• vorgestern
Today we are reviewing rental clothing sites, to see if it's worth your $$$!
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OTHER VIDEOS u might like: 🌷✨
Unboxing Clothing Returns: https://youtu.be/WdyVFiLeWo8
Testing Tiktok Shop: https://youtu.be/zVJHZBtrVV4
Hiring Stylists to Style Me: https://youtu.be/QUUJuGCjt9c

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Ethical Sweatpants Sets: https://mfraise.com/

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#miamaples #rental #clothing


00:00Hey everyone, so today we are doing a very exciting video.
00:03So as you may or may not know, I live in Canada.
00:05So when I have the opportunity to go to America,
00:08it opens a lot of doors for things that I can try and do that I can't normally get in Canada.
00:14Now with the channel, I usually don't let the fact that I live in Canada get in my way from reviewing things.
00:18I'll send it to a mail forwarder to get it.
00:20But there is one thing that I cannot do in Canada,
00:23and I have wanted to review it for quite some time.
00:26I actually started to review it last year, January,
00:30and the video just didn't come to fruition like full circle.
00:33So I'm going to finish it now.
00:35And so I want to try renting clothing for a subscription price a month.
00:41You get the clothes, you wear them, and then you send them back.
00:44And the two biggest clothing rental services that I could find only service America.
00:48So while I'm here, I'm going to test them out.
00:50I'm going to tell you if it's worth it.
00:52And I have a little bit of insight from when I tried it last year.
00:56And let's just say I've got a bone to pick with Rent the Runway.
00:59But we'll get into that later.
01:00I can think of a few reasons why renting clothing is a really good idea.
01:04If you have been invited to a black tie wedding,
01:08and you don't want to go out and buy like a $300 dress,
01:11well, you could do the $50 rental,
01:14rent a beautiful, elegant black tie dress,
01:17wear it to the wedding, and then ship it back.
01:19And then another reason why people like rental services
01:21is because it gets you into clothing that maybe you wouldn't normally be able to afford.
01:26So these rental services offer pretty expensive pieces at a discount to be rented.
01:30If you've been curious about rental clothing,
01:32I'm going to do the deep dive in this video and give you the full scoop.
01:35So let's get into it.
01:36So the first rental clothing company we're going to dive into is Nuuly.
01:40So let's see how it works.
01:42Subscribe and rent any six styles every month for $98.
01:46What's included?
01:47Fast, free shipping, plus returns.
01:49What's not?
01:50Hidden fees.
01:51You can pause or cancel anytime.
01:53Now, they mention these hidden fees because I think with any subscription,
01:57people are always worried that they're going to forget to cancel it
02:00or they're going to go to cancel it and it's like really difficult to do so.
02:04Subscriptions could be fine.
02:05It's when they make them impossible to cancel.
02:07So yeah, pretty simple.
02:09One month, six items, $98.
02:11Now, this is in USD.
02:13So in Canadian, that's going to be more.
02:15Depending where you are, it might be different.
02:17And then you can browse the item.
02:19Like there's some pretty fun pieces.
02:21Like this dress is a showpiece for Valentine's Day.
02:25It would originally retail for $545.
02:28So when you think about it, for $98 a month, I get to choose this and five other ones.
02:33Like this.
02:34Do I need this in my wardrobe?
02:36No, I don't.
02:37Do I want to wear it?
02:39Yes, I do.
02:40Part of me kind of wants to rent the most expensive things just to see.
02:44I want to see what the highest price items are.
02:47$770 for that?
02:51I mean, it's not the worst thing I've ever seen,
02:53but I wouldn't pay $770 for it.
02:56That's for sure.
02:58Another thing I'm curious about is how worn the pieces feel.
03:01Hypothetically, many people could have worn these pieces before me.
03:05So are the pieces going to be stinky?
03:08And you can even see customer reviews.
03:11That's so cute.
03:14Okay, after searching around for, I'm not kidding you,
03:17a few hours, here are the items that I've chosen.
03:20I wanted to pick things that I actually need that I forgot to pack,
03:23so a coat,
03:24but also cutesy fun things that I think would be interesting to see and visually exciting.
03:30So these are all the Nuuly pieces,
03:32but let's get into the other rental brand.
03:34And the next rental clothing company I want to try is Rent the Runway.
