download flashpoint and search swords and souls
00:00:00This bozo is me and right now he sucks. He literally can't even beat this tiny enemy
00:00:05So I'm gonna throw him through the gauntlet for the next God probably like a thousand days to make him as strong as possible
00:00:10So I'm able to 100% this classic flash game. Let's get right into it. We make our guy look like step one
00:00:16I mean, what if we change things up give him a receding hairline and we'll make him joyous name Gug
00:00:21Okay, let's do this man. This game is so fun. Welcome Gug
00:00:24I'm sir scarrow at your service. I knew the arena could make you rich and famous or quite dead
00:00:28I think I'm gonna be goaded right battle number one the newbies
00:00:32Okay, I thought we're not gonna win cuz we have literally zero stats and we deal one damage. That's awesome
00:00:36I mean, we'll win the mosquito, but we got two more guys to fight
00:00:39I don't think it's gonna go too well for us to be honest, but we'll do what we can
00:00:42Oh the overhead attack pretty good. But uh, yeah, we get absolutely smoked a mole beat me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to hear it
00:00:48Yeah, let me train. First of all, dude, what's gonna let me level up the training room. Okay, nice
00:00:51Let's train your strength for a bit. Okay, I'm down for that 50 gold for that
00:00:54But uh, let's do it arrow keys to hit some apples sweet. Hopefully I can use WASD. My arrow keys are broken
00:00:59I can't thank God this guy's helpful as hell dude. I appreciate him throwing all these apples
00:01:03I mean, this is gotta be tiring. I guess he's kicking a couple. I mean, but still but still oh
00:01:08We got to go back for the stars. Okay. I'm remembering it now all coming back to me. Boom. There we go
00:01:12Good, you look strong enough to face that mole now. Oh, yeah, you can say that again this mole
00:01:16Okay, we're one shot in this first guy. Let's go in one shot this first guy for me. Boom 10 damage
00:01:20It's just too good. It's just too good. We're making money. They got the king mosquito. Oh my keys just too much damage, dude
00:01:25Let me guess. I'm gonna have to go train defense. Yeah, shut up, bro. I hate this game
00:01:28Okay, the mosquito King is not gonna stand a chance. We'll buy block. Let's get in there
00:01:32This is moving the moving the shield around I believe right? Yeah, don't block the stars. Okay block apples
00:01:37Don't block stars easy as can be dude. The only thing that throws me off is not blocking the stars
00:01:43Sometimes I'm a little too autopilot and we got to keep these combos going
00:01:47Otherwise, we're gonna have real trouble leveling up fast and that's what we want and it is absolutely critical
00:01:52We hit stars or sorry don't hit stars because stars give us a massive jump like right there
00:01:56We almost sold but it just auto ends. Okay, nice. So that levels us up to level two
00:02:00Also, I don't know what that does you gain level. Let's see what you learned. We learned double slash a double attack for double damage
00:02:05Okay, cool. Excellent. You now have a new skill to use in combat now use the points you earn to increase your block even more
00:02:10What if I don't want to use? Oh, I have to level up block dude block so easy to train
00:02:14Why can't I do damage? We can also shop here buy yourself a weapon a shield and some armor
00:02:18He's gave me a band a band and a half. Okay, we'll buy a weapon a shield and some armor
00:02:22Just like he said i'm so nice. No go beat that stupid insect. Yeah, we're one shot this guy
00:02:25Oh, actually, we didn't level up for damage. But oh wait with the double slash maybe we can mole's dead mosquito's dead
00:02:30We'll go ahead and double slash. Oh, yeah, he's done for king mosquito more like king noob skido, dude
00:02:36Boom, we did it statue unlocked nice. So I think we have to get all those statues likely
00:02:40We'll see how hard that's gonna be though. Congratulations. That was epic. Well, not really. Yeah
00:02:43I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it, bro
00:02:45Yeah, we got a lot of trophies to collect. We'll see how many of those we can do. Let's check out our house as well
00:02:48What does this house do only? Oh 11. That's so affordable. We're not gonna bother though. Oh, you boost xp
00:02:53Okay. Yeah, we are gonna bother. Okay. Is everything 14? Yeah. Okay. Everything's cheap 26. That's fine 73
00:02:58We can't afford that. Yes. Let's just go ahead and get back in on training. We'll have to level up
00:03:01Oh, yeah, so each thing has a mission as well
00:03:03So that is going to be super important to get because I think it just gives us like a huge xp boost instantly
00:03:09Which is what i'm very interested in to be honest with you big xp boosts are what I live for
00:03:13Okay, boom, that's two stat level up. And yeah, that's instantly gave me four. We also just completed some other quests
00:03:18We need 11 perfects now. Okay. I'm actually extremely focused. Okay, so perfect just means a star
00:03:23We are getting quite a lot the longer we go on the faster we get stars
00:03:26But it looks like I messed up somewhere in there. So we're actually going back down to the slow pace which uh,
00:03:31Oh, whoops. What does turbo mode do? Oh, we haven't unlocked turbo yet. I wonder what that does if it makes me train faster
00:03:36I'm interested boom another mission complete. Uh, no mistake for 19 seconds. That is easy
00:03:40These missions are just a little too easy, dude. I kind of have to do them at this point. Come on
00:03:44Come on now, let's be real boom. That one's done as well. What's next? Maybe we could do it a perfect combo
00:03:49I mean, that's just so easy. I might as well. That's three one more and that's done as well, dude
00:03:54It's just I just can't stop the dopamine. We need to stat up three times. I mean, it's just so easy
00:04:00I'm gonna do it. I have to do it dare
00:04:02I say only once more the gameplay in this game is just it's so simple. It's so addicting that quest is done a 37 combo
00:04:09I mean we were eight off it. Let's just go ahead and polish that off real quick. Only four more perfect
00:04:15Come on, how could we not? How could we not? Let's be honest here, dude. Come on
00:04:21You're thinking I wouldn't do that. I might as well
00:04:23Okay, one more star and then we're done for real unless it's a combo one 21 seconds and no mistake
00:04:28Well, we'll go till we fail. How about that? I'm doing the thing and the next one's gonna be easy as well
00:04:32So i'm gonna want to keep doing it. But I mean i'm so locked in that. I can't stop. I actually i'm so locked in
00:04:37I can't even speak dude need for perfect five combo. We can do that. No, we messed it up. Okay
00:04:41Well, we did pretty good. Let's back out. How much did we gain 200 damage?
00:04:45Okay, that's seven levels and gold combo right off the bat. That's insane only number nine mission
00:04:50I wonder what the max is. It looks like we'll need around 150 combo for each one
00:04:53All right, let's go poke around we have more stuff in here because we level up seven times
00:04:57We have to shield bash stuns enemies. It looks pretty good for skills. Let's go ahead and do um,
00:05:02Increase the stun duration and then we'll go for decreased skill cooldowns by 28
00:05:08Then we have 120 points. So i'm thinking uh, maybe we drop that all into critical chance land some crits boom
00:05:13So now we have a six percent critical chance. That's actually not worth it at all. But whatever next we're finding the the pariah
00:05:19I have a feeling we might just one shot every single person here because we are so over leveled on damage now
00:05:24But i'm fine with that not quite the bandit. That's okay. We'll double stab him. Yeah, no chance for him
00:05:28It's another level up too sweet other statue down some money. How much we getting a decent amount? Okay, pretty good
00:05:33We could do the next battle
00:05:34But why don't we go ahead and uh, what should we do buy a little bit more of the house buff up our um,
00:05:38Our stat gain getting pretty expensive, but we'll buy two more upgrades then in the shop. We could increase our range damage
00:05:43Sure, we'll get a we'll get a knife whatever that is then back in here
00:05:46We'll we'll buy some uh some damage and some range damage looking pretty good. And why don't we actually buy range damage?
00:05:52Oh, wait, we're too poor now. Damn it. Okay, let's go win another battle then I was spacing out and spent all my damn money
00:05:56All right. Yeah, we're absolutely decimating everyone here. Once again wasted my stun on him. I wasted my double stab
00:06:01I thought that guy was the boss crap. Okay, this guy's actually strong. Yeah, we're slightly too weak
00:06:05Damn, if I had my double stab would have done it but whatever whatever we've still got a little bit of money
00:06:10Also, if we click that mushroom to feed him he gives us another one of the thing. We just gave him
00:06:15Okay, interesting. Well health potion cool
00:06:17Also, I just noticed that if you look up in the top right you can see how many kills we have
00:06:20Okay back to training we can level up the training room to learn faster. Let's do a little bit of blocking
00:06:24I definitely say blocking isn't my favorite but you know
00:06:26You gotta level up a little bit of everything. Otherwise, you'll be weak in certain areas and that's not what you want
00:06:30I want to be strong in everything
00:06:32I'm also gonna have to get a crazy combo in this but that's gonna be harder because i'd say my my movement skills or like
00:06:37Moving around skills are worse than my arrow key skills
00:06:40Especially since I think you lose your combo if you accidentally don't block a star which I could totally see myself doing
00:06:45If i'm not locked in also it kind of lags whenever I level up
00:06:48Which is it's gonna screw me over at some point when I have some crazy combo going i'm leveling up constantly
00:06:53Yeah, like right there. We messed it up. But whatever we need, uh, four more stars to complete that quest
00:06:57So no i'm probably not gonna grind defenses as long as long as I did for attack
00:07:01But whatever no mistake for 19 seconds now these
00:07:05Oh, no, actually you don't you don't lose your combo if you hit a star. Okay good
00:07:08These are the kind of missions I fear with this kind of thing because I make mistakes so often 12 seconds
00:07:14It's ticking up slowly, but surely it's what I like to see. It's what I like to see
00:07:18Boom, we did it. Okay. Nice perfect combo. That should be relatively straightforward as long as they're coming in fast
00:07:22You know the longer it goes on. Oh, don't we just wreck it instantly? Nice. Let's go baby stats up
00:07:26That's a freebie. We'll take that. No, I can't be blocking the stars. Come on. All right, that's our third stat up
00:07:31We also got um a leaf and we need a 37 combo
00:07:35I mean, we're already at 22. So we might as well polish that off real quick
00:07:37But now I think i'm a little over defense
00:07:39So we will tap out after this unless this one's easy 12 perfect
00:07:44I mean we do have a pretty high combo. So maybe it'd be worth grabbing it real quick. Oh my god
00:07:49We're getting so many perfects. They're just sending them in dude. I'll take all you got please. Yes, please
00:07:53Okay, I think i'm just gonna focus on blocking everything. I don't even care about letting stars in
00:07:56I just want to keep my combo going. We're up to 120
00:07:59I'd love to just get a gold combo for this right off the rip and we don't have to stress about it later
00:08:03And that's up to 140 150. We hit it actually blocked a star, but that's okay
00:08:07It's like I said, I just wanted to keep going. We're so good. Please 200. Give me 200
00:08:11Give me 200 right now. Give me 200 right now. Oh, I messed it up
00:08:14Okay, how'd we do? How'd we do though? We actually gained more defense
00:08:16Looks like I was having more fun on this. Okay, and that's gold combo right off the bat. Okay, nice
00:08:20I don't care about grinding missions. I actually enjoy that free gold
00:08:23Okay, I clicked on all of them that is gonna give me the money got the twitter one. I got the facebook one
00:08:26There we go. Okay, boom. So that's 2000 free gold. Let's go
00:08:29I love when games do that with all these bonus points
00:08:32We're dumping them straight into damage because i'm a beast next up
00:08:35We will increase our stun duration again reduce cooldown even more that's actually maxed right off the rip
00:08:39I like that and then we do have a ton of money
00:08:41So because it gives us bonus money as well, but it's almost one goal. That's too much
00:08:44Let's feed this uh, this little thing to him first and give us a little xp. That was not worth damn that sucks
00:08:49What's that? Wait, what's in here? Well my income I can increase my revenue share. So I get 19 per minute
00:08:54That's uh, pretty good. So the more we fill everything up the more money we make makes sense in the training
00:08:58Maybe we'll level up training a little we'll also unlock accuracy this and we'll save for I assume crit chance in there as well
00:09:04But let's go win some battles for a sec
00:09:05So this guy should sound like literally no chance now because we keep in mind we buffed damage in addition to
00:09:11Strength because I spent all my points and if we double attack you should die in probably two turns
00:09:16Yeah, two turns. That's kind of cheating
00:09:17I said it like after it would have been determined to be two turns, but whatever another statue down
00:09:21Which means more passive income more money. We can actually go for the goblin stew just right away
00:09:25If we win this we get a whopping 17 gold, which is going to be great. I might use this health potion. Damn
00:09:30Okay, that range did almost no money. What is ragnarok?
