• 17 hours ago
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 81 en HD Completo
00:00This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
00:30All right, all right.
01:01Damn bitch.
01:09How could I?
01:21I killed Maria Laura because she was interfering with our plans.
01:23But tell me, how did you know about my relationship with Eugenio?
01:28How did you find out?
01:31Answer me!
01:33How did you find out?
01:37How did you find out?
01:53How did you find out?
02:23Nobody understands you, Ana.
02:27If you always said you hated Gabriel,
02:30why would you see him?
02:34To say goodbye.
02:37I didn't want to regret being hurt again.
02:41And I think you should do the same.
02:43No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:45Not me, Ana.
02:46I don't like goodbyes, much less him.
02:50For better or for worse, he's your brother too.
02:53To me, he's like nothing.
02:56Besides, he was always making fun of us.
03:00That he was the best in the family,
03:02that he was the pride of the Del Pino family.
03:05And look.
03:06Look how he's going to end up as an idiot.
03:10If he planned to kill all the Ferreros,
03:13at least he would have done it right, right?
03:16It was Fernanda.
03:21He killed her.
03:22In cold blood.
03:26It's just that...
03:28He enjoyed it.
03:29He enjoyed it like...
03:34He enjoyed it like it was a game.
03:38He killed my mom.
03:41Ana was always right.
03:45He cheated on us all.
03:47How could he be so stupid?
03:54I couldn't believe he was a good person,
03:56that he wasn't so bad,
03:57that he was being manipulated.
04:03I feel...
04:05I feel like I'm going to kill her.
04:08I'm going to kill her.
04:11Brother, sooner or later, everything falls on its own.
04:15This recording is enough to sink her.
04:18I swear, we're going to sink her.
04:25This is going to be enough to sink her.
04:30To sink her in jail,
04:33and once and for all,
04:35that bitch will regret having been born to me.
04:41She's your son's mother.
04:45And that baby is going to be born in a couple of months.
04:53Well, we're going to get married in Mexico.
04:56Marcelo wants to have a big wedding in the cathedral.
05:00Do me a favor.
05:01Well, let him pamper you and please him.
05:04He's probably very excited.
05:06But I don't know, I don't know how it's going to be to live in Monterrey.
05:10All my life I've been here in Miami, Tania.
05:12Well, but you're going to be going and coming.
05:15People in Mexico are very friendly.
05:17You're probably going to be friends in a 2x3.
05:20Besides, Elisa is going to be there with Francisco.
05:23Well, that's true.
05:25Well, excuse me.
05:29Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry.
05:31Slowly, slowly.
05:32Please don't get hurt.
05:33Step by step, man.
05:34Claudia, please get me a wheelchair.
05:37Okay, okay, okay, please.
05:38Okay, okay, I'm going.
05:39If you need it, I can walk.
05:40No, no, no.
05:41Let me help you.
05:42Does it hurt?
05:45My love, come here.
05:49The contractions are very strong.
05:53That means that the baby is on its way.
05:55You're going to have it.
05:57Oh, stop talking.
05:58Come on, don't give birth here.
06:00Patricia, calm down, please.
06:08It's just that...
06:10Knowing what we know now,
06:12we can't stay with our arms crossed.
06:16I know, but maybe the best thing would be to wait.
06:19Wait for the baby to be born.
06:21Wait for what?
06:23For him to leave?
06:25For him to run away from here?
06:26No, no, no, no, no.
06:27We're not going to allow that.
06:28In no way are we going to allow it.
06:32You can make him believe that he wants to come back to her.
06:36It would only be while the baby is born
06:40No, no.
06:41No, yes, because your son cannot be born in jail.
06:50If I had doubts about you, not anymore.
06:53It is obvious to me that you are still the same idiot as always.
06:59And you?
07:02The same crazy little viper.
07:06Look, Alonso, I'm not going to waste any more time with you.
07:10So don't even talk to me.
07:12Because I'm not going to tell you the word.
07:18I love the idea that you play with fashion.
07:21The truth is that your timbre of voice is...
