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Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:00We found another survivor. But, alas, I can't take you with me.
00:04No, no, Maletsky, you don't understand. I have to, I have to go with you.
00:16Oh, it's hard. So, on the one hand, Agent Maletsky is a man-child who still openly admits that he is just following the recruitment rules.
00:25And on the other hand, Laya, a girl who also openly says that I would never agree. I can't turn away from time.
00:33Let's do this, I'm not stupid, I understand perfectly well that Lolochka will never be able to refuse and gradually receive more and more information from Maletsky in return for almost nothing.
00:43So what is our choice? Either to agree, or...
00:50Okay, we really don't have a choice.
00:52Let's just see what happens next. And in general, hello everyone, dear friends, I'm Lolochka, welcome to the point of no return. Let's go!
01:01And again, hello everyone, dear friends, I'm Lolochka, welcome to the point of no return. The season in which we... Do we really agree?
01:25Let me just quote Maletsky.
01:27In general, to be honest, I envy you, Lolochka. I don't really understand you, but I envy you for sure. You really think that you have a choice.
01:35Damn it, after these phrases, I always think that everything has long been predetermined, and any of my no doesn't make any sense.
01:42Oh, and this one. I'm scared and at the same time I like these phrases.
01:47Other rare survivors are unlikely to have the same technologies as you. At least you are the first one.
01:54And you know what's the problem? I didn't come up with these technologies. In fact, Maletsky praises the owner of the bunker, and I'm... I'm not the owner.
02:02In short, to be honest, I miss the times of the old seasons, when Lolochka could get different opinions from the outside, add a little of his own opinion and thus generate an idea.
02:13Now he's just himself. Maletsky is clearly not an assistant here. I don't know, maybe Laya will say something.
02:19Come on, Maletsky. All these conversations about beauty in the empty world have instilled some strange feelings, to be honest.
02:27I still don't think that there is any beauty in this empty reality. But I don't know why I was so hooked on our dialogue. I miss what happened before.
02:37Oh, what? It's literally just what I said! Sorry, sorry for such a reaction. Let's continue.
02:42Here I really do not feel any unity with any eternal. I only feel longing and irritation, because I don't understand how I can get out of here.
02:52And this fucking fear, because it seems to me that I should hide forever and avoid the influence of time, or whatever it is. I definitely can't.
03:03Oh, and minus the brain. The guy just panicked in the right place. Well, what are you, damn it?
03:08Now, now, now, let's go to the slime and see. Slime that will definitely calm you down. So, come on. Food seems to be enough.
03:15Oh, wow, already two and a half stacks of slime, not bad. Well done. Soon you will make yourself a brother or sister.
03:22So, wait. Just in case, I don't have a breakdown, okay.
03:26In short, at the moment the tactics are simple. We dress up, also prescribe Prunus.
03:33Thank you for such a pleasant teleport. And Laia. Oh, seriously, why did she start appearing so rarely? Very rarely.
03:41New things still appear, already brought some kind of balloon. What do you need this for? Maybe she writes something on the boards?
03:47Come on. Line, branches suffer from the end of time. Why are they engaged in these murders? The official version is to help the suffering. No, there is nothing from her.
03:56By the way, I read a lot of comments where you wrote about your real non-baseless theory that Tadmuriel, the father, is the founder of the bunker.
04:04Look, who knew that there would be the end of the world? And even our Loloshka ties it to Iaganas saw his father?
04:11If he saw his father, then this is quite real, again, because I remind you, our father is immortal in the heart of the universe.
04:19Immortal not within the framework of the fact that he is not killable at all, but within the framework of the fact that at that moment in the heart of the universe he had so much strength that it was stupidly impossible to defeat him.
04:29Now, obviously, a lot of time has passed, and in the end, what about his strength? And Iaganas saw his father somewhere Tadmuriel.
04:36What happened after I left Archea?
04:38Here, and probably the most interesting question is where did all the skinned go?
04:42Okay, let's go back to the base, put the suit on charge, and attention, I have a note.
