Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 64 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 64 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 64 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 64 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 64 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 64 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 64 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00My mother dragged herself for your affection and you wanted to destroy it, but I learned
00:17well from you that love is for fools and power is the only thing that matters now that you
00:27are underground I am up here moving the pieces changing the rules and your legacy I am going to
00:39burn your name your family everything you protected I am going to destroy you never let me enter your
00:51world but you are going to regret not having done it because your empire your dear granddaughters everything is going to fall
01:02I don't want to bother you
01:26you are
01:32the reason for all the reasons that I have to do
01:37I never want to go home
01:47and I scream I'm going home today has been another difficult day
01:57tell me what you need then I'll stop by to give you or whatever you think is better
02:06I'm going to accompany the car
02:26you were like an old hero you gave everything to the last
02:49you left me with the possibility of having a family
02:51you saved those who love
03:00but you left me
03:13why does it have to be so difficult to be happy
03:34if you started everything so that things work for me,
03:40you also know how to be a father, I think I would do the same for you,
03:51that's why I need you here close, don't go away, stay here, stay here, stay here, old man,
04:07send me signals, send me signals,
04:13you know that sometimes I'm afraid of hanging
04:15and I'm going to be attentive, I'm going to be attentive to your signals, I wish you were always proud of me,
04:32and if one day I make a mistake, let me know,
04:40I promise you that I will take care of my mother, but I promise to be there,
04:46and you are not there,
04:52I'm sorry
05:40you do very badly
05:45in raising my tension
05:49in crushing my ambition
06:01if I can stop this time because I hear you say it
06:06I love you
06:11I will always love you father
06:23where is our
06:37thank you and thank you for allowing me to do the reading of the will of Paloma that I do not know that it is my way to show my respect to the
06:50one who must be in heaven if someone opens the door
06:55we can agree that it was a questionable dove
07:02and I value it a lot, thank you, well, the press is in front of the law firm, in front of the department, they do not rest for a minute,
07:11no, and they will not do it, your idea is a telenovela, Ignacio, I would like the copyrights,
07:17no, it is not, but that is how they sell it, especially this girl, Patricia Estrellas, who warned everyone that the reading of the will was today,
07:25what I do not understand is how they felt,
07:29I'm sorry, I'm really sorry,
07:38sorry, I think I came at a bad time, Ignacio, you know, I deeply regret everything that is happening with the press, they are unmanageable right now,
07:46thank you, I just talked to the jaguar and he told me that he was a little moved and worried to have a little intimacy today,
07:56yes, yes, it's a bit of a special day, but fortunately Nina is with him,
08:00why did you come?
08:03to talk to you, Ale,
08:09do you want a coffee, please? I'll bring it to you,
08:19maybe you're a little busy with Ignacio and you prefer him to come back later?
08:23in this house jealousy is not allowed, I'm separated from him, I don't want anything with him, he's my friend,
08:29I just want to kiss you, I can't, just that,
08:33is Moran coming?
08:35yes, I told him that the meeting was here, not in the lawyer's office,
08:39sorry, I thought I heard that the jaguar is on its way here,
08:43yes, and I don't know if you also heard that Cesar has asked me to have a personal conversation,
08:50yes, surely because Cesar is a thorny man,
08:53well, great decision, congratulations, well, you are in the best hands,
09:00that's right,
09:12hello, who is here?
09:17who is there?
09:20who is there?
09:25unless you are Guillecito,
09:33yes, it's me, Eva, Guille del Pueblo, Guillermo Tercero, Guillecito, or whatever you want to call me,
09:43Guillecito, if this is going to be a joke, it's going to be an eternal trauma for me,
09:47the only eternal thing I want is for it to be our love, Eva,
10:07now yes, scream,
10:17how can I not think of you, if just seeing you makes me happy,
10:23I would give my life to have you next to me,
10:29do you want to be my wife?