07:25It's like it makes anyone crazy.
07:27Yes, yes.
07:28You understand me, right?
07:29Better shut up.
07:32Of course I'm not happy with Alonso.
07:34So why are you still with him?
07:36As if it were an obligation.
07:39Maybe Ana is right.
07:41Maybe I'm masochistic.
07:43All the regret he felt was...
07:46It was temporary.
07:50The good didn't last long.
08:01The good didn't last long.
08:05Flaca, Flaca, don't move, please.
08:08Lie down, lie down, please.
08:12Like the doctor said, remember.
08:14Calm down, calm down.
08:16They're taking me to the delivery room, Raquel.
08:19Yes, yes.
08:20Does it hurt a lot?
08:24It hurts a little, but I can't stand it.
08:26It's very strong.
08:28It's going to be okay.
08:32Flaca, please.
08:34Doctor, please.
08:38Come in with me.
08:40Let's see if you're our baby, Flaco.
08:45You know how I get scared with blood, honey.
08:48I'm sorry.
08:49But what?
08:51Coward, Flaco.
08:53Yes, but I love you and I love you.
08:56I love you, I love you.
08:58Nelly, please.
09:00Nelly, please.
09:03Erica, Flaca.
09:05Flaca, Flaca.
09:08Yes, yes.
09:1025 years ago, when Eugenio wanted me to get rid of the map,
09:14I did it.
09:16But I did it very mortified for you.
09:19It hurt me, Fernanda, to know
09:21that you were in the hands of a man like him.
09:25Well, you went to take care of your parents,
09:27so you did forget about me.
09:29No, I never forgot about you.
09:32But yes, I learned that it was a quiet life,
09:37a normal life.
09:40Because next to Eugenio,
09:43I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of, Fernanda.
09:47What is this talk about?
09:49Can I know?
09:51Can I know?
09:54I was able to transcend the life I had with Eugenio.
09:58And I learned what it was like to live in harmony.
10:01I enjoyed sleeping on my legs,
10:05without having my conscience with remorse.
10:08For a while, Fernanda,
10:11I feel in conflict again.
10:15I think I lost all that harmony
10:19that was so hard for me to achieve.
10:22I feel deeply unhappy
10:24and I don't like the life I'm living with you at all.
10:31No, no.
10:32Not after what we just heard.
10:35It's impossible.
10:37Impossible for me to hide in front of that woman.
10:43Do you know what I want?
10:46I want...
10:48to kill her.
10:50With my own hands.
10:52Did you hear what she did to my grandmother?
10:57That has no name, no forgiveness.
11:03She also killed my mother.
11:06And ruined my sister's life.
11:10No, and she took care of separating you two.
11:12That's what they said.
11:14But you have to think about your son.
11:16No, no, no.
11:17I don't believe a word she says.
11:21Tell me it's Beltrano's son,
11:23or who knows who's.
11:26And she wants to show off just to screw us over.
11:30That's right.
11:31I don't believe anything she says,
11:32absolutely nothing.
11:33No, no, no.
12:04No, no, no.
12:06No, no, no.
12:07No, no, no.
12:08No, no, no.
12:09No, no, no.
12:10No, no, no.
12:11No, no, no.
12:12No, no, no.
12:13No, no, no.
12:14No, no, no.
12:15No, no, no.
12:16No, no, no.
12:17No, no, no.
12:18No, no, no.
12:19No, no, no.
12:20No, no, no.
12:21No, no, no.
12:22No, no, no.
12:23No, no, no.
12:24No, no, no.
12:25No, no, no.
12:26No, no, no.
12:27No, no, no.
12:28No, no, no.
12:29No, no, no.
12:30No, no, no.
12:31No, no, no.
12:32No, no, no.
12:33No, no, no.
12:34No, no, no.
12:35No, no, no.
12:36No, no, no.
12:37No, no, no.
12:38No, no, no.
12:39No, no, no.
12:40No, no, no.
12:41No, no, no.
12:42No, no, no.
12:43No, no, no.
