The great media prankster, Joey Skaggs, wants to fool the world media AGAIN, and, with the most complex hoax of his care | dG1fb3Q1TWV2aWpqT0E
Short filmTranscript
00:00Number one, what is your name please?
00:08My name is Joey Skaggs.
00:10When Joey was asked to be on To Tell The Truth, he not only didn't stand up...
00:14Will the real Joey Skaggs please stand up?
00:19He didn't even show up.
00:21For 40 years, Skaggs has managed to fool all the media, all the time.
00:27Six fat squad commandos...
00:29Commandos will force you to lose your way.
00:31...are here now, this morning, live, to maintain tight security around our Good Morning America refrigerator...
00:37while we talk to the leader and the founder, Joe Bones.
00:43As a prankster, I'm always on my guard up in general, especially when I hear Joey's name.
00:47Our next guest on Live at Five is a man with a mission.
00:50He is the head of a group called Metamorphosis, and he thinks that cockroaches are very important to all of us.
00:56People want an easy answer. They want a pill, the magic pill.
01:00Sue and I are delighted to welcome Dr. Joseph Gregoire to Live at Five.
01:03Doctor, it's nice to have you with us.
01:06You run a brothel for dogs.
01:10A brothel for dogs.
01:11The first stage is the hook.
01:14Secondly, is the line.
01:17A group of New Yorkers is trying to drum up public support for some proposed rules for walking.
01:23The line is, when I do it, I hire press clipping services to get the newspaper stories, the radio stories, the TV services, to collect it, to see where it's going.
01:35If anyone at the convention is feeling guilty about something they may have done, they don't have to go far to confess their sins.
01:40A man who calls himself Father William has mounted a portable confessional booth on his bicycle.
01:46Which is what I did.
01:48And then thirdly, is the sinker.
01:51When I feel it's gotten far enough, I reveal the truth.
01:55Embarrassed, which is what CNN is right now.
01:58We learned his invention was all a big hoax and we fell for it.
02:02Yeah, I want to do that.
02:03Joey takes it to the limit.
02:06What I do is I make social political commentary, social political statements.
02:10What was he doing 25 years ago? He was hoaxing major cities.
02:14What was he doing 25 years ago? He was hoaxing major networks and major news organizations.
02:19What is he doing today? Same thing.
02:21And hopefully I make people think and I hope I make them laugh.
02:26Finally, if we pay attention, we say, oh, I get it.
02:37There's something in all of us that wants to go, fuck you.
02:44And a good prank is a fuck you.