10:34with a more feline instinct, sagas,
10:38yes, Guillecito, yes, I want to be your wife,
10:43he said yes, he said yes,
10:48I love you,
10:58what is this?
10:59Milk Bread Party,
11:01all work of your future husband, little one,
11:03that this one gets married is a historic moment like a revolution.
11:09You two deserve it,
11:11I always, always knew they were so good at cooking.
11:14You're right, Mir.
11:15Since I saw them, I said,
11:16Oh, this gives me a lot of vibes of love and passion.
11:20Thank you very much.
11:21Thank you very much for all this.
11:23I never thought I would find someone.
11:26I even thought that Tontín could find a girlfriend,
11:30but I, I never.
11:32Oh no.
11:35But the truth is that no one here was half because this is a Romeo.
11:41Daughter, you take a jewel, but without return.
11:47Thank you, Mrs. Ema.
11:48Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
11:53Moment, moment.
11:59Oh my God.
12:10Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
12:33I see that everything is the same.
12:36All no.
12:40You and I are not the same.
12:43It's true.
12:44You are the mayor and I am an experienced lawyer.
12:48I mean the way we see our bond, daughter.
12:53May God bless you, daughter.
13:11Your face when they gave you the ring.
13:14Or when they kissed.
13:17Is it like that?
13:19El amor, Bruno, ese click, ese match,
13:23¿será que así comienza y luego va creciendo?
13:26En mi experiencia, sí.
13:29Sí, el deseo es como un buen golpe, ¿no?
13:33Como un buen cross.
13:35Pero es ese momento, ¿no?
13:37Ese momento de adrenalina.
13:38En cambio, el amor también tiene ese momento de intensidad,
13:44pero no se diluye.
13:46Te deja con más ganas.
13:48Quieres volver a ver a la otra persona
13:50e incluso piensas en ella cuando no está.
13:59Reconozco que me sorprendió para bien
14:01que me fueras a buscar al aeropuerto
14:02y que no me mandes un chofer.
14:05Quería hacerlo, hijita.
14:07Pero no voy a mentirte.
14:09Cambio de chofer todas las semanas.
14:11Nadie como mi ángel.
14:13Me alegra que sigan bien con él.
14:16Es mi colaborador número uno y además es el mejor.
14:20Neandro, qué bueno que te encuentro
14:22porque conseguí dos hogares de niños
14:24para visitar esta semana.
14:28Ese es el angelito que tanto extrañé.
14:31Señorita Valentina.
14:34¿Cómo está?
14:35Guau, no puedo creerlo.
14:40El amor no es pasajero, Diana.
14:44No, el amor siempre queda.
14:48Funcione o no funcione,
14:51siempre se guarda en nuestro corazón.
14:58Aquí, como un momento muy hermoso.
15:01O si no, mira a mis papás.
15:04Ellos se divorciaron,
15:08pero igual se quieren.
15:10¿Por qué será que ahorita mismo
15:12leo en tus dos ojos Valentina?
15:15No, no, no, no, no.
15:17No, yo quiero descansar de enamor
15:19un buen tiempo.
15:21Sí, yo solamente quiero paz.
15:25Nos estaremos mintiendo, ¿verdad?
15:29No, no, yo no, yo no.
15:31Yo nunca le miento a mis amigas.
15:34¿Y tú?
15:35Yo tampoco.
15:37Creo que solo existe el amor
15:39en las telenovelas que veo con mi hermana.
15:43Encuentros aptos solo para chicas.
15:47Bueno, yo voy a dejarle estos pancitos
15:49a los recién comprometidos
15:51porque parece que en ellos
15:54sí existe el amor.
16:02¿Y tú?
16:04¿Cómo es eso que el amor lindo
16:06solo existe en las telenovelas?
16:09¿Le estás hablando a la chica
16:10que tenía dos hombres
16:11y ahora no tiene ninguno?
16:13Espérate, ah.
16:14Ah, sí, soy yo. Hola.
16:17Diana, te vas a dar por vencida.