12:44No, no, no.
12:45No, no, no.
12:46No, no, no.
12:47No, no, no.
12:48No, no, no.
12:49No, no, no.
12:50No, no, no.
12:51No, no, no.
12:52No, no, no.
12:53No, no, no.
12:54No, no, no.
12:55No, no, no.
12:56No, no, no.
12:57No, no, no.
12:58No, no, no.
13:00It's that It's not our issue Francisco.
13:05But we had to know when.
13:07We waited too long.
13:09No, no because we did not know
13:12how things were really
13:16That baby Is innocent
13:18And you know Fernando That he's crazy
13:20Because I do not want to think
13:23about what I could do him
13:25To that baby if they put him In prison
13:27No, the first thing I'm going to do is protect this recording.
13:36No, no, no. Give me that. Give me that.
13:40No, no, no.
13:42Please, don't rush.
13:46I don't want you to do something you might regret later.
13:50No, I don't need you to tell me anything else.
14:00It's already very clear to me that you are deeply unhappy.
14:03I mean, if you don't like being by my side...
14:06I don't like it, Fernanda.
14:08I don't like it at all because what you're doing is not good.
14:12And I don't want to continue being an accomplice to that.
14:14No, but I don't have you tied up.
14:16I know.
14:18I know, but listen to me.
14:21Fernanda, life gave you a second chance.
14:26You managed to get rid of Eugenio. You found your daughter.
14:29And as if that weren't enough, you earned a great fortune.
14:32And look at yourself. Look at what you're doing.
14:34Look, please.
14:35Can you stop talking and shut up?
14:38You still have time to reconsider.
14:40No, no, no. I don't have to reconsider anything.
14:43And you're not going to tell me what I have to do
14:46and what I don't have to do with that dead fly face.
14:51Then I have nothing more to tell you.
14:54I'm going to leave Miami very soon, to start over.
14:59Go far away from here.
15:01Now you're going to see them very badly.
15:04Remember that you are starving.
15:08But surely I will be much calmer.
15:11And at this point in my life, that's all I care about.
15:16But you, Fernanda, don't forget
15:20that what matters is not how much you have, but who you have.
15:24And it's not worth having all those millions in the world
15:28if you're alone.
15:32Goodbye, Fernanda.
15:37I know you don't understand me now,
15:40but I hope that one day you will.
15:47Goodbye, my child.
15:49I love you.
16:09I already told you that I was at the store working.
16:12I don't know why it bothers you.
16:14Because your place is here in the house serving me, Tania.
16:18Don't confuse them.
16:19I am your wife, not your maid.
16:21You are forced to be with me, mamacita.
16:24Whether you want it or not, you don't understand.
16:27You have to be here in the house.
16:29I'm getting tired of this attitude you've taken lately.
16:32I'm not going to let you keep putting your foot on me, Alonso.
16:38Shut up!
16:42I'm like this because of you, mamacita.
16:45And you know it.
16:47You owe me.
16:49And with a whole life of slavery, of servitude,
16:52you're going to be able to pay for what you did to me.
16:56Piece of bastard.
17:05Well, why don't you talk to Brenda's lawyers?
17:07She can tell you what you have to do.
17:09No, no, no.
17:10Not with them.
17:11They are the same.
17:12Suso Fernanda.
17:15And they could tell her everything.
17:17It's better if we talk to the others,
17:20to the ones Ignacio got.
17:22It's the phone.
17:24Let's see if they can pick me up now.
17:35Please, Tania.
17:38You know very well what I'm talking about.
17:41Come on, seriously.
17:42You don't have to go crazy.
17:46What do you know?
17:49Did you talk to Elisa?
17:54I'm not going to waste saliva giving you explanations.
18:01Why do you think it was me who was to blame for what happened to you?
18:04Why would it be, silly?
18:08If you had gone to the club that night,
18:11none of this would have happened.
18:13I wouldn't have met the woman who ruined my life.
18:16So is it your fault or not?
18:20Because if there is another explanation for your guilt...