04:47Soup. As you probably noticed, it is gradually ending.
04:49Okay, Loloshka, wait. I need to decide what to do next.
04:54But why is it always so hard?
04:56It feels like I only have two options for the development of events now.
04:59Meet Lai and find out what she is planning to do.
05:03Or try to figure out for yourself how to get out of here.
05:07And is it possible at all?
05:09Hmm, what if Maletsky was right?
05:12What if Lai really has no plan?
05:15I can't just sit and hide in my pocket, can I?
05:18How does she do it?
05:20Well, no, no, you have a third option.
05:22The only right one, by the way.
05:24Join us.
05:26Damn, Maletsky.
05:28But we agreed with you.
05:30Yes, yes, I know, I know.
05:32Well, I just decided that you can probably already without these conditions.
05:35What? What do you mean, you can already?
05:38Have you ever heard of privacy at all?
05:41Hmm, privacy ...
05:43Listen, in general, to be honest, stormtroopers have a slightly blurred concept of privacy.
05:48We must always be prepared, so ...
05:50Okay, okay, I got it, don't explain.
05:52Why did you come again, Maletsky?
05:54Didn't we discuss everything we wanted with you?
05:56Well, yes.
05:58I just thought that you could change your decision.
06:01I wanted to make sure before reporting the results of your entry into Synclid.
06:05Well, what can I tell you?
06:07Results are zero.
06:09Well, yes.
06:10Listen, I partially understand why you refuse.
06:13But still, it seems to me that you have a very wrong impression of us.
06:18And it's as if my words won't convince you at all.
06:22Yes, yes, we already found out this.
06:24Last time.
06:25Well, yes, yes, let's go.
06:26Listen, I was given a task here.
06:28They found another survivor.
06:30I could clearly show you why I believe so much in what I do.
06:34And why I sincerely love my job.
06:37But, alas, I can't take you with me.
06:40Not allowed.
06:41Wait, wait, wait, seriously?
06:43Another survivor?
06:46Where is he, Maletsky?
06:47Hey, hey, hey, quiet, quiet, calm down, what are you?
06:50Just don't tell me that my company is not enough for you.
06:53No, no, Maletsky, you don't understand.
06:55I've been looking for survivors here for so long that I don't even remember how much time has passed.
06:59I have to, I have to go with you.
07:02He's here? In the city? In Sri Lanka, right?
07:05Uh, well, listen, he's in this branch, but not in this world.
07:09I'll take a look.
07:13The accounting department told me that this is some kind of...
07:15Yeah, god.
07:16With a difficult to pronounce name.
07:20Oh, I found it.
07:26What did you just say?
07:27Yes, the location is Misr.
07:30Spatial coordinates...
07:32Oh, by the way, I probably won't read this.
07:35Wait, stop.
07:38Well, wow.
07:40How did you manage to pronounce it for the first time?
07:42No, again, Maletsky.
07:44Hetentep is alive?
07:46He's still in Misr?
07:48Am I wrong?
07:50No, well, yes, I just said that.
07:53Wait, do you know him?
07:55Yes, Maletsky, he's my...
07:59Hmm, yeah.
08:01I certainly understood that you were a peacekeeper,
08:03but I honestly did not expect that you were acquainted with the only remaining living gods.
08:07Well, according to the current data, the only one.
08:10And the others?
08:12Have you heard anything about others?
08:14About Knefmtiti, Montui...
08:17Have you heard anything about...
08:21Are you so interested?
08:23No, there is no data about them.
08:25Either they didn't survive here, or they haven't been found yet.
08:29There can't be anything else, if anything.
08:31This god, he's your acquaintance, right?
08:34I'm not allowed to take someone on a mission without a special permission.
08:38Well, since you know this guy...
08:41And you already have information about his location, then...
08:44Yes, yes, yes, I understand, that is, you are ready to take me with you, right?
08:49Well, let's put it this way.
08:50If you, by any chance, appear in the area of my task, then...
08:55But this is not my responsibility at all, right?