03:38This is the one that I filmed the video on that I didn't complete last January.
03:43I cancelled my subscription and it continued charging me for months.
03:48It ended up being, I think, over $1,000 Canadian.
03:52I remember being so confused because when you follow the steps to cancel the subscriptions,
03:57it's very simple.
03:58It's literally like, cancel it.
03:59And I just clicked cancel.
04:01We're going to see if that was a one-time thing or if it happens again.
04:04So as well as trying to close in this video,
04:07I'm also going to cancel both subscriptions and wait till the next billing period
04:11so that you can know if it actually did cancel.
04:13I'm going to just do the five items because I'm not here long enough to do two shipments.
04:17So I'm just going to do this.
04:19Let's just say we're going somewhere formal.
04:21They have a bunch of different dresses as well.
04:25And they even do jewelry.
04:27I know some people are really into looking good while skiing.
04:30I'm not one of those people,
04:31but like if you were, there's stuff here.
04:33Let's build the shipment.
04:36Oh my gosh, you know what we should do?
04:37Letting stylist style me from rented pieces.
04:40That's what we got to do next.
04:42As you can see, rent the runways market is a little bit more elegant pieces.
04:47Oh my sweet lord, $1,900.
04:50See, and if you forget to return that, you're buying it.
04:53Let's not forget to send this back.
04:54I think it's kind of insane that the value is $225,
04:57but you could buy it for $45.
04:59It's not just a good place to rent.
05:01It could be a place to buy.
05:03I do think though $100 a month is pretty steep.
05:06I would probably only utilize this when I had a trip coming up or something.
05:10Okay, so again, it took me a really long time to look through everything
05:12because there's so many options,
05:14but here are the pieces I decided to rent from Rent the Runway.
05:17I'm going to record again when these pieces arrive
05:19so we can review them out fresh out of the package.
05:22But yes, I'm excited.
05:24Hopefully they're good.
05:27Now the Rent the Runway package came super fast.
05:31I'm talking like three days.
05:32The newly one took a little bit longer.
05:34I would say about five business days to get here.
05:36So both pretty quick.
05:38So here is the Rent the Runway package.
05:40So they just put like your mailing slip right in the middle there
05:43and then the newly package is also fabric and resealable with a zipper,
05:49but it's like a different look.
05:51Let's start with Rent the Runway because they came first.
05:53Okay, so this is what it looks like in here.
05:56It looks like things are on hangers.
05:58Oh, wow, everything's wrapped in plastic.
06:00I'm a little bit bummed that everything's in this thin plastic.
06:04I get why they do it.
06:05I feel like they dry clean it and then send out.
06:07But like one of the big things with rent and clothing to me was like
06:10it's a sustainable way to like refresh your closet.
06:12It's a lot of plastic.
06:14Oh, wait a second.
06:15It says, please return this protective bag.
06:17So Rent the Runway can recycle it.
06:20I honestly feel like they don't even need these.
06:22But I mean, it's obviously protecting from like water or damage.
06:26I just don't think it's necessary.
06:27Okay, and then inside there's the return address.
06:30Okay, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
06:34They offer personal stylist.
06:36Don't entice me, Rent the Runway.
06:38You know, I love testing every stylist.
06:40The first piece is this jacket.
06:43This is feeling very nice.
06:45What brand is this?
06:47I don't know what brand that is.
06:48It might be real leather.
06:51It kind of smells leathery.
06:5270% polyurethane and 30% recycled polyester and faux fur.
06:57Okay, so no, it's not real.
06:58It fooled me.
06:59Honestly, this is so nice and warm.
07:02I was pretty cold for a while because my Canadian came in
07:05and I thought I didn't need a coat here.
07:07Turns out Vegas nights are not plus 20.
07:10So this will come in handy.
07:12This is what it looks like zipped up.
07:13I'm loving that the inside is fully fluffed.
07:16So it's so nice to have that softest fabric right against my skin.
07:20Like it's all in the arms and everything.
07:22Loving this jacket.
07:23I'm like hot as I'm wearing this inside.
07:25So that's a good sign.
07:27Rent the Runway is gonna have to rip these out of my hands.
07:29They're not getting those back.
07:30I'm sure you're curious about these.
07:33The Barbie pink two-piece set.
07:35Now for anyone who's wondering when you're getting a two-piece set
07:38because there are like matching pieces available.