00:09:33Let's stun this goblin peon that lets us get in two attacks and let's use ragnarok, dude
00:09:37Oh, okay. Just one shot him for 3 000 damage. That's pretty good
00:09:40Okay, so nice another statue and we're also absolutely balling now. We're up to 22 gold. Let's go spend some of that
00:09:45So i'm thinking training is probably where we want to drop most of it and then a little bit at the house
00:09:50We'll get a home we'll get a roof and we'll get some flat
00:09:53No, we can't quite afford the flowers
00:09:54Okay, in that case we'll buy a better weapon because that's the only thing we can afford and on the hero
00:09:58We unlocked a toxic stab. Okay, that sounds cool
00:10:00I might buff that and i'll buff a little bit of my dodge chance as well
00:10:03But i'm sure it'll be far from the hardest or laggiest game i've ever played
00:10:07So let's just keep at it. We might as well also buy critical
00:10:10So let's get an accuracy and see how we're doing. We want to aim for the center for the perfect
00:10:14Okay, i'm assuming this is gonna get really hard. My aim used to be cracked at this
00:10:18I remember I 100% this game back in the day actually back when I didn't have a channel or sorry back when um
00:10:23I made only starting value videos. So a while ago. Yeah, I see that lag when I level up
00:10:27It's gonna make the later sections really challenging
00:10:31I think i'm just gonna focus on combo right off the bat and not worry about getting perfects unless I absolutely have to
00:10:36Oh, I literally have a quest for perfects right now probably should work on that and we choked it. Damn
00:10:41Okay, this is actually hard no mistake for 16 seconds
00:10:44I have a feeling those are gonna be the hardest ones to get to gold. I'm almost done with archery training
00:10:49I'm, just polishing off
00:10:50Hopefully the gold combo achievement right off the rip and honestly i'd be impressed if I could do 20 more seconds without a mistake
00:10:55But uh, we will give it a go might actually be able to do it. I'm just locked in
00:10:59I'm, not really caring about getting perfects
00:11:01I'm, just like going for the combo when we've been going for this long any mistake pretty much instantly ends it
00:11:07So gotta be pretty careful the perfect combo one's an act. This is definitely a gold. Let's leave let's leave how to do for that
00:11:12We actually got 600
00:11:14Oh my god, i'm wait, there's a tier after oh no
00:11:20Oh no
00:11:21Oh no
00:11:23No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:11:27That is devastating. That's absolutely devastating. Okay. Well, we're gonna have to chip away that boy
00:11:31At least we got one acorn a little bit of money. Yeah, that's uh
00:11:35Worrying to say the least at least we got a whole bunch of skill points to spend i'm gonna dump it all into attack and
00:11:41Defense not pretty geared on that and with three talent points. What should we buy crease chance to find clovers?
00:11:46That sounds amazing
00:11:46Let's max that out then two skill points
00:11:49We're gonna go for chance to weaken enemy this time
00:11:51Gotta spread it out a little and then uh back to the arena
00:11:53I guess time to absolutely destroy some fools. We're gonna try poison on this guy right off the bat
00:11:58I don't know why because he's gonna die
00:11:59Okay, so lesson learned poison does not do a lot of damage now the mosquito our range now is 1400 damage
00:12:05And we got a crit there, which is always nice only six percent chance. So it's actually kind of rare
00:12:08We'll open with stun on this guy. Then we'll go for double attack. It's actually possible
00:12:11We lose here and we'll go for a quick poison as well, but we're just absolutely comboing him. Yeah, we're fine
00:12:15No sweat, baby another battle down the flapping monsters they were some of them were flittering I feel any flitterers out there
00:12:23Wait, does that mean anything bad?
00:12:29No, it doesn't thank god, all right with 96 bucks, what should I go spend it on hopefully not my damn wife
00:12:34Let's increase our sorry
00:12:36I love my wife in this game. Okay. Well, let's go ahead and max out everything
00:12:38Honestly, it'll make us broke but it's worth it. And then we got a clover to feed this fellow money
00:12:42That's actually what I needed. Sweet. Our income is still only three bucks a minute now, which is pretty good
00:12:47I'd like to up my share, but we'll chip away at it and some more xp which actually levels me up pretty good
00:12:51Let's just drop that
00:12:53Drop that into dodge chance. I'm just gonna go back here and try something real quick
00:12:57Okay, it wasn't that quick but time flies when you're having fun and so far I am quite enjoying this game
00:13:03No, yeah, I was trying for the combo, but I biffed it at whatever it was
00:13:05Can you put it on screen or whatever I biffed it at please?
00:13:07Oh, but we leveled up at least level up our mission god getting that last combo is gonna be brutal
00:13:12All right. Let's try dodge. Oh, this is gonna be annoying. I can already tell I think I vaguely remember this one
00:13:16He's gonna like attack me. So that's gonna be duck, right? Yeah, that one's gonna be backing up. It's gonna be duck
00:13:21It's gonna be jump. Yeah, I think this was like one of my least favorite skills to train
00:13:25Just impossible with the combos going man. Yeah, this one. I don't know
00:13:29I just don't like it to be honest with you
00:13:31It's kind of grinds my freaking gears majorly mainly because I hate this little top hat dummy
00:13:35Literal dummy by the way guys not even being derogatory. He just is a dummy. It's undeniable
00:13:39But yeah, it's not a fan of him really so I hate getting perfect in this mode. It's just annoying not a fan of it
00:13:45It's just hard. See I just mess it up there
00:13:46I can get it on most but not all mainly the jumping one I mess up on
00:13:50Oh, I biffed it on four out of five. Come on, right? I did all I could. Oh, man. What's my combo?
00:13:56I got like a 78 combo. How is that gonna be? Oh, it's gold. Oh, don't tell me I need 100
00:14:01Oh god, it's gonna piss me off. It's gonna piss me off so bad. Please please please I do need 100 man
00:14:06That's gonna be so hard god damn it
00:14:08All right
00:14:09There's just a couple of secrets get out of the way if we go in here click this candle a whole bunch till it lights
00:14:14That's a secret if we uh chill here for uh, hang on a second guys
00:14:18If we just sit in here for one minute we snag that one if we click on that guy
00:14:21We get some achievement. He's just some freak in the background then if we click this awning a whole bunch keep waiting some guy
00:14:28Me is is the some guy falls
00:14:30It could also be a creep and if we click on this lady a whole bunch big mad ready. See she gets mad
00:14:35Yeah, cool
00:14:36Good stuff achievement then the rest of these we're gonna have to just keep upgrading all this stuff until we can get it the paintings
00:14:41We're actually gonna get from this guy. Oh a coupon cool
00:14:43Don't know what that does
00:14:44But uh, yeah, this guy will have a small chance to give us um a painting got two coupons
00:14:48I don't know what those do we should probably collect our money as well
00:14:51I'm actually gonna use that to reinvest my share to make some more money. So yeah, we could let's add a second floor
00:14:56Damn, she's gonna ball her house, huh?
00:14:57And we did level up so let's go ahead and uh increase our chance to weaken the enemy and uh buff our chance to find
00:15:03More clovers since clovers are broken then uh, we're gonna actually buff our damage because I don't feel like training that much more damage
00:15:08We'll get that up to a thousand then these coupons will let us buy these so I don't know what we exactly want to buy
00:15:14Maybe maybe we'll spend our coupons on strength potions and then I think it might actually be time to go back into the arena
00:15:19Dude, we will win 400 silver if we do this, so i'm hoping we can do it orc peon is our first enemy
00:15:24He's got almost 5 000 less hp than me. So i'm feeling pretty confident. Yeah, we're dominating
00:15:29Okay, this one he might actually be a problem
00:15:31We're gonna open with a double attack then look for stun. Thank god. He missed me
00:15:34And then we're gonna go ahead and go with that poison as well. Yeah, he's done. He's absolutely cooked
00:15:37There we go. Nice another victory, uh under our belt another statue as well more money
00:15:42I do love money and with 400 bucks. I mean, what can we do with 400 bucks?