08:58What do you say?
08:59Tch, really, what can I say to you on such a proposal?
09:03Let's go, of course!
09:05Oh, oh, hush, hush, see how heated up.
09:08In general, you know, Loloshka, you should have offered me some kind of exchange, or something.
09:13Otherwise, I'm all for kindness, sincere, yes, for kindness.
09:17Well, that is...
09:18In short, this god of yours is on some cape, named after him.
09:23And now, because of my own sentimentality, I'm risking a bonus.
09:27At least.
09:28Don't do anything stupid, okay?
09:30I'm going on a mission.
09:32And this means that the god will die.
09:34And you won't prevent it, Loloshka.
09:39Yes, catch up.
09:49Wait, again?
09:51Hat in tap.
09:52The location of MISR.
09:56Guys, if anyone doesn't know, if anyone doesn't remember, we're talking about Season 13 of Fires.
10:02MISR is the name of the world in which we spent the whole season, again, 13 Fires.
10:07There really were such gods as Nefmtiti, Ronos, Seliaset, Montu, and just Hat in Tap.
10:14By the way, Hat in Tap is the only god who appeared before us only in human form.
10:19As far as I remember, his name was Spencer.
10:23If the time branch died, how did he survive?
10:27And where did the others go then?
10:28I have no doubt that Jodah survived, I have no doubt at all.
10:31But the others...
10:32Oh, well, I guess we need to find out now.
10:34As far as I understand, we need a spacesuit, because there, again, the time branch died.
10:39So, and how will it look like?
10:41Hat in Tap is one of the survivors.
10:46I still can't believe it.
10:48This is...
10:50It turns out that our last meeting was so long ago.
10:53Maybe he understood how to reduce the influence of time.
10:56He is the god of knowledge, after all.
11:02Maletsky said that I can't stop him, but...
11:06Damn, I'll still try to do everything I can.
11:15No, I need to focus.
11:17Ah, that is, he is going to teleport to Misr, because he remembers him.
11:22Damn, how difficult it is.
11:24Misr, Misr, Misr.
11:28Sand, heat.
11:30We are from Hat in Tap.
11:32Damn, how did he look there at all?
11:34I need to remember.
11:39Oh, good.
11:47Come on, really Misr?
11:51That is, the multiverse died so much?
11:56Hat in Tap?
12:01God, can I walk?
12:03What is it?
12:04Hey, stop!
12:06Well, tell me, where are you going?
12:09I remind you, he should not see us.
12:12This is not according to the protocol.
12:17But look at him.
12:19Do you think he can resist you?
12:21Do you know what I really think about?
12:23I think I overestimated your ability not to do stupid things.
12:27But I haven't done anything yet.
12:30So this is for now.
12:32Listen, okay.
12:34Maletsky, just let me talk to him.
12:37You shouldn't show yourself, right?
12:39Calm down, Lulushka, he won't be able to talk to you.
12:43He's already dying, look.
12:45Although it seems you don't understand, right?
12:48Okay, go, go.
12:53Oh, come on.
12:55Oh, I can control.
12:58Oh, stop.
12:59I'm hot here, yes, because the suit, the suit is hot in it.
13:03Kapets, Misr.
13:05But this is, by the way, Misr, which ...
13:07I'm not what ...
13:08Oh, the statue of Hat in Tap.
13:10Damn, I have such pleasant memories now.
13:13So, okay, sorry, sorry.
13:15What the hell is nostalgia?
13:17Hat in Tap.
13:21Hey, Hat in Tap?
13:24This is Lulushka.
13:30Oh, I didn't know you would ever come back.
13:37Especially now.
13:39Hey, Hat in Tap, how are you?
13:43Can you get up?
13:45I have a bunker in another world, and if anything ...
13:48It's hard, it's hard to understand.
13:51The head from the inside, as if squeezed by hot pincers.
13:58How long have you been here?
14:00Where are the others?
14:03Children's anger leads them.
14:06Took them away.
14:08Or plans.
14:13How unbearable.
