• 2 days ago
Gypsy-Rose Blanchard Addresses Judgement Of Her Becoming A Mom_ ‘Very Hurtful’


00:00We're here to talk about season two of Life After Lockup.
00:03Can you tease what we're going to get to see this season for our fans?
00:06I think you're going to get to see the most real and like pure portrayal of what hers
00:10and our life has actually been over the last year, or better part of a year, as we, you
00:16know, journey becoming, you know, first-time parents and all the things that go with that.
00:23Very true.
00:25So often people get to see like clips or like little shots of what is going on, like little
00:33sneak peeks into what is going on in our life on like articles online, social media, but
00:40like there's so much more context to it and our show gets to really dive in about what
00:45my life has been like since I got out of prison.
00:49As you mentioned, you've welcomed a baby together.
00:52Congrats about that.
00:53How's life as parents treating you both?
00:55Yeah, it's been incredible so far.
00:56Yeah, she's just...
00:57Parenthood has been great so far.
00:58Any new milestones for little Aurora?
01:01She's starting to smile.
01:02Oh, that's so sweet.
01:03That's the newest one.
01:04She's starting to smile and her eyes are pretty much fully open now and we're thinking her
01:11eyes are going to be blue.
01:12So far they're blue, but that's like the latest update on her.
01:16Oh, that's so sweet.
01:17And are you planning on keeping her out of the public eye or like what is the decision
01:21behind that?
01:22As much as we can.
01:23We're trying to protect her as much as we can.
01:26We know that obviously we are in a very high profile life situation.
01:32We have a TV show.
01:33We have the notoriety.
01:35So we're doing what we can as parents to protect her as much as we can.
01:39No, that's very understandable.
01:42And in the trailer, Gypsy, you said that some have said they think that you might not be
01:46a good mom because what you've been through.
01:49Why was that something you wanted to share about on the show?
01:51Because it was something that was affecting my mood.
01:55I'd read comments online and it was very hurtful because it's like I am being judged based
02:00on either one, my crime or two, my past with my mom.
02:06So I felt like I'm not being given a fair shot at proving myself as a mom.
02:15People were saying that stuff when I was pregnant and I had not even done anything
02:20with my child.
02:21So I wanted to share it because it was deeply impactful for me and it was something to overcome.
02:27Now both of you seem so happy together.
02:30How did you know that you were meant to be or when did you have that moment?
02:33I think we just have a strong connection.
02:35We have great chemistry.
02:36We just enjoy being around each other.
02:39We uplift each other and whenever we go out into the world and do anything, we can make
02:44fun or have a fun time with it.
02:47And there's not really anything out there that I want to do that doesn't involve her
02:50or our family.
02:51That's how I know.
02:52And what's it been like for you seeing her as a mom?
02:55That must be so special, I feel like.
02:58I mean, she's been a rock star parent so far.
03:00She's just watching her growth so far in the last year and seeing that translate into motherhood
03:06and just I couldn't be more proud to have her as a partner and as the mother of my child
03:11in life.
03:12What are your favorite things about being a mom yourself?
03:14I absolutely love, I know it sounds so simple, but it's so rewarding after a long day of
03:21feeding, changing, burping, everything.
03:24Whenever you just look into her eyes and she's just so peaceful in your arms.
03:28That is worth it.
03:30Just knowing that she's at peace and happy and comforted and loved.
03:34I love that.
03:35That is so sweet.
03:36I can just feel the love from both of you for this little girl.
03:39I love to see that.
03:40She's a blessing for me.
03:42Yes, and can you tell me a little bit about the name?
03:44How did you come up with Aurora?
03:45I think that's a beautiful name.
03:46Aw, thank you.
03:47Do you want to share?
03:48You go ahead.
03:49Is it a Disney reference?
03:50It's not.
03:51Actually, it's not.
03:52Common misconception.
03:53Common misconception, but when we first started dating, we were sharing our common interests
04:02and one of them is we would love to see the northern lights.
04:06The proper term is the Aurora Borealis, so it comes from the northern lights.
04:10That was my second guess.
04:11I'm from Alaska, so I was like, it's either Disney or it's Aurora Borealis.
04:14So have you seen them?
04:15I have.
04:16I grew up with them.
04:17Maybe one day you can take her to see them when you're older.
04:20It's on the list for sure.
04:22Where are some of your bucket list places that you'd like to travel one day together
04:26as a family?
04:27I think we've actually talked about this a lot.
04:29She really wants to go to London or just the UK in general, Scotland, Ireland.
04:33Both of us have been kind of stateside our entire lives, so anywhere can be intriguing.
04:39There's not a place that I wouldn't want to go, well, for the most part.
04:43So I think that we have a good list, but it's all kind of randomized at this point, however
04:48we're feeling in the moment.
04:49I feel like A Life in the Spotlight also comes with critics on social media.
04:55How do you handle the trolls and the haters online?
05:00I think it's been, like I said before, I think it's been like an evolutionary process
05:03where things could kind of affect you more in the beginning, but as time has gone on,
05:07we've built a stronger skin towards it and just realized that these people don't know
05:11us, they've never met us, they probably never will meet us, and they've created all these
05:15false realities on what they think our life is and developed their opinions based off
05:18of that.