16:22¿Y tú?
16:28Te queda muy bien el nuevo look, Ángel.
16:31Muchas gracias, señorita Valentina.
16:33Me siento más relajado.
16:36Ahora, si me permite,
16:38usted sigue siendo
16:39la misma hermosa mujer de siempre,
16:41pero más madura, más plantada.
16:44¿Puede ser?
16:45Sí, sí, así me siento.
16:47Me siento mucho más segura
16:48y más feliz también.
16:51Angelito, Valentina va a trabajar con nosotros.
16:53Después te cuento bien todo.
16:56Bienvenida, señorita Valentina.
16:58Gracias, Ángel.
17:00Bueno, los dejo.
17:01¿Para qué hablen? Permiso.
17:06¿No le habías contado
17:07que me incorporé a tu equipo
17:08en la alcaldía?
17:11Quería estar seguro de que lo harías,
17:15de que me habías perdonado
17:18por mis errores.
17:22Ahora solo me importa
17:26agradecerte por esta nueva oportunidad
17:30y yo realmente te quiero mucho, hijita.
17:36Y con mis errores y todo,
17:40yo nunca dudé
17:43de todo el amor que siento por ti.
17:47Ay, papá.
17:59Y vamos a empezar de cero, señor alcalde.
18:10Ok, mira, te entiendo.
18:11Hay más peces en el mar.
18:13Hay más hombres en el mundo.
18:15Pero, ¿dónde están?
18:17Ay, Tañana, como si no supieras.
18:19No te hagas.
18:21Mi mamá me ha abierto un perfil
18:23en una aplicación de citas.
18:27¿Y no lo has cerrado?
18:30Ay, me encanta, Mirti.
18:32Se está suelta en plaza.
18:35Ángel va a ser siempre el amor de mi vida.
18:39Pero si ya no hay oportunidad entre nosotros,
18:43creo que mamá tiene razón.
18:45Yo tengo que seguir.
18:48Hoy tengo una cita.
18:51Y me muero de los nervios.
18:52Ay, Mirti.
18:58¿Y quién es el candidato?
18:59Ay, no lo sé.
19:00¿Cómo que no?
19:01No, no, no, es que una de las reglas
19:02de las citas de esta aplicación
19:04es que nada de fotos.
19:06Solo una pequeña charla
19:08antes del encuentro cara a cara.
19:11Sí, yo lo sé.
19:12Tiene sus riesgos,
19:13pero también tiene su magia, ¿no?
19:15Sí, claro.
19:17Oye, me estás contagiando las ganas.
19:20Claro que me voy a abrir un perfil.
19:22Sí, ¿no?
19:25Me emociona muchísimo.
19:27Y de más está decirte que
19:29me encantaría que vivas aquí.
19:32Gracias, papá, pero no.
19:34Voy a vivir en la ex casa de Guille,
19:36al frente de la pastelería.
19:38Esperas estar cerca de Bruno, asumo.
19:41No, no, no.
19:43Espero seguir creciendo
19:44como lo he hecho todo este tiempo, lejos.
19:47Bueno, quiero que sepas que
19:49si es por mí, yo...
19:50No, papá, no es por ti.
19:52Es por mí.
19:54Estoy feliz con la persona que soy.
19:57Y quiero que, como se dice,
19:59que la vida me sorprenda.
20:22Jaguar Moran, lo siento tanto.
20:25Gracias, gracias.
20:27Todas las noches rezo por ustedes.
20:30Gracias, Serita.
20:32Bueno, permiso.
20:35Ramiro, Nina, bienvenidos.
20:38Él es el doctor Zoria, el abogado de Paloma.
20:42¿Qué tal?
20:46Lo siento mucho.
20:49Y gracias por ser la vocera
20:50de todos los mensajes que teníamos para la gente.
20:53Me contó César un poco que ayudaste, así que gracias.
20:55Cuando quiera.
20:56Voy por el café.