14:16I feel everything at once.
14:20As if everything that happened, happens and only will happen.
14:26Presses me on the shoulders.
14:29Thoughts are confused.
14:32Everything floats before my eyes.
14:37Hey, is that you?
14:39You, you were already here.
14:42You came again.
14:44Oh, Hat in Tap.
14:46Tell me, do you know where the children's anger is?
14:49Why didn't you go with the others?
14:51I ... I mean, we can try to find her, I can help.
14:55And we'll figure out everything that's going on here, Hat in Tap.
14:58Can you move?
15:01Children's anger?
15:04She ... Yes.
15:06She wants to take me away.
15:09I ... No, I didn't want to.
15:13I want to understand what will happen if ...
15:18The only knowledge that was not available to me.
15:23How unbearable.
15:27I can't.
15:30I can't go after her now.
15:35Finish it.
15:40Hat in Tap, I'll help, I promise.
15:42Let me ...
15:45I feel like they're trying to tear me apart.
15:50And at the same time squeeze to one point.
15:54This knowledge was not worth it, Lulushka.
15:58I'm trying to make another choice, but I can't.
16:03Because I didn't do it.
16:08I did it at the same time.
16:12I can't stop it.
16:15Stop it, Lulushka.
16:25God, Hat in Tap.
16:27Well, I told you.
16:29Now do you understand me?
16:32Hey, buddy, how are you?
16:34Don't worry, don't worry, it'll be over soon.
16:37Or what else is tied up in such situations?
16:40Hey, Maletsky, but we can take him to me.
16:43Time will not affect him there.
16:45And you think it will restore his sanity, huh?
16:48Well, Maletsky, but ...
16:49But we can at least try.
16:52Hey, Lulushka.
16:55Stop it.
16:57Stop it.
17:00Stop it however you want.
17:03Spencer, stop it.
17:08So what?
17:09Listen, you know, I'm even ashamed to stand here like this, knowing how painful it is.
17:14Stop it.
17:20Well, that's it.
17:21Listen, no, enough of me, animal.
17:24Come on, buddy, sleep tight.
17:27Hey, what are you ...
17:31Maletsky, please.
17:37That's it.
17:43What are you ...
17:45What the hell are you doing right now?
17:48I didn't even discuss anything with him.
17:51We would have found a way to bring him to his senses, Maletsky.
17:57No, we wouldn't have found it.
18:00Lulushka, understand, he suffered.
18:03He himself asked to stop it.
18:05I don't know about you, but it's not very pleasant for me to watch others suffer.
18:11But I ... I ... I ... I didn't even ...
18:15I couldn't help him in any way.
18:17Well, why is that?
18:19You could.
18:20You didn't interfere with me, that's a lot.
18:24You know, Lulushka, I ... I really understand that it's hard for you,
18:29but think about it yourself.
18:31You would really allow your acquaintance to continue this terrible existence,
18:36full of senseless suffering.
18:38I ... I don't know.
18:42Probably ...
18:44Probably not.
18:47I ... Maletsky, I really couldn't do anything, right?
18:53I'm very sorry, Lulushka.
18:55You couldn't do anything.
18:57No, you couldn't.
19:01Go home, I'll register death for now.
19:11This is how the organization actually works, right?
19:14That is, it turns out that if there was no bunker,
19:17then I would be about the same, right?
19:21Well, okay, that was quite indicative.
19:23In general, now I understand why they think that ...
19:26they help.
19:27And as if ... it really looks like help, right?
19:30Did you notice how HattenTap recognized and at the same time immediately forgot about me?
19:34I'm trying to make another choice, but I can't,
19:37because I haven't done it yet, and I've already done it at the same time.
19:41I feel like I'm being torn apart and at the same time squeezed to one point.
19:45This knowledge was not worth it, Lulushka.
19:47What is he talking about?
19:48Wait, what? What are you talking about?
19:49Apparently it's about some other time timeline,
19:52HattenTap just feels everything at once.
19:54Knefmtiti either takes them away, or takes them away, or just plans.