00:15:45We can upgrade our training room. We can uh, our income's up to we can upgrade our income
00:15:49Yeah, we'll go to 25 share
00:15:51You really should give me 100 to be honest because i'm the only one keeping this place in business
00:15:54But uh, I mean this guy does help out a lot. So we can't be too ungrateful. We've managed to kill
00:16:00Oh, no, wait, this guy has 25 kills. He's the champ. What? Okay, never mind interesting armory is coming along
00:16:05All right, we got a while to go though and statues still need some more. So let's build our house a little more
00:16:11There's a lost child back there for some reason 12 of them left might be kind of hard to find
00:16:15But we'll do our best then another level up means more damage and we buy anything
00:16:20We can actually upgrade our melee weapon. Okay, cool with those buffs. Let's try one more battle
00:16:24We'd actually get a gold from this
00:16:26So it would be nice to win and i'm actually pretty confident in the fact that we'll win just because we're still kind of overleveled
00:16:31Right, we're actually getting pretty low. So i'm gonna actually drink a health potion real quick
00:16:34It doesn't heal that much and this brood is just really strong
00:16:37Okay, this next guy we're gonna go ahead and use ragnarok because I want to win that's gonna one shot
00:16:4123k damage pretty good. So we're balling now. We have I think we have a gold
00:16:45Yeah, two gold with those gold
00:16:46I think the only thing that makes sense is to upgrade our training room once
00:16:49And probably our home we'll put a little bit of money back into our property get a window going
00:16:53I don't know why you build the window after you've built the house
00:16:56But whatever and a couple more clovers a lightning attack some damage and some xp
00:17:00Very good our income hundred silver a minute. Everything's up to silver now
00:17:05Very good looks like gallery does the most which surprises me but interesting. So can I replay previous stages?
00:17:11I wonder if I get money for it. Well, I wouldn't win that stage. Whoops. Let's do a flapping monsters
00:17:15Okay, we do win. What do we get though? We get nothing. Okay, so it's not worth it at all. Gotcha
00:17:20All right, I think it's time to get back into training maybe, you know, we'll level a little more strength
00:17:25I don't mind it. I really don't mind it at all
00:17:27I was complaining for no reason and I do
00:17:29Want to max out the missions because the missions give a lot of xp
00:17:33What if we lower the quality guys is my pc just not good enough to run this game?
00:17:37Why does this actually look better though? Am I crazy like more stylized, you know more retro?
00:17:41Did it fix the lag as well? Wait, it actually might have fixed the lag
00:17:457950x not enough to run flash games by the way guys. Do I waste my money and buy an rtx 5090?
00:17:50Keep it a buck with me. Is it worth? Okay. I know it's not worth but should I do it?
00:17:54All right, we completed some serious quests. How much that game was going to give us only 336
00:17:58Did our missions at least level up? No, you have to do a lot of missions. Oh my gosh
00:18:02It should also probably try critical you have to click on signal click again during your attack
00:18:07Okay, I don't know what that means, but let's try it out
00:18:09Oh, I understand it. Okay. Okay, so don't click when he does the skull. Gotcha
00:18:14So we just have to be permanently locked in that is a little brutal
00:18:17But we'll do what we can nothing to do
00:18:19but click click click at least that don't make mistakes for a
00:18:23Certain amount of seconds when it's going to be relatively straightforward because there's just a lot of waiting along or waiting around
00:18:28We actually had a pretty good combo going. I wonder what the gold is for this probably like 200 or something impossible like that
00:18:34We'll just go for as long as we can because we're getting so much xp. Anyways, why would I stop?
00:18:38Okay, we literally just can't stop. We're up to a 200 combo. This is getting a little bit ridiculous
00:18:43And we just passed the 300 mark my hand is getting a little sore but I don't see why I shouldn't just keep going
00:18:49Guys, i'm getting kind of bored
00:18:52Oh, I messed up I messed up I messed up I choked damn it man. Holy smokes. We actually freaking did it
00:18:58We actually freaking did it 600 combo. That's actually insane. We got a thousand
00:19:04A thousand crit. How is that only silver mission? How many missions did we do? We did 19
00:19:09That was like actually the most insane thing i've ever done. I'm so good. Holy smokes. It's insane
00:19:12It's got a gold in the bank. We managed to tank 20. Okay, we got 20 four leaf clovers
00:19:18If we don't get a single painting i'm gonna be mad. We just got four more back. Okay, that's insane
00:19:22Okay, literally garbage so far some stat increases more clovers a coupon not a single painting at least we're getting some money more coupons
00:19:30More armor more stats. Okay, cool. We could buff up our share again. Sure
00:19:35Okay, our share is getting pretty nice, but I think i'll spend the rest on some buffs now
00:19:38We'll buff everything except our shield and we'll spend our coupons just maxing out the rest of everything else
00:19:43We unlock the magic armor skill reduces damage taken for a short time. Cool. Cool. Cool
00:19:48We also have every single talent now we can increase
00:19:50Yeah, we'll increase potion efficiency in case we really need it because we'll really need it for using a potion
00:19:54I think i'm actually gonna buff magic armor right off the bat and then use all of these money things
00:19:59We're up to a 10 chance to crit
00:20:01So why don't we just buff our damage a whole bunch and our defense?
00:20:04Okay, we're absolutely stacked now with all of that. Why don't we go ahead and try out the arena?
00:20:08Wow, we don't even do that much damage. That's kind of crazy. But I mean, I guess you know, it's the crits where it matters
00:20:14Hopefully we really hit some crits because I did take a long time to
00:20:19to get
00:20:20To where we were I was going for an a thousand combo, but I was just getting a little distracted
00:20:24Okay, and then we have this big guy. We dodged him. That's nice. We'll buff up
00:20:28We'll still use our damage resistance right off the bat
00:20:30So that gives us 13 seconds, which should be more than enough time to dominate this guy
00:20:34See you bud not even close how much money are we adding for this actually didn't even see we are rocking with
00:20:409.5 pretty good. Well, let's buff our weapon right off the bat and get a better shield and feed this guy some clovers
00:20:47Some nice stat buffs. We'll always take those. Maybe it's time. We buff our house a little as well
00:20:50Let's go for a flower pot right there. We're up to 4.4 x xp gain pretty good
00:20:55So now we really just need to start chipping away at these combos and the missions
00:20:59So here's what i'm actually gonna go do real quick. It's gonna drop a quick perfect combo
00:21:04Hopefully that way we can see how many quests we're gonna need for the maxed out. Okay, we maxed out that mission
00:21:11Let's leave
00:21:12And so we're gonna get that up to gold mission
00:21:14How much is gonna be for the flowery gold is what I want to see 35 missions. Oh boy. That's a lot god damn
00:21:21Okay, that is okay though. It should be okay. It should be okay. Let's go quickly find all the lost children
00:21:26I'm thinking there's one here another one there one's hanging out right below my little altar
00:21:30There are a couple in the shop, I think
00:21:34Oh, yeah, here he is gotta be one in the arena. Yep
00:21:36I think that's his hair look at that noob rip the noob then in battle one
00:21:40There's one hiding up there in the statue area. This guy's prowling right there
00:21:44Then at the very end of the armory this guy's hiding as well
00:21:46I don't think this is very safe, but there's one kid hiding behind the swords also loki
00:21:50This one's kind of sneaky but less sneaky because of the white
00:21:53I don't know how I didn't notice that yet to be honest with you
00:21:55Okay, and then we're gonna have to upgrade our home a little bit more to find the last one
00:21:58But uh, that's good progress. Okay. There we go. We just hit 100 combo, which I think means that's gonna be uh,
00:22:04All laureled up. Come on. Wait
00:22:07Don't tell me what I have to go further. I actually have to
00:22:15No way
00:22:16Well, we'll keep chipping away. It's gonna be kind of brutal
00:22:19Okay. Well, this is gonna take a while, but we will get it
00:22:22So maybe we just head back into the arena for a little we also have five golds sitting there. So that's pretty nice
00:22:26Um, we'll buff up a little more but time to level up this training room i'm thinking so I can't believe we got a 600 combo
00:22:33I'm, very proud of that. We actually got some skill to spend as well. How about we level up maybe our weak?
00:22:39Weakened effect and then I mean honestly, I feel like our range could go for a little bit of care as well
00:22:45Now, let's see how we do on some of these battles. I think i'm just gonna try one
00:22:48Oh, we just don't do enough damage these days three shotting enemies. Get me the hell out of here
00:22:52We gotta go do some more training
00:22:53I feel like comparatively to the other ones the defense one gets hard like so insanely fast like the other one
00:22:59It's like such a slow ramp up. This one is like instantaneous, dude
00:23:02Genuinely, like I just don't know how i'm gonna get 250 combo on this. Yeah, dude
00:23:07Okay, i've been chipping away for a while. I just can't seem to get that combo better. It's so difficult man
00:23:12I swear like at a certain point you have to start blocking everything including the stars
00:23:17But that also just makes it so difficult because the stars gives you two
00:23:21So you want to get the stars?
00:23:22But realistically it's impossible to like but a bit like let them make crap
00:23:25I blocked the star uh to like let in a star and flick back for the apple
00:23:29So I might have to start just blocking everything always when I get to like, uh, I mean even a hundred plus
00:23:34It's pretty hard. How do I choke that combo? I'm so annoyed. How do I block that star? Get me out here, dude
00:23:38I hate this. I hate this. Okay, at least we level up twice still good still 400 combat pissing me off majorly, dude
00:23:45Majorly, ah, we unlocked this heal thing, which i'll probably level up a decent amount
00:23:49I think we're gonna go for increased super critical damage and then dump all of our money into
00:23:55More range damage. Hooray. All right into the kazan warriors. It's the only thing we're gonna do that much damage
00:24:01Oh, it's still a three shot. I gotta go back to I gotta go back to weaponry, dude
00:24:06Genuinely, I need to so let's pop our defense thing real quick
00:24:09So we don't waste all of our health on the damn peons as soon as this guy's done
00:24:13We're gonna open with poison on the boss. Okay, so give me poison
00:24:16We got a bowtack and then we're gonna go for double look for a stun as well
00:24:20So we can farm him real quick. Come on. Give me that stun. Give me that stun. Oh, yeah, he's stunned
00:24:24Oh, yeah, he's dead. Oh, yeah, he's dead too easy man too easy. That's also gonna make us 47 gold
00:24:28I feel like we can probably take the next one
00:24:30Okay, these guys are getting strong level 30 is actually kind of no joke especially when they're taking four shots to kill
00:24:36That's a little scary. I think we have to heal up now real quick
00:24:39And we can use any of these abilities just in case things get a little tight
00:24:42But I would like to save them in case things get uh, even tighter. Why don't we just fireball this guy?