21:02Ignacio, querido, ¿cómo estás?
21:05Ramiro, ¿estás seguro que estás cómodo para hacer esto?
21:07Porque yo me podría quedar con Nina tranquilamente.
21:10No, no, pero sí, prefiero.
21:11No la quiero dejar sola.
21:13Sí, aparte también, si yo me quedo solo,
21:15me quedo con la cabeza tormentando.
21:18La veo a ella con la pancita, se me pasa.
21:20Bueno, cuando regrese Alessandra,
21:22podemos empezar, ¿verdad?
21:24No, aún falta alguien más.
21:27¿Alguien más?
21:30Disculpen, yo no sé exactamente qué hago aquí.
21:33Yo fui muy clara con Paloma la última vez,
21:35entonces creo que lo mejor va a ser que nos retiremos.
21:38Sí, si es que no hay nada que decir.
21:40Es de su importancia que esté aquí, señora Morán.
21:43Nina, Paloma te quería, y mucho.
21:47Vamos a ver cuánto te quería cuando escuchemos las cifras.
21:52Bueno, no me miren así.
21:54Yo nunca tenía un índice de amor que se medía en dinero, ¿no?
22:06Hola a todos.
22:07Disculpen la demora.
22:15¿Quién eres tú?
22:16No te conozco.
22:17Soy Renata Salaberri,
22:19nieta de Paloma y Alberto de la Torre.
22:24Yo tampoco te conozco, Alessandra.
22:27Salvo al doctor Zoria
22:31y a Ramiro, el jaguar Morán.
22:43Último momento.
22:45No cojan sus controles remotos.
22:47No separen de sus sillas.
22:49No ingieran ese bocado de carbohidratos tóxicos
22:53porque corren el riesgo de ahogarse.
22:57No es la vida negra.
23:00No es una monja.
23:02Son imágenes exclusivas
23:05de una figura enigmática
23:07vinculada al caso que nos atañe.
23:09Es la pastelera y su esposo en pena,
23:13producto del misterioso atentado.
23:18¿No adivinan de quién se trata?
23:21No, claro que no.
23:23¿A quién esconde este luto?
23:25A ella.
23:26Sí, a ella.
23:29A la famosa fotógrafa de moda y deportes,
23:33Renata Salaberri.
23:36Yo también me quedé en shock.
23:38¿Qué hace esta famosa mujer
23:40entre celebrities internacionales
23:43ingresando con perfil bajo
23:45a lo que sería la lectura del testamento
23:48de Paloma de la Torre?
23:50Están en este momento
23:52en lo que sería la vivienda
23:54de la periodista Alessandra de la Té.
23:57¿Qué hace Renata Salaberri
23:59en la casa de la periodista Alessandra de la Té
24:02junto al famosísimo Jaguar Morán
24:05y su esposa Nina de Azúcar?
24:07Seguiremos investigando
24:09porque donde hay humo
24:11hay fuego, mis estrellados.
24:15Siento que se me parte la cabeza, amigo.
24:17Oye, escúchame,
24:18¿pero seguro que no quieres ir a casa?
24:20No, no, de verdad.
24:21Yo puedo avisarte cualquier cosa.
24:22Me quedo acá con Nina.
24:23No, le quiero acompañar.
24:24Pero sí, todo este circo, la verdad, que me ahoga.
24:27Es un quilombo tras quilombo,
24:29todo junto, aparte.
24:31Y era esta niña.
24:33La fotógrafa.
24:34Sí, sí.
24:37Sí, trabajó allá en Italia, ¿viste?
24:39La cruzamos varias veces, pero...
24:41No sé, ahora la nieta de Paloma resulta
24:44siendo todo tan enredado.
24:46Sí, sabes, todo está muy reciente, confuso,
24:49pero supongo que ya iremos a encontrar una manera
24:51de ordenarlo, ¿no?
24:56Perdón, no quiero ser intrometido,
24:58pero sé que están un poco sorprendidos
24:59con la presencia de Renata.