19:58Well, yes, in short, all the words that HattenTap said can be referred to as ... nothing.
20:03But we know how time pressure works, if I may say so.
20:08Oh, damn, I haven't seen the usual sky for a long time.
20:12I can talk to Maletsky, but wait!
20:15Can I go for a walk?
20:17No one will call me, I don't know.
20:19Everything is fine, right?
20:20A piece of gold, black dye.
20:23Can I go somewhere?
20:25No, it doesn't open.
20:27Damn, I'm constantly hot, I'm hot and hot.
20:30What is it?
20:32Oh, a plush cat.
20:34Well, yes, we remember that cats were loved here.
20:36Damn, this is really such an unusual feeling.
20:38I'm walking in a different season!
20:40I'm right now in the Thirteen Fires, but in the dead Thirteen Fires.
20:45After all this, we understand that somewhere in another time branch the Thirteen Fires still exist.
20:51HattenTap Library.
20:56Pharaoh Duck!
20:57That's me!
20:59Not in vain I ran in.
21:00It was really unexpected now.
21:02That is, you have to look here, right?
21:03Mining gold, oak log.
21:05No, it's not interesting, don't come here.
21:07Now, now, wait a minute.
21:09If we found a duck, then we can find another one.
21:11And these toadstools still work like toadstools, right?
21:14That is, I can easily get stuck in them.
21:17Honestly, I would like to check, but ...
21:20No, no, no, no, no.
21:21I understand what this is fraught with.
21:23This place, I don't know, I haven't seen it in Thirteen Fires.
21:26And this city, I don't know either.
21:28That is, apparently we got ...
21:30It is not clear where, in short.
21:31Maybe it's us with HattenTap?
21:33He just transformed and eventually became a big, big city.
21:36To build a town for the sake of one scene.
21:39Water. Damn, every time I'm just in awe.
21:41Whatever they come up with.
21:43So, a book.
21:44Ah, damn, empty, empty, we can't read.
21:46Well, apparently ...
21:47Yes, I need to speak Smolensk.
21:49I'm just very afraid to miss something now.
21:51You know, a duck.
21:53Oh, iron, gold, let's take this.
21:55Okay, maybe the duck is the only one here.
21:57The most valuable.
21:58Although I was not here.
21:59The ship can be some.
22:14Fog of the watching prison?
22:16Tightly buried glass bottle.
22:19Contains echoes of an entity called the Watcher.
22:22From the bottle comes unbearable cold and heavy eels.
22:26This is, this is really something new.
22:29Wait, no, there's a barrier here, right?
22:31Can't go through here.
22:33He could have missed such a collection!
22:36No, well, now I'm sure I found everything.
22:38Smolensk, well, let's talk?
22:43Well, how are you?
22:45By the way, why are you still here?
22:47I ... I haven't been here for so long.
22:49It's just very hard to remember some things.
22:52Hmm, I understand.
22:54The first search is always the most difficult.
22:56Come on, go, go, come to your senses.
22:58Think about what happened.
23:02In general, by the way, I also need to go.
23:04I'll look at you again, yeah.
23:05We'll probably have to talk again.
23:09In a less stressful environment.
23:15Well, come on, come on, go.
23:18Listen, but the fact that he is teleporting and he has a spacesuit from Skintonite.
23:22And he will not be worse off from this?
23:28The whole body is breaking from the movement!
23:31Ah, well, it looks like it will still be bad.
23:36This time, at least it went well right away.
23:41Now I'm still not worried about it.
23:44I still can't realize what happened.
23:47To be honest, the words of Smolensk seem to me...
23:50For the first time...
23:52Hetentep definitely didn't look like...
23:55As if he wanted help.
23:57Or can I help him?
23:59Everything that happened, happens.
24:02And only will happen.
24:04Pressing on the shoulders.
24:06It sounds worse than a lie.
24:10Watching your...
24:13You scared me!
24:15Oh, stop, wait, wait, wait.
24:17Before we continue...