18:27Then tell me.
18:29It's all their fault.
18:38Are you going to say something, Tania?
18:49I'll call you.
18:53I'll tell you what the lawyers told me.
18:59Don't act on impulse, I beg you.
19:04Think about what we talked about.
19:06Think very well about what you're going to do.
19:10I know it's not an easy decision.
19:14But right now,
19:17that baby is the most important thing.
19:40I love you.
19:57Apparently, this is going to take a while.
19:59Erika was right. There was plenty of time.
20:03We just have to be patient.
20:05I've been calling Francisco to let him know,
20:07but he's not answering.
20:08Maybe if you call him, he'll answer you.
20:11Let me see.
20:12It's Marcelo calling me.
20:15Hello, Marcelo.
20:16They've been trying to call Francisco
20:18to tell him that Erika has already started labor,
20:20but he's not answering the calls.
20:22No, no, Ignacio is not going to answer you.
20:26Something terrible happened.
20:29And I ask you, please, not to tell anyone.
20:32I understand.
20:33And you can tell me the headlines,
20:35just so I'm not worried.
20:38We were listening to music
20:40from Francisco's grandmother's recorder.
20:43And a recording started where a conversation was heard
20:47that Mrs. Manuela had with Fernanda at her house.
20:50She killed her.
20:52Fernanda killed her.
20:55We have to immediately digitize that recording
21:00and save the cassette and the recorder as evidence.
21:07I want a copy of the recording
21:09to keep on my phone, please.
21:13What that woman did can't be clearer.
21:24The only one who can help me is you,
21:26Attorney Richards.
21:28If I were in Dallas, there would be no problem,
21:31but dealing with Miami...
21:33With money, anything is possible.
21:35You know a lot of people.
21:40I need to get rid of Mirna as soon as possible.
21:44I thought you were friends.
21:46Well, it's just that he turned on me completely
21:48and he knows too much.
21:50I can't take any kind of risk,
21:52so please get me someone to take care of her.
21:55It's urgent.
21:57Yes, yes, yes.
21:59I hope you let me know.
22:12Are you really calling me?
22:15Or did you call me by mistake?
22:18I need to talk.
22:19I need to talk.
22:23Can I see you?
22:25Totally, yes.
22:29Give me the information.
22:34It can't be.
22:35Now you left me speechless.
22:38Imagine, we were listening to the recording.
22:41But how is it possible that they haven't heard anything until today?
22:44No, let's see, the thing is that the cassette was very long
22:47and Emilio and I were listening to the beginning,
22:49remembering the flight, the songs.
22:51You know, until he put the end and there you go.
22:55Was it recorded when he killed the lady?
22:58In the most miserable way.
23:00You have no idea.
23:01No, no, no.
23:02I swear to you that Fernanda is crazy, crazy.
23:06She's very bad.
23:15It's the most horrible thing I've ever heard in my life.
23:20He insulted her.
23:23He made fun of her.
23:27He killed her in the cruelest way you can imagine.
23:38I knew it was Fernanda.
23:45Aurelio Emanuel.
23:50He also confessed that he killed my mom.
23:56You always told the truth, Ana.
24:00It was her.
24:02Not you.
24:08They decided not to believe me.
24:12They decided to defend her.
24:18After this, no one will doubt you anymore.
24:25But they did doubt Elisa.
24:28I still don't blame them.
24:34I also doubted myself.
24:36I also thought I was guilty.
24:43That's why that woman has to pay.
24:46She has to pay for everything she did
24:48and she has to receive her punishment.
24:51She has to pay for everything she did.
24:54She has to pay for everything she did
24:56and she has to receive her punishment.
25:02Soon they will have their baby.
25:06That's why I told Francisco that it's better to wait.
25:10My God.
25:15Wait for what?
25:19What do you care about that baby?
25:23Please don't tell me that Francisco is going to listen to you.
25:26Because I don't know what he's going to do.
25:31And I know it's not easy, but try to understand, please.
25:38And I don't want you to say a single word about this to anyone
25:42until you know what Francisco is going to do.