25:01Un poquito.
25:02Sí, la verdad que sí.
25:04Ella es la hija de la hija de mi padre
25:06que estuvo fuera del matrimonio.
25:08Bueno, no, no.
25:09No es mi padre, es el esposo de Paloma.
25:12Esa era tu hermana, la hija.
25:15Sí, mi sobrina.
25:16Tu sobrina.
25:17Pues me imagino la deben haber visto en Italia, ¿no?
25:19Porque ella trabaja en deportes allá.
25:20Sí, sí, la conocen bastante en los clubes allá.
25:23Si están de acuerdo, podemos iniciar
25:25con la lectura del testamento de Paloma Latorre.
25:29Tome de asiento, por favor.
25:40Nos vimos casualmente en la última final en Italia.
25:44¿Lo recuerdas?
25:45Sí, sí, sí, me acuerdo.
25:47Creo que te vi en uno de los pasillos
25:49porque también había mucha prensa, los jugadores, sí.
25:52Muchas de las fotografías de los que eres protagonista
25:55en los portales web son mías.
25:58Me imaginé, sí, sí, claro.
26:01Y seguro estaba conmigo.
26:04Nina, ¿verdad?
26:07Soy su esposa.
26:08Te presenté.
26:09Siempre lo acompañé en cada uno de los partidos.
26:12Paloma Latorre ya estaba ahí también.
26:15Sí, pero no te fotografié.
26:18Yo prefiero retratos.
26:21Me gusta transmitir la pasión del deportista.
26:25Claro, me imagino.
26:28Bueno, Nina es mi pasión, es mi motor.
26:32Bueno, yo soy admiradora de bailientes.
26:36Así que luego te voy a pedir una foto fotografiada.
26:44Una cosita, digo, así como para todos saber,
26:46para todos estar bien claros de cómo son las cosas aquí.
26:50Tú, entonces, eres la hija de la hija ilegítima
26:56de Alberto Latorre.
26:59¿Qué? No, lo que pasa es que si eso es así,
27:02no entiendo qué haces acá, además de hablarle demasiado moral.
27:06Ocupando el lugar que me corresponde.
27:09Mi abuelo me reconoció a mí y a mi madre como su nieta,
27:14como una de Latorre, muchos años después de mi nacimiento.
27:19Mi madre nunca usó el apellido Latorre,
27:21era una madre soltera, pero es una larga historia, Alessandra.
27:28Paloma nunca me quiso.
27:30Sin embargo, la lloré.
27:32Lloré por todo lo que no pudimos compartir.
27:36Sí, claro.
27:40Tengo la sensación de algo feo.
27:42Creo que me quiero ir.
27:44Vamos, mi amorcita, sí, sí, vamos, vamos.
27:47Aclarada la duda de las partes,
27:49comenzamos la lectura de la última voluntad de Paloma de Latorre.
27:53Les pido a todos su máxima atención.
27:56Suerte en el examen, hijito.
27:58Le he prendido una velita a la virgencita.
28:00Muchas gracias, abuelo Brunina.
28:02La bendición.
28:04Ahí está.
28:05Me voy, me voy.
28:06Que sean éxitos.
28:30¿Dónde estás?
28:38Por consiguiente,
28:39y como última voluntad de Alberto de Latorre
28:41y de Paloma de Latorre,
28:43la cadena de hoteles de L. Towers,
28:46con presencia en más de veinticinco ciudades del mundo,
28:49y que representa el activo más importante del holding familiar.
28:55In the hands of the two granddaughters, Renata Salaberry and Georgina Garay, who are actually
29:10Renata de la Torre and Nina de la Torre.
29:40Can you give me the recipe for a guaymanto cannoli and save it in notes?
29:44Of course, save it in the recipe.
29:49In TOTO's I find everything for my family.
29:52From daily cook products to my juices.
29:56Today I will make rice, which with TOTO's comes out rich, grained and rendered.