24:18Oh, damn, the spoon really wrapped.
24:20Really, really wrapped.
24:22I'm sure it's related to Anti-Skint.
24:25I'm really worried that the spoon itself doesn't say anything about it.
24:29But I know that teleporting with Anti-Skint is a bad idea.
24:34And the fact that his body is already starting to break...
24:37Well, you can see why.
24:39I just don't quite understand why you're recovering.
24:42You're not recovering from anything.
24:44That is, the fact that you will sleep does not mean that you will charge hard.
24:48It will heal the spark a little, but...
24:50It's unlikely to be very strong.
24:51So, listen.
24:52Teleporting is like one thing, but photographing the viewer...
24:57The time has come.
25:08Well, yes, that's about what I expected.
25:09Oh, okay, let's continue.
25:11Listen, viewer.
25:12I definitely didn't expect to see you.
25:15You didn't show up that much.
25:17Don't you want to explain what your words meant there, in the wasteland?
25:21In the rhythm of the cold heart of the viewer, compassion is guessed.
25:29Listen, I really don't know what to do.
25:31Do you know what I thought when Maletsky killed Hattentep?
25:38Most likely, I would have done the same.
25:41I don't understand if it's good or bad.
25:46Okay, I...
25:47I hope you'll show up again.
25:50Otherwise, I just can't stand all this.
25:57Let's just say.
25:58It was strong.
25:59In general, everything that happened in this series is strong.
26:02Guys, just tell me yourself.
26:04Write in the comments what your opinion is about the organization.
26:07To be honest, my opinion is gradually building up.
26:11I'm also worried about these words of Lai.
26:13Who constantly say that in no case do not believe.
26:15Do not believe.
26:16In no case.
26:17Well, you get it, right?
26:18And I really don't miss it.
26:19I understand that everything is clearly not as simple as Maletsky is trying to show me.
26:23Listen, I can get better, right?
26:25Let's go in.
26:27Oh, thank you very much.
26:29I don't want to teleport anymore.
26:31At least not in a spacesuit.
26:33Fog of watching confinement.
26:35Where can I put it?
26:36Right here?
26:37Ah, no.
26:38So, where?
26:41And this is really a collection.
26:42The ice look of the watcher does not allow you to move from the place.
26:47There is something inside.
26:48Some kind of pimpochka.
26:49Ah, listen, wait.
26:50Maybe this is the fabric of the watcher?
26:52Although it looks more like a fog.
26:53Pharaoh's duck.
26:54Well, this is definitely here.
26:55Come on.
26:56The ignorance of the king of Krekptok.
26:59Damn, these descriptions are the best description, really.
27:02Especially this one.
27:03It was not possible to find the way to the file DuckFemGDH.
27:05They wrote to me in the comments what it means.
27:08Thank you for the explanation, guys.
27:10In general, we see more and more how time works, how it presses.
27:13We noticed in person what an organization is and how it ...
27:18saves, if I may say so.
27:20But in all this, it is super-mega-obvious to me that Maletsky does not agree.
27:24Well, just a thousand percent.
27:26Even if he does not agree, he just does not know everything.
27:29It is not necessary to throw out of the head that Maletsky is, first of all, a stormtrooper.
27:33Who probably does not receive all the information, as, for example, Laia could receive.
27:38And after receiving the information, she just behaves as she behaves.
27:42This, of course, is not accurate.
27:44These are just my guesses.
27:45But this is fucking interesting.
27:47That's the most important thing.
27:48Let's see what happens next.
27:50In any case, we need to somehow think about what we are in the organization.
27:53Do we join?
27:54Do not join?
27:55Write, in general, what you think about this organization.
28:00And I hope you liked it and you will like it and subscribe.
28:04Your support is the best boost to motivation.
28:07Let me remind you once again.
28:08I hope you will not miss it.
28:10Well, if you are here for the first time, then you can also call your friends.
28:13And with you were Loloshka and ...
28:15Return to Misr.
28:17Although short.
28:18Good luck to everyone.
28:19Bye everyone.