25:53I love you.
26:06Come in, my love.
26:13Your call made my day.
26:16Do you want something to drink?
26:17No, no, no, no.
26:20I just want to tell you that you're the most disgusting woman
26:26I've ever seen in my life.
26:29You're a hypocrite.
26:32And you're a murderer.
26:36Of the worst.
26:50I thought you wanted to talk about our son.
26:54But if you want to come and insult me,
26:56you better go back to where you came from.
26:58You deceived me.
26:59You made me believe that you were a poor victim,
27:02a woman who had suffered abuse, abuse since she was little.
27:06Well, that's just the truth.
27:08The Tram chose you to carry out its revenge plans.
27:15And now I'm sure you're just the same.
27:19Or much worse than what...
27:21Look, you know what?
27:22Shut up.
27:24I'm not going to allow you to exalt me.
27:26Pregnancy makes women become very sensitive.
27:29Do you really think I'm going to believe
27:32that the child you're expecting is mine?
27:36Whatever you think, you're not taking care of me.
27:39Either way, you're not going to meet him.
27:41I really don't know what you're thinking.
27:44You can think that I'm going to come back to you.
27:48Or that there was that possibility
27:50if you already had me fed up with your lies,
27:54with your stupidities.
27:56And believe me, now that I know what you did,
28:00I don't even know how I can have you near me.
28:02Alicia, please, don't continue.
28:05Please, don't continue. Yes?
28:10Now that you're lying to me,
28:12now that you know what I did,
28:14what did I do?
28:15Let's see if you can tell me.
28:16You killed my grandmother.
28:18And you also killed Maria Laura.
28:21You, Fernanda,
28:23you were always the murderer.
28:25You killed my grandmother.
28:34It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.
28:38Thank you, Manu.
28:40It's just, it's a work of art.
28:45Oh thank God it was born healthy and whole.
28:50Just look at that nose.
28:52And that little mouth, my love.
28:55Oh, my baby, what a blessing to see him.
28:59I even wanted to be a mother.
29:03This baby is going to be the most protected,
29:07the most careful, the most...
29:10the most of everything.
29:12He's going to be very spoiled, but with discipline.
29:17Yes, he's going to be a very polite boy.
29:20I'm going to teach him to respect women.
29:24We're all little queens,
29:26and that's how they treat us.
29:28That's how it is, Ana.
29:31I love you.
29:38Your imagination.
29:40Seriously, it has no limits.
29:43You're worse than Ana.
29:44I'm starting to worry.
29:45Did you talk to Mirna?
29:47Did she tell you anything?
29:48The day my grandmother called you,
29:51what did you do?
29:53Did you go to see her at her house?
29:55Yes, I went to see her at her house,
29:57and that's when I told you that the house was on fire.
30:00No, no, no, no.
30:02That's not true.
30:04And you know it.
30:07You went to the house,
30:09you talked to her,
30:12and then what did you do, Fernanda?
30:16Do you remember?
30:18Then you killed her.
30:23And then you burned down the house.
30:27Where do you get such stupid ideas from?
30:38Why did you put on those gloves?
30:40What for?
30:42To kill her.
30:44To kill her and leave no trace.
30:47It's time for her to go straight to hell.
30:51No, no, no.
30:55I don't know if you want to keep listening
30:58or if this is enough.
31:04My grandmother made a mistake
31:07calling you
31:09instead of going to the police,
31:12but at least
31:16she thought about turning on the tape recorder
31:20and yes,
31:23she recorded everything.
31:26Everything you said.
31:32I didn't want to kill her.
31:38Eugenio forced me to do it.
31:43I didn't want to do it.
31:56I don't know.
32:00Serve yourself and sit down.
32:02I'm not hungry.
32:03Well, then sit down anyway.
32:05Come with me.
32:11Look, I really don't understand
32:14why you're acting like a victim now.
32:18I'm the only victim here.
32:22Of course.
32:24Look, I've been thinking about it a lot
32:27and I don't want to leave this house.