00:24:46Yeah, it's gonna do 26k damage. We'll ragnarok him as well doesn't actually one shot him impressive stuff
00:24:51Okay, he's done though. That is uh, they got a lot of health going
00:24:53All right, sweet 200 bucks to my name looking good with all of that. We could buff our melee damage
00:24:58We could build our house a little house is so cheap. We might as well. We're building
00:25:02Are we building a whole nother house? We are that's insane. This this woman wants too much for me low-key guys
00:25:07Oh, well, I get to live there as well. You know, it's fair enough
00:25:09Okay, we'll buff our melee weapon gets more health gets more range damage looking good
00:25:14And this is someone got eight clovers during all that which is kind of a weirdly high amount
00:25:18I feel our income is 5.6 gold. We're still pretty far away from maxing out our museum income
00:25:23We can't get up to 40 though, which is good
00:25:25I'll happily take that and then somehow that brings us up to enough to buy a shield
00:25:29Oh, oh, yeah that freak right there. Hate that guy. Okay, then with all this other stuff. Why don't we
00:25:34Let's actually what should we buff here if we buff our chance to weaken the enemy and then put this other
00:25:39one into chance to fire a poison projectile and then put the rest of this into
00:25:44I mean, I never want to train critical again, but i'm gonna have to so we'll put it into
00:25:48Give me range dude low-key. Give me ranged if I just went and finished off range
00:25:52It might take a while, but i'll try the perfect combos are going to be really hard in the later stages
00:25:56So I kind of have to do them early. Yeah, as soon as I get to the perfect combo
00:25:59I just reset it's so much easier to get perfect when the stuff is coming in really slow
00:26:04Then I can build my way back up. So it lets me uh level up super quick. Okay, we got up to mission
00:26:1030 i'm almost there. I just need 26 seconds guys. Hold on and it's gonna get us up to gold. I think so
00:26:16Yeah, my diagnosis is and I also just realized it's literally goes further than gold like there's more
00:26:23So it's gonna be even harder than I thought which is fine, but whatever
00:26:26Okay, i'm gonna put some money in the defense bro. Actually, no attack. We're too weak. We truly are too weak
00:26:31We also managed to get
00:26:3324 clovers during all that what if I just left everything on the ground and collected it all at the end
00:26:36That'd be really cool get auto collects at a certain point kind of disappointing, but wow, we're bawling. We're absolutely bawling
00:26:42How have I still not gotten a single painting by the way, at least we got some coupons, I guess guys
00:26:48I'd love to up my share, but it's not worth it right now. Okay
00:26:51So that leveled us up again
00:26:52Let's actually buff our chance to fire a poison projectile and then also buff our healing because if we need to heal
00:26:59We'll probably really need it. So we also afford to upgrade this area again, which is pretty nice
00:27:03But now it's time to go back into the arena the swamp squad
00:27:07Scary stuff. All right, the boss mole is our enemy and I just realized we're getting absolutely smoked. I did not
00:27:13Oh, wait, that's my xp not my health. Whoops. I was looking at the wrong thing. I did not need to heal
00:27:16Okay, we win nice. I was spacing out. I'm like, oh damn. I only have 755 hp
00:27:21That's not a lot and I mean that wouldn't be a lot if it was actually my hp for real
00:27:25But it was not time to build up this house again
00:27:27First thing first, I think a door is probably the most important thing. I accidentally built a plant
00:27:30Okay, sorry. No door you guys can't go in there yet more leveling up means more healing and
00:27:35More chance to fire poison projectile and more damage and leveling up my training room. We got a shield in the background
00:27:40That's gonna do a lot for the team. It's not it's gonna do nearly nothing, but whatever it makes my little dummy guy
00:27:44Happy. All right back to the arena
00:27:47I will use the spoils of this war to I think increase my share in the museum
00:27:51Oh that poison that poison's actually really damn good, huh? And it procs twice. Hey, we gotta max that out
00:27:56I think we almost have that's two new enemies as well. It's good because that buffs our museum income as well
00:28:02Okay, we have to use a health potion there because these guys do a lot of damage
00:28:04But you should be able to take on everything else pretty easily
00:28:06We'll poison this guy right off the bat because poison does seem to be so effective. Yeah, he's dead again
00:28:11We'll double slash this king guy then look for a shield use my stun and while he's stunned
00:28:17I'll heal up and then look for my stab again, and he should be absolutely cooked
00:28:21No, he's not he has a lot of health, but we should still win at least bare minimum
00:28:25We will win boom just like that. He's done for how much money do we make for this?
00:28:29How much are we talking 3.8 platinum pretty good. So let's up our share
00:28:33I don't think twice would be worth it. But at least once we got our first painting. Yeah, I saw that our painting
00:28:37Okay, nice. See, uh, let's see how it's looking pretty beautiful. Nice mysterious night. Number one cool stuff
00:28:42Okay back to the house
00:28:44Let's build a roof and a second floor
00:28:46Oh, we can't afford the second floor can't afford to buff our training room though
00:28:49Probably should have bought a weapon as well. But whatever all g all g
00:28:52I think our stats that really needs working on right now. It's just more damage
00:28:55We just need so much more strength. Okay, a little bit of little bit of training
00:28:59We got it up to gold, but oh geez, we need a 250 combo to max it out i'm assuming which is gonna suck
00:29:06We'll do what we can though. We'll do what we can. That's all we can do keep leveling up damage
00:29:10Just keep leveling up damage and our chance to poison. All right chance to poison is maxed out now good stuff
00:29:14Okay, I think next dodge I guess
00:29:18Sorry, don't say that don't say that this game makes me very mad guys. I just want to get the combo. I just want
00:29:24There's more training in this game than most fitness games. Should I play a fitness game?
00:29:28Let me know in the comments what I should play. I think might actually kill me. That's that's cap
00:29:32I'm pretty active. I just want to get the combo. All i'm trying to do is get the combo guys
00:29:35I don't care about the stats. The only stat I care about is my subscriber count guys
00:29:38We're really close to 500 cat appreciate it
00:29:40If you're you know, if you're enjoying the video you've watched this far maybe start thinking about subscribing
00:29:44I'll remind you again at the end of the video, but you know, I do put a lot of time into these videos
00:29:48You know 100% in games takes a while, especially when you got mickey mouse achievements like this
00:29:52No need to add the omega platinum gold, dude
00:29:56I do not want to get the omega platinum gold on everything
00:29:58But i'm gonna unless my fingers fall off from arthritis first, which is possible. Okay. I got 139
00:30:03Please tell me that's enough for gold. I don't think it is. I don't think it is. It's not
00:30:07Let's go
00:30:09How many is it? It's 150. Of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course, of course
00:30:13It's all good. It's all good. It's all good. All right, that's fine. We still got 13 clovers
00:30:17I'll just throw all those in this guy's gaping ma
00:30:19You know, he's a hungry guy and then we'll we'll do what we can with those
00:30:22There's not a lot we can do but we can do some uh, we could up our income share. It's just not worth it, dude
00:30:27It's just not worth it with all our money. I think i'm gonna buff my weapon instead
00:30:30We were on a shovel for a while, but now we're back to a katana. It's not a katana
00:30:33It's like a pirate sword an awesome multi-slashing attack. Let's not put all of our money into that
00:30:37I'm thinking currently does seven slashes. That's nuts and uh chance to steal soullings pawn melee attack
00:30:42Let's buff that because now we'll be doing a ton of melee attacks
00:30:44Well, it's gonna reinvest all the points I got into damage because i'm tired of not one-shotting things
00:30:49All right back in the arena we go. We're facing the outlaws this time. We're gonna 15 bucks for it
00:30:54These guys just have too much damn health. It's actually kind of starting to bug me a little how much damn health they have
00:30:59We barely beat that guy low-key
00:31:00I was tabbed out reading a message
00:31:02But we still somehow won because i'm goaded just getting my guys go to look at me so happy
00:31:06And with all that money, I kind of want to go upgrade my house
00:31:08Let's uh, put this second floor on get a roof on. Oh, we can't afford it. It's already too expensive
00:31:12In that case, let's feed this guy some clovers. I do love feeding this guy gazillion clovers
00:31:17It's pretty fun every single time I do anything
00:31:19All right, and that actually gave us enough to buff up the house. So we'll buy a roof as well
00:31:24A windmill sounds awesome. I want that next but more stuff into damage
00:31:28We're gonna buff souling steel and let's try the next attack. I actually forgot to use the uh, omega attack
00:31:35So i'm quite curious to see how that's gonna go. Well, we're actually proccing melee and point or uh ranged and melee
00:31:40Sorry ranged and poison every single time
00:31:43So we're really smoking these guys goblin warriors more like goblin newb warriors
00:31:47Probably should start using a couple of attacks. It'd be best if I healed now
00:31:51Oh, come on, kill him be best if I healed now because that way next time I can get the armor going
00:31:57We should kill this guy fast enough. Boom. Boom. Come on one more attack
00:32:00He should be dead and we only have eight seconds left on our defense
00:32:03Come on, just kill him and now right off the bat. We'll prop this that's gonna do six attacks pretty good
00:32:08We'll go for a double attack that should finish him off relatively easily. Nope. One more attack. There we go
00:32:12Nice, we got him too easy man too easy 67 money onto the scarecrow union
00:32:18I feel like i'm just we can beat him right off the bat
00:32:20I don't know how my trainer is gonna feel about this but kind of like to buff my strength
00:32:23I feel like i'm not doing enough damage. I think this just straight up doubles my damage
00:32:26So, let's see. Not quite does increase it a fair amount though. So, uh, not entirely opposed to it
00:32:32Once again, we'll drink energy as well, which I actually don't know what it does
00:32:34Oh, it restores the skills that I had every cooldown for nice good one
00:32:38Okay, and then our strength is gonna run out at the worst possible time, but that's okay
00:32:42We can heal up drink another strength potion use my shield. Oh, we're actually backlogged majorly
00:32:47Wait, actually losable guys extremely losable. Now we use that attack right off the rip. We might be cooked. Oh, no, we just one-shot him
00:32:52Okay, great. That worked out very nicely dear lord. What have you done to my brothers? Sorry, bud
00:32:57I knew you wouldn't be happy but we had to do it. Okay time to head out and maybe buy some more home
00:33:01Let's buy home and get that evil child hiding back there good stuff
00:33:04Only one left don't know where they are, but we'll find them the rest of the money
00:33:07Why don't we go ahead and upgrade our weapons a whole bunch?