30:02With TOTO's I save every day.
30:06This sun is killing my hair.
30:09To the rescue!
30:14With sedal, my hair to the rhythm of the summer.
30:19My hair to the rhythm of the summer with sedal.
30:29I don't know, this is ridiculous.
30:32Excuse me, were there more properties?
30:35For example, the beach house.
30:37Nina Garay.
30:39The department of Miami.
30:41Nina Garay.
30:44Without the mood to interrupt, could you summarize all the properties that are in her name?
30:55Look at her. From pastry chef to real estate broker.
31:01The truth is that I don't know what to say.
31:03As I told you Nina, Paloma loved you a lot and the will gives you faith in that.
31:09Well, I don't want you to take it the wrong way, but if there is not much more to proceed, some need to rest.
31:15There is still one last clause that involves Ramiro Moran.
31:19To me?
31:20To me?
31:27I love it, I love it. I think we can do a lot of activities now that I'm getting married.
31:31I think you can help me plan the wedding. I think it's going to be a lot of fun.
31:34I want to say, I want to say. Yes, I'm going to help you in everything.
31:37Get up, you see.
31:40Oh friends, I love it. There is nothing that makes me happier than getting married, having plans together.
31:45I think I could be the Madonna of honor.
31:51Look how they look at each other, they have that I don't know what that is not wrong.
31:55It's real love.
31:56It looks like a dream, but it's real.
31:59Yes, it's real, it's real, Evita.
32:03It's beautiful, really.
32:05I'm going to be the neighbor of the marriage.
32:08How strong that sounds, right?
32:10Marriage, it's like ...
32:13I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, beautiful, I'm sorry, but you can't regret it.
32:17Everyone already knows.
32:19I would never regret it.
32:21Someone once told me to wait patiently for my ideal girl to arrive.
32:28And that's you.
32:30My Gatubela.
32:33Yeah, yeah, well, well, they don't eat in front of the poor either.
32:36No, Evalin, don't do it.
32:38I bet you've met some gringacho out there in New York.
32:41Yes, I've met.
32:43But that's not love.
32:45Love is commitment.
32:46And what I want right now is freedom.
32:57Beautiful lovers.
32:58I know you want to know more about Jaguar Nina.
33:01But in the meantime ...
33:06That which nourishes us, that which makes our lives happy.
33:11You recognize it, right?
33:14It is the dear and adored Luis, the spiny bee.
33:18Another of the jewels of Valientes.
33:20And what a gem.
33:22Now that Jaguar is married, I owe my people and entertainment.
33:27In this case, my eyes are on the bee that pecks from flower to flower.
33:33In this case, he was with Evelyn Riera.
33:37In that famous jewelry store a few months ago.
33:40What do you think of this glamorous couple?
33:43And the list of football romance continues.
33:46Ivana de la Piedra, doctor.
33:49Carito Cielos, fashion designer.
33:52And the famous influencer, Annie Alba.
33:56Do we hear what she says?
33:58No, well, thank you very much for asking.
34:01But no, I don't have a girlfriend.
34:03For now, my only love is for this shirt.
34:07Do we believe you?
34:09Well, I don't. He said much more.
34:12Attentive singles!
34:14I'm not closed to love.
34:16I firmly believe in commitment.
34:18But for now, that special person does not appear.
34:20Maybe later.
34:22Thank you very much.
34:23And what do you think?
34:25What do you think if we put a little boot on the field of Valientes ...
34:29... so that the bee finds its owner?
34:37Are you sure?
34:39Yes. I'll read it.
34:42Your mother didn't miss anything.
34:45In recognition of her loyalty, unconditional support ...
34:49... and for being a fundamental part in the life of my granddaughter Georgina Graham ...
34:53... and while I'm married to her ...
34:56... I leave you the majority participation in the charitable foundation of the Torre family ...
35:02... as well as the management of the sports projects ...