32:29I don't want Ana to leave
32:31and we stay to form our family.
32:34And how are you going to keep her?
32:36No, I'm going to leave that to you.
32:39What's the point of your parents' money?
32:42Take out everything you can.
32:44Take out the juice, take advantage of it.
32:47They won't accept it.
32:49And your brothers won't take their side either.
32:52You were going to work, right?
32:54But you didn't.
32:56Lying around all the time.
32:58No one's going to support you, Alonso.
33:10Fernanda had to kill Manuel.
33:14If she hadn't, she would have lost a lot.
33:20Manuel had to go to the police.
33:24Why did she have to call her?
33:28Because she needed to.
33:30Because I insisted that she shouldn't.
33:33I knew she was signing her death sentence.
33:38Oh, Ana.
33:42If you had heard that recording...
33:47I swear I felt my soul being stabbed
33:50when she hit her.
33:53It was horrible.
33:57And you were worried that I would kill her.
34:01I always told you
34:04killing her was like putting a foot on a cockroach.
34:11Sooner or later, she'll pay for it all.
34:15That's why you shouldn't worry.
34:19I hope it's sooner than later.
34:22That woman must be locked up now,
34:25without the slightest consideration.
34:28Please don't let her hide behind that pregnancy.
34:37You didn't just kill her on purpose.
34:44You killed her cruelly.
34:48You made fun of her.
34:50Of her vulnerability.
34:52Only someone totally rotten inside
34:57could do such a thing to a person
35:00who is older and defenseless.
35:06Eugenio forced me.
35:09He suggested it.
35:11I let him take me for the moment,
35:13and then I regretted it.
35:15For months, I swear, I didn't sleep,
35:17regretting what I had done.
35:19Well, I don't believe you.
35:21I swear.
35:22I don't believe you.
35:23I swear on the child I'm expecting.
35:25This is the best we have.
35:30You went back to Itara.
35:32You blamed her for killing her mother.
35:35You kept her high for ten years in that clinic.
35:39You set her up to separate me from Elisa.
35:42It was you.
35:45You did everything that happened.
35:48You could never, never understand
35:51the way he dominated me.
35:55Believe me, no.
35:56I couldn't understand you.
35:57I couldn't understand him.
35:59He tried to turn me into a demon.
36:04I swear I didn't want to.
36:06I got mixed up.
36:07I got mixed up with words.
36:08He manipulated me, and then I met you.
36:12I discovered what true love was.
36:18None of that is true.
36:20Because you used me.
36:22I don't know, to play, to have fun.
36:23I have no idea why, but you only used me.
36:26Listen to me, listen to me.
36:28I love you.
36:30I love you like I've never loved any man.
36:34My dream was always to start a family with you.
36:41You can't fool me with your cheap talk anymore.
36:46You're exposed.
36:49You are what you are.
36:53And that won't change.
36:54You are a murderer.
36:57And you must be treated as such.
37:23You want me to be born in prison?
37:26To live among prisoners?
37:28I repeat, I don't know if he's my son.
37:32No, he's yours.
37:34And believe me, one day he will reproach you
37:36for putting his mother in prison and for having executed her.
37:41No, no, no, no.
37:44The only culprit of everything that can happen to you
37:50is yourself, Fernanda.
37:55Your son.
37:56I beg you.
37:59Forgive me.
38:02Destroy that recording.
38:07Shut up.
38:10You know what?
38:13When Beltran died,
38:17I was so frustrated, so upset.
38:19And you know why?
38:22Because I thought I was going to get what I deserved.
38:25I thought I was never going to do justice to my grandmother.
38:29But look how wrong I was.
38:31Because the murderer, the murderer is here in front of me.
38:35It was someone else.
38:36And all the weight of the law will fall on you.
38:41What do you care what happened to your grandmother?
38:46Do you really think you have every right to want to do her justice?
38:49Oh, for God's sake.
38:51You abandoned her.
38:52You left her to her fate for 10 years.
38:54Don't tell me what to do.