00:33:09We can actually upgrade everything except that twice and if we go in here wait a little bit
00:33:13We should or actually if we feed them our clovers, we should get a little money right literally only strength. Oh, no
00:33:18There we go. Okay, that's our money and that means we can buff everything twice pretty good next up
00:33:23We have the blue slashes interesting. Now. We can also level up our training area
00:33:27I probably should have been top priority, but whatever we'll get to it. Eventually our guys looking absolutely stacked now. It's crazy
00:33:33Okay, so I did a little bit more grinding and now we can level up omni soul again
00:33:39And i'm thinking also deadly to increase super critical damage and we'll dump the rest into just a little bit of damage
00:33:45You know keep it nice and simple and we also have 224
00:33:48Platinum sitting in there as well as a whole bunch of clovers, which are going to be nice
00:33:51Yeah, we're pretty rich now actually not even that rich. What the hell man? We're poor as a matter of fact
00:33:56Oh, we're gonna get a blue slash this time if we actually manage to win, but these guys are
00:34:02Seriously strong so we actually might not be able to win. We got to be using my abilities every single time low-key
00:34:07Can't be slacking ever
00:34:09Oh, we got a nice crit. Okay, that crit is huge
00:34:1254,000 damage that is exactly what we need hitting those melees are perfect crap. I didn't mean to hit the heal
00:34:17Okay, that's fine. We're full hp now. I guess we're gonna pop our slash right away. Once again, not quite killing him
00:34:24No, we're gonna use our armor now then our poison then our slash again, and that should kill him. Hopefully. Yes
00:34:31Okay. Now we pop slash which is really good damage
00:34:34We'll look for stun again, and then we should just be able to take him out with no more special abilities
00:34:38Oh, yeah, he's dead the king captain more like the noob captain. Am I right? So that's gonna give us a 1.6
00:34:45Pretty good. How's the uh statues? It's looking good. Actually. We're getting there with all this newfound money
00:34:50Let's increase our melee damage again, and we do have enough to buy a bit more of the house
00:34:55So we'll do a little bit of that and then we also level up again
00:34:58So we'll buff our omni soul once again and our super critical damage
00:35:02And it's more more dam a little bit of everything. Honestly, we really need more defense. We'll work on that. Okay
00:35:08That's another thousand defense and a level and a half levels are getting really hard to gain now, but whatever
00:35:13I probably should level up this place, but now we did so it's fine. We got a few more skill points
00:35:17We'll dump them into defense putting all my eggs into attack has like been less fruitful than I would have guessed to be honest
00:35:23Which is a little disappointing, but whatever there we go
00:35:25That's an achievement as well decided to quickly grab one shot an enemy with a ranged attack
00:35:29It seemed pretty easy to get we just have to go back to an older area
00:35:32So yeah making good progress still a lot of weapons to go but whatever. All right, I waited a while
00:35:37We're up to 4.44 blue things so we could increase our share, but that's boring
00:35:42So let's go buy some new weapons thinking we'll go for a battle axe because that is just really cool
00:35:48Honestly, and then we could also build more of the house. How about we build a barn nice 7x xp now very nice
00:35:54I mean nothing to do but a little bit more training. I guess we'll work on dodge a little bit. Oh my god
00:36:01I think we just dropped the combo. I think we actually just did it. We actually did it. Yes
00:36:05150 no, I messed up. Please tell me that's please please. Yes
00:36:10We did it we did it I was so locked in I didn't even want to commentate I didn't even want to commentate
00:36:15I didn't even want to commentate. I was trying so hard, but holy smokes. It's another trophy down
00:36:20It's gonna take me so long to get all these because my wrists get sore and then I started throwing
00:36:24But it is gonna be possible all three of those are done. Those are the harder ones missions
00:36:27They're gonna be kind of brutal, but we'll get it done. We will get it done
00:36:30It's gonna be kind of hard nothing good in life is easy. Just saying actually there's a couple things that are easy
00:36:35See we'll add 10 slashes some omni souls maxed out now, then we're gonna buff our chance to restore 25 hp
00:36:41We'll do chance to steal soullings and chance to stun
00:36:44I don't know why I haven't been buffing that stun and with all of these extra points
00:36:47We have we're gonna go ahead and dump them all into range
00:36:49Probably look our range has kind of been lacking and now it's time to get back into the arena the hat guild
00:36:55Okay, that's a weird name, but no judgment. Okay, maybe a little bit of judgment, but you know, we're all a little judgy
00:37:01Okay, I need to be using my abilities. I don't know why I keep saving them
00:37:03I get them on regen like relatively fast
00:37:06So I should probably be using them like I could use the slash here and i'll have it back in time
00:37:10Jeez, 10 slash is kind of overkill
00:37:11Okay, let's pop our shield use poison heal up and then we should just be able to kill him the default attacks. I'm thinking let's see
00:37:18Yep, he's dead. Okay, and we'll bash mage guys
00:37:21Actually are getting insanely high level level 62 is nothing to scoff at that guy's done again
00:37:26Another cultist or pop a strength potion right here
00:37:29And then we'll go for poison right away in the boss champ room who actually might kill us this is kind of bad
00:37:35Yeah, we're really low. Okay, we barely got him. Thank god and our six ability would have been off cooldown
00:37:39Anyway, so we would have been all right and we're gonna get a band from that seven bands. Very good first thing first
00:37:44Let's upgrade our training room. Wow. That's a cool poster
00:37:46Nice, then we could buy more home or we could buy more armor more armor is tempting
00:37:51I feel like we've been kind of getting rolled. We'll increase our health points. Our stats are getting pretty damn good
00:37:56I'm, not gonna lie would maybe want to get my critical chance up, but I also never want to play critical again
00:38:00But I do have missions so I probably should I will not be going as far as I did last time though
00:38:05I don't think there's really any need for a 600 combo on anything ever again, but it would be nice to get a
00:38:11Quest finished so i'm hoping the quests only go up to gold
00:38:13But I have a feeling they will go all the way up to that gold like the gold laurel
00:38:17Which is not something i'm excited for. Okay. I did a couple quests, but that's good enough
00:38:22A thousand increase. Let's see what that gets our crit chance to so it's 15 exactly before or it's up to 17
00:38:29That's actually pretty good. I don't really know what I want to buff anymore. Maybe block chance, maybe dodge chance
00:38:34You know, I do like dodging but first let's spend a skill point
00:38:37I think we'll just make healing a little better and then probably just increase super critical damage and then honestly
00:38:43I'm thinking we'll just do a little bit more into actually no, we'll still have to grind defense
00:38:46So i'll do a little more in the crit chance. Oh another painting. No way. We got two paintings, dude
00:38:50Let's go. We're actually closing in god damn back to the arena. Oh, wait. No, we have enough to buy something
00:38:55Let's buy let's buy a shield and now let's get back in the arena the cave creeps will open with the slash
00:39:01Oh nice, we got the melee and the poison that's huge
00:39:03But when we're getting the crits our crit chance is actually really high now
00:39:06So I think we should be hitting in a decent amount but these battles are just you know
00:39:09They're getting long like there's just a lot of people going now
00:39:12Also, every new enemy we unlock makes the amount of money we make from the museum way higher
00:39:16So i'm very interested in that we're gonna drink a strength potion real quick
00:39:19So we one shot this guy and then we're gonna pop our ability instantly and that should just kill him right away
00:39:23Yeah, that really is a broken ability. Nice. We're gonna make a gazillion dollars from this i'm feeling. Yeah, basically
00:39:28All right, our first objective upgrade training room gives us a little whale. How cute. Oh, that's an achievement
00:39:33Apparently what is said achievement for I wonder if it'll be friends with me. Okay, cool. I'm still missing one lost child
00:39:38I don't know where it is, but we'll find it eventually surely
00:39:41All right, we might as well up our share now still making us basically nothing and with the rest of it
00:39:44Why don't we build a roof for the barn and buy a better bow?
00:39:49And honestly, why don't we just jump right back into the arena? I think we can do it
00:39:51I really think we can the stuff is getting really strong. It's just kind of stressing me out
00:39:56But I mean we're just not doing enough damage. Are we huh?
00:39:59We really just aren't hopefully we can still win this because I mean I want the money really bad. Here's the thing
00:40:04I'm, not even really dying i'm getting low, but i'm just not dealing enough damage
00:40:08So I think I might have to go grind combat for a while. We'll heal up real quick
00:40:11Even though we're almost full. Yeah, I think our health is actually totally fine
00:40:13It's literally just the fact that we need more damage drink our strength potion look for a shield bash right off the bat
00:40:19And then oh my god, we land a crit 120k damage pretty good. And if we slash he should be low
00:40:24Oh, no, he just dies. Okay, great must hit a crit in there somewhere another battle one making our gazillions
00:40:29That's our museum looking we've almost filled it out. Oh another painting. We're so lucky. Let's go, baby
00:40:34We're up to 1.3 blue per minute. Let's go. Can't wait until we make 100 share
00:40:38So this is a cheap enough that we can afford to build it a little more
00:40:41But I did say I'd buy more armor, but I wasted my money so I can't afford it. God damn it
00:40:44So i'll just buy a weapon. Okay next let's go for the wind master. This one is surely gonna be hard
00:40:50Yeah, everything has 175 000 hp, which is just a little bit too much
00:40:54Like that just should not be allowed genuinely
00:40:56I'm gonna drink a strength potion right away just so I can get through here without taking a gazillion damage
00:41:00Oh a sick bat dude. I'm gonna get sick. I don't want to get sick. Oh, we dodged his attack
00:41:04Thank god bash him again eagle stunned go for the grenade plus poison. Nice drink another strength potion
00:41:11Okay, giant fly. That's fine strength potion is still going on
00:41:14We're gonna drink a quick health potion then we're gonna open with the 6x attack
00:41:17It should kill him instantly not quite but we still survive nice king eagle is dead like the noob eagle
00:41:22Am I right guys that's gonna make us 588. Is this the final battle? Probably not. These guys are too strong
00:41:28Let's back out of here. Yeah, we're gonna buy armor weapon shield and other weapon now
00:41:32We're completely broke, but it was worth it. We're gonna raise our crit chance again
00:41:36I really think crit chance is absolutely broken time for some strength training. Okay, man
00:41:41I hate training combat used to be my favorite, but now I hate it. Well, you know, it's all gold
00:41:45It's basically that's basically fine. All right guys use each spell five times. So wait, let's upgrade my share
00:41:50But let's let me refresh myself. Is it is a spell? No, these are skills. Oh, wait
00:41:55So is are the spells these okay? I'll just start using them
00:41:58Then we'll just fireball this random guy and poison this guy and uh, we'll poison him again. Why not?