35:05... financed by the company Ramiro Armando Mora.
35:09So, another street makeover.
35:12So now you go from footballer to businessman.
35:15Well, that's good.
35:17I don't know why I have platforms if I have them to you.
35:22You're going to do it very well.
35:24I'm honestly shocked.
35:29My congratulations too.
35:32More than deserved, Moran.
35:35Said the last of the considerations of the will ...
35:39... the reading of it is concluded.
35:41Excuse me, one more question.
35:43How will the roles be designated to manage the hotels?
35:48The board of directors of which you are still part, Ignacio, as we read ...
35:53... will decide together who will be the successor of Paloma in front of the hotel chain ...
36:00... that is, the new president of Letawas.
36:19My daughter owns a hotel chain.
36:22Incredible, right?
36:24I think I'm going to tell her to help me take care of the spas.
36:27I like it, I like it.
36:29And I like that Nina is not alone near that Renata.
36:32She didn't like that girl at all.
36:34He told me the same thing, that he didn't like her at all.
36:38No, no, no.
36:40What's up?
36:42I think it will be better to postpone this appointment ...
36:45I think it will be better to postpone this appointment to be able to be with Nina.
36:49Oh, look, please, don't look for excuses.
36:51Also, remember that Nina is no longer a baby, right?
36:54Emma, you're going to be a grandmother. Assume.
36:56Well, but I'm still very nervous.
37:00Very nervous and beautiful.
37:02Please, everything will be fine.
37:05And, so you don't feel alone, look at this.
37:16You have opened a profile in the same application as me.
37:19And a lot of people love me.
37:22And your fantasy name is Melina.
37:25Yes, by Melena.
37:27And what is your fantasy name?
37:32Vanilla, I love it. Your mom knows how to pronounce it well, right?
37:36Vanilla. Vanilla, my coffee, please.
37:39Vanilla, I want my cake to be vanilla.
37:43Look, look, look, look, look at that beauty, look at that beauty.
37:47And here were your exes.
37:49And you're going to drive him crazy.
37:55Oh, I need to think on an extreme level.
38:02Full team.
38:04My love.
38:05No, you are my full team.
38:10Oh, love, you don't know how stressed I am.
38:14I have to think a lot.
38:16But stay here and help me.
38:18Stay here, so you don't get out of my thoughts.
38:21Even if you don't say anything, it doesn't matter.
38:23Stay here.
38:25How things have changed, huh?
38:27Before you would kill me if I stayed while you cooked.
38:29Well, my life before was a little more boring, less chaotic.
38:34But still pretty, you know?
38:37Yes, a life in which you preferred to listen to music than listen to me.
38:41Well, the man would talk all the time about how wonderful it was,
38:46about his achievements, and especially about his conquests.
38:49Oh, what a pesky boy, right?
38:51Oh, how pesky, how pesky.
38:54But in something he was right.
38:57About how wonderful it was.
39:00Not in the conquests, of course.
39:08Thank you for always helping me.
39:16Oh, love, I'm telling you about my things and you've had a very hard day.
39:20Oh, forgive me, forgive me.
39:25It's okay, I like to listen to you.
39:28I like to accompany you here.
39:30Yes, I like to clear my head, I need it.
39:34Okay, well.
39:36So, if you like it, please sit down for a while.
39:47What's wrong?
39:52I don't see myself running a hotel chain.
39:55I'm not interested.
39:57This first stage I want to dedicate myself to see Tati grow.
40:00In this process.
40:02It's okay, love.
40:03It's okay, if you don't see yourself, if it doesn't resonate with you, don't do it.
40:06It's okay.
40:08Yes, because, really, a hotel chain?
40:10I mean, I don't see myself, really.
40:14It's okay.
40:15I imagined you more in the hotel kitchen.
40:18Expanding the brand there.
40:21And the sugar.
40:25Oh, I hadn't thought about it.
40:28Yes, it could be, right?
40:30And do you see yourself with the foundation?
