• 2 days ago
Twelve Dene unite around building a moose skin boat deep in the bush. Not everything goes to plan. The Dene set off on t | dG1fdFhYMjBRZzFodlk
00:00I feel like an elder carrying on the way that our great-grandfathers did when
00:18colonialism began they basically drove the faith out of the people
00:31now what we want to do is to have the land bring that back to us and to make
00:37it feel like Denny again picking up the bits and pieces crawling out of the
00:44ashes of colonialism
00:48the spirit of the fire relay message to the ancestor and hopefully they can help
01:00us in a way that we may not understand how this man since the 1800s since I
01:06lost then a person paddled in a moose head skin boat down this river this is
01:10really big one down here the bad rip right there well I was taught that when
01:17you start something you finish it I think it'll be spectacular we show up
01:22with the Ruskin board and Simpson let's do it