00:42:03Oh, it doesn't even stack what that's trash dude in that case. We'll lightning this guy
00:42:08Lightning him again, then we'll fireball him. Okay. That was a waste
00:42:11And we'll ragnarok this guy then we'll save the rest of the ones for the other guys
00:42:15Because i'll probably actually need it for the boss to be honest lightning on this fellow
00:42:20Fireball then ragnarok on this guy and another ragnarok and another ragnarok. Okay
00:42:26Well, that was at least four king goblin engineer is down though. Let's go
00:42:29I wonder how many more battles there are probably a decent amount. Oh, we're up to an emerald cool
00:42:32Yeah, I think there's quite a lot more battles. Oh, that's a third painting. That's good
00:42:36It's actually very good with all this money. Yeah, we can keep building the house
00:42:40It's expensive, but it's worth it and we should upgrade the room as well. Keep chipping away at that
00:42:44I still just keep trying these battles. I still got to use all these spells
00:42:48So I just spent a whole bunch of the coupons i've been saving up so surely we'll be getting there soon
00:42:52There's no way we won't be these guys are strong
00:42:54So we might actually be losing if we aren't spamming spells. So gotta be careful. All right, surely that's enough lightnings
00:42:59Surely that's enough poisons. How have we not gotten it yet? There we go. Okay, we got it
00:43:03Finally now we can actually start trying I might be coping I might actually just be a noob and lose to be honest
00:43:09We'll heal right away. Look for bash nice stun double slash cast shield while he's still stunned
00:43:15Can you get one attack and not that much damage? That should be fine
00:43:18We'll poison this guy double slash him drink a potion of strength and a potion of health and then attack this guy again
00:43:25Come on, can we attack him?
00:43:26Thank you, and then we'll look for six slashes on this fellow who is has a million health now
00:43:30That's just so much health. It's kind of insane. Thankfully. We're getting pretty lucky
00:43:33We're getting our melee or our ranged attacks in so we should actually go down. Nice, baby. Let's go another statue
00:43:39We're getting a whole lot of statues and I mean the museum there must be yeah, we're still going with enemies, huh?
00:43:44That's crazy. I might as well level up the room once. Oh, we got a kitty cute. Oh an achievement if we click it cool
00:43:49Okay, I really want to find this last kid. Okay, the last hidden kid is right behind this barrel
00:43:52I don't know how we missed him, but nice that's almost every actual trophy done. Oh, no, that is actually all of them
00:43:58I didn't realize we got the last uh night. So we're chipping away at this nice with all my newfound wealth
00:44:02Maybe I oh they're all here now. They're hanging out. That's wholesome
00:44:05Okay, we've actually almost maxed out the house
00:44:07So maybe we'll just we just won't bother for now if we buy two sword upgrades instead
00:44:12Then we do have some some skill points we will put them into critical chance 20% crit chance now
00:44:18Oh, wait, and we had a talent point as well. We will do
00:44:21Stun chance and let's just keep trying on these battles, dude
00:44:23Genuinely, I think we can just win permanently forever because we're the best
00:44:27So I don't know where we get the ragnarok from but we get we have one more ragnarok now
00:44:30Yeah, those crits do 77k which is still not enough
00:44:33We're gonna need more but gets the job done for now still hanging under our heel
00:44:38We'll use our double slash and then i'll do the heel nice. Okay. We're full hp again. Yeah, we should be fine
00:44:43Actually, wow. Wait. No, this is a long stage. Oh my gosh
00:44:45Okay, we'll use the strength potion to kind of confirm that we're strong enough
00:44:49Okay, we shield then we strength and then we slash and he's dead 100% right down to 250k hp
00:44:54That's a lot but we our slash should finish him off and he's still poisoned. Thank god
00:44:58He's missing all these attacks and we did it the king berserker is dead
00:45:01All right
00:45:01We're gonna keep leveling up the training room because I want to train faster which also means we should probably build the house
00:45:06We've actually almost maxed it out. I think we literally just need a door
00:45:10Oh, no, we need planks and that's everything. So we need two more upgrades
00:45:14Maybe we'll quickly upgrade our museum share twice worth the 85% share pretty damn good
00:45:20All right with this money, we could actually buy more health. So we will do that
00:45:23How close are we to maxing out on the museum? Wait one sec. We gotta spend our points
00:45:27I think we'll upgrade our magic armor
00:45:28Actually, I think it's a strong ability then we'll put the rest of this into block chance and then museum
00:45:34Stat, you know not statues armory. How close are we to max out the armory? We still got a long ways to go
00:45:39Okay, probably means it's time for a little more training. Damn. Okay. Well, I think we just set the record, right?
00:45:45Did we just max the combo? Please tell me we just maxed the combo. We sure did. Oh my god. I'm happy
00:45:49I I was just so locked in once again. I didn't even want to come I didn't even want to speak now
00:45:53We just need one more combo left and then it's just the insanely grindy missions
00:45:57Which are more doable because I can just do them and be trash for most of them versus like having to be fully locked in
00:46:02It was also like that was like a little bit of defense increase. Why don't we just buff our dodge chance a little?
00:46:08Yeah, and buy a better shield and spend our talent point on an increased chance to stun now
00:46:13Let's get back in that arena, baby. I think we can do this
00:46:15I don't think we can go much further, but maybe at least a little further
00:46:18Yeah, I do not think we are strong enough for this battle. Oh my god. Everything just takes forever to kill
00:46:24Yeah, we're literally facing the grim reaper right now
00:46:26Thankfully, he's not actually that strong and we are able to get our heal off but oh geez man
00:46:30Oh geez, this is gonna get a little close
00:46:32Yeah, we need to do some serious leveling if we want to stand a chance. I think i'll use a strength potion now
00:46:37Finally, I actually don't even know why I hadn't before. Hopefully I should make this battle a little easier
00:46:41Yes big crit and now we'll quickly
00:46:44We'll just pop our attack one right away and then heal instantly because i'm already just gonna like one shot me and then wait
00:46:49He actually does not even do that much damage, but i'll use my heal plus shield as well
00:46:53Just in case and come on. Give me a crit. Just give me a crit and boom
00:46:56He's dead to poison poison is so strong the death joker is more like the noobs the noob jokers
00:47:02You must be joking me with how easy they are to defeat. Okay, and we'll level up our room once again
00:47:06Now it takes an even thousand that's interesting and then we could actually almost max out this place
00:47:12I think I would want to do that
00:47:14251 emerald is actually nothing to scoff at so we are quite a ways off from that
00:47:19We're actually finally out of coupons as well. That's kind of insane. We had so many for so long
00:47:23All right, just finish up mission 45 or maybe 44. So does that get us up to gold or no?
00:47:29Just platinum 3000 range though. That's pretty good. So where does that put us?
00:47:33So we need 50 missions to get gold laurel. Okay. Okay, that's doable fairly doable. That's fairly doable
00:47:40I'm gonna feed this guy his daily dozen clovers
00:47:42He's actually giving us a lot of xp so I won't even complain and the museum's making like a decent amount of money now
00:47:47Like genuinely it makes uh, let's see 440 every minute. So is that 30 an hour?
00:47:52Yeah, pretty much. Wait, that lady doesn't add up. Whatever. So like 30 gems an hour something like that
00:47:56I don't know but uh, we will take it we'll up our share even actually
00:48:00No, we won't I want to max this house how much you need for the house 251. That's a lot
00:48:03I think i'd rather have a sword and a bow and with all of my points
00:48:08What the heck do I want to buy so we're gonna have to be leveling up basically everything
00:48:12So why don't we put it into like critical chance because I never want to do anything critical ever again
00:48:17Get that up to a solid 25 chance 26 dare I say and here we'll buff our healing twice max our stun chance
00:48:24Chance to restore hp those look like the upgrades we want. All right on to battle 25
00:48:29We didn't really buff too much besides range damage
00:48:32So probably still won't be that strong but we'll do what we can
00:48:34All right, we'll open with poison and then slash and then shield. All right, we'll actually go shield first
00:48:40Yeah, this guy doesn't sign a chance. We're absolutely farming nice poison kills him
00:48:43I just gotta be using slash on cool down to be honest unless they're like 1 hp and it's not worth
00:48:48What the hell is a filbyd adventure? Anyway, it doesn't even make sense bro does not even make sense. We're gonna heal
00:48:53Oh, wait. No, I I proc that. Oh, it didn't use it. Thank god
00:48:56I tried to use heal but I actually used shield but that works out. Okay, no complaints here even for one second
00:49:03No complaints at all. Keep forgetting how broken. Uh strength potions are you just do like so much damage
00:49:08It's actually insane. This guy just has a gazillion health. Oh my god. Oh, i'm actually my lose
00:49:13I have to pop shield right away. You know what? Oh, he's stunned. We just got like 40 slashed on me still
00:49:18He just beasted seven hundred thousand damage. That's nuts
00:49:21Okay, another statue and we have enough money to max out the house. We almost have whatever's next
00:49:25I don't know what's next but uh, where's the last thing we needed planks and then some ivy. Oh, it's a ruby
00:49:30No way. Oh, of course. There's one more thing dude. Okay. Well freak that we're buying armor and weapon
00:49:35We'll get our share. Our share is almost 100 so I just had a nefarious idea and you know what?
00:49:40I just came up with a cunning plan a devious scheme even by changing the date on my pc
00:49:46I might be able to trick the game into giving me more gems. Honestly, I don't think it'll work but uh, we could try
00:49:52Oh my gosh, it actually worked. I just jumped the time forward and we made 800
00:49:56Gems, that's kind of cheesy, but cool
00:50:00We'll max out our share to 100 3.5 gems per minute now
00:50:03So if we really wanted we could just like instantly buy everything but I won't use that again unless I really need to
00:50:08Okay, everything costs gems now, which is annoying but my armor looks fire. I got the diamond pickaxe. Let's go, baby
00:50:14Probably time for some more training. What exactly do I want to train?
00:50:17Maybe critical chance just finish it off
00:50:19You know get a couple more missions going the problem with this is like it just takes forever
00:50:24To get crits in but i've already done this enough. So, you know, what's what's a little bit more?
00:50:32I joked man. Damn
00:50:35It's so boring guys
00:50:37It's so boring
00:50:39It's so boring
00:50:42Wait, I have turbo mode unlocked. Wait, what what's turbo mode?