07:41It does count for two pieces.
07:42So you have to get the top and the bottoms
07:45or you could just get one or the other separately.
07:47I'm excited about it.
07:48I love a matching set.
07:50I mean look what I'm wearing right now.
07:51It's like a nice stretchy knit fabric
07:55and then it's got these buttons down the side
07:57and then the pants are equally stretchy.
07:59Honestly, these feel like incredible quality.
08:01Like they feel brand new.
08:03See, I'm a little worried about the damage I could do to these pieces wearing them.
08:07Especially if I'm eating something chocolate
08:08because I don't know what it is about eating chocolate.
08:11It gets all over me.
08:13It'll be like insane.
08:14I'll be eating like a chocolate chip cookie
08:15and then I'll walk away and it'll be like on my butt.
08:18I don't even know how it happens, honestly.
08:21There's many things about this that I love.
08:23I love that it's long enough.
08:25I like this opening slit by the ankle.
08:28It's this really stretchy rib
08:31and I feel like if it was in like black or white,
08:33it wouldn't be as exciting.
08:35But this fuchsia pink is so fun.
08:39Two-piece sets seriously have my heart.
08:43Something about the monochromatic just makes comfy pieces like this
08:47feel like you can go out for like a fancy dinner
08:50and it's like totally fine and good.
08:52Like I put on a nice bag, earrings, some shoes.
08:55I feel very going out worthy.
08:57This is very pretty.
08:59I'm loving this print right now and it's very soft.
09:03And this is like what I think Rent the Runway is perfect for
09:06and rental clothes in general
09:07is if you are going to an event that you don't normally go to
09:11and you don't want to invest the money in a piece.
09:16Whoa, whoa, whoa!
09:19It's giving off like an older vibe.
09:25Okay, anyway.
09:26I feel like an elegant diva in this.
09:28We have the waist cinching moment here.
09:31The thing that bodycon dresses do
09:33where it makes you feel uncomfortable
09:34because it's like sucked in and showing every bump.
09:36This is the complete opposite, okay?
09:38We've got so many ruches going on.
09:40I'm so comfortable in here.
09:42I did mention that Rent the Runway stuff
09:44was feeling a little bit more like mature age-wise.
09:47But I still feel like this one is playful and fun and looks good.
09:50But I'm definitely giving elegant, right?
09:53Okay, the final piece from Rent the Runway is this denim jumpsuit.
09:56Denim jumpsuits have a strong place in my heart.
10:00You like that 70s style look with the flowy legs?
10:04These can be so nice.
10:05So I'm hoping that this is one of those.
10:09Again, very good quality.
10:10No visible stains that I can see thus far.
10:13It's looking pretty good.
10:14I am obsessed with the way that this fits.
10:17No gapping, right to the floor.
10:20I'm not even that tall.
10:21But for some reason, pants are short for me often.
10:24So to have this fit torso and legs and waist.
10:28The woman was too stunned to speak.
10:30I'm just picturing it with like a turtleneck underneath.
10:33Ooh, I would love that.
10:36I feel like a broken record because I'm loving everything.
10:39But I'm loving everything.
10:42I'm almost forgiving Rent the Runway
10:44for taking an extra thousand dollars from me last year.
10:47You're almost forgiven because I don't know whose fault it was.
10:49Give her the jumpsuit and we'll call it even.
10:54Next, let's see if the Nuuly stuff is as good.
10:57This honestly opens like a suitcase.
10:59There's a little bit more structure to it, which I like.
11:02Also, they're not wrapped in plastic.
11:05They're tossed in here and this feels very protective.
11:07It feels like it's got like a waterproof piece to it.
11:11This first piece is a purple.
11:13Almost like looks like crocodile.
11:15It definitely isn't crocodile.
11:18I don't think anyways.
11:19It's a hundred percent polyester.
11:20Yeah, I feel like polyester is like that fiber
11:23that could just look like anything.
11:25This is very cool to me.
11:26I love the purple.
11:27I like that you could just wear a very simple outfit
11:30and then dress it up and make a statement with this.
11:32I feel like this is the type of piece that you put on
11:34and people just think you're stylish.
11:36Probably one of the more simple pieces I got
11:38is this knit mock neck sweater.
11:41It's like a navy purple.
11:43I'm having a Britney Spears moment.
