam County
32:38A driver kind of did a hard stare near the headlights,
32:54type stare.
32:56He's got a brake light.
32:57T-84, 10-35.
32:59If we're grounded, Henry and Hurst are gone.
33:09Hey, how you guys doing?
33:11All right.
33:11How are you doing?
33:13Officer Cush, Wilmington Police Department.
33:14I saw you.
33:15You got a brake light out.
33:16Well, thank you.
33:17I appreciate that.
33:18You got your ID on you?
33:20I'm fine.
33:21Sounds good.
33:21What you all up to tonight, sir?
33:23We're going to the police station.
33:24We're going to the police station.
33:25Sounds good.
33:26What you all up to tonight, just chilling, hanging out?
33:32Ma'am, you got some ID on you?
33:33I don't.
33:34What's your name?
33:37Yes, sir.
33:39Cassandra, what's your?
33:40Is it Cassandra or Cassandra?
33:42That's it.
33:43That's it.
33:43How do you spell that?
33:49All right, sounds good.
33:50Just hang tight.
33:56I'll be right down.
33:57I'm going to need the passenger seat.
33:59All right.
34:05Can you step out for me real quick?
34:08Can you step out of the car for me?
34:10I haven't done anything wrong.
34:11I'll explain.
34:15Oh, can you not touch that knife?
34:16Can you?
34:18Drop the knife!
34:19Drop the knife!
34:20Drop the knife!
34:23Don't be stupid.
34:25Do not be.
34:26Drop the knife!
34:26I'm not doing nothing.
34:27He's got it.
34:28It's up.
34:29It's up.
34:30Get out with your hands up.
34:31I ain't done nothing.
34:34That was stupid.
34:37I'm not trying to grab nothing.
34:39When I opened the door, it fell.
34:41Step back here.
34:43Turn around.
34:44I haven't done nothing.
34:45I haven't done nothing wrong.
34:47Well, that was a pretty stupid thing to do.
34:49I opened the door.
34:50It almost fell on the ground.
34:52All right.
34:53You know, I like this one.
35:01It looks like she dropped a crack rod.
35:06Oh, yeah.
35:07Let me grab that.
35:19The beer can.
35:21This one.
35:22That's not mine.
35:23I dropped it.
35:24But it's still probable cause it's there.
35:26That first one you dropped.
35:27The beer can that was open that has spilled out
35:31behind your seat, that gave us probable cause of search.
35:34That wasn't mine.
35:36I don't care who it was.
35:37It shouldn't be in the car.
35:39Come here.
35:39Turn around.
35:40Turn around.
35:41Turn around.
35:43What the fuck did I do?
35:45Right where you're sitting, it looks
35:46like you got a crack rod.
35:49Just hang tight.
35:54I'm just going to run her real quick.
35:56And I'm not finding any information.
36:11Where'd that come from?
36:13You didn't just drop that?
36:16That's why it's dry?
36:22Right next to her.
36:24Come back to the car, run all their information,
36:26and Officer Early sees her dropping
36:30some crack on the ground.
36:35That's crazy.
36:36People just dropping their crack.
36:38And leaving it.
36:39In a hurricane, it hasn't been washed away.
36:41It's just nice, pristine.
36:44Right next to where you are when I see
36:46things coming out of your hands.
36:48She already produced some crack somewhere.
36:52I don't know.
36:52Yeah, I heard.
36:53I don't know.
36:54We're standing side by side.
36:56How the hell can you say I produced anything?
36:58What do you mean?
36:59My name is Cassandra.
37:01They wouldn't do a body scan in the jail
37:02if they found something.
37:03Well, why am I going to the jail?
37:04I don't have nothing.
37:05Yeah, you're being charged with that crack.
37:07That crack is not mine.
37:08How can you have me standing side by side?
37:10And I watched you drop it, OK?
37:12I didn't drop it.
37:13You did.
37:14No, I didn't.
37:15So like she just said, you're going to be put
37:19through a body scanner, all right?
37:20That's fine.
37:21I haven't done nothing.
37:23I've done nothing.
37:24He took the cigarette out of my hand.
37:25I've had nothing.
37:26We can have that argument in court, then.
37:30I can't do this.
37:30I'm supposed to go see my child tomorrow.
37:33What's your real name?
37:36Spell Cassandra.
37:44I haven't dropped nothing.
37:49And your name is?
37:51And your name is pronounced how?
37:54Most people call me Cassandra, but it's Cassandra.
37:56Cassandra with no N.
38:02I guess I forgot that, being fast.
38:04And I'm frustrated.
38:05We typically can tell off the bat when something's not right.
38:08She knows she has drugs on her.
38:09She knows she's lying to us.
38:11And that stress kind of starts eating away at people.
38:13When you start putting it all together,
38:15we're sitting there talking.
38:16We both knew she was lying the whole time.
38:17I didn't do nothing.
38:19You possessed crack.
38:21You did.
38:22This stuff simply is going to come out at the end.
38:24We can't positively identify you with all the databases
38:26we have.
38:27You're absolutely lying to us.
38:34I knew it.
38:36I knew it.
38:39What is it?
38:43Oh, man.
38:43You catching a felony now.
38:46Another felony.
38:47You're catching another felony.
38:49Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow.
38:50Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going,
38:52keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going,
38:53keep going, keep going.
38:56Bobby, oh, shit.
39:01All right, sir.
39:02Go ahead and put your hands behind your back.
39:03For what?
39:04You're under arrest for DWI.
39:06Not DWI.
39:08Driving while impaired.
39:09Don't drive me.
39:10Well, I'm going to take the platform.
39:12Yes, we will, sir.
39:13Go ahead, take a seat for me.
39:15Go ahead, take a seat.
39:16You're under arrest for DWI.
39:18All right.
39:20Fortunately, he got him off the roadway
39:21because he had no business driving this evening.
39:24This traffic stop is all over the place.
39:28I was about to get you guys home.
39:32That's how it goes.