00:50:45What the hell does turbo mode even do? I just realized I can tick it on. I don't know. Hey google
00:50:50What does turbo mode do in swords and souls flash game? I'll read that in a minute. We'll see if we can figure it out
00:50:57Okay enough farming we got
00:50:591700 we got mission up to gold so and we're level 74. So we're chipping away
00:51:04We're chipping away at everything really, you know, we're grinding we're getting up there we're doing it and you know 10 clovers
00:51:10It's not too bad. Hopefully give us some uh, honestly i'm hoping money. Oh, thanks. I love money
00:51:14But yeah, i'd love to just buy that last freaking house upgrade because i'm thinking it's gonna give me a huge buff
00:51:20Surely, maybe it won't maybe it will who knows we're up to 4 4 4 now. It spends some skill points first
00:51:25we're gonna max our shield and
00:51:27Probably increase our chance to gain health back and then we'll get
00:51:30Critical up to 10 000 our first five digit stat and put the rest into melee damage
00:51:35It's our max. So critical chance is maxed out at 30% now good stuff pretty high chance
00:51:40You know, i'd always like it to be higher but does the does the job fine?
00:51:43This gives us three rubies. So I really don't want to choke this so i'm gonna be absolutely locked in using my skills flawlessly
00:51:49I'm sure our health thanks to all those buffs are almost
00:51:52Finally back to where they should be which is like roughly equal to what each enemy has but since we're goaded we farm them
00:51:58If it was purely based on stats head to head
00:52:00We might be getting cooked every single time because they deal more damage than me and have more health
00:52:04But thankfully they don't have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 different skills
00:52:10So, uh, yeah, we have a slight advantage maybe just slightly but we're also proccing that weakness
00:52:15See that little sword next to his name
00:52:16He's dealing not that much damage when that's active and we only have like what 20% chance for that
00:52:21I should have gotten that way earlier. Yeah survivability realistically
00:52:23That's the only thing that matters because you know if we die we can't win
00:52:26And even if we don't do that much damage we can still survive and like chip it away
00:52:29We'll get it done eventually, which is kind of what we're doing. We're dealing not a lot of damage
00:52:33So i'm living. All right, we drink the strength potion. We pop this ability. Oh, i'm trolling
00:52:38This is actually fun fact guys, not the final boss. Okay, let's uh, let's drink an energy potion
00:52:43I'm thinking because this guy might have a little bit too much health. Oh wait, he actually doesn't have that much health
00:52:47Okay, let's just pop a shield. I'm scared. He's gonna have some sort of omega ability
00:52:50We still have strength active. So we do want to take advantage of that. We'll look for a double attack
00:52:54We'll look for stun. He's done for three seconds. You can sneak in a heal then just in case nice crit for 91k
00:52:59Can I click for bonus damage? Maybe I can I wasn't really paying attention
00:53:02But next time he crits i'll try to do it and just like that he's done for dude. Nice. That should maybe
00:53:08Yeah more than enough rubies. Let's go build the final piece of the house, which is there. We did it
00:53:13What is she gonna say? She says heart. Oh, she loves me. That's nice. That's very nice. Cool 100%
00:53:19So with the rest of my money, i'd like to upgrade the training room, which is max. Okay, cool
00:53:23Now we have the max xp gain max shop. We have 100% of the share
00:53:27The only thing left to buy is new armor and weapons and stuff. So that's nice. I'm gonna get potions as well
00:53:32We'll get that up to a royal broadsword put the rest of my points into damage spend my talent point on healing
00:53:38Maybe what should we train? What's low? I mean realistically our defense is low, but do I really want to train defense?
00:53:43I probably should what lag crazy lag. I think I I hope you guys saw that genuinely
00:53:49I swear to god there was lag turbo mode is actually so hard on defense
00:53:53We just have to literally get lucky with when the stars come as if they're intertwined with apples like that
00:53:57That was mickey mouse. We literally get destroyed. All right, we're up to mission 38. I'm good enough there for now
00:54:032000 bonus defense is nothing to scoff at and we're up to platinum laurel. Hooray
00:54:08I'm thinking i'll just finish off our archery real quick. Oh wait turbo. Okay, I figured out turbo mode starts us on
00:54:1325 so whenever I have like a last a certain amount of time without making a mistake i'll turn it off
00:54:19But everything else i'll turn it on because it just saves that boring slow bit at the start
00:54:25All right. Well, we're on mission 50. So we're almost there. Oh
00:54:29We literally just need perfect combo
00:54:32Which means turbo is going off and we're just gonna get get her done real quick
00:54:35And then we're finished with archery forever assuming of course that we don't want to level it up later
00:54:40But I mean if we really need more archery damage
00:54:42We'll probably just level other skills and then use the level ups we get from leveling that skill to level up archery
00:54:48That makes sense. I guess it's not even really archery. It's more like ranged throwing of things
00:54:53But uh, yeah, I think we're done now. So that's gonna be up to platinum or to gold laurel, I believe right?
00:54:57Yes, it is. So that's our very first completely maxed training skill
00:55:01The other ones still have a long way to go especially combat
00:55:04i'm gonna have to do that tomorrow and my wrist doesn't sore but yeah time to put in the
00:55:09different four-leaf clovers we found
00:55:14Okay, I don't know probably got some good stuff I wasn't looking really I was kind of just spam clicking so good stuff
00:55:19Yeah coupons those always help nice. Yeah, but we leveled up a decent amount. So we have more skill points not really much left
00:55:25I guess i'll just decrease poison's cool down and give me a 25 chance to heal when I kill stuff
00:55:30Let's get archery. Let's tip that over to 10k
00:55:32Tip melee over to 10k and tip dodge chance dodge chance can actually go
00:55:38Past 30 i'm assuming it's gonna max out at 10k as well
00:55:42So maybe i'll quickly get both of those up to 10k as well and let's turn turbo on for sure
00:55:49I literally cannot get a perfect combo on this and it's literally because it's slow. Okay, i'm gonna try the slowest mode
00:55:55No, I can't I can't I can't I can't okay. We're up to the high enough mission. We gained some solid dodge points
00:56:01I don't think that's quite is that matt? No, we need 900 more. Okay, just
00:56:06I'll get 900 more. It's fine. Okay, we got enough. So let's see. Do we have max? Yeah, we've maxed dodge chance now
00:56:13So we really just need to get combat up to max
00:56:17Which will only take 1100 so we can go do that really quick. That won't be that hard. Okay, that's probably enough
00:56:22Yeah, 1200. Okay, perfect. So that should mean that's max as well
00:56:26Yeah block chance is max block damage is also maxed but it doesn't give me the gold that's kind of disappointing
00:56:32Okay, and I think all these other stats you cannot max so I guess the best thing to upgrade
00:56:36I mean, you know, it's any of these bottom three because they all give you health but mainly damage
00:56:41So let's focus on damage
00:56:42I think then of course we have the skill points we can max out our crit damage and then start working on that chance
00:56:47To revive even though we've never died. We never will just you guys know, um, but yeah, all right more
00:56:52Freaking clovers man. Okay with all this money. We're still not rich enough to buy any more weapons
00:56:57So a little disappointing but whatever also we just keep leveling up. We just keep leveling up man
00:57:01I literally think damage is the only thing we care about now. Oh another level up. Oh, of course
00:57:05Okay, we almost have every single talent maxed out and we now deal only 63k damage
00:57:09But still isn't that much and statues we're getting close armory. We have we're actually getting very close as well
00:57:15So only a couple more missions I assume our health like actually skyrocketed from all that farming. So that's pretty cool
00:57:21Thanks to all those upgrades poison cooldowns only like eight seconds now, which is you know, it's something I would say
00:57:26I still don't care that much about it. But you know, it's always nice to have a another skill available
00:57:30Right on to the final boss
00:57:31We're gonna open with our six slash then apply a stun poison cast shield and he's dead. Oh, no, we just crit and he's dead
00:57:38Okay, cool king angry apple king weak apple king trash apple and with our gems literally one thing to do which is to buy
00:57:46more weapons
00:57:47Damage is still only 66k. That's so bad
00:57:51These battles take too damn long man. No, we're rolling so hard. I'm not even commentating
00:57:55This guy has 2.5 million hp, but we managed to smoke them mainly
00:57:58Thanks to strength potions as you can see we used a lot of them this run, but that's whatever
00:58:03So who cares more gems means more upgrades? We could just skip straight for the sword
00:58:09But we should probably upgrade everything as always. Yeah, we're kind of just destroying all these last battles
00:58:14Not much to say i'm kind of just spamming my abilities as soon as they come off cooldown should be a relatively straightforward win
00:58:20Over these grish knox guards, but you know still gotta try and our dodge chance is actually like genuinely broken
00:58:27We're just dodging literally everything and strength plus. Um, ten slash is actually broken. We're farming these kids, bro
00:58:34We're farming. All right. Boom. It's been taken care of I theorize to be the second to last battle
00:58:39So before that let's buy a new weapon. We discussed some clovers for some bonus stats
00:58:43Wow, we do not need to dodge but whatever we'll take a dodge and then we will spend some coupons
00:58:49We have eight of them buying some more potions then. Uh, let's just head back in here, dude
00:58:53Yeah, these guys look pretty strong. But I mean we have max spells max potions
00:58:57I don't see any reason we shouldn't be able to take these guys down. In fact, we can actually just spam strength and um
00:59:02Energy potions to just like absolutely cruise through just spamming our sixth ability not much to say dude
00:59:08We're also just proccing that chance to heal every time we kill someone which is like even more broken because we're just permanently full hp
00:59:15It might be a little too easy for a guy like me on the low key
00:59:18Actually on the high key to be honest guys and we're nearing the end
00:59:20So we should be able to afford to pop a second strength potion
00:59:22We obviously need to save one for the boss. Otherwise, we might be a little sad
00:59:25Also, we might as well start using some some spells here. They do do a lot of damage. I'm not gonna lie
00:59:30Why don't we just waste a crit on that guy? Yeah, I mean fireball does however much ragnarok I assume does a billion
00:59:35We just got a trophy or something. This guy's six million hp. This actually might be a problem
00:59:39Wait, he does a lot of damage as well. Oh crap. Let's use our healing potion. We'll use ragnarok again use ragnarok again
00:59:46Oh, we finally used our 6x and or our 10 attack and we just destroyed him
00:59:50Okay, boom statue unlocked and we got not even enough to buy the rest of the upgrades and now we only have survival mode
00:59:55But survival mode is actually super important
00:59:57So wait, let me feed this and that's gonna give us just enough to buy a little bit of everything
01:00:01We'll buy this this and so shield and armor are maxed out now. So wow weapon is really expensive
01:00:08That is a lot and then we can convert 10 000 gems into xp cool. Cool. Cool. Cool
01:00:14Oh and now blocked damage is maxed out. Oh, it wasn't maxed because we didn't have the shop upgrade
01:00:18I gotcha. All right wasting a bunch of time farming dodge, but at least we have very maxed out now
01:00:23We also leveled up once so I guess that's it's a little bit of gain
01:00:26But I mean it's still kind of a waste of time like who needs 13 700 dodge. You just don't need that dude
01:00:31I don't know what to buff
01:00:33Probably just buff freaking melee damage. Got some four leaf clovers as well
01:00:37All right, we can finally max our ranged weapon. So all we have to do now save up
01:00:413 300 for the sword that also means our range
01:00:45Chance is max. I think it might have been before or whatever. We have talents maxed out now. Hooray
01:00:49We'll just keep putting all of our points into damage. Let's actually see how far we can do in survival
01:00:54I'm, actually quite curious. So these things are actually fairly weak the heck. That's me the golden rogue. Wait, he's weak as hell
01:01:01He's not me. I'm not weak as hell. I'm strong as hell. I just did some research while we were chilling here
01:01:06We actually need to get to wave 25 if we want to 100% the game
01:01:10So we're gonna have to go for a lot longer, which is fine, you know, that's all right. No problem with me, honestly
01:01:16Okay, i'm just gonna take a risk and back out of wave 7 and see what happens
01:01:19Oh, we get a medal cool. So if we go to the map, what wait, is that xp multiplier for everything?