11:45This jacket is cool.
11:47Okay, I don't own, do I own a long coat?
11:51Not like this, for sure not like this.
11:53This purple, my mom thinks it's blue,
11:55crocodile print is very cool.
11:58And because I'm in Vegas right now,
12:00I feel like it's giving very Vegas.
12:02Like I took a very simple jeans and sweater outfit
12:06and I feel like I made it fashionable.
12:08Well, I didn't, the jacket made it fashionable.
12:11It's like fun enough that I'm excited about it,
12:13but it's subdued enough
12:14that I'm not gonna be nervous to wear it.
12:16I did find one wear and tear.
12:18If you look inside the pocket,
12:21there is a hole in the pocket.
12:22Look, I just reached in the pocket
12:24and I was able to reach in the coat.
12:26Someone smashed their hand into this pocket so fast,
12:28it ripped a hole in the pocket.
12:30And it wasn't me.
12:31Okay, Nuuly, that was not me.
12:32Do not charge me for that.
12:34See, that's the thing.
12:34If you wear and tear these, like really wreck something,
12:38do you get charged for it?
12:39Because when you rent an apartment,
12:40you have to put a damage deposit.
12:42Like where's my damage deposit for these?
12:43It's probably in the fine print somewhere
12:45that I can't wreck it.
12:46Not that I was gonna wreck it.
12:47I'm just wondering.
12:48I regret to inform you all that this is a little itchy.
12:52It's okay though.
12:53I'm just gonna wear a shirt under it.
12:55But I love the print.
12:56Like I don't have any sweaters this color.
12:59Yeah, and here it is untucked.
13:01It's adorable.
13:02Thank you.
13:03I like it.
13:04Okay, next.
13:05From Nuuly, I also got a two-piece set.
13:07Same exact story.
13:09Two pieces, two slots.
13:11Now, Nuuly was kind of a better deal
13:13because you got more pieces for the same price.
13:16And oh my gosh, this is cute.
13:18It's from the brand We Wore What?
13:20And it's this perfect wallpaper fabric.
13:24It also has a very interesting cut.
13:25It's like a blazer cut,
13:26but it has a ruffle sleeve and padded shoulders
13:29and a very plunging neckline.
13:31It also has matching capri pants.
13:35And everything smells good.
13:36I think they dry clean everything.
13:37That's my guess.
13:43It's a little low.
13:44Now, I knew that was gonna happen
13:46because I read the reviews
13:47and a lot of people were wearing
13:49like a little cami under here.
13:51So I would probably do the same.
13:53First of all, this print is a yes.
13:55A big yes.
13:57This fabric is a yes.
13:58The sleeves on the bottom
13:59and the legs bowing out like this
14:01and this ruffly cuteness is a yes.
14:04This slight peplum here.
14:05This is a very exciting and fun cut.
14:08What do you think, Mom?
14:09I love it.
14:10I like it too.
14:11This is another-
14:12See, this is the problem with renting clothing.
14:14Now I want everything.
14:16This is a real issue.
14:17I don't want to give these back.
14:19I want to keep them.
14:20I will say the pants are a little bit baggy.
14:22Like they're bunching a bit for me.
14:24I'm not exactly filling these babies out,
14:27which is so weird because I'm so caked up.
14:29I don't really understand why that's not working,
14:31but random.
14:32Wait, and why am I not filling out the top?
14:37Okay, now this.
14:39This is a cute dress.
14:40Oh my goodness.
14:41Look how cute that is.
14:42It's got all these pink bows up the side
14:45and a big slit.
14:46Nice and clean.
14:48Feels very good quality.
14:49Like if you were going to a wedding
14:50and you wanted to wear this,
14:52providing it's not close enough to white, of course.
14:55But this is really cute.
14:58This is so cute.
14:59Are you kidding me?
15:01With the bows?
15:02This is totally a dress that I would not need in my wardrobe,
15:06but I would think wearing it is very fun.
15:08I like the fabric too.
15:09It's quite thick and it's not super snug,
15:12but it's comfortable.
15:13The last item in here,
15:15we have a jumpsuit.
15:17Love a good jumpsuit.
15:18This one's kind of like a hybrid between like a light denim
15:22and some sort of other elegant,
15:23almost like, is it crepe?
15:25A rayon and polyester.
15:27I'm pleased with how good and new everything looks.