40:32What do you think?
40:33It excites me.
40:35Yes, I thought about it, I thought about it a little.
40:37Well, we've been doing projects with César to help people.
40:40We could do it with the foundation.
40:42In a more organized way.
40:46You're amazing.
40:49I admire the strength you have.
40:52I admire you.
40:56How delicious you cook.
40:59Between us, Tati.
41:03It seems to me that it was one of those first nights where I helped her cook that I fell in love with mom.
41:14What do you think, that you have mom's little heart nearby?
41:21What did the gossip tell you?
41:23I told you not to start talking so fast.
41:25Do you know what she told me?
41:28That ours was love at first macaron.
41:58I have decided to be happy.
42:03Since you arrived.
42:07And suddenly spring came.
42:12This night is full of stars.
42:18Dulcificate, my diary of recipes to fall in love.
42:21You can already find my book in all the bookstores in Peru and sweeten with each page.
42:29Thanks to my mom, I am fully clear.
42:32Thanks to her, I have clarity in my house and in my cell phone.
42:35I enjoy up to double the speed of the internet in my house and exclusive discounts.
42:40Become fully clear at
42:45Look, it's almost time to go back to class.
42:48Yes, and you know, it is important that you take everything to school.
42:51But more important is that you arrive strong and healthy.
42:54With Leche Gloria, your children will have the nutrients and vitamins so that they do not lack anything.
43:12Mom, mom, please.
43:14I love that you visit my new little house, but please do not have to smoke it.
43:19I'm not smoking it, I'm cleaning it.
43:21What thing? What are you disinfecting?
43:23Let's see, we both know that the baker lived here and maybe all the data debate.
43:28Uh, I brought you reinforcements, look.
43:31I brought you this gentleman, I put it there.
43:36And when you run out of that, you can use these, you turn them on all week.
43:42Yes, thank you mom.
43:44I hope my pulp is clean.
43:46I thought the same thing about Ignacio's heart now in the reading of the will of the dove that went to its origins.
43:51Oh yes, I can't believe what you told me.
43:53And my heir to everything.
43:56But that Renata seems to me very misplaced to go flirt with Ramiro, nothing to do.
44:00The baker sleeps and Morticia attacks.
44:02No, I don't think so.
44:04No, Ramiro is another person.
44:06I don't think I betrayed anyone.
44:08I don't think I betrayed anyone.
44:10I don't think I betrayed anyone.
44:12No, Ramiro is another person.
44:14I don't think I betrayed anyone.
44:16Oh, please.
44:17Men are weak.
44:18Look at your dad, he surrendered first to me and then to you.
44:22Yes, that's true.
44:23You know what he told me?
44:24That he was going to respect and agree if I wanted to go back to Bruno.
44:29Well, I must confess that I thought the same thing because you have it so close that ...
44:34Oh, no, I haven't even seen it.
44:37Besides, I don't have it in mind anymore.
44:40Oh, daughter, I would prefer that you have it in your mind and not in your heart.
44:45You are terrible, mom.
44:47Tell me about you, how are you?
44:50I'm leaving.
44:51No, no, no, don't run away.
44:53Yes, I'm fine, I'm divorced, I'm happy, I'm alone and I'm so happy to have you close again, daughter.
45:02Take good care of yourself and disinfect.
45:05I love you.
45:06I love you.
45:16Oh, mom, what did you forget to smoke?
45:36I need you.
45:37Do you want me to investigate?
45:39Here's the danger.
45:40The mermaid needs to know everything.
45:43I know much more than you think, ballerina.
45:45Look what I have here.
45:48The credit of the photos, who took them?
45:50Renata Saraberry.
45:52She has a woman's face.
45:54You have to tell me everything about the will.
45:56You don't know the drama.
45:57Sugar Mine, desperate for the herring.
46:00Sugar Mine is coming to an end.
46:04Tomorrow, immediately after El Fondo y Sitio.
46:07In America.