01:01:24Well, I can't figure it out, but I
01:01:27Have a sneaking suspicion. It is probably not for everything, right?
01:01:30I figured I'd finish off the quest really quickly here on defense and it makes me a little better farming defense because
01:01:35Of the fact that um, you know, i'm still leveling up my hp at the end of the day
01:01:39So it's not a total waste of time
01:01:41So still making some kind of progress not just like meaninglessly leveling up to get the freaking the laurel gold
01:01:47So yeah still kind of boring though. Oh my god. Okay 50 done. We just leveled up so many times
01:01:52Oh my god that we farmed up 2700 defense puts us still not even at a million hp, which is insane
01:01:58But it does let us max out double or a shield bash for the first time ever. So let's feed this guy real quick
01:02:03Yes, okay. We want damage and to refill any potions we have that's basically all we want and money money would also be pretty nice
01:02:10All right, we got five thousand points that we are gonna promptly. Oh, we could dude. We could dump should we dump?
01:02:17Oh, man, let's dump it in damage. Well, no, we're gonna have to do a bunch of damage farming anyways
01:02:21So we'll actually dump it in defense
01:02:24Well, well, what are we gonna have to farm? It's gonna be the most damage farming. So I probably shouldn't do
01:02:29Uh defense, all right, we're pretty damn strong now. Let's just see what level we start at we start at wave six
01:02:34Okay, so it's totally fine if we do this in segments. I don't really care wait guys. I just found the most broken method
01:02:40I literally just sat here on the combo on the critical thing and afk'd and because you get a perfect because wait for wait for
01:02:47So you click obviously you're familiar with the clicking but then the fake out you don't have to do anything
01:02:52So I just afk'd and just got so many critical points that I can just dump directly into damage. That's crazy
01:02:57So now we do two hundred and ten thousand damage. Well, that's pretty broken
01:03:00Also, we probably have enough for these clovers to buy the last sword. So i'm actually so excited. Let's go, baby
01:03:06It really takes a while to go through these dude. Holy smokes, but we're balling we got four thousand diamonds
01:03:10I kind of want to hit 10k just to see what happens. I'm very curious how many uh xp points we would get for converting
01:03:16Okay, we did it. We got half of ten thousand also known as five thousand
01:03:20Also, we've almost maxed out in here. I'm actually pretty proud so it's time to buy the sword sweet
01:03:25That's all the armors. So that means yeah, the armory is maxed out. We just need a couple more statues as well
01:03:30I don't know what the last one is, but we leveled up more too
01:03:33So more damage since I think we have enough health thirty eight thousand damage
01:03:36Let's see how far we can get in uh survival now, right? Yeah so far these waves i'm gonna absolute jokes
01:03:41I mean these guys are still dropping green gems like come on absolutely
01:03:46Garbage, so i'm assuming we won't really have any major problems up until the final boss
01:03:51Which I think i'm just gonna spam spells on to be honest
01:03:55It's kind of shameless. I know but whatever a win is a win. That's what i've been saying
01:03:59So we crit for almost half a million damage now, which is actually a little nuts and you know
01:04:04We're getting a little bit low against this king bandit
01:04:06But it's fine because we can just instantly heal back up to full and we're gonna start spamming magic against these guys
01:04:13Why are they actually getting kind of strong? What the hell like i'm gonna take a break at 20 to go kind of stock up
01:04:17Maybe do a little bit more training just to make sure i'm fully ready
01:04:20And then we're gonna dominate this game and the final boss the final final boss the real final boss
01:04:25Okay, wave 20 completed. Let's back out. Yeah checkpoint reached. Perfect
01:04:30So, yeah, we got uh, we got silver metal gold metal silver laurel. So oh we have 22 000 coins now
01:04:36That's insane. What you make so much money? Okay, i'm gonna go convert that into damage xp one sec
01:04:42Let's just use these first. There's all the potions I spent as well. So convert to oh it converts into that xp and damn
01:04:48It gives you like nothing. It gave me like a level. That's so bad. Okay, whatever
01:04:52Let's level up our damage time to go back to definitely me. Not just afk damage grinding
01:04:57Okay, guys, I farmed for a while. We have 150 000 crit
01:05:01We're level 269 and we have 141 000 points to pour into damage
01:05:05We had over a thousand clovers that we got through which gave us the majority of our level
01:05:10And oh my god, we deal 1.3
01:05:133 million damage. Let's go beat this boss, dude. Get in there, dude
01:05:18Yeah, we're genuinely farming these kids. They actually literally do not stand a chance 2.5 million damage crit
01:05:23Hello. Hello. Hello. Are we goaded like it's literally bad if our arrows hit like that's that's the crazy part
01:05:28We just do no damage. We deal two or 300k with that. Why would we even bother?
01:05:32We don't even literally have to use a single thing
01:05:34Let's just pop the strength potion because if we crit plus strength we one shot a boss
01:05:37I think yeah 5 million damage
01:05:39No, we'd be a little short but we would one shot now or if he had 5.1 million we'd one shot eagle absolutely decimated
01:05:46You know, let's just chug through our strength potions, bro. Low key. We don't even need no help
01:05:50We're just chilling. Also. Look we have 40k gems we could put into xp
01:05:54But I think maybe we just win. I think maybe we don't actually need to put that into xp the boss mage
01:06:00He uh, oh we stunned him. We even rolled the stun chance. All right, this is it the icy troll
01:06:04I'm assuming 25 would be the max. Yeah. No, it's definitely the max. What are we gonna get? What are we gonna face?
01:06:10I'm, so scared. I fear in my heart of hearts. Oh, we got a crit and he died to poison before
01:06:15Okay, we drink strength potion. Oh, wait. Wait, what? It's just the king reaper. This sucks
01:06:19What who the hell's the king reaper? I don't care about the king reaper. What there's nothing what there's there's nothing
01:06:25Dang, I guess we just battle forever man kind of thought there would be more
01:06:28I guess let's get up to wave 30 like we have 5 million health
01:06:32I just realized when did we get that? I thought we had like a million or like 1.5 million
01:06:35I guess let's just like I don't even need to use abilities. I get afk this and we just go forever
01:06:39Well, we've earned another 10 000 gems in the meantime
01:06:42That is kind of genuinely nuts and the xp number I trailed is off the screen. It takes 132 million xp to level up
01:06:49That's nuts. Okay, there's surely there's something at wave 30 right? Oh easy crit on the king armored orc
01:06:55This guy's a nobody dude. He's no one. He's nothing. He's worthless getting too far. Oh, he's literally crying. I'm, sorry
01:07:01I don't know why I said that man. That was too far
01:07:03i'm saving the strength potion for what I assume will be some kind of mega boss, but
01:07:07I don't know man. Maybe the mega boss is just uh, the friends we made along the way guys
01:07:12You know, it's possible king golden rogue like who the hell is this bro? No one cares
01:07:16No one cares about the king golden rogue. All right, maybe there'll be something on this boss
01:07:23Nope this guy does have 18 million xp or health, but that's fine. We'll choose slash on him
01:07:28Yeah, I mean we kind of beasted him, huh? This guy actually does do a lot of damage though kind of impressive
01:07:32Okay. Well, let's back out like i'm so confused
01:07:34Did we get the medal like we did I was kind of hoping for a little something more conclusive
01:07:39But uh, fortunately not all hope was lost. Yeah. Oh wait. So I suppose you think you're the best in town
01:07:43Let's see about that shot the final battle. Oh, man. Okay, I knew there'd be something first of all
01:07:49Let's go ahead use all of those second of all head over to the shop convert convert convert convert convert and convert
01:07:55Give us two levels not that good. But hey a little more damage just doing critical training raise your health as well
01:08:00Oh it does so critical training is not actually worthless. Okay, that's why I have so much health
01:08:04So with 100 of the armory skills and house completed there isn't much left to do other than defeat
01:08:09What was probably the final boss of this game, which means this is your final chance to subscribe, please consider doing it
01:08:14Okay, you guys ready for this? Let's do it. We pop a strength potion instantly. We look for stun. He has 17 million hp
01:08:19That's not even that much to be honest. We look for stun
01:08:22We look for poison and we look for slash and he's dead
01:08:27Yeah, bro, I actually do think i'm the strongest in town funnily enough
01:08:30Congrats, you've come a long way since you were level one. I'm proud of you. Thanks, bro
01:08:33We still have to perform 15 super critical attacks. What how do we what what is our chance to perform a super critical?
01:08:41How have we not gotten that yet? What that's insane. Is that when I have to click?
01:08:44I think that means I have to click so I guess let's just get back in here
01:08:47So, yeah with that super disappointing boss out of the way
01:08:50It was time to sit back and wait to get the final medal earning us that sweet 100
01:08:55So when I hit a crit, I think I have to do the click like, you know, I was like, oh do I have to click?
01:08:59It's like yes, bro. You do have to click actually fun fact right there. Yes. Okay. Yes super critical
01:09:05I understand it now. I understand it now that is a little annoying but whatever what's wrong with a little more grinding I guess
01:09:12Yes, okay two down
01:09:15Boom there we go took us five more waves. Um, so I guess that's all I still need to do the strength thing
01:09:22But low key my wrist hurts. I don't want to do this
01:09:25So i'll do this eventually and i'll post on my community tab when I do well, despite that finale
01:09:30I had fun playing this but if you want to see a game with a much better ending
01:09:33You should probably watch my kindergarten 2 video. It's on screen right now