05:19But we just don't pay attention to it, and if anybody out there wants to get the realist
05:24look of what actually happens in our lives and not like the fodder that's created on
05:28social media, then you'll watch our show.
05:31What about you?
05:32I feel like exactly what he said, it is something where it's like, you acknowledge that there
05:37are your haters, everybody has critics, everybody has haters, but I share my life and we share
05:43our life for the supporters that we have because there is a vast majority of people that do
05:48support me and support our journey and just kind of want to see what's next for us.
05:54And that's why we put ourselves out there, is for those people.
05:58There's a lot of support, and everybody that we've ever encountered in person, like 100%
06:02of the time have always been super nice, super sweet, very embracing, so we focus on that.
06:07That's the real world.
06:08Yeah, definitely.
06:09And has becoming parents strengthened your bond as a couple?
06:12Yes, absolutely.
06:13It has.
06:14We are forced to problem solve a lot better.
06:19We just realized that we're in this together, you know, it's all about the family now and
06:23yeah, there's no problem that we can't overcome.
06:26Yeah, and I know in the trailer you mentioned that you can't currently live together.
06:32What was that experience like and what will fans get to see this season about that on
06:36the show?
06:37Well, it is a struggle, like having to go back and forth between my parents' house and
06:43his house.
06:44It's difficult emotionally, it's difficult on Aurora because the first night either at
06:50home or at his house, it's like she gets fussy because it's constantly changing her environment.
06:56And I couldn't drive myself, so he would have to come pick me up and it was an hour away
07:02from both places.
07:03So it's hard to juggle and navigate that.
07:06So they're going to kind of see my emotions towards it all and how difficult it truly
07:11And also in the trailer, your ex said that he would step up if he was the father.
07:16Were you both shocked when you saw that unfolding?
07:20I wasn't really shocked.
07:21I mean, I think it's admirable that if he was potentially the father that he would step
07:27up and take responsibility.
07:29But we always knew who the father was, there was never any doubt.
07:33Yeah, I saw you mention that in the trailer as well.
07:36Do you keep in contact with him or is there any message that you'd want to share with
07:40No, I mean, we have both kind of figured out that right now is not a time, like it's so
07:46fresh to the both of us.
07:48So it's just not a time where we can have a conversation and it doesn't end with sort
07:55of like shots being fired or something.
07:57Yeah, best to keep it separate.
07:59Just separate.
08:01Now Gypsy, you also recently shared a message to the Menendez brothers, but do you have
08:04any advice for them specifically if they were to want to go into the spotlight if they were
08:09able to be released?
08:11I would say put the brakes on it because it is very overwhelming.
08:16A lot has changed even since I was in prison and, you know, while I was in prison I was
08:24getting my education, I was bettering myself and then I thought that I was prepared for
08:28it and I was kind of kept away and kind of sheltered from all the hype around me.
08:34I had not seen any documentaries or anything so I didn't know what I was coming out to
08:39and then all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks.
08:42I was literally everywhere when I got out of prison.
08:47People were making little TikTok Trendy videos and everything.
08:51So I would say coming out of prison, everything's going to overwhelm them, even the colors that
08:57are so bright because in prison it's very bland.
09:00So it will overwhelm them and I feel like they just need to take their time, get their
09:04feet on the ground, and then if that's something they want to pursue, go ahead, but make sure
09:10you get the foundation set.
09:11I feel like that's definitely wise and I know you mentioned social media and the fans were
09:16really supporting you.
09:17I remember the TikToks of the counting down the days for you.
09:23Because you are such a fan favorite on social media, has there been any fan interactions
09:26that have shocked either of you?
09:28Nothing that's like too out of the ordinary.
09:32I just like meeting fans.
09:35I've been kind of engaging with the positive people more than the negative.
09:41I think one of the best for her fans interactions that we had was at SFSU and just seeing all
09:47the love in that room and all the praise and support that she had from a full audience
09:51of people.
09:52I did a public speaking event and the audience was so welcoming and sweet.
09:59It was such a great experience.
10:01I love that.
10:02And also, I feel like there's been a lot of celebrity and reality star supporters.
10:06Have there been any that have slid into either of your DMs to show support or any fun messages?
10:10Not like sliding into DMs, but showing support or messages or anything like that.
10:15Oh yeah, of course.
10:16I've had some in the past.
10:17Ken, have you had any?
10:18I mean, I've had people that have DMed me for her saying, hey, send Gypsy my support
10:24and my love for sure.
10:26I can't remember names off the top of my head, but yeah.
10:28Yeah, that's happened.
10:30Now, for people who are tuning into the season that don't know much about you, what do you
10:33hope they take away from the season of Life After Lockup?
10:36Well, this is our second season and I think I really want people to take away that this
10:42is a new season of my life.
10:44You know, the first season was drama and bad choices and just me kind of finding my footing.
10:54And so this season, you're going to see a new level of maturity in me that I developed
11:00while in my pregnancy because I realized, hey, I'm going to be a mom.
11:03So this is a new season of my life and that's what this season's about.
11:07Now last question, could you describe the season in three words?
11:11It could be three words each, three words total.
11:13Oh, okay.
11:14Just the first three words you think of.
11:15All right, you go first.
11:19Describe the season in three words.
11:21Okay, family.
11:22That's one.
11:23Okay, friendship.
11:25Oh, I like that.
11:26Those are good ones.
11:28Those are good ones.