38:55It's your fault I left.
38:56Because of your lies.
38:59No matter what it was, what happened, happened.
39:02Please, turn the page.
39:04Think of your son.
39:06Think of us.
39:08Forget about Lisa.
39:09Forget about your grandmother.
39:43If you want to eat, Tania can serve you.
39:47I'm not hungry.
39:49Me neither.
39:51There's a lot of food.
39:52I asked for a few things so you could choose.
39:59We're fine like this.
40:04Look at those faces.
40:07They started crying because of Gabriel.
40:13Everything that's happening has affected us a lot.
40:19There's something that's making us worse.
40:21Ana, please.
40:23Elisa, I don't care if you don't want anyone to know.
40:25I will tell Los Cuatro Vientos if necessary.
40:28Ana, I'm begging you, please.
40:30We found a recording
40:33that Manuel made.
40:36In which
40:38he listens as Fernanda kills him
40:41and accepts that he killed my mom.
40:44I asked you not to say anything.
40:46I asked you not to say anything.
40:51I just hope that Francisco didn't help her
40:54so she doesn't end up like Manuel.
40:57I don't understand how you can be so calm.
41:01Francisco called you?
41:02He called you?
41:03Do you know how he is?
41:17I still can't believe everything you say about me.
41:21You're an ungrateful woman, a bad friend.
41:24Because I'm your only friend.
41:26I'm telling you the truth, Fernanda.
41:28Be very careful with your tongue, Mirna.
41:31Don't tell anyone about me
41:35or you know what's going to happen to you.
41:47See you later, baby.
41:53I feel like a part of my soul is leaving me.
41:56I don't want to be away from him for a second.
42:00In a few days you'll leave here
42:02and you'll have him for you
42:04all the time.
42:06He's a beautiful boy.
42:10He can't be ugly
42:12with his parents.
42:15And besides, we kiss with a lot of love.
42:19We can't stay any longer.
42:21The visit is over.
42:23Get some rest.
42:24I'm going out tomorrow.
42:25And you're not going to carry him, Patricia?
42:28Yes, maybe tomorrow.
42:32Thank you very much, Ignacio.
42:40As soon as Pati leaves,
42:41there's no other way but to leave.
42:43No way.
42:44Tomorrow will be another day.
42:47I'm still worried about Francisco.
42:50He still hasn't shown up.
42:53You'll see the problem he had.
42:55But he'll call you later for sure.
42:59Today is the happiest day of my life, Claudia.
43:03I'm a dad.
43:06I can't believe it.
43:08Hey, think about what name you're going to give him.
43:11Because honestly,
43:12the ones you chose are terrible.
43:15He should have an elegant, international name.
43:18Something like...
43:26Don't ruin his life, kid.
43:35How are you, my lovers?
43:39How are you?
43:40Not as good as we'd like, Daniel.
43:44What about Francisco?
43:45He left.
43:46He left, but we're waiting for him.
43:50We have a super gossip.
43:53Fernando told Sebastian he's leaving Miami
43:55to have his son as far away from here as possible.
43:59We want to let him know
44:00so he can take the necessary precautions.
44:05Well, what we want to tell you
44:08is even more shocking.
44:11You can't imagine.
44:13And now what happened?
44:16Well, we found out
44:17that Fernanda killed Francisco's grandmother.
44:26And your mother too.
44:30And who told you that?
44:33No one.
44:35But we have the evidence.
44:38We have the evidence.
44:46If you report me,
44:48I swear I'll kill myself
44:49and your son will leave with me.
44:51There you go again with your threats.
44:55They're not threats.
44:57I swear I'll do what I say.
45:01Let's see.
45:08Let's see.
45:23There was a change of plans.
45:28I need you to come right away.
45:29I have a private plane ready.
45:30See you at Fort Lauderdale.
45:38Forgive me, my love.
45:41I'm sorry for everything you did.
45:45Say hello to your grandmother.
45:47Forgive me, my love.
45:50I love you. Forgive me.
46:08For more UN videos visit www.un.org