15:29I need this.
15:33It fits perfect on the length.
15:36It fits perfect on the back.
15:38It's cute, it's elegant,
15:40and I'm wearing it to Rachel's wedding and I'm buying it.
15:42I should check how much this one would be.
15:44A few moments later.
15:46I need to check.
15:47The retail is $229,
15:50but I could buy it for 46% off, $123.
15:56Oh my gosh.
15:57The Victorian floral blazer and pants,
16:00I could get for $84 for the top and $35 for the bottom.
16:04Oh no!
16:06This is literally defeating the purpose of the video, guys.
16:09My head is spinning.
16:10Okay, so now that everything is here,
16:12I'm gonna wear some pieces throughout the week
16:15and just see how I enjoy the experience of renting the clothing.
16:19And then we must cancel these subscriptions.
16:21You could wear absolutely anything in Vegas
16:23and I swear you would not turn heads
16:25because there are people wearing,
16:27in a lot of cases, much less,
16:29which is far more eye-catching than a full pink ensemble.
16:32But I digress.
16:33It's a little out of my comfort zone.
16:35Not comfort-wise, just color.
16:37But I do love pink.
16:38It was kind of interesting
16:39because when I was wearing the full pink set,
16:41I asked her what he thought of it
16:42and he said he really liked it
16:44and that it felt very futuristic to him,
16:46which I didn't fully understand
16:49until I saw some of the footage back of me.
16:52I don't even think it's the matching set part of it.
16:54I almost think it's the long shirt part of it.
16:57It would feel like I was in The Hunger Games
17:00or even like Dune World.
17:01I don't know.
17:02Just made me think it does look kind of futuristic.
17:05I am a really big fan of Vegas,
17:06not for the reasons that a lot of people go to Vegas,
17:09you know, Sin City.
17:11But there's amazing food and great shows
17:13and I love magicians.
17:16And I had the absolute pleasure
17:17to visit Martha Stewart's restaurant while I was there
17:20and it was so tasty.
17:22The pierogis.
17:23Look at you guys.
17:24My drink matches my outfit.
17:27Where's the Rita?
17:29Did you notice?
17:30Martha shares my love of birds.
17:33And then I also wanted to wear the full jacket.
17:36I no longer really needed that amount of warmth.
17:40Too hot.
17:40Especially paired with the purple mock neck sweater.
17:44Originally, I was gonna pair this jacket with this shirt,
17:48but that might be very overkill now.
17:50They do like this jacket a lot.
17:52But I was really enjoying in Vegas going to Sniff Spots.
17:56This video isn't sponsored by anybody.
17:59None of the brands in this video.
18:00None of the companies I'm mentioning.
18:03Not Martha Stewart's restaurant.
18:05Not sponsored.
18:06But I mention that because I'm saying
18:07Sniff Spot is a place where you can rent people's backyards
18:11to play with your dog in.
18:13And our rental in Vegas didn't have a very big yard.
18:16And so I found this one and it was like 0.5 of an acre.
18:19And Chip absolutely loved it.
18:22So I wore my unfortunately itchy mock neck there.
18:26I did wear a shirt underneath it,
18:28but I still found it to be kind of itchy around my neckline,
18:31which is nice to know in a rental
18:33because it's like I wouldn't purchase it with that itchiness.
18:36Taking Chip to the park is like the highlight of my life.
18:39I'm not gonna lie to you guys.
18:40I look forward to it.
18:41When I think back to Vegas,
18:43there was a lot of exciting things that happened,
18:44but taking Chip to the Sniff Spot was genuinely my favorite part.
18:49He is such a playful dog.
18:52He can like run and catch a ball and jump four feet in the air.
18:55He has so much energy and he always wants to play.
18:58And so being able to really tuck him out in someone's yard.
19:01It's really fun.
19:02Where am I going with this?
19:03Oh, yeah, it was nice.
19:05It's kind of not the piece I would normally rent
19:08because I feel like in my closet,
19:09I have a lot of chunky knit sweaters.
19:12It kind of depends what you're looking for,
19:13but I feel like the rental companies are best
19:15for like outfits that are maybe out of your comfort zone
19:18or for events that you don't have pieces in your closet to wear.
19:21But I did want to try a few just like normal everyday pieces
19:25to like a sweater,
19:26but I don't think I would wear that type again.
19:28And the final piece from the rentals that I wore out and about
19:31was this high neckline jumpsuit.
19:34I paired it with a black turtleneck underneath.
19:37No, I don't think you understand.
19:39I'm obsessed.
19:41It's honestly so comfortable,
19:43but I feel pretty dressed up,
19:44but also covered up and comfy.
19:47It honestly fits like a glove.
19:49So I'm happy.
19:50And we had some friends come and visit
19:51and we went to the Omega Mart,
19:53which I've never been there before.
19:55And if you haven't seen it online already,
19:56it's basically looks like a grocery store,
19:59but everything about it is strange.
20:01The peas are squares, not circles.
20:04You open up the freezer
20:05and all the pop is like bending and shifting
20:09and you're walking through this long hallway
20:11and it drops off into this like strange area
20:13where you can play music with lasers.
20:15Like so strange.
20:17I don't know who thought of it.
20:18It was so entertaining.
20:19We spent like three hours there just looking around.
20:22And then after that we went to Guy Fieri's restaurant.
20:24I saw Safiya try Guy Fieri's restaurant
20:27and get the trashcan nachos.
20:28And ever since I watched that video,
20:30I have wanted these trashcan nachos.
20:33So we got them.
20:35Okay, so once I went through all the clothing pieces
20:37and decided which ones I was gonna purchase
20:39and which ones I was gonna return,
20:41I loaded up the reusable mailers
20:43and then each box had its own prepaid mailing label.
20:47So I stuck that to the front
20:48exactly how it told me to on the site.
20:51And then I just took both of them
20:52and dropped them off at UPS
20:54and they both received the items back.
20:56So right now my plan is one shipment per month,
20:58five spots per shipment.
21:00Next billing is February 21st.
21:02So cancel your membership effective on February 21st, 2025.
21:07Like you really can't mess this up.
21:08And this is again why I'm so confused
21:11on what happened last year when I tried to cancel this.
21:13So your membership will be canceled on February 21st.
21:17Boom, done.
21:18Now we will touch base there again.
21:21Same sort of setup here.
21:22I'm gonna let them know the exact same thing.
21:25Expand to Canada.
21:26Your newly is canceled.
21:27Now, normally I would be like, okay, we're 100% good.
21:30But I need to see on February 21st,
21:33if it really canceled.
21:34As I'm editing this, it's February 25th.
21:37I checked my banking
21:38and I don't have any new charges
21:40from Nuuly or Rent the Runway.
21:43So the cancellation was complete,
21:46which leads me to think that last year
21:47when I tried to cancel it, maybe I did it wrong.
21:51It wouldn't be the first time I did something wrong.
21:53So I think it was my bad,
21:55from the bottom of my heart, my bad.
21:59So now that I've tried two rental clothing companies,
22:01picked through all the clothing,
22:02rented pieces, tried them on,
22:05wore them, returned them,
22:06and now canceled my subscription,
22:08I feel like I have a really good understanding
22:11of how these rental companies work.
22:13I could see myself using them
22:15if they ever did expand to Canada
22:17for more specific events,
22:19like weddings, or if I was going on a vacation
22:22that I really wanted to serve looks for some reason.
22:25But I feel like for everyday use,
22:28I think for most people,
22:29this would be out of the budget
22:31because around $100 to rent five to six pieces
22:34for day-to-day, just everyday wear,
22:36to me doesn't feel realistic.
22:39Also, I want to mention that Rent the Runway,
22:40you get five items for your first month is $98
22:44and then your next month is 119.
22:46Pieces I rented from Rent the Runway
22:48would have came in at $1,649
22:51if you were just to buy them.
22:53And then for Nuuly, it's $98 a month
22:55and you get six items, so one extra item.
22:58And the price of my items from Nuuly came in at $1,162.
23:02So definitely renting them is cheaper,
23:04but then again, you don't get to keep them.
23:06I do think comparing Rent the Runway and Nuuly,
23:09if I had to choose one, I would prefer Nuuly
23:12because I felt like the pieces on the site
23:15were a little bit more my style,
23:18more colorful and like cutesy designs.
23:20And it was also more affordable.
23:22You got more pieces for the price.
23:24And I also really liked their shipping.
23:26I'm gonna stop rambling and let you go.
23:29But I hope to see you in